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19:47:30 - 09/07/2024

V8 Dakotas
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Subject: Only in Cali
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Well i took the Bucket-mobile in for its bi yearly corn-hole-ing otherwise known as the dreaded smog check...So i figured hey its always past prob i will just run it in to the closest "test only" place and badda- bing badda boom....done right?? nope i get this chinese that doesnt speak a lick of english,correction he speaks 4 words quite fluently (smog check? sixty dolla) he has to use a step stool to get into my rig, and you can tell as he pulls it onto the dyno that he's in over his head, its a 5 speed manual so after a few tries he finally pogo's the thing on to the rollers....right then i know i'm dead, i figure he cant speak english AND he cant drive and i'm dumb enough to roll right into his smog shop...of all the places i could have gone, anyway yep, knox emissions are 1700 and i needed to be below 491 to pass...boom Buckets a "gross polluter" so i take it to a buddy of mine who owns a diagnostic shop believe it or not...RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET!!!, i should have taken it there in the first place and had him pre-test it....for free, he tests it and says the cats bad, yet it only has 1500 miles on it...ok he says, "its too high flowing" and you can only get one cat as of jan 1st 2009 for my truck, (a magna flow 2.5 dia in and out) my exhaust is all 3 inch and now i gotta cut out the 3" cat and pipe in this clunker,which i do...finally i take it to a test only station that is beyond any i have seen....these guys were really good, and i passed, today i cut off the clunker cat and decided to just bridge the gap with straight 3" pipe then in two years when the smog check is due again i pop my brand new clunker back on just for smog. That might just be the best 140.00 i have spent becuase it will be brand new for the next ten years, i also had to put my stock throttlebody back on and remove my hyper chip..both of which are now back on.This is what we gotta do to satisfy the smog Nazi's..........Only in Cali

Dodge Dakota


RE: Only in Cali
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glad we don't have to worry about that here in LA. when you go for inspection, they toot the horn check the lights, check insurance and registration, put a new sticker and you're out the door for 10 bucks. good for 1 year. some places call you on illegal tint but i don't have to worry about that.

some don't even do that much. if you know someone that has an inspection station, give 'em 10 bucks and you got a sticker without them even seeing the vehicle.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Only in Cali
IP: Logged

Yeah test only is a ripoff. I once had 4 vehicles and every year at least one of them had to be test only. I always passed though as each one was a little ecno box car. Still stressful because if you fail they do not tell you why you failed.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Only in Cali
IP: Logged

HMMMM I guess you call it Auto political correctness at its best lol. I would think other states have Smog/Emissions test such as Oregon and other very liberal blue states.

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RE: Only in Cali
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You know STS i thought about that too but i have only lived in So Cal so i'm not sure how strict the other states are...i think New Jersey is pretty strict too.But it is political correctness because california is not interested in what your vehicle emits, they are interested in did you go thru the right channels(did everyone who should have gotten paid...get paid) otherwise the only smog test that counts is the butt-sniffer, who cares what you got under the hood, does it pass the sniff test ? then it should be legal. Ecdak your right you have to decipher what the test means and thats not all that easy, so far this has cost me two smog checks at 60.00 ea, one 02 sensor at 42.00,one catalytic converter at 140.00 and one egr valve at 70.00 and then last but not least the DMV at 265.00.......Bucket is not happy. :( daddio you got it made over there.

super bee
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RE: Only in Cali
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my little brother is running a flowmaster 40 in his 01 ram, thats it for exhaust

he wanted to straight pipe it but too many of his buddies have been getting noise violations
thats why i like my diesel
emissions controls=non existant

1990 sport RC SB, 1995 318drivetrain, 3.92 gears (came with truck) Powertrax "traction system", 95 dash/steering wheel, hearthrob exhaust, headers, cutout after y-pipe, necessary electric fan add-a-leafs, 30x9.5 mud tires, cranked T-bars, AR 39 15x8 rims, grill guard, roll bars

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RE: Only in Cali
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Hey there super bee, i agree, in that i think the future is diesel, My next truck will be diesel as are both my tractors, but i think as the tide starts to change and more and more vehicles sold are diesel, California is not going to allow the money to slip away that easily,so very soon there will be talk of a smog test for deisels, i would say within 5 yrs.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Only in Cali
IP: Logged

CNG(compressed natural gas) or LPG would be the "clean" fuels. they just need to get busy building up a refueling station network.

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