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19:42:41 - 09/07/2024

V6 Dakotas
Dodge Dakota


Subject: '03 V6 Quad Cab Tranny Prob
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I have made many posts on this web site about my tranny not performing well. I would like to let people know that my 03 quad cab with the V6 had problems shifting on would get stuck in 2nd and not shift to 3rd. Also in cruise i could not maintain speed on hills. Well....i took DC to court with a lemon law hearing and i represented myself and got them to settle out of court with me. I am now having my 03 bought back and i am getting into an 04 with the V8. They didnt want this going to court and also they admitted in person to me that they know about this and this is the way they designed it because of problems with the earlier models shifting in and out of gear on hills. It took a lot of time and fighting but i got what i wanted. Maybe this info will help others.

Dodge Dakota


RE: '03 V6 Quad Cab Tranny Prob
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I feel no pity for someone who buys something without knowing what they are getting into. A good test drive and pre-purchase research should give you a heads up to all of the things that you speak of. The fact that you got right back into another Dak shows that all you really wanted out of it was a free new truck and personal money grubbing. I have no respect for people that waste the courts time for such things like this. It all could have been avoided by just being intelligent and not getting a Dak if it really bothered you that much. I hope you know a little more about the '04's than you did about the '03. Things like this just make it harder for the rest of us by pushing up costs of DC and trickle down effect that follows. Enjoy your new truck. Wish we could all be as lucky.

Kurt in SJ
Dodge Dakota


RE: '03 V6 Quad Cab Tranny Prob
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Good for you. Glad DC took care of you. Enjoy your new rig. I hate the way my '01 V6 QC shifts so I'll be installing a shift kit and custom valve body soon. I'm out of warranty, so oh well. Other than that I love the truck.

Dodge Dakota


RE: '03 V6 Quad Cab Tranny Prob
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Hey J-Man.......i did test drive the truck.....i also brought it back at 1500 miles and said hey i dont like what is going on and would like this fixed or take it back. They said they could fix it.......after the 5th repair attempt then they tell me it is a problem that has been ongoing. There was a problem in earlier models and this is the fix.....let it stay in gear and let the driver let off the gas to make it shift.....if DC tells you this i wouldnt have bought one. Also i jumped back into one because i already have a cap for it and if i was to ask for my money back i would not have gotten it. You may be independently wealthy but i am not. Or maybe you are mad because you had similar problems and could win like i could.......didnt even have a lawyer......and guess what......didnt even tie up the courts time....never made it to a hearing....they settled out of court after they delayed the court case for two more months and was something they could have done on the phone. Sorry you have such bitter feelings but it is time consumers get back at coporate america.

Dodge Dakota


RE: '03 V6 Quad Cab Tranny Prob
IP: Logged

Dear Kevin!

I too am having the same problem. I noticed this problem shortly after purchasing the vehicle. I called my salesperson, who is also the sales manager and he told me to bring it in. I did this and he told me that there have been complaints from other owners but that it is normal. I am VERY VERY upset. I was told that when I cannot maintain speed on hills that I should kick the ODrive off and this should correct it. It helps but it also consumes more fuel. Also, The Dak prematurely shifts and just about puts me into the windshield. We have a tow package on our Dak, and were told it would haul a good size boat or trailer. There is no way that I would even attempt it as the truck cannot get out of it's own way with nothing in tow. We as the consumer get ripped off constantly. We all know that we pay too much for new vehicles and when we go to trade are ripped off again. I am glad that I found your message on this Dak Quad Cab V6. I was just about to say to heck with it and not pursue further corrective actions, but now that I see that you did win with DC. I AM DEFINITELY going to pursue it. GOOD JOB!! Glad you won.
Would it be too much to ask how you went about contacting the proper people and authorities. I AM GOING TO GET UM TOO. THANKS!

J and J Auto
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RE: '03 V6 Quad Cab Tranny Prob
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I also had a buy back on a 94 Dak with a computer
problem and had to fight tooth and nail to get
them just to admit there was a problem.

Its more the dealer than chrysler

There are ways to solve the trans problems but
they will not do it.

Glad you finaly got them to do something, I went
to my lawyer and told them I was going to put it
in the local news paper than I got some action
you know they can lose a star over something like
this and would rather settle without getting in
the news papers or court

J&J Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: '03 V6 Quad Cab Tranny Prob
IP: Logged


what other ways can the trans problems be solve?

Dodge Dakota


RE: '03 V6 Quad Cab Tranny Prob
IP: Logged

Sooze my email is under my name go ahead and email and i will email you back with everything that i had done. i would be more than gald to help out as much as i can. Also so everyone knows that in my settlement agreement DC states that by settling this claim they admit no guilt that there is something wrong. Covering their behinds on this.

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