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21:05:58 - 09/07/2024

V6 Dakotas
another mark
Dodge Dakota


Subject: Superchips buyers: A must read!!
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First off, this is not directed at anyone on here who sells these. I
just want to make that clear, if you sell these things on here
that's fine that's your own business and certainly none of mine.
This is for anyone who is thinking of buying a Superchips unit
from a 3rd party or on ebay or a .com site.

Just talked to Superchips tech support and if you are interested
in a Superchips micro tuner you need to be aware of the
following before buying it from anyone but an AUTHORIZED

Superchips only recognizes certain stores (NO .Com sites, they
do not sell to .Com sites to resell) these are retail stores. So if
you buy from ebay or Joe Blow who says he can get you a deal
on the price and you buy it and wind up needing an "update" it
will wind up costing you an extra $200 to get done. Anyone but
a retail store does not issue what Superchips calls a "bona fide
receipt" and they will not honor your equipment without a $200
fee to reprogram. This has nothing to do with VIN lock which is
a seperate matter. So you can either take a gamble and save a
buck or get hosed. I don't know maybe some of you have gotten
lucky out there on this. Just trying to help out.

   P 1

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