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21:14:52 - 09/07/2024

V6 Dakotas
Dodge Dakota


Subject: plastic leaf spring retainers
IP: Logged

After hearing a pop from the leaf springs, I crawled under my truck and found that the plastic leaf spring retaining pins (at least that's what i think they're called) on the passenger side have all broken off the tabs that come through the springs. How important is it to have these all intact? The drivers side ones are fine. Not sure how long this has been like this but back in december of last year my truck was hit by a drunk driver in the left front corner while backed in and parked, it shoved the front of my truck over 5ft. My trans is a 5 speed so i had it in reverse at the time so could that have tweeked the axle enough to snap those tabs? I guess my concern is that i don't want to be driving along, hit a big bump or pothole and have a leaf come out. How much is involved in replacing these things? (I do have the haynes manual) Do i really need to replace them or are they just to dampen the sound or vibration of the springs? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dodge Dakota


RE: plastic leaf spring retainers
IP: Logged

I dont wish to sound rude, but I dont think it is even possible to "loose a leaf" from your springs. The main spring is held in place by the eye at the front, and the shackle at the back, the other springs are clamped together by the axle and spring perch (where the big U-bolts hold everything in place). The plastic inserts are there to stop the springs from squeeking when being flexed. If the clips that wrap around it front and back of the axle is missing, you can simply use a band clamp to hold them in place which is more noticeable when you jack the back end up and release pressure from the leaves. One inexpensive mod you can do to help reduce axle wrap (where the spring flexes backwards when tromping on the gas) is to put a stong clamp to really snug the leaves together - similar to what aftermarket traction bars do, but not quite as effectively).
So, if your leaves fall out (it is fall after all), your axle will be falling right along with it. But I jest.

Dodge Dakota


RE: plastic leaf spring retainers
IP: Logged

Thanks, just wanted to be sure it wasn't anything major. As far as the clamping of the springs to lessen axle wrap, what type of clamp would you suggest using?

Dodge Dakota


RE: plastic leaf spring retainers
IP: Logged


I have seen a few postings around here regarding traction bars and alternatives to it. I think (dont quote me on it) that you can buy an inexpensive set of clamps designed specifically for this from Jegs, or Summit. Of course, you dont need them if you dont experience axle wrap. I was bored one after noon last summer (so long ago now) and realized in my junk pile of stuff, I had the makings of some home made traction bars (without the snubbers which I had to buy). I fabbed a set from 1x2 square tube cut to look like the ones they sell at Jegs and made some brackets to squish the springs tight. Believe me, I have rarely ever seen my Dak suffer from axle wrap, except when I am really tromping on it, these track bars are only for show.
My suggestion to keep the leaves together when you jack the truck up is just use a large band clamp (like what you'd put on the rad hose to clamp it down, only larger). It will hold the leaves together when the weight of the truck is taken off the wheels. Of course, when the leaves separate (at the ends only) you can tuck some plastic back in to help prevent squeeking if the original stuff is gone. The band-clamp will help keep the plastic from moving around too when you hit a bump.


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