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19:57:59 - 09/07/2024

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kota on 20s
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Subject: 8 a 00 prelude,and a 99 SI
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well I was sitting at a red light minding my own business, when i hear this guy next to me in a Y2K prelude reving his engine. at first i thought nothing of it, but it got my attention after about 3 low revs. I threw a 5000rpm rev back at him, and he gives me the thumbs up. then i hear another piece of rice rev. its his friend behind him in a 99 civic Si.
so the light turns green and i leave at about 1500rpm (which might have been a tad too high). i pull on him so his front bumper is about at the front of my bed, and shift to 2nd. i pull 1 car length ahead of him and in 3rd i am 3 cars ahead and both of the hondas pull into a parking lot.

i went to my house and changed clothes to go out in, and when pulling on the main street i see the civic Si comming up the street behind me, going verry fast. he passes me going about 30mhp faster than me, and when he is about 8 cars ahead of me, i down shift to 3rd and start gaining. it took me 1-11/2 blocks to catch him. my friend was laughing, because of how fast i pulled on him.
at the light he revs on me, and i yell at him, "are you reddy for round 2?" he said "yea round 2", being the street was going to get really twisty and cops hang out there i decided not to run him.
at the light, he peels out and i just take off normal ;-)

all of this with a full tank of gas and my 270lb friend in the car.


Dodge Dakota


RE: 8 a 00 prelude,and a 99 SI
IP: Logged

Kota- who do you know at Suspension Dimension? I used to live in Riverside. Were you at RESO this year?

Nice kills.

Chris W
Dodge Dakota


RE: 8 a 00 prelude,and a 99 SI
IP: Logged

Grow up.

Dodge Dakota


RE: 8 a 00 prelude,and a 99 SI
IP: Logged

"270lb friend"! Damn..

"at the light, he peels out and i just take off normal"

I love doing that, 'specially where there are lots of cops, so I hope to see them get pulled over, but I havn't gotten it yet..will one day though!

I hate how some cars to show off or do whatever will pass you going REALLY quick..WHY?! It's not like it's the highway all the time, there might be a twist and I want to change lanes -- dammit I hate that. Least they'll hit the back of you.. POS girly civic is totaled.

kota on 20s
 Email User Profile


RE: 8 a 00 prelude,and a 99 SI
IP: Logged

briandlm, i have talked to shawn, and simone (sp?) is in the club im in. (Forbidden Fantasy) i was'nt at reso this year and im kinda glad. i heard the rain kinda killed it.

where do you live now?


Dodge Dakota


RE: 8 a 00 prelude,and a 99 SI
IP: Logged

Nice job, kota. Reminds me of an experience I had last weekend with a newer integra. Pulled up to a light here in Redmond and up comes this integra and his loud exhaust. He's rockin' back and forth at the light next to me where I had to turn my stereo up just to hear the music. I had 3 other guys in my quad cab. Well, it was all over for him when the light turned green. :-) Makes me feel a little better about runnin' 14 mpg. :-)

Safe racin'!

   P 1

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