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19:23:02 - 09/07/2024

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Subject: Macon County IL Relay for Life Donations
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My Reason to Relay

When I was kid, "cancer" was something you only heard about through relatives and occasionally friends and/or classmates. It was a bad disease that killed people you never met and you wouldn't think twice about it.

In January of 2002, something I never imagined happened to me. One single cancer diagnosis was about to affect my entire family. My mom was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Leiomyosarcoma. It began as a uterine cancer and traveled through her bloodstream to her other organs, mainly her lungs. Over the next year, I watched it quickly destroy the strongest woman I ever knew and on Easter Sunday of 2003, she lost her battle against cancer. I was only 16 years old at the time.

She missed out on my first ever prom and meeting my first girlfriend by just two weeks. She didn't get to see me graduate, and most of all, she wasn't here for the birth of my niece Abby (who will be 1 yr old in June).

I am just one of many who has been directly affected by just one cancer diagnosis. Someday I hope to help find a cure for this terrible disease so that NOBODY has to go through what I did, but without your donations, this research will not be possible. I know that for many people right now, money may be tight...rising food, gas, and other living expenses are drastically increasing while wages are not, but if you can afford to spare a few bucks, it would be greatly appreciated.

If you would like to read my mom's story, she kept a website updated from her diagnosis until her death and she included tons of pictures. Feel free to check it out at

I also created this slideshow for her a while back and we played it on the big screen at the Relay for Life 2 years ago.

To donate, copy/paste the link below:

Thanks for your help!

Josh Blackshire

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