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19:40:49 - 09/07/2024

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Dodge Dakota


Subject: Totaled?
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Bad day today Guy made a left hand turn at the intersection I hit him doing about 45 mph.
(The Speed Limit)Officer gave him the citation for not Yielding to a Yellow light.Light Turned Yellow when I was about 15 feet from the Light.For some reason he thought that meant Go.The truck is worth about 13 Thousand.Do ya think theres that in Damage there?
Frame is not Bent

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RE: Totaled?
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Damn dude. I hope you are alright. I know how it feels to total out a truck. Check out my myspace for a slide show of mine. It is on the right hand corner.

Finally... a V8. '01 Dodge Dakota RC, 4.7, 5-speed, 3.92 LSD. = R/T Killer.
well at least a stock one

Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
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My daughter and myself didn't have a scratch on us .My arms were a little Bruised from the Airbag Blast.The passanger of the Van I posted in the other Post wasnt in very good shape.They Rushed him to the Emergency.Thanks for asking.Iam Hoping it isn't 13 Thousand worth of Damage. If it isn't wouldnt be Totaled.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

im sure its under 13k of damage. even with frame straitening. good luck

Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

Good to hear no one was hurt. I've been in 2 accidents in Daks and the Dak save me from injury both times.

The 2 Daks that I had totalled on me (those were 2 bad days) had the air bags deployed. From what I remember the air bag deployment on the QC was over $2000 to fix since they have to replace the bags, steering colunm, electronics, seatbelts, lots of stuff Dodge requires to have replaced by law.

It all depends on the laws of where you live, but where I'm at they total at 65% of the vehicle value. $8450-$2000+ for the air bag system leaves about $6500 to repair the rest of the damage... could be close. The 2 Daks I had totaled had less damage then yours, one had frame damage and the other took it on both ends.

Either way, I hope the accident benefits you in some fashion. I wouldn't wish the accidents I had on anyone, but they turned out OK in the end. I went from a CC to a QC that the growing family needed, then from the QC to a Durango my wife had been wanting. (wait a minute, I loose a truck, get demoted to an Accord and the wife gets the Durango,,, maybe I didn't benefit.)

The biggest pain in the ### was dealing with the insurance company. On the QC I actually got more from the insurance company than I told them I thought the truck was worth,,, after a bit of negotiating.

Hope it all works out,

Dan M
Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

and they say the dakota is one of the 20 worst vehicles for crashes.

why bottom 20?

it's a truck and top heavy. Though the dakota is one of the most stable trucks for flipping/roll over, it can happen, but if it does roll over, the dakota has a great roll over rating.

side curtain air bags are optional

front and rear crashes are "acceptable"

is that acceptable? 45 mph? I guess if it were 65/70 it may have been a different story.

You may want to contest that ticket. 15 feet and driving the posted speed limit of 45? Sucks the other person took the ambulance ride. Glad to see you're ok.

if you were ticketed, the accident is most likley your fault (state laws vary) . good luck with that.

- Dan M

Bob Lincoln
Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

I'd expect under $8K in damage, but you never know til you take it apart at the body shop.

I believe he said the other guy was ticketed, and turned into his path at the last second.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

my QC had more damage than that and wasn't totaled. Glad to hear you and your daughter weren't hurt. my accident was similar. a school bus tunred left in front of me at the last second at an intersection. i hit it right behind the rear axle. no real damage to the bus but my dak needed a whole new front clip except front bumper and valance. the bumper went under the bus.

this happened in Dec.'05. in all i had about $8900 in damage and 8 weeks for a rental. the good part was i have an '00 QC Sport. my rental was an '05 QC SLT with 25 miles on it when i picked it up.

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RE: Totaled?
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They totaled mine. I do not remember what they said, but mine rolled and everything else. Man that was a ride, but boy did it make me sick to my stomach when I got out and looked at it.

Finally... a V8. '01 Dodge Dakota RC, 4.7, 5-speed, 3.92 LSD. = R/T Killer.
well at least a stock one

Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

I'm a auto damage appraiser and its hard to see a lot from just the one photo but I think is safe to say that it's totaled if you have any more pics post them and I can tell you more.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

There is another Pic of it in the First Post (Totaled?).I just dont see that to be 13 Thousand worth of Damage That the insurance company said the trucks worth.Guy called me from the Towing Yard today and said the internal Damadge stopped at the radiator.He said the Whole front Clip Except the right Fender will need Replaiced.
Not sure about the rack and Pinion Really cant tell just by Looking.Thanks for your comments.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

The damage doesn't have to be as much as the truck is worth (13000) just more then 1/2 what it's worth (6500) like maybe 7000 and just the airbags are about 2000 so that doesn't leave that much to work with!!

Jeremy Barnes
Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

In all honesty I would think it may be getting close to border line. As hard and as far as the right 3/4 is pushed back there is diffently some type of frame damage. I hate to say this but the dakota has a very week tip of the frame rail. It really does not make sense in how they designed them(actually it does the whole idea is for crush zones to give and transfer energy away from the passanger compartment, but I'm talking about when it comes to fixing them) the end of the box frame is opend and they have the small "T" bracket that bolts to in with 2 bolts(used to be 3 for 97,98 99 but then they got smart and only used two so you could change them with out having to mess too much with the lower rad support) When there is some sort of frontal impact these brackets which stick way up severly bend the mounting of the frame and can really cause a once pretty box frame end to now be quite ugly. Luckily it is easy to work back into shape. I have been seeing this sing 97 and have actually gotton very good at pulling the dakota frame and the durango frames. Another thing you need to look for is the the main Rail on these truck is designed designed to collapse(not really but it gives accordingly) around the wheel which allows the front of the frame rail to sway up which is the idea once again to transfer energy away from the passanger compartment. This would be compared to the rail being driven straight back and crushing the passanger compartment.

Jeremy Barnes
Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

A good way to get a premature idea if the frame is to look at the fender. Is the to corner tip touching the door and the lowe now gapped? You can't always go buy this and obviously it need to be measured on a frame rack to see what is goiog on for sure.

Jeremy Barnes
Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

Now to the air bags. Actually the airbags are more expensive than 2000. if this is the earlier dakota then the passanger airbag will really be configured into the enire upper dash pad.(in both my estimating systems, CCC pathways, and mitchell ultramate they call it the instrument panel w/ pass air bag.) This panel itself is around 2400. The 97 which is 97 only is 2800(the pass air bag plug is different than 98 and up thats it rest is same) Then of course you have the Driver side air bag which is around 900. Then you don't know if the steering coloumn is bad until you get to looking under and seeing if the shear pins are busted loose.(what these are is if you are in a frontal impact and hit the steering wheel hard enough these 2 white plastic tabs will break free and absorb some. They you have to buy the clockspring for in behind air bag seperatly they run around 190 to 240. Some of you may know this due to the airbag light comming on and dealer giving quote of saying clockspring was junk. Any we arent done yet we have the control module that on most of our Daks sits on the center lower console beside the 4wd lever.(if yo wonder what the 4 by 4 buldge was that's it. Now we add all these up and that it plus we need to remember that the labor time for passanger is about 9 hr, driver 1.5, clock spring included with airbag, module 1.0. Then we'll get a restraint check scan in there on top of that. As you can see these add up a LOT. If for some reason the INS. would say that your frame needs replaced, I hate to say this but good bye. There frame for these trucks are very salty, but they can use Used frame unlike the restraint components. Even that a used frame is 1500, new is about 2500 to 3200 Depending on model. Plus the 39 hr flat rate labor that is paid to do this. THe only thing you can do is wait and see. I hope the other driver(for your sake had premiem INS. The reasons I say this is because I have been dealing daily with Auto INs companies and I can honestly say in the last several years there is difinatly a noticable difference in the quality in each. Anyway good luck and remember you DONT have to settle on the first offer they send you(I'm just saying if they total it, Hopefully they don't, but if they do let me know So I can buy it at the auction. Oh no better no 3 dakotas in one years from the auction fixed and sold might not impress the old lady, even if I do make and save money

P.S. I know my typing is kkdke its been one of those weeks.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Totaled?
IP: Logged

Josh your truck in my eyes isn't a total loss i've worked for collison shop seen alot worse,not saying your wreck isn't a bad one you might gave frame damage frame might have gotten bent wouldn't be able to tell until you pull the bumper and fender and rest of front end might also have suspension damage.When you take it to the collison shop when they estimate and take some pictures when they tear apart if they let you and post them. And one all glad your OK! especially at 45 MPH impact

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RE: Totaled?
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/ rant mode = on /
Son of a b!tch... Why must some people drive while sitting on their heads? Why can't people use good judgement when they drive? Because of some anal orifice's lack of common sense Josh is made to take it in the shorts. It's just as well that the left turn driver/collision causer got carted off to the hospital. He'll be off the road for a good while so others will be safe from his stupidity!
/ rant mode = off /

Josh, I am very glad that you and your daughter were not harmed beyond bruising, bumps, and airbag abrasions. This just sucks. I know too closely how some idiot can turn a perfectly fine automobile into a totaled loss in seconds. My daughter and my best friend each just "totaled" a car because the cost to repair was more than 70% of the value. And they didn't cause the wrecks. In a word it sucks. I hope it turns out well for you (you're not out any money).

/ not trying to hijack the thread here, just enlightening the woes ahead /

Yeah, yeah, there's insurance. In my daughter's case we were able to replace the totaled car with the insurance money (and a little more) with a comparable (actually better) replacement. Got lucky.

But my buddy is taking it in the shorts. He has an easily repairable 1994 Chevy Suburban, but the insurance deems the repairable value at only $3800 so they won't fix it. The problem is he can't replace his tow vehicle with the insurance money from the totaling. So he's gonna have to replace it somehow with that paltry sum and even more money out of his pocket. How is this a good thing?

It seems that it's not worth driving anything "not newish" so it'll have some value worth repairing when jerks pull stunts like this.

What's your left foot doing?
2002 Graphite QC SLT Plus, 4.7L, NV3500, Superchips 3715, 3.92 LSD, R/T rear swaybar, no chrome, loads o'fun...
2001 Patriot Blue Durango SLT, 4.7L, 45RFE, Superchips 3715, 3.55 Open (for now)
1999 Forest Green Dakota RC Sport, 2.5L, NV1500, 3.55 Open

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