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21:23:14 - 09/07/2024

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Dodge Dakota


Subject: 3rd brake light
IP: Logged

anyone ever seen a 'clear' third brake light cover for a 02 dakota? I'm looking to get one but have had no luck finding it.


Dodge Dakota


RE: 3rd brake light
IP: Logged

that would be illegal and annoying to drivers behind you.

Dodge Dakota


RE: 3rd brake light
IP: Logged

oh no, illegal! what will we do!?! yeah thanks for that pointless and useless reply. how is it annoying? to me it looks great, of course that's my opinion. I happen to like the clean look, all white with no colored lights.

Dodge Dakota


RE: 3rd brake light
IP: Logged

Hey wow, you'll be the first one whining at a cop when he stops you because that "clean look" white light blinds the police officer behind you. And stop acting like an @ss when someone trys to give you some advice.

Per Cali laws. Reference paragraph G

24603. Every motor vehicle which is not in combination with any other vehicle and every vehicle at the end of a combination of vehicles shall at all times be equipped with stoplamps mounted on the rear as follows:

(a) Every such vehicle shall be equipped with one or more stoplamps.

(b) Every such vehicle, other than a motorcycle, manufactured and first registered on or after January 1, 1958, shall be equipped with two stoplamps, except that trailers and semitrailers manufactured after July 23, 1973, which are less than 30 inches wide, may be equipped with one stoplamp which shall be mounted at or near the vertical centerline of the trailer. If such vehicle is equipped with two stoplamps, they shall be mounted as specified in subdivision (d).

(c) Except as provided in subdivision (h), stoplamps on vehicles manufactured on or after January 1, 1969, shall be mounted not lower than 15 inches nor higher than 72 inches, except that a tow truck, in addition to being equipped with the required stoplamps, may also be equipped with two stoplamps which may be mounted not lower than 15 inches nor higher than the maximum allowable vehicle height and as far forward as the rearmost portion of the driver's seat in the rearmost position.

(d) Where two stoplamps are required, at least one shall be mounted at the left and one at the right side, respectively, at the same level.

(e) Stoplamps on vehicles manufactured on or after January 1, 1979, shall emit a red light. Stoplamps on vehicles manufactured before January 1, 1979, shall emit a red or yellow light. All stoplamps shall be plainly visible and understandable from a distance of 300 feet to the rear both during normal sunlight and at nighttime, except that stoplamps on a vehicle of a size required to be equipped with clearance lamps shall be visible from a distance of 500 feet during such times.

(f) Stoplamps shall be activated upon application of the service (foot) brake and the hand control head for air, vacuum, or electric brakes. In addition, all stoplamps may be activated by a mechanical device designed to function only upon sudden release of the accelerator while the vehicle is in motion. Stoplamps on vehicles equipped with a manual transmission may be manually activated by a mechanical device when the vehicle is downshifted if the device is automatically rendered inoperative while the vehicle is accelerating.

(g) Any vehicle may be equipped with supplemental stoplamps mounted to the rear of the rearmost portion of the driver's seat in its rearmost position in addition to the lamps required to be mounted on the rear of the vehicle. Supplemental stoplamps installed after January 1, 1979, shall be red in color and mounted not lower than 15 inches above the roadway. The supplemental stoplamp on that side of a vehicle toward which a turn will be made may flash as part of the supplemental turn signal lamp.

A supplemental stoplamp may be mounted inside the rear window of a vehicle, if it is mounted at the centerline of the vehicle and is constructed and mounted so as to prevent any light, other than a monitorial indicator emitted from the device, either direct or reflected, from being visible to the driver.

(h) Any supplemental stoplamp installed after January 1, 1987, shall comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108 (49 C.F.R. 571.108). Any vehicle equipped with a stoplamp which complies with the federal motor vehicle safety standards applicable to that make and model vehicle shall conform to that applicable safety standard unless modified to comply with the federal motor vehicle safety standard designated in this subdivision.

Amended Ch. 924, Stats. 1988. Effective January 1, 1989.

law enforcer
Dodge Dakota


RE: 3rd brake light
IP: Logged

I'm pretty sure it doesn't blind anyone. actully I'm positive it does not. and I have had cops drive behind me before and have never been pulled over because of them. they have also driven in front of me, beside me, and hey, I got pulled over for speeding once and the cop didn't even mention the lights, that's strange. I'm not here to read laws, I just had a simple question and all I get is worthless answers

law enforcer
Dodge Dakota


RE: 3rd brake light
IP: Logged

oh yeah, I have had clear tail lights on for quite a while

Dodge Dakota


RE: 3rd brake light
IP: Logged

You seem to be so f-ing smart and know everything so why don't you hit Google for the answers, you little prick. I wouldn't tell you now.

 User Profile


RE: 3rd brake light
IP: Logged

you cold try a clear lens with a red led/bulb, but i'm pretty sure the lens is supposed to be red (here in california anyway).
but, as long as the regular two are red lenses, you might be ok.

or just call the local fuzz and ask em!
but it is better to be ask first, then waste money on something you'll get a ticket for, especially if you spend a lot of time searching for the thing in the first place.

back to your actual question, i've never seen a clear third brake light lens.

'99 3.9 clubcab

law breaker
Dodge Dakota


RE: 3rd brake light
IP: Logged

I don't think I'm 'so f-ing smart', I just had a simple question and I can never get a straight foreward answer on this site, there is always some jerk posting a reply that is no help at all.
a simple 'no', i've never seen one will do. Not "oh yeah it's illegal, why would you want to do that?" blah blah blah.

thanks jeff, I've never seen one on a dakota but did see one on a ram, that's what got me interested. the search continues.

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