Mitch Cohen Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
2/18/2005 10:17:43
Subject: Make money fast and easy with PayPal!!! IP: Logged
Message: How to turn $5 into $10,000 in 14 days with PayPal!! $$ Make Money Business Opportunity $$ " I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAW HOW MUCH MONEY CAME FLOODING INTO MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT."
Dear Friend, This is a new program as you will see. It can be for the U.S. or the U.K. This is a fantastic opportunity, try it for yourself!!
EVERYTHING DONE ONLINE!! With just £3 or $5 and a PayPal PREMIER or BUSINESS account, you could make $$Thousands$$ in 2 SIMPLE STEPS!! READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY THEN READ IT AGAIN. THIS IS FAST. THIS IS NOT THE ONE YOU WILL BE WAITING TO WORK. GUARANTEED - you will have $10,000 in two weeks.
Only $5, a PayPal PREMIER or BUSINESS account and 30 min are all that is needed to get this going. GIFTING
MADE EASY, PLEASE READ ON TO FIND OUT HOW If you want to make a few thousand dollars real quick, then please take a moment to read and understand the MLM program I'm sharing with you. NO IT'S NOT what you think.
YOU DON'T have to send $5 to five or six people to buy a report, receipt or get on their mailing list. Nor will you need to invest more money later to get things going. THIS IS THE FASTEST, EASIEST PROGRAM EVER, you will be able to complete it in LESS THAN 30 MINUTES and you will never forget the day you first viewed this online. If you're already running a home business, you can easily do this one along with it. If not, this is the FASTEST and EASIEST way to earn serious money online that you've ever seen so far in the history of the Internet! This program works no matter what country you are in, or what currency you use. It doesn't matter how old or how young you are. And you certainly won't need any special knowledge or talent. You won't need to run a website, or make phone calls, or make photocopies, or send out letters through the mail, or pay for advertising, etc.
The only things you will need are: * An email address * A Premier or Business PayPal account with at least $5 deposited in it * 30 minutes of your time ONLY 2 SIMPLE AND EASY STEPS!! If you are doing other programs, by all means stay with them. The more the merrier, BUT PLEASE READ ON!!
First of all, there are only TWO POSITIONS, not four, five or six like many other programs. This program is more realistic and much, MUCH FASTER. Because it is so easy, the response rate for this program is VERY HIGH and VERY FAST, and you will receive your reward in FOURTEEN DAYS. That's only TWO WEEKS - not one or two months. Just in time for next month's BILLS.
TRUE STORY --> June Alscar tells how she ran this gifting summation four times last year. The first time, she received $6,000 in cash in two weeks and then $14,000 in cash the next three times.
When this program is continued, as it should be, EVERYONE PROFITS!! DON'T BE AFRAID to send gifts to strangers. It will come back to you ten folds. A person can give you up to $10,000 per year and you don't have to report it to the IRS. THIS CAN AND WILL WORK FOR YOU!
HERE ARE THE DETAILS: Post this letter in 45 message boards, chat rooms, or newsgroup. You don't need to post 200 like others programs or email 100 people just to get started. Even if you are already in a program like the send six dollars to six people. CONTINUE IT and stay with it, THOSE DO PAY OUT, but do yourself a favor, DO THIS ONE TODAY as well, RIGHT NOW!!! It is simple and takes a very small investment, only $5 and a PayPal PREMIER or BUSINESS account.
It WORKS AND IS DONE IN 2 SIMPLE AND EASY STEPS!! This program WILL PAY FASTER before the other programs you are working on even trickle in!! Just give one person $5. THAT'S IT!! Follow the simple instructions and in two weeks, you should have $10,000 because most PEOPLE WILL RESPOND due to the LOW ONE TIME INVESTMENT, SPEED AND HIGH PROFIT POTENTIAL.PLUS, since it’s done all ONLINE, there is no time wasted mailing out letters and such!! We are not even figuring a 50% response! So let's all keep it going and help each other in these tough times. We all owe money to bill collectors and creditors. But, with this, if people take the time to help each other, the good fortune will follow.
SO, Take the measly minutes this SIMPLE and REWARDING program offers and give the gift that gives back
Number 1: Simply send a $5 gift to the person at POSITION #1, if your birthday is BETWEEN JAN 1 THRU JUNE 30, OR, if your birthday is BETWEEN JULY 1 THRU DEC 31, send the gift to the person at POSITION # 2.
HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO. . . STEP 1 Ok, if you're not already a Papal user, the very first thing you need to do is use the PayPal link below and SIGN UP. It takes just two minutes! Here's the URL:
Be sure to use this link so you can sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account. You'll need to have a PREMIER or BUSINESS account (and not a PERSONAL account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other people.
STEP 2: It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive. So the first thing to do when you have your Premier/Business Papal account is to IMMEDIATELY send a $5 payment from your Papal account to the email address in the position (1 or 2 - depending on your birthday in the timeline), along with a note saying: "HERE IS A $5 GIFT FOR YOU." Be certain to add this note, as this is what KEEPS THIS PROGRAM LEGAL.
Instructions on how to send a payment are under "SEND MONEY" at the Papal Site. It's so Easy!! When you send your $5 payment to the first address in the list, do it with a great big smile on your face because "as you sow, so shall you reap!" After you have transferred a $5 payment to the email address, something very eerie happens. It gives you an indescribable, overwhelming sense of certainty, belief and conviction in the system. You've just proved to yourself that, because you have done it, there must be a great number of other people ready to do exactly the same. Thus you have now seen for yourself, first hand, that this business actually works! REMOVE the email address you are replacing (the one you sent $5 to), and REPLACE it with your own email address.
REMEMBER: Use the same EMAIL ADDRESS that is used with YOUR Papal account!! Paste your newly typed email address over the old one and then post to 45 Message Boards, Chat Rooms, or Newsgroups. DON'T MULL OVER IT, JUST 30 MIN OF YOUR TIME, THAT'S IT THERE IS NO MORE TO DO!! ACT FAST AND GET THE GIFT. HONESTLY AND INTEGRITY MAKE THIS PLAN WORK!! DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU.
Step #1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and drag your CURSOR to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into your computer's temporary memory.
Step #2) Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can REMOVE the email address you are replacing (the one you sent $5 to), and REPLACE it with your own email address. REMEMBER: Use the same EMAIL ADDRESS that is used with YOUR Papal account!!
Steps #3) Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.
Step #4) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc. EXAMPLE: go to any search engine like,,, - then search with subjects like millionaire message board or money making message board or opportunity message board or money making discussions or business bulletin board or money making forum etc. You will find thousands & thousands of message boards. Click them one by one then you will find the option to post a new message. Step #5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting 'Paste' from the 'Edit' menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll thru the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one!
Congratulations! THAT'S IT!! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup!
That's it! You will begin receiving money within days!
This is excellent seed money to start or expand a business, buy you dream home, car, and pay off what ever bills you may have. Good luck and God Bless. Play fairly, Good fortune will follow. WHY THIS PROGRAM WORKS: Straight to the point, the reason this program is SO SUCCESSFUL is because when you post this in 45 different message boards, there are only TWO outcomes. (1) A person’s birthday will fall on the same half as yours, therefore, YOU GET THE $5. . OR, (2) a persons birthday will fall on the other half of the timeline, therefore, YOU STAY IN YOUR POSITION and get posted in 45 other MESSAGE BOARDS, etc.
BOTTOMLINE: Either you get the $5 or your name gets passed on for other people to give YOU $5 or pass YOUR name on to other people that will. It makes you think though, the more you post YOUR OWN POSTS, the BETTER the results!!
You now have the knowledge that will enable you to make over $10,000 within the next few weeks. The only thing that can hold you back now is a lack of faith or a lack of self-belief. However, any doubts you may currently have will disappear within a few days of putting this plan into practice. Trust me on this! You certainly won't regret it.
SOME NOTES FROM PAYPAL WHICH YOU MAY FIND USEFUL PayPal lets you pay anyone with an email address and is the world's Number 1 online payment service. PayPal is accepted on over 3 million eBay auctions as well as a countless number of online shops. You can also use PayPal to pay your friends - for example, it's a convenient way to split the phone bill with your room-mate, send cash to your kids in college, or send cash to someone in another country. Better yet, you can also earn a referral bonus of up to $75 each time someone signs up for a PayPal account using your referral URL! When you send money through PayPal, you can fund your payments with your credit card or check account. You won't have to worry about your privacy, because PayPal keeps your accounting information safe and secure. Making a purchase with PayPal is far more secure than mailing a check or giving your credit card number to a stranger. That's why over 9 MILLION people from around the world use PayPal to move money. Signing up for a PayPal account is free, easy, and it takes only a couple of minutes. Thank you, and good luck in your ventures Best Regards Mitch Cohen
P.S. Does this sound too good? Well maybe to some skeptics it is. But it actually works, and is worth the 30 minutes of your time now. So, just make a nice cup of tea and get started on it now. After all, you can't lose, but you stand to gain more in the next few weeks than many people earn in a year!