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19:43:55 - 09/07/2024

General Dakota Board
Bob Lincoln
Dodge Dakota


Subject: Battery drain from tach board
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My brother sold me his 92 Dakota last year, and he had it since new. He told me that it always had a drain that the dealer could never find. Well, I narrowed it down to the tachometer drive board, which is drawing 105 mA, enough to drag a new battery down to 11.2 volts in two weeks of non-operation. I've been trying to diagnose this crazy circuit, and it appears as though it's meant to draw this much current. That doesn't seem right. Has anyone else measured the current draw of their Dakota with everything off (including underhood light), and is it near 105 mA? Most cars in my experience are between 15 and 40 mA.

I can pull the fuse, but I hate to have to keep doing it everytime I park for a few days. It's also the horn fuse, so I must remember to put it back.

Dealer wants $94 for the circuit board, it's only $20 worth of parts, and I'm not paying that for a bad transistor or diode.

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