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03:07:37 - 03/13/2025

V8 Dakotas
Rob W.
Dodge Dakota


Subject: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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Anybody know of anything that i can do to my 1991 Dak with the pre mag 5.2L EFI with 165ft/lbs torque at 2000rpm. It's a regular cab the A500 3spd auto with over drive lockout has a 3.5 limited slip rear end running P235 75R15 (stock is P205 75R15) tire's it has the A.I.R. injection pump and air conditioning. I still have the stock exhaust and manifolds and am looking at getting some headers but am not sure which ones. I have removed the plastic cover on the air intake. If any of you guys know of any economical ways i can get more hp and torque out of this thing that would be great.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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Try Autolite or Bosch Platinum +4 Plugs
New/Gutted Cat
New Muffler: Glasspack, Flowmaster, etc.
New Ignition Coil: Mopar, Accel
K&N Airfilter
Mobil 1 Oil and Filter

Here Is The Rest of 'Em
91 Sport 318

Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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I agree with dak318 about an ignition up grade it would strengthen and smoothout your power curves plus you'll pickup some mpg.

I saw on that they have 1.6 roller rockers from crane for $330. The friction reduction + quicker and higher valve lift of the 1.6(if they fit) should wake up your motor. If want to you could get a max lift-rate cam from or from ultra-dyne(never found a direct web site to them but sells them). Thier high lift for duration would allow you to keep a street idle but give you the most HP/TQ possible. Hughes say one of his cams a size smaller than stock ie. (5 degs.) will out perform the stock cam.

Almost everyone has headers for A engines, the only thing you have to find out is which ones will fit your truck. I would get a set oflong primary or tri-y ones if you are replace the entire exhaust. The thing is I haven't seen tri-y's yet anywhere, but have seen hedmans and dynomax 4 into 1 headers in a JEG'S catalog for about $105-$130 van/pick-ups.

If you have the holley TBI you might be able to change the manifold or modify your own. You didn"t say if you had a K&N air filter? If you don't it would help for about $40 mostly in your top-end. If you have the air cleaner assembly with the plastic tube running to the front of your truck keep it. I have read at different sites that changing to an open air, remote snorkel will cost you some hp. The exception is if it has an box to seal it from the engine bay area,or if you got a functional hood scoop sealing to air filter housing.

Another possiblity would be steeper gears like 3.92 if your limited slip unit is in good shape. If it is getting worn out you will have to have it rebuilt to get the most out the setup. New are about $200-$350.

There is alway a supercharger, you might be albe to use a small weiand unit for around $2000.

The real hard question is how much do you want to do, spend, and get out of your motor?

Good Luck and I hope it helped.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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I have a '98 Durango that I tuned up a little by changing the air cleaner out to a 14 x 3 round old style, polished the top bores of the throttle body, and put high performance exhaust on it. I've tried a lot of things and this worked the best. But I am more interested in 1/4 mile ETs than spinning tires. In my Durango w/5.2-318 won't burn 'em, but it will walk away from the 5.9 Rams. Stock- I beat the Rams by about 1 link, now I beet them by 2 to 2-1/2 easily. My 5.2 doesn't start pulling until about 2300 rpm and has always been that way. At 2300, it pulls hard all the way to the rev limiter! It's inexpensive to do and it worked for me! But a 5.2 makes power in a different spot than a 5.9. The 5.9's may beat me off the line, but I'm past them before I shift out of 1st and then gain a little distance in every gear. But like I said, I don't care about spinning tires, I just like to win the race! My Durango weighs in at 4800 lbs.

Rob W.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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What kind of modifications are you talking about for my intake manifold/throttle body? Is it true that if i rplaced the stock intake and tb with the 5.9 that it would give me a gain in hp. right now i top out at approx. 97-98mph also is it possible to remove the A.I.R. pump and still get good mpg and have the engine run correctly thanks for your help!

Rob W.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
IP: Logged

I also wonder why i cant burn them on dry pavment if its because of the digger tires that i have or if the engine is running incorrectly. i also wonder what you all think it would do in the 1/4 stock. also is it possible for these things to beat the 5.0L or the 4.9L stang?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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About your manifold, I was talking about gasket matching, smoothing runners and plenum to runners contouring. I am not sure about the 5.9l manifold swap for your year, but I have heard guys doing it on newer models.
Since you have an "A" engine with TBI I thought you could swap in a manifold like an edelbrock rpm. I don't know what type line hook-ups you have to your manifold.

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RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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I had a '91 LE, club cab... You engine is basically a standard LA-318 engine with a SMEC- Single module engine controller, running throttle body FI.

IF you don't have smog laws to deal with-- **for off road use only, LOL**... You can swap out the intake manifold to an RPM, ditch the TB injection, go with a 600-650 CFG Carb, go with a set of headers (you MIGHT be able to still find the 'tubular manifolds' that Chrysler use to make, or go for a set that will clear your steering box from Brand X.... There's a lot of potential there.

You'd have to BUILD a stout LA motor to beat a 5.0 or 4.9 (six) mustang... but it can be done.


OH HELL-- Get a NX kit and run a 125 shot and be done with it... (and look for a new truck before you're blows up! jk)


Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
IP: Logged

I would go with a 262 Comp Extreme energy cam , Edelbrock performer intake , Edelbrock 600 cfm carb , Mopar Performance electronic conversion ignition kit , and a decent set of 1 5/8" headers . If its a 2wd check out Hooker Super Comps #5803 , we used these in my friends '89 Dakota with a 360/727 and they work great.Also go with a good 2 1/4" dual exhaust with whatever muffler you like and high flow cats if you have inspections in you're area.

You can also pick up some power by having you're #302 heads ported and have 1.88/1.60 valves installed. I do not suggest 360 heads on a 318 because you lose compression and port velocity. Don't use an RPM intake on 318 heads because there is a bad port mismatch , the Performer has smaller ports that work well with 318 heads.

Something else that will help out is a 166k or 175k Mopar Performance "econo" torque converter and some 3.91 gears

Don't bother with roller rockers as the $350 could be better spent in other places and the stockers will do the job just fine with a mild Hyd flat tappet cam.

Rob W.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
IP: Logged

But will the 5.9 intake and tb fit in the 318 and if it does will it give any performance gain?

Mike S.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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On my 1991 premag,I went with a JET Stage 2 Module(some say they don't work but it seemed to help mine),Jacobs electronics Pro Street ignition system(really smoothed out the engine,alot better throttle response),dual ram air box(they have a ad in the back of sport truck mag)I changed the cam to a Hughes(can't remember the part# but it had 213/223 dur@.050)this was a flat tappet cam,so I had to change pushrods,I also went with the Crane 1.6 roller rockers.I then started searching the junk yards and found a 360 TBI unit,I installed it on the stock 318 intake but had to use the 318 injectors(ran too rich with the 360 injectors but they swapped right out), I also used all the sensors off the 318 TBI. I went with the Mopar tubular exhaust header(they don't make them anymore,but I now have Hooker super comp full lengths and a custom 2 1/2 dual system)I have a TCI breakaway stall converter in the trans(about 2500 stall)and a set of 4.10 gears. It was just a little faster than my friends stock 92 5.0 mustang,with these mods.I currently have a 360 with the Edelbrock performer RPM package(heads,intake,cam)and a 750 speed demon carb. It's alot faster than my friends 5.0 now. I don't really know how much power your wanting from it but you can get a good amount more out of the TBI pre-mag.
Good Luck, Have fun.

Rob W.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
IP: Logged

Mike S. What did it cost for the dual ram air box? is it esebntialy the same as the stock ram air? Do you have the A.I.R. pump on your truck and if so what modifications are required to use the Hooker super comps or did you just remove the a.i.r. pump altogether?

Mike S.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
IP: Logged

I purchased the ram-air box about 2 years ago, I beleive it was about 175. It is basically a air cleaner with 2 inlets in the front with dryer type tubes, one of which I ran to the stock location and other I ran down beside the battery and P.S. pump to behind the air dam. I would get rid of the air pump if you get the Hooker headers and get a shorter belt. That's all I did to remove mine. I still have the bracket for the pump because the tensioner is on it. Also to use the Hooker headers you will either have to change the stock heads or plug the "smog-ports" in the stock heads. I got some plugs with my Mopar tubular headers,they were basically just like a short nail that plugged the hole,your headers will hold them in place but they need to be sung in the head. I'm still using the stock accessories,alt,p.s.pump,but i did away with the A.C. so my belt by-passes it too. I will try to find the website for that ram-air box and post it.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask,it might take me a day or two to get back with you though. Have fun...

Mike S.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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The website is,looks like they are about $130 now. If you want to give me a email address I will send you a pic of what mine looks like.

Rob W.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
IP: Logged

Mike S. its also is it still possible to get the mopar tubular headers? What is the horsepower you make and i aslo wondered if you drove it on the street and if so what is your gas milage? right now im in the midsts of getting a k&n airfilter to replace the pep boys one i currently have im hoping to get a slight in crease in hp and and mpg. Did changing the tb give you better of worse mpg? I kind of have to worrry about this because its my every day driver. did the engine run worse when you took the air pump off and did you mpg go down? also what is the Jet stage 2 module im still new to the car area but i know what most of the stuff is. thanks alot for your help ill try toi get back with you in a week or so. I also seem to have a problem with the top speed on my truck i only can top at 98mph i cant go any faster because my tranny shifts from o/d to third every 15 seconds it wont excellerate past that is it because it isnt getting enough air to feed the engine or is it not gettinf enough fuel?

Mike S.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
IP: Logged

I will send the pic as soon as I get one scanned in. I know that the tubular exhaust headers have been discontinued, you may be able to sill find a set sitting on someones shelf. As for my current horse power, I would say about 415 on the motor and a 125 shot of nitrous, so i guess a little over 500 on the bottle. I will have exact numbers soon, gonna have it dynoed on Aug 30th. Now it is carburated,no more fuel injection. When it was fuel injected I was making about 250 on the motor,I say that because a friend has a 99 R/T dakota with a 360 and it was just a little faster than his R/T. It was getting about 12 mpg in the city,now it gets about 6. It ran just fine without the air-pump,seemed to rev easier. If i were you and you were just looking to add some power,I would go with a K&N drop in filter,the mopar tubular exhaust headers(might be hard to find but I bet you can get them),then I would get a electric fan and do away with the clutch fan(flex-alite #150 is what still cools mine with stock radiator),I would go have a custom exhaust put on from the cat back,I like a single 3 inch pipe from the cat to the muffler then a dual outlet flowmaster and 2 1/2 duals out the back(had that on my 91 and have it on my 97 V-6),I would also upgrade the ignition(at least a hotter coil,but I like the Jacobs system),The Jet stage 2 module really seemed to help my motor but you must run 91 octane fuel. It is basiclly a computer chip, it plugs in between the computer and wiring.WWW.JETCHIP.COM, The top speed question, not sure on that, mine wasn't far from stock and I got it a little above 110. I will try to email the pic of the dual ram-air today,have to start getting ready to go to the track though. Hope I helped a little

Rob W.
Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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So far all i have done is the K&N air filter and that made a huge difference when driving. Today i was going 30-35 and punched it and squaked them both which really surprised me. I am also in the midsts of getting a Throttle Body off of the 360 but have to wait for 2 weeks for shipping. Thanks for your guys help and if you have any other ideas that would be great

Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
IP: Logged

Hello to everyone, I was wondering if anyone could/can help me out. I have a 91 dakota with a 318 TBI roller cam engine. I was wondering what cam should I use. I have been looking at 2 different cams from comp cam. The part #'s are 20-622-8 (262/244 adv duration/ 206/210 duration at .050 lift) and 20-624-8 (264/274 adv duration/ 210/220 duration at .050 lift). Comp states that the 20-624-8 will work best in a 360 engine and I was wondering if that cam would be alright in the 318 with performance upgrades such as headers (hooker headers #5803), 2.5" dual exhaust, 360 TBI with 318 injectors, Jet Perfomance stage II computer, #302 heads with 1.88"/1.60 valves, and Accel 300+ digital ignition (#49300). Also I will be running the stock 3.55 rear gears but many have suggested that I run the 3.91 gears for better take off and better performance (I am very open to suggestion). Last, I do not think that I need a stall converter with either of the cams that I am interested in because I have been told unless I have a cam with either 214/214, 216/216, or 218/218 duration at .050 lift then I really do not need a stall converter because it will absorb power(stall to early) and that it will cause heating problems for my rebuild A-500 transmission and that my engine cam choices are design for low torque/low mid range power but please anyone that can help, write me and I will be so grateful and thankful for all your help. I will also be using a dual ram air box for my air filter. So if anyone can help me out, please without further delay e-mail me and let me know what direction to go in or just some suggestion will be fine also. Thanks so very much for you time. Last, I will be using the stock p195/75R15 tires or P205/75R15 tires on my truck if that will help. Again, thanks so much.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
IP: Logged

I really Dont know what cam would be good but i do have a few questions for you I am Rob W. but have changed my name to 91DakotaFreak. Have you run yours at the strip if so what did it run? Also how did you run your duel exhaust and if you have pics can you email them.

I would recomend calling mopar performance and asking them. I also would recomend changing your Throttle Body to the 5.9L TB but keep the 318 injectors.

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RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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Had an 89 full size 318 tbi, took all the tbi and computer crap off and put on an Edelbrock dual plane and 600 Holley with a MP ignition coverversion kit.
In woke that mother up!!!!

Helped a friend put a MP ignition conversion kit, Edelbrock RPM, cam, heads and intake on a 90.
Very fast Dak after all that, completely diferent animal.

Good luck

Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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hey fazDak what kind of gas mileage did he get after doing that? I have been thinking of taking and pulling the intake and tb and droping a edlebrock perfomer intake and a 2 or 4 barrel carb on it but didnt know if i would lose gas mileage any or if it was worth doing. Also did you guys use the stock electric pump or did you guys use a differnet one?

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RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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He didnt care about gas milage, just total performance so I dont know for sure.
My guess is that the gas miliage will get worse, even a crappy injection system will get better gas miliage than a carb'd engine.

Now mine in my full size which was a 4x4 got way better, seems I had to keep the damn thing floored all the time with the TB to get it to move and the carb setup gave it more power so less pedal was nedded.
Untill of course I put the foot in it!! lol

Used the stock pump with a BG fuel pressure regulator.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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What would you have to set the pressure at since the stock TBI pressure is at 14psi

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RE: Mod's for a 91 Dak with the Pre mag 5.2L
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I set em at 7.
Ive had 8 blow the needle's out of a Holley before.

If its a mild setup start at 5 or 6 and youll be safe, if you have fuel starvation at high RPM set it up another lb.

Good luck.

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