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21:25:08 - 03/13/2025

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Subject: RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
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I like this thread...

Our trucks are small? WTF... wasn't the Dakota the largest truck in its class until the Chevy Colorado came out? Then the 2005 Dakotas are gonna be bigger than the Colorado, putting Dakotas once again as the largest truck in their class..

If we all killed ourselves, what fun would that be? You'd have nobody to make fun of except yourself...and god knows we don't want that...dumbass.

The rest of us understood your post. It's just that some people are too fuŠkin stupid to understand an average conversation...OOH OOH! BURN! Besides...everybody knows I'm the 'badest' mother f'r ever. =P

Yes folks, that's 'badest' not baddest...cuz everybody also knows I'm far from the BADDEST mother f'r ever. continue the sh1t about sh1t Fords...

Have you ever noticed all the POS Dodges traded in on the Ford lots? That should say something... A 4.2 F150 will spank the crap out of a V6 Dodge. Definitely a superior built product. Dodge: Drips Oil and Drops Grease Everywhere!!! HAH

Since you insist on comparing apples to oranges once again...

Why don't you take your pu§§y 4.2 F-150 WHICH IS A FULL-SIZE TRUCK AND NOT EVEN IN THE SAME CLASS AS A DAKOTA and race it against the Dodge Ram SRT-10...hey, you MIGHT have a chance if you flatten his tires before you race. And hot damn... even if you raced an Ram SRT-10 against the Ford F-150 Lightning...YOU'D STILL LOSE! Yeah, that's right...WHO'S FASTER?!?!

The only time my Dodge has ever dripped oil or grease was when I was changing my oil and had my arm at the wrong angle when I removed the filter. God, it didn't just drip poured all over me.

Can't talk about my mileage since it's not even at 50,000 yet (not bad for a 98, huh?) but I know there's a sh1tload of people who are getting over 200-250k miles on their Dakotas without any rebuilds. That includes people who used to race em.

Wake up and realize you don't have a truck... As a Dakota is hardly a truck.
I know, I had a '94 Dodge work "truck" that I thought was really cool until it died on that side of the road with 40,000 on the odometer as the oil pump gave out. Go ahead and waste your money on Dodge products and remember this when your day of reckoning comes.
And, by all means, if you want to drive that rattle box for any amount of time (50,000mi.+), quit racing Fords or it won't make it.
It'll be another one that Died Off and Dumped its Gears Everywhere.HAHA!

1.) Oil changes aren't optional...and yes, even with oil changes every 3k miles, some vehicles do encounter problems. Just as I'm sure Fords have had sh1t like that happen at times.

2.) If we keep racing Ford' won't know whether our trucks "make it" or not. We'll be across the line and back home before you've finished the race. By the way... the Dakotas around here don't rattle, but I've heard some pretty noisy Ford's around town...and it wasn't from the muffler.


Solar Power
Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Fuc king
Dipsh its

And F150 your 4.2 is till a piece of sh it!!

Ford Rangers
Dodge Dakota


A little gift from the Ford guys
IP: Logged

Dodge trucks

Consumers identify with their trucks and tend to be very loyal to the same brand but Dodge seems to be losing a generation of so of truck owners. It's not just pick-ups either. We hear some pretty sorry tales about Dodge Durango SUVs and big Dodge trucks too. And Automan has a warning about your truck's brakes.

But back to pick-ups ...

Lynn of St. Robert, MO, writes:
My truck exploded on the way into work. It has been deemed totaled of course. A fire ball had ripped through the vents and caught myself on fire. No damages to me. I dove out of the vehicle and then it exploded. Fire investigator concluded it as a battery exploded and with minor fuel leak it sparked.

The problem I have with this is it is a 2001 Dodge Ram with only 5000 miles. Dodge is telling me that there is nothing they can do. I am in the Army. I am a captain in the Military Police Corps. I am very dependent on my vehicle. I have no mode of transportation. Geico is my insurance company and no resolution has been met. I cannot get to work unless I have someone that works for me come and get me in the morning at 0430hrs. This in my eyes is not right.

Bernardo of Miami writes:
Bought new Dodge Ram 1500 truck. Engine has a lot of valve/lifter noise which should not be the case on a new vehicle with less than 4000 miles on it. Potamkin Dodge where I bought the truck tells me they all sound like that, however when listening to other 1500 they do not make the clicking sound I described. Dealer refused to make any repairs stating "I had one of the better running ones. I am totally frustrated and drained. I bought a new truck to avoid having such problems.

Bernardo should consult a Lemon Law attorney.

Joseph of Philpot, KY, writes:
On 3-5-99 I leased a 99 Dodge Dakota. This was a brand-new truck. One and one half hours after I drove off the dealers lot I had to call and set up my first service appointment to get the heating and air conditioning system repaired. To date this truck has been in the shop 19 times for repairs. I went to arbitration because I could not get needed repairs made to my truck. I requested that Chrysler buy back the truck. The district manager, Ron Heyduck, stated in the meeting that I was telling the truth but he said that in the interest of customer care they were going to make the proper repairs to the truck. The arbitrator ruled against me stating that the truck was under warranty and that Chrysler was going to make repairs.

After I received this ruling I took the truck in to the dealership to have the work performed. They kept the truck for one day and called and told me to come get it. They had not done anything to even attempt the repairs and they said they did not know how to fix it and Chrysler's technical personnel did not know either. I called Ron Heyduck and left a message on his voice mail asking why my truck was not going to be repaired. Mr. Heyduck returned my call the next evening and informed me that the dealership was not going to work on my truck any more and that the repairs were not going to be made. I asked why and he said in his opinion nothing was wrong and that they were not going to fix it. This is the man that promised in arbitration that these specific repairs would be made to my truck.

I vidoetaped the problem and refiled for arbitration requesting a buyback stating that Chrysler was refusing to honor their warranty. I again presented my case to another arbitrator and again Mr. Heyduck agreed that I was telling the truth. He also admitted that he had told me if this were his personal vehicle he would not be satisfied with it. He again stated that in the interest of customer care and service Chrysler would make the proper repairs to the truck. The arbitrator asked when this work would be completed and Mr. Heyduck stated no later than the end of June 2000. The arbitrator again ruled against me stating that the truck was still under warranty and that Chrysler was going to make repairs. The repairs were not completed until the end of September!

I have called Chryslers customer service number and have always been told we are sorry there is nothing we can do for you. I have written letters to Chrysler and one of my favorite responses was, we understand your concerns and we apologize but there is nothing we can do to help you.

I am making a lease payment of almost $400 per month on a vehicle that is averaging almost one trip per month to the shop and this is not including trips for routine maintenance such as oil changes. I have tried to sell the truck but no one will buy it after they find out how much trouble I have had with the truck. The payoff on the lease and residual is about the same as trade-in value. I had a used car dealer that contacted me about the truck and I asked him if he would take it off my hands. All I wanted him to pay was the amount still owed on the truck. He wanted to know about any problems I had with the truck.I told him about all the times it had been in the shop and he said he did not want it. I told him there was still over one year and almost 16,000 miles left on the factory warranty. He told me he did not want that vehicle on his lot! I cannot even sell the truck for trade in value which is almost $5,000 below the wholesale value of the truck.

Mr. Heyduck has told me he is not going to do anything to help me out. He did offer me an extended warranty the first time I filed for arbitration. This was with the condition that I would not take the matter to arbitration. Since I went to arbitration and did not accept his offer he has made it very clear that he is not willing to help me in any way! The responses I have gotten from Chrysler have been basically, you bought it, tough luck!

This is why arbitration is not a good way to clear the backlog of cases in civil court. It is nearly always bought and paid for by the manufacturer. The way to clear the backlog of court cases is for manufacturers to stop making defective products and stiffing consumers who complain about them. It's too bad Joseph wasted on this time on arbitration when he probably could have sued under the Lemon Law statute. It may very well be too late now, so arbitration has been doubly beneficial for Chrysler and doubly damaging for Joseph.

Stacie of Mesa, AZ, writes:
I have a 1999 Dodge Durango that has intermittent trouble with the transmission. Chrysler service techs cannot fix it after 5 attempts. The driver's window is on its third motor and glass. There are other multiple problems. I want the vehicle to be taken back by Chrysler under the lemon law. The vehicle is not controllable when transmission acts up.

Gary of Joppa, MO:
Bought new '95 Dodge Ram that now has paint delamination. Problem startd fall of '99. Been back and fourth with dealer and Chrysler. They offered 50 percent towards correction of their factory problem, also at a body shop of their choice. This is a factory problem and thousands of people have similar problems. Chrysler knows they have a factory problem, and they won't pay 100 percent towards correction. Estimates from $3500to $4200 to redo. Am going to Small Claims Court to attempt restitution.

Gene of Marrero, LA, writes:
My 1998 Dodge Dakota Sport Extended Cab truck has a problem with the thermostat or fan for the air conditioner. I was told by the dealer on two separate occasions that it was due to the fact it was a six-cylinder.

When the truck warms up and the air is on, when you take off, it sounds as though the engine is over revving.

The dealer says it is due to something in the fan, thermostat or fan clutch. The service manager said the engineers at Dodge know of the problem but say it is causing no ill effects and therefore they WILL NOT do anything about it. When this happens it momentarily blows warm air and is very annoying. Doesn't customer satisfaction mean anything in this country any more?

What kind of answer is that. They will not do anything? I am very disappointed in Chrysler and Dodge for this attitude. Don't they know that if customers are happy with one purchase that they are more likely to buy another one in the future?

Heidi of Sacramento, CA, writes:
I noticed water coming up through the passenger side floor of my 1997 Dodge Dakota Club Cab. I dropped it off to have it serviced. This morning, the service man called stating the truck had two body seal leaks -- one coming from the door area and the worst one coming from the back of the truck with the water rushing forward into the floorboard. My carpet is soaked and I'm sure the flooring has to have some rust.

Anyways,he says $450 to fix it because it takes 5-6 hours to take out all the seats and the carpet and then even longer to dry the carpet. My question is this -- I bought the truck brand new 2 years ago. To me, something like this is not something I could have prevented and is probably a factory defect. Do I have a leg to stand on? Should I sue them in small claims court?

If the warranty has expired, Heidi may be out of luck.

John of Middleburg, FL, writes:
The oil pump and the transmission on my 1994 Dodge Ram pickup recently both went out. Althrough I didn't have repairs done at a dealers, the shops where I did have repairs (replacement) made told me that both these problems are common with the new body style dodges. If this is so, I feel there should have been a recall for both the oil pump and the transmission. Repairs cost me $1800!

Carlton of Athens, GA, writes:
The transmission on my 1995 Dodge Dakota, with only 90,000 miles has quit pulling due to torque converter problems. This truck has an excellent service record, having had a transmission service three times in the last 47000 miles. I believe Dodge is very aware of their substandard unit, especially with the introduction of a special trans. fluid available through their dealerships to patch the problem. It is my understanding that this fluid only prolongs the inevitable, aka until its out of warranty, job of having to completely rebuild/replace the transmission. There has been at least 3 other trucks w/ this same transmission that have suffered the same fate as mine with fewer miles than mine currently reads.

Gene of Salinas, CA, writes about his 1999 Dodge Durango:
With only 6,000 miles the air conditioning compressor died. The dealer said that is a common problem and it would take 3 or 4 weeks to obtain a replacement as the plant was out of them due to so many being replaced.

I paid over $27,000 and was never told that I could expect this type of problem or I would have purchased a GM product as I have for 25 years past.
Now in the hottest part of summer I am left without an air-conditioning unit and still have to pay full price and full notes for an inferior product and a company that doesn't provide full disclosure or doesn't give a damn about their customers. I will tell 20 people a day not to buy a Dodge product and ask that they each tell ten people a day.

Susan of Acworth, GA, writes:
The 1998 Dodge Dakota Sport pickup has a factory defect with the two-piece drive shaft dust cover not staying intact on the vehicle. This truck also has a defect with the manifold bolts backing out and causing a exhaust leak at the engine.

I have experienced other problems with the steering mechanism, windows leaking, backfiring through exhaust pipe, gears crunching, passenger power window motor malfunctioning, etc.

I will be going into arbitration to try to resolve this dispoute with Chrysler and Marietta Dodge.

I am currently having other problems with my lease and will be trying to get them to buy back the vehicle in question and voiding the contract. I have missed work along with my husband and had trouble getting a rental from the dealership. Very dissatisfied with service at dealership and vehicle overall.

Paul of Fitzberald, GA, writes:
The heater fan switch went out on my 95 Dodge Dakota and I have been told that the only way to fix it is replace the whole climate control unit at a cost of $150. This seems ridiculous for a simple $3 switch at Radio Shack. This sounds like a ripoff to me like replacing the whole cab of a truck just because it has a broken vent window.

I have run into similar high costing parts when I cracked the taillight lens and had to replace the whole assembly. The other one is now cracked and I will have to shell out $75 because of it.

The consequences are the high costs to us consumers for simple replacement parts. My ABS quit soon after I bought the truck used and I can't afford to have it fixed at their price. The air conditioner evaporator sprung a leak and wont hold pressure and I can't afford to replace it either. I think the Dodge Dakota is a lemon, designed to fail so expensive repair parts will have to be purchased. This is the last Chrysler product I will purchase.

Alan of Orlando sent this letter to Chrysler:
I have recently had my air conditioner worked on at Bob Dance Jeep Eagle in Orlando, Florida. Apparently, leaves had gotten into the air conditioning housing and had clogged up my drains. The water was coming into the passenger side of the truck.

The Service manager said there was nothing I could have done to prevent this and said they worked on many Cherokees with the same problem. When they finished cleaning them out, they put in screens to keep out the debris.

If this occurred at no fault to myself, and if there was nothing I could have done to prevent this, I am requesting a reimbursement for the cost. It sounds like this would be a recall situation.

The service representative said this was a common problem. However, I am not in a financial situation to pay $709.53 for some malfunction in design.

Please let me know, as soon as possible, what my next step should be. I have been a loyal Jeep owner for the past 12 years. My last three vehicles have all been Chrysler vehicles. If I need to start a class action suit, and I know that sometimes that is the only way, please inform me. I have been told that I am not alone in experiencing this problem.

Proof to me why I will never buy a Dodge.. yuck

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

look at the guy that started this post, can't tell the difference between "THERE" and THEIR, two different meanings. and also notice that on their site 90% of the posts are about them trying to fix something (usually simple, too) and half of them can't tell their a55 from a wrench or they could fix it without advice.

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Go work at a serive department for any car lot and tell me those problems arent comming (ok except the battery one wich is bullsh1t cause warranty would of bought back the car if it was totalled for something like that) Most of those problems exploded due to bad service/distric management. Newsflash all cars have problems, and on jd powers latest ranking ford droped halfway down the ranking.

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged


that's why i'll never buy a ford. but to be honest, why start this debate and find horror stories and consumer complaints about any automobile company. come on, every single car, truck, suv, van, etc. has it's problems regardless of make or model. i could find 100 sites stating how bad ford sucks and you could find 100 about dodge, 100 about chevy and 100 about toyota, etc. but you're not proving anything except that you don't want to buy a dodge and nobody here gives a damn what you want to buy anyway. now to keep me from wasting anymore time, would you like to search for yourself how many times ford has failed safety tests, had vehicle recalls, failed crash tests, and find all the newspaper clippings about a crash in which a ford vehicle rolled over killing the driver in it. most of those roll-overs were single car accidents also. and never trust the tires on a ford. but i guess ford IS the best, that is, at killing someone, falling apart, taking away your time and money to fix something on it over and over, and so much more. but that's alright, you keep your ford and i'll keep my life if me and you ever wreck into each other.

 User Profile


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
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Message: ain't kidding...and if you read their entire bashing thread, they are more illiterate than we are.

As for the format here... they're (NOT there and not their) right, it sucks, but now it'd be a real PIA to switch it. We'd lose everything that's been posted here...they won't switch over very well. Personally, I don't mind it so much...I don't like the majorly graphical formats. The format seems geared too much toward kids.

Oh and to the dude who tried to quote me on the Ford forums... if you're gonna try and quote me then ACTUALLY QUOTE ME. Your grammar is beyond sh1tty and that just makes me look bad.

We're not talking about displacement being even's not our fault that Ford doesn't put bigger engines in their Rangers. It's still a Ranger versus a Dakota...dumbasses.


Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

FORD: Fast? Only Rolling Downhill

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Farty Ol' Redneck Driver

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Fact: Owner Really Dumb!

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Fails On Routine Drives

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Truth and fact... Just look at all your dealer recalls. Man, am I glad I got a Ford! Besides y'all sound like toothless rednecks. Anyone here graduate from high school. You probably sleep with your sisters though.
SLOPAR! Even a Chevy is better. Anything! Those little dakotas may be a step up from your donkey carts back in the woods...

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Fast? Owner's Really Dreaming!

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Fresh Oil Ruins Driveway!

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Hey dummy! You should use a different name when replying. Is it just too much thought process for you??

Real Truck
Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Fordman says:
"Besides y'all sound like toothless rednecks. Anyone here graduate from high school. You probably sleep with your sisters though."

Ooh burn! (yeah right!)

Do you write your own material? My five-year-old can come up with better comebacks than that!

BTW, isn't "y'all" a redneck term?

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Hey Uncle-daddy:
Go fix your SLOPAR... It's broken again. And also, call your dealership, there's another recall issue.

 User Profile


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
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Yeah Fordman...thought you were pretty slick callin' up the junkyard tellin' em to come pick up that old piece of sh1t parked out in the street...problem is, they took your truck instead of mine. I guess the whole piece of sh1t "thang" threw em off...


Solar Power
Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

While you are out fixing you POS ford, I am sleeping with your sister!! She says I am so much bigger than you!!

Dodge Dakota


RE: A little Gift from the Ford Guys
IP: Logged

Wait a minute Solar Power... how can you both be sleeping with his sister?

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