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03:12:24 - 03/15/2025

V6 Dakotas
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Subject: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Was out being stupid today...had fireworks and drove by a friend's house to see if she was home. Another friend was there. He drives a riced out neon. I drove slow and my friend with me lit off some nice firecrackers and through em under the neon. Smoked it the first time (trust me, the second time is better).

Since I was in the mood to cruise, I wasn't speeding like usual. About 3 blocks away while sitting at a redlight our friend's pulled up behind me in the neon. So we took off across town...not being too stupid til the lane turns into a 4 lane and he gets into the lane beside me. I was still in the mood to cruise and my friend still wanted to throw firecrackers so we didn't prepare to race or anything and my friend threw a pack of firecrackers out the window and tried to hit the neon. Light turned green before they went off.

At the next redlight, my friend tries again with the fireworks. Of course, right as he throws them the light turns green and as I'm rolling over em they go off and leave us both totally deaf...some teenage chick was in the car next to us and she was bustin up laughin. I figured she'd be pissed since it was so loud and right next to her.

We turned onto a nice wide 4 lane city road that eventually turns into a straight 2 lane country road... our friend in the neon was being an ass and driving right down the middle of the two lanes so when the traffic cleared I tore off down the oncoming two lanes. For a while we were neck and neck, but I pulled on him and by the time I'd hit 85mph he was doomed. He wasn't backin down though... We ran up to 100mph with me leading the whole way before we both needed to turn off in different directions.

When he stopped by later that night I told him his car was slow... he claims I got a head start. haha. Interesting how I was behind and had to PASS HIM to get ahead of him. Then he said his car wouldn't downshift when he tried to punch it...but that's okay, cuz neither would my truck. Besides, that wouldn't fly at the track. I think my tv cable needs truck didn't hit overdrive til I hit 100mph exactly, lol.

My truck cosmetically looks stock, but I got some of your more basic engine mods. Friend's neon has a giant ass spoiler on the back (I constantly ask him if it can fly), low profile tires, fart can muffler, and that's really about it. I seriously doubt he's done much as far as engine mods go.

Just wanted to report my first actual "kill."

I beat another friend's slowass Civic not too long ago too, but I could beat that thing jogging so it's really not much to brag about.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Id hope you could beat a neon.

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RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Well, I'd *hoped* I could too...but there's days when I go out and mash it and it feels like a shopping cart could beat me in a race. Besides the fact that he always tries to act like his car is just sooooo awesome.


another mark
Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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it may be a neon but at least it's a mopar, those ACR neons are
bad ass

Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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I do know what you mean by that.Mine has its good and bad days.I always make sure before i race someone.And about your friend acting like his car is so awesome and crap.I have a friend like that but i cant get him to race me.Everytime it comes right down to it, he comes up with something so he wont.

He did have a Sunfire GT Auto but never would race me.But now he has a 86 grand prix 305, and a 93 grand prix v6.He keeps telling me he will race my 98 civic but wont race the dakota.I already know the 86 would beat my civic, but it would be close with racing him with the dakota.

But yeah, i know how some races can be.Later

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RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Wow... my friend who was with me last night when I was racing my friend's neon just got nailed today for drag racing in *get this* his parent's conversion van. He got lucky and got a nice cop... the cop clocked him at 85, but wrote the ticket up for 80 to save him some money on the fines. He listed off everything he COULD have charged him with which was a ton of stuff and only wrote up charges for driving left of center and going 80 in a 55 (Not sure what his friend got who was racing him).

I'm glad I didn't get caught last night...for one thing I was right on the edge of town (inside edge) and our city cops are pricks. I'm sure driving in the left 2 lanes of a 4 lane at 100 mph (in a 35 zone) would NOT have looked pretty when the charges were being written up. But as I told my friend... I rarely ever did that before and probably never will again (especially in town). I don't like racing people a whole lot...just doing max-outs alone. I'm also glad I took a different way home tonight instead of following my friend who I prolly would have decided to keep up with (cop was behind them when they raced and paced them). I ended up passing by them after they'd been pulled over.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Man that sucks about your friend.But i guess thats what happens when you street race.I dont srteet race like i use to, most of the time its on friday and saturday nights when everyones going downtown Indianapolis.Everyone hangs out in the parking lots on the south side and downtown.But it only lasts for awhile because the cops run you off.But like i was saying i dont street race much, and i dont really have the gas money to go downtown anymore either.
But its always fun to get a good race now and then.Later

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RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Yeah...that's bout how I am. I don't go downtown much cuz here it's mostly just the local ricer guys and a bunch of potheads, and I don't race or drive stupid much either. I had 2 speeding tickets before I turned 18 (spent 6 months of my first year driving with a suspended license and special driving "privileges" for school) so I'm not really all that into racing and risking any more tickets. At least now speeding tickets will only get me a fine and an insurance more worrying about suspensions:)


Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Yeah, i watch where i speed at, i know where the cops sit around here.Ive never had a speeding ticket.I did get a ticket for running a red light.But it was either stop in the middle of the road or go for it, so i did lol.I was also doing a u-turn and the cop said i was blocking his way from driving and he wasnt anywhere to be seen when i was doing it.I was about a 1/4 of a mile up the road before i saw him coming up behind me.So it was a BS $120 ticket.

I always look all around before i race to make sure there isnt a cop hanging back with lights off.They do that here.Drive down the road with their head lights off.And thats just more BS.But im with you, i dont drive crazy in a way.Id die without my license.I dont know what i would do if i couldnt drive.

Josh, where do you live?Im sure you saw in my last post im in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Im going to have a good friend of mine drive the kota while im in my civic and race em lol.I just want to see how well the civic does keeping up.The civic is a 5spd and my friend cant drive one.Ill put a post up when i do get to race them and let you know how it gos.Later

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RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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I'm Piqua, Ohio... prolly bout 2 - 2 1/2 hrs from Indy.

If you lost your license, you'd prolly be like my friend... he's had his suspended for the past 90 days (got in a fender bender 13 days before his 18th birthday and got an automatic 90 day suspension for being under 18 and having two driving violations) and he just drives without it. He's freakin crazy... his car got all busted up after he ran it off the road, through a ditch, and into a fence cuz of a deer running out in front of him. He pulled the e-brake as he started to lose it and was able to straighen it up and get it back onto the road, but he did a number on his car. His car now has expired tags (long story, but he can't renew em and it's not his fault) and his headlight is busted. ...And he's driving this thing all over the place (after dark as well) without his license. Plus he still races it...108 mph on the interstate.

Good luck beating your Civic... I raced a friend's Civic and smoked it. Dunno how fast yours is though... my friend's is slower than sh!t. So far he hasn't beaten anything with All I know is it's an auto and the only mods are a cold air intake and a fart muffler.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Yeah well i wouldnt drive if i lost my lisence.I might have someone drive me out to the country roads or something so i could lol.I would do what hes doing thats for sure.Yeah ive beat alot of other 4cyl. cars with my civic.Beat a v6 5spd 01-02 mustang once.I dont think he knew how to drive very well tho.
Its only got 106HP stock and 103TQ. Ive only added a CAI, splitfire plus and 10mm wires.Helps out enough.Its better then it was stock.And i know what all you guys are thinking, yes i do have a honda, but if i do anything to it its not going to be ghey like all the others do to their cars.I always hated those huge ass wings loud mufflers that sound like crap.Mine would be done right.

But im not sure if i will even keep it or the kota yet.Havent desided on what to do right now.My dakota is stock exsept for the y-pipe no mufflers.I am trying to find a place that will run true duals from the headers back.But i am having a problem with that.I have called over 20 places around town and cant find one place that will do it.I called 3 different Midas's and they all said different things.One said $500-$600 F*ck that.The other 2 said no.

This guy i met online gave me a number to Muffler Brothers in Ohio.He said they would do it for sure.I just want to get prices so i know when i can get it done.But if you like Josh you can Email me, or if you have aim or aol its the same as my email exsept the lol... Later

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RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Piqua Muffler here in town would do it I'm sure... it'd be quite a drive for ya though. They are just a local family-owned shop and the people there are straight outta Kentucky...missing teeth and all. When I had my Flowmaster 40 done with the turndown I asked them if they could do it or if it was illegal. The guy looked at me like I was stupid and said, "It's a truck. You tell him what to do when he gets it on the lift and he'll do it." lol


Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Well i dont think Ohio would be to far of a drive if i can get it done cheap enough.since i cant seem to find a place here lol.I have 2 places i need to goto here.But i'll find out sometime when ever i take the time to drive to them.It wouldnt be to far for me to drive out there.Oh well i will find out one of these days.Later

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RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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They're quite cheap here... my Flowmaster 40 was done for $107 including labor. He cut the old mufflers (yes, I had two) off and welded the Flowmaster in where the old ones were. I'm sure if you look around, you could find a place nearby that would do it. Try looking for family-owned shops in the smaller towns and not some huge places...those are generally cheaper and they do better work because they rely on their prices and good work to get you to come back.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Yeah, i called all kinds of places, even the small auto shops and they all said they couldnt do it.Like i said in my other post, i called over 20 places around town.I just got the phone book out and started calling them lol.

Im not going to do mufflers just headres back and cats if they say that gotta put them back on.I dont really care what way its done.Im not looking to pay anymore then $250 for it though.I had my cat back y-pipe done at midas for $180 and everywhere eles wanted $250 or more.So i got a really good deal.But now im looking for something louder and a better sound.Im stuck with the truck till 2007 so i might as well start doing stuff to it.If you now of anything i could do to it for cheap beside the v8 tb that i have plans for one of these days plz let me know.

LOL this whole page is just from us...Later

Oh mines a 99 SLT CC by the way.

Heres a link to pics if you wanna check it out.
And yes its under my civic page lol...Didnt feel like making a new page.

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RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Nice dak... nice lookin Civic too. How did you keep it from moving when you were burning out? I always heard you couldn't do that in a front wheel drive... If you can't find a shop to do the exhaust job for you, see if you can find someone who knows how to weld and have them help you do a custom job. Prolly wouldn't cost all that much nor would it take a ton of time.

My truck needs more exterior mods, but they'll be coming as soon as I get enough's a red 98 RC.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Well for the burnout in the civic all i did was pull the E-break up as far as i could get it.Then just rev'd it up and poped the clutch.Prolly isnt to good for it but oh well.It was my first time ver doing a burnout in a stick so my friend kind of told me what to do.Plus its my first car being a stick.

I might beable to get this one dude i knwo to "help" me do the exhaust.Well probly end up doing it since i dont do that kinda stuff lol.

Nice truck by the way, i need to get things done to the outside of mine too.Someone keyed it a few weeks ago, pissed me off.They didnt do a very good job on it though so im pretty sure it can be buffed out.I have a friend thats going to try it.Cant turn it into insurence, we have the $500 ductable and that i just dont have.

I know for sure it was someone i know because it has a good friend of mines name in the side.It also says....kyo,f*ck and other things you cant make out.I have no clue what "kyo" would mean.But whatever, im sure the stupid people i know will sometime admit to doing it.

Do you still have that bed cover?I have been driving around for the past 2 months with my tailgate down to save on gas.And when i hit a bump in the road or whatever the tailgate flys up then slams down and i dont think thats good for it.I get about 30 more miles to a tank with it down.I know it sounds a little weird but it does.If you do have it let me know how much you want for it and ill see what i can do at the end of the month.I dont have a job right now, but i think i can talk my dad in buying it lol.

But i guess ill end this now im sure its pretty long.Later

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RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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Your $500 deductable is for an accident claim. Someone keying your truck would be covered by the comprehensive insurance, it should have a small deductable ($50). I had the same thing 3 years ago, it was covered, and I only paid the small $50 deductable!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
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My dad checked into it and they said it would be $500.But a few of my friends that looked at it said that it should buff out just fine.So im going ot try that.I dont have the $500 to put up for that.And then have the insurence go up.Its high enough since im only 20.But the good thing is i havent had any tickets or a wreck.Its also higher because im on both cars and you have to have full coverage since we still owe on them.

Yeah i wisj it was only $50 it woulda done been painted by now lol.Oh well im not to worried about it.Later

Dodge Dakota


RE: Smoked a Neon...Twice!
IP: Logged

500 for true duals is a very fair price.

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