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01:45:22 - 03/15/2025

V6 Dakotas
Dianes 88 Dak
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Subject: Hey Wadak!!
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Just wanted to let you know I left you a reply on Larry, your input please late this afternoon.
I've copied it below for you. Was worried you would think I wasn't interested in your input.

Thank you so much!

Thanks Wadak!! I totally appreciate you.
I just got back on here and was out messing with the dak. This is strange. YOU MUST HAVE BEEN SENDING ME TELEPATHIC MESSAGES, I'VE BEEN KNOW TO HAVE A STRONG INTUITION, AT TIMES. LOL!!

Anyway, While out there and not finding any vacuum leaks and really not wanting to pull the dist, something told me to disconnected the connector to the O2, and I did. Took it for a spin and it made a definite difference. Had more low end power and didn't die coming to a stop, and idle seemed better too. So, I'm going to pick one up.
I'm hoping that takes care of it completely, but after replacing so many things I'm beginning to wonder if that's the whole problem or not. Larry had told me to replace it, so I was just going to buy one later today.
I still think it's weird that I actually disconnected the O2 & took it for a spin. And yes, mine is TBI'ed.
Also, I don't know how much of the post I wrote on Eva's thread that you have read, but I wrote about putting on a new Flowmaster and not putting a cat back on cause it was almost completely clogged, (didn't want to mess with cleaning it out), and don't have a tailpipe back on yet. I'm waiting till I get back working steady to buy the cat and tail and I want to go to duel's after the muff which we just put back on temporarily but have no leaks.
Do you think I can run without a cat indefinitely without creating problems again? I live in the country, so I'd be legal here without one. Do I actually still need the O2 without a cat. I imagine I would for the comp's sake. What's your thoughts on this?
Thank you, again.

Diane's 88 Dakota [MOPAR RULES...other's... well, you know]

J and J Auto
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RE: Hey Wadak!!
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Wadak hit on the head, if you disconect or lose
the signal from the o2 it will run on the default

I had thought that you replaced the o2 it controls
your air fuel ratio.

You can run the TBI with no cat it will not hurt
your truck, I have a lot of customers with TBI and
almost all say they have more power and better
gas mileage and they have run this way for years

J&J Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: Hey Wadak!!
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Diane, I'm glad that disconnecting the O2 sensor helped. I hope this solve, your problems for a long time to come. I just glad the information was helpful. I got to give you credit, not many women I know are willing to tackle problems on their own vehicle. If the O2 is before the cat, which I believe it is on your truck you should be able to run without it.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Hey Wadak!!
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Diane and Larry, THANKS for the replies. I was out working on my 1997 Dak v6. I picked up a 46mm Fastman, Black Magic electric fan and home made cold air intake with the K and N cone filter from a guy in college in Virginia. I replaced the v8 throttleboy with the Fastman and took it for spin. I noticed more low end torque with the Fastman. I went to a new parts store that opened in Tacoma Washington recently, all i can say is WOW this place is an automotive super-store. The had the biggest supply of MSD and K&N I have ever seen. We have a NAPA distribution center in north Kent Washington for the Puget Sound Area. I would say this place is bigger than NAPA, it's called Baxter Auto Parts moving up to this area from Washington. I picked up the MSD Blaster SS coil for 39.99 a good deal.

Dianes 88 Dak
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RE: Hey Wadak!!
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You guys are awesome is all I can say. I'd love to get the chance to meet you all someday.

Wish we would get some big superstore like that somewhere close, within an hour drive would be great.

No Larry, didn't replace to O2. Back not long after I first came on and you were helping me, had that dam flu and for almost three weeks kept catching everything I came into contact with and during that time my hard drive crashed and I had to replace it, a 2 year old hard drive should not crash! Didn't get to start messing with the truck again till around Christmas in between feeling like sh*t.
Anyway, I was going to pick one up at Auto Zone today but all they had in stock was a universal one. Didn't really want to cut my plug in off and splice it in so I called around. Advanced Auto in Jefferson City, an hour away can have one for me in the morning. Only place that could have it before tues. $64. bucks. Could of went to St. Louis, it's an hour too, but now that I don't live there anymore, don't care to go that way unless I have to.
And, I pulled the distributor apart and showed it to my better half when he got home. He agreed with me about the interuptor being bad so I ordered a new distributor to boot. Not sure if I yous had seen my post on that or not. We didn't want to try the fix on it that Vern or Mark I think may have mentioned. Got the new one for 79.99 with lifetime warrenty from Advanced tomorrow also. They wanted 102.99 but are matching autozones price. Mopar dealer here was 96. Maybe should have waited. I usually buy the mopar parts when I can, or Napa & Car Quest. I've gotten some bad stuff from the Zone in the past.

Wadak, and Larry, I like to mess with vehicles. When I was 16 I started learning whatever I could, cause my dad never worked on our cars and I wanted to know how to take care of my own. Put my first clutch in at 17 on a car I got the lot owner down on because it needed a clutch and tune up. I convinced the guy it needed some serious engine work and got it for $80. He was only asking $300 for it to begin with. Was my second car, a 64 GTO. I was so proud. I was and am what we use to call liberated, LOL. I was also the first girl I and others knew of that worked on cars and rode a motor cycle, at least back then. Have almost always had horses, so I guess the need for more horses in one package so to speak, and taking care of them comes kinda natural. LOL
Dam, this is makin' me sound old isn't it?
Not quite yet, Not Quite yet!
Let ya's know about the truck after new parts are on. Then maybe I can start buying good stuff like Wadak.
And, Larry, I'm a night owl like you!
Later Guys!

Diane's 88 Dakota [MOPAR RULES...other's... well, you know]

Dodge Dakota


RE: Hey Wadak!!
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I have 2 kids, a son and a daughter. Any time I had work to do on them, I had my son help me and he would always compalin when he was little. He's turned out to be a gear head of sorts. Last night he was over his girl friend house changing out the strutts on her car. He has even stayed late at work to help other guys he works with on their cars. For some who camplained when he was little he sure does alot of car work for others. My daughter owns the only non-MOPAR vehicle in our family. She has a Toyota Supra. I have had daughter help me a times, she will check her own oil. I have tried to teacher enough so that she won't get taken when she goes to get repair work done that my son or I can't or don't have time to do. Like getting your head-lamp oil or muffler bearing bearings changed every 3000 miles.

Sorry to hear you had the flu and a bad hard drive, that's been a pretty nasty flu going around this year. As for hard drives, there suppose to last something like 300,000 hours. At that rate they should last 34 years. these days if you get a computer it's nearly obsolete the day you walk out of the store.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Hey Wadak!!
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I enjoyed reading the stories...I hope someday I can be a "gear head." I'm trying to learn a bunch of stuff about vehicles, but with these newer vehicles it's quite difficult.

As for the harddrives...that bites. Sometimes you get defective things and the problems don't show immediately. I have had my computer for 3 months and I have had a floppy drive go bad (it scratched any disk I put into it when it tried to read em), then my processor fan went out and my processor was moments away from becoming a fried egg, and for a while now my motherboard has been giving me problems. It's gonna cost me somewhere between $100 and $150 to fix...not bad for a 3 month old, $900 computer made from the parts of of well-known companies. ha...


Dodge Dakota


RE: Hey Wadak!!
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Slightly off subject, did you build your own computer or go to a computer and a prepackaged unit?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Hey Wadak!!
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Had one custom built by a company up north...warranty is up or I'd be sending it back. They've got a good rep...i think I just got very unlucky. We have 2 other computers from them and they both work great. One is about 2 years old now and it still works perfectly using the original Windows 98 SE they installed.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Hey Wadak!!
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I using a 2.5 year old Toshiba Laptop. I have replaced the hard drive 6.5 gigabyte to a 40 gigabyte and maxed out the memory. I in the process of getting the parts together tobuild a new desktop computer. I use Windows SE with this Laptop. I know I will have to go to Windows XP next, it alright.

Dianes 88 Dak
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RE: Hey Wadak!!
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Hi everybody!
Thanks everyone. My computer just turned two end of Nov., it's a Dell and I had what I wanted put in it when I ordered it online. I do a lot of video and picture stuff on it, plus all our business stuff and play around more than anything, LOL. I'm running XP and love my system. Dell was great about the hard drive and sent a new one really fast. It was only a 40 gig though so I also went and bought an 80 gig. I never liked having only one hard drive in it. In the past I would add a 2nd one no more than I got a new computer. Next time I want to build my own. But, first I want a laptop so I can take it with me when I'm stuck where I'm working the dump truck and can't come home.

How are you GB2000? Better here than on the Top 10 List? You have to admit, some of that was pretty funny.

Yes, it's nice to just talk normal sometimes or even vent a bit. Helps us get to know each other a little more and hey, what are friends for, right?

Wadak, thanks about my flu. It was a bad one this year, everywhere. So, you think your daughter will eventually go mopar? If she's at all like I use to be and still am somewhat, she will have to be different. LOL
It's really good for women to know at least some about their vehicles. You have to at least know enough shops can't pull anything over on you or have a man at least, with you.

Got the parts but it to damn cold to work on it much with out running the kerosene heater in the garage which gives me a headache. Did stick the distributor in fairly quick. It purred like a kitten, even though we need to stick a timing light on it. Borrowing one Wed. So, I'll hopefully know by mid week if my problems are over. I picked up the 02 sensor, it going to be a bitch (pardon my French) to put in, there's no room to hardly move a wrench up there. I drove the truck to the grocery with it unplugged yesterday and for the heck of it checked the codes when I got home. Getting 13, So its screwing with the MAP sensor.
More later....

Diane's 88 Dakota [MOPAR RULES...other's... well, you know]

Dodge Dakota


RE: Hey Wadak!!
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Much better here than on the top 10 and yeah, it was pretty funny (and quite true). Overall, my life really sucks at the moment though. I made the world's biggest computer error today. Was installing Mandrake Linux 9.2 and it threw an error. I tried to fix my partitions and ended up deleting my windows partition... which wiped out everything on my harddrive. I couldn't use system restore either considering I'd just turned it off this morning to gain some disk space...what luck eh? I lost all my pictures from probably the past 10 years, all my software including my webdesign software, all the websites (this also was my temp. server) I had designed, all the graphics I had designed...yeah, EVERYTHING. I was able to get back one picture...of me and my current gf that was taken the other day. I am definitely backing up my stuff more often...


Dianes 88 Dak
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RE: Hey Wadak!!
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That is a royal pain in the a**. When I lost my hard drive I tried to recover some data, which I couldn't do. I only lost pictures from about 2 1/2 weeks before it crashed. I usually burn them as soon as downloading them from my camera disks, but got lazy...lost some other stuff I need to recover. Luckily I burn important stuff to CD's fairly often so it's not nearly as bad as yours. Also, system restore doesn't do much to help if you actually delete some stuff. It's basically a waste of disk space, so I only let it have enough for the past week or so. It's pretty much only really good if your installing new stuff and it doesn't agree with your system, then you can go back, usually. Other than that it's not a great help.(Just my opinion, tho). A good back up program does wonders. I've still got to get my backup program set up to do automatic backups, which I'd better get cracking on. Thanks for reminding me.

Anyway, I purchased a couple Tech CD's off eBay that have resources on them for recovering hard drive crashes and I believe there are a couple programs on one or both of them to help recover erased data also. I've not had a chance to try it yet, have to reinstall the old drive first and I've been more concerned with my dak and other stuff right now. I plan to try it this week. Thing of it is, you may have already rewritten over most of it, if you've already reinstalled everything to that partition, so I don't know how much you could recover. If you want to check them out, I purchased one from sellers crbbrc(item # 2776942223, like this one best so far and was cheapest) and the other from backwoodsmama(don't have # on hand at moment). If you want to check them out and can't find them by the seller's names, let me know I'll get more info for you or the url's. Let me know and good luck.

Diane's 88 Dakota [MOPAR RULES...other's... well, you know]

Dodge Dakota


RE: Hey Wadak!!
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Josh, Sorry to hear about the loss of all your pictures, software and everything else. I just have one request, when you get your system back up and running, please get a cd burner, tape backup or even a DVD burner to backup your system. Too many people loose everthing because they fail to back up their systems. I lost a system a few years ago, when my son was messing a round with some viruses. He was trying to write his own virus software using C++. Unfortunately the viruses were tuffer than his software and proceeded to do a complete wipe of the hard drive, file allocation table and even the partition. I learned two lessons that day: backup what important, don't let the kid use the same computer. Also how many people buy antivirus software and fail to keep the definition files updated. I hope that people who frequent this board read of your experience and back their systems up. With pc's you never know when disaster will stike.

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