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08:47:21 - 03/14/2025

V6 Dakotas
Dodge Dakota


Subject: RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
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Darryl, your are correct but only on the driving point. Want to get real good mileage?...put a rotton egg under the gas pedal. Synthetic fluids DO help increase mileage. There is just too much data that proves otherwise. Its a simple choice though. If you don't like'm, don't use'm. Think about this for a moment. Increases in engine efficency are due to a large part in reducing internal friction losses as well as improved cylinder head design and fuel management systems.
Steve,the Amsoil Dealer,can give you more accurate data on synthetic than I can.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

I am using synthetics myself: German Castrol 0w-30 in the motor, Royal Purple in the rearend and Mopar ATF +4 in the Auto tranny, so I don't need and help on this issue!!

I am well aware that the synthetics help reduce friction and thus give SLIGHTLY better mpg.

My point was, The SINGLE biggest thing someone can do to improve mpg, is to drive it like it's paid for and not stolen.

If I see another post from someone who claims:

"I just put in synthetic fluids all around, with a NAPA cap and rotor and my mileage went from 12mpg to 23mpg"

Well, lets just say I'm sick of it!!


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Amsoil Synthetic Oil Can Increase Gas Mileage
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From 12 mpg ... to 23 mpg?
I am here to PROCLAIM --- NO WAY !!!

No vehicle would ever double their mileage with synthetics!

Most drivers that switch will notice "low single digit" percentage increases
in their vehicles mpg ---

--- however, ... better mpg is down around # 9 out of the top 10 reasons that a person should switch all of their vehicles lubricants to synthetics.

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

oh my god
Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
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Steve,,, having trouble recognizing sarcasism?????

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Better MPG from a 3.9L Dakota = Amsoil Amzoil
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It is a PROVEN FACT that switching to synthetic lubricants vs. conventional crude oil increases your miles per gallon.

I have an onboard indash computer in my Lexus that monitors my Total Miles, My Current MPG, My Average MPG, my average MPH, my MPG since the last fill-up, etc.

I purposefully ran the odometer to 9,000 miles using Castrol GTX from the Quickie-Lube (changing the oil every 3,000 miles) ... before I switched to Amsoil 100% True Synthetic SAE 5w-30 which is the oil recommended for most Dakotas..

I do this with every new vehicle ... to test the oils by performing Used Oil Analysis, to monitor how much quieter it is using Amsoil, to monitor the fact that the engine runs cooler using Amsoil, and to monitor any positive changes in MPG using Amsoil.

I must see positive results with my own eyes to be able to truthfully talk about Amsoil.

The truth ...

After switching from Castrol GTX (at 9,000 miles) to Amsoil ... my average MPG (per tank) driving a combination of city and highway (living in Manhattan, NYC and commuting to my office across the GW Bridge in New Jersey) went from an average of 16.2 MPH over the test run of 9,000 miles using Castrol, to 18.1 MPG for the next 15,000 miles using Amsoil, averaging approximately 26+/- MPH.

18.1 MPG using Amsoil ... vs. 16.2 using Castrol ... a 13% increase

My vehicle currently has 24,000 miles on the odometer, the engine runs cooler, the engine runs quieter, and I am getting better gas mileage.

FYI ... The last long distance all highway miles trip I drove was to Lake George, New York and back, 200 miles each way, and I actually averaged 24 miles to the gallon on that trip ... using Amsoil SAE 5w-30 100% True Synthetic Oil ... and I believe I beat the window sticker ... and that was driving 75 mph +/-.

I have experienced the same (or similar) results in my last 3 "new" vehicles (all three had in-dash on-board computers), except for a "used" Jeep Wrangler that was purchased with 21,000 miles on the odometer, testing between 21k and 30k using dino, and then testing from 30k forward using Amsoil. The Jeep tests were less scientific and factual. The Jeep did not have the computer system.

Industry tests have shown improved fuel economy of 2 - 5% in vehicles using synthetic lubricants vs conventional "dino" lubricants.

However, it has been my experience that most people that switch see between 4% - 10% increase in mpg.

My results were excellent ... a 13% Increase!

Your results may be different. It may depend on the vehicle.

You can Request a FREE Amsoil Catalog by clicking below.

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

I have a 02 Dodge Dakota 3.9L with a stick. Gas millage on average is 17 to 20. but i want more millage from it. 1 Is it better to go up one size on my tires? witch i now might change my spedo. 2 Pull the rear end housing off and count the teeth find my gear racial and put a higher ring and pinnon gear in there? It is geared low too low for that truck for my appinion. Thanks

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

Steve, while your gas mileage went up after switching to Amziol, you also only used that castrol during the engines break in period, a period which is a well known fact that engines get WORSE mileage during break in than after the fact. So while the mileage went up it probably was more from the fact that you took an average reading after the break in period verses an average during the break in, not because you switched from Castrol to Amzoil.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

reddog1974, depending what tire you're running now will determine if you can go up a size. to find out what ratio rear gears you have all you have to do is open your glovebox and check the sticker on the inside of the lid.

J and J Auto
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RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
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In the 4x4's changing to all sythetics helps a
lot I gained 2mpg from going to all synthetics
as a lot of of customers also gained

All fluids not just engine oil
transfer case
rear ends
power stearing
also greasing the drive shafts with amsoil/moly

tonno covers also reduce drag and help
a lot of trucks getting bad mileage I also found
had low fuel pressure 40 min most stock pumps
run 45 to 47psi better atomization the higher
the pressure

I have all syns, all the mods and boltons also
run the Zmax and am getting 19 to 21 winter
23 to 25 summer holly pump at 50psi 95 4x4

injectors also play a big roll the closer they are
matched like the bosch FMS within 1 to 2% helps
hold a better air/fuel ratio run smother and
more eficiant I have seen the stock injectors off
as far as 15% about 5% on most

Think about that 1 cyl running lean 1 rich just
to try and hold the A/F steady your gas milage
is gone right there

just a few more things to look at when you have crap milage

Almost all of the V6's we set up get 20mpg or
better 17 to 19 stock is normal mileage if its
tuned well and all sensors working properly

MSD or taylore 8 or 8.5mm wires 50 ohm resistance
per foot over 300 per in most

NAPA brass incerts
mo26 and MO28 cap and rotor and NGK Vpower plugs
now your getting good volts to the plugs just
switching to the Vpower will gain 1mpg
92 to 95 .035
96 up .040
with msd system .055

all these little things need to be checked than
your milage will be there just 1 bad can drop
you 3 to 5mpg from where you should be

Tunning is everything hell even my 1979 lincoln
400 gets 22 23mpg 16 17 in city driving no
overdrive 2.47 rear gears

these are things most mechs never take a look at
they scan no codes nothing wrong

sensors do get lazy I recomend replacing at
100,000 miles
Map, TPS, and engine temp, o2 sensor
the crank and dist pickup just send signals they
do not determine a/f ratio will run forever

J&J Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

Dont overlook your thermostat stuck open will make mileage suffer common overlook item

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

I had read several places that switching from conventional to synthetic is not recommended. Synthetic is preferred but only when it was originally run that way.

Now I know the 1979 Lincoln didnt start with synthetics, so is that just an urban legend type of story and it IS ok to just drain and refill with synthetics? Or is there something more special that needs to be done in order to make this swap?

Thank you, I got some EXCELLENT advice for my truck from this.

I have a 98 Dakota 3.9L ext cab and I am averaging about 15 Highway and 13 city mileage. I really need to bring that up.

Thanks again,

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

If you do alot short trips like myself less than 3-5 miles you are not fully warming up to temperature your mileage will suffer. Check your basics from vacuum leaks,tire pressure,alignment extra weight in the bed,dirty air filter,again stuck open thermostat,tuneup items,if mileage over 60,000 replace O2 sensor(s),good fuel injector cleaning not the Seafoam,Gummot etc., have them cleaned by professional specializes in it not Jiffy lube,Penzoil Uncle Eds etc.,Synthetics aide in mileage and slow engine wear and keep sludge at bay. Why I say thermostat again if you have a scan tool hook it up take a stroll down the road watch your temp. see if it comes up and hold steady after ahwhile driving I've seen thermostats drop the temp after driving which makes PCM thinks it not up to temp so what does that tell you ? commonly overlooked sure gauge in dash says your at temp. but a scan tool can verify that.Buying good replacement parts stay with OEM or good reputable replacements don't skimp on quality replacement.No performance parts will give you gains noticeable. And best one have your driving habits changed? are you driving less to work,closer girlfreind LOL..., things like this can eat up mileage not just Lazy sensors the only one(s) I see with mileage and time is 02'(s) and that simple water thermostat.Any mods done correctly will only give you some overall performance and drivabilty to some extent. These trucks like most are not gas mileage misers.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

Hopefully someone can assist me with a problem my 3.9 has? My dakota idles fine, it holds steady at 1800 rpms or higher. If I hold the accelerator around 1400 to 1800 rpms it will surge and the tachometer ocassionally jumps at least 100 rpms. This engine has always done this? Engine has new heads, new plugs, new tps, new o2 sensor, new cap and rotor, new timing chain set, also new dual exhaust from the heads back.

A Person
Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

I'm slightly disappointed at all these numbers..

I'm driving a '03 3.9L kota 4x4...5 speed manual. the only time i drive it hard is when i'm going to a fire call (3-7 times a month, for 2 miles, nothing i think big to kill the mileage....ive been wrong before)

i'm getting roughly 11mph on it. granted, i did buy it used with 132,000 miles on it. the guy did change the oil, and all other bodily fluids religiously.

Long story short...i'm curious why my truck just drinks so much

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

a lot of things can affect mileage. especially they way you drive it. is this a QC, CC or RC? a QC 4x4 w/ a 3.9 is asking quite a bit for that engine. add anything else to that like, larger tires, not properly tuned, underinlated tires, etc. and you could expect 11 mpg. my '00 QC 4x2 5spd gets a combined city /hwy of 20mpg. 18 city and i've gotten up to 24 highway.

A Person
Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

thanks daddio, mines a RC.

I think i've found the problem. truck has 133,000ish+ miles on it....and the original brakes. (let alone clutch and rotors) I think one or more of the brakes isnt releasing correctly.

There's aprox 80% life left on the brakes...shocked the shh*bleep* out of the mechanic when we got it inspected. i'm thinking mother nature did it's number with rust. i'm gunna be spinning wheels when it gets warm or when i get a garage..

(talk about a low maintenance vehicle =P)

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

a lot of things can affect mileage. especially they way you drive it. is this a QC, CC or RC? a QC 4x4 w/ a 3.9 is asking quite a bit for that engine. add anything else to that like, larger tires, not properly tuned, underinlated tires, etc. and you could expect 11 mpg. my '00 QC 4x2 5spd gets a combined city /hwy of 20mpg. 18 city and i've gotten up to 24 highway.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

a lot of things can affect mileage. especially they way you drive it. is this a QC, CC or RC? a QC 4x4 w/ a 3.9 is asking quite a bit for that engine. add anything else to that like, larger tires, not properly tuned, underinlated tires, etc. and you could expect 11 mpg. my '00 QC 4x2 5spd gets a combined city /hwy of 20mpg. 18 city and i've gotten up to 24 highway.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

a lot of things can affect mileage. especially they way you drive it. is this a QC, CC or RC? a QC 4x4 w/ a 3.9 is asking quite a bit for that engine. add anything else to that like, larger tires, not properly tuned, underinlated tires, etc. and you could expect 11 mpg. my '00 QC 4x2 5spd gets a combined city /hwy of 20mpg. 18 city and i've gotten up to 24 highway..

a lot of things can affect mileage. especially they way you drive it. is this a QC, CC or RC? a QC 4x4 w/ a 3.9 is asking quite a bit for that engine. add anything else to that like, larger tires, not properly tuned, underinlated tires, etc. and you could expect 11 mpg. my '00 QC 4x2 5spd gets a combined city /hwy of 20mpg. 18 city and i've gotten up to 24 highway.

A Person
Dodge Dakota


RE: Better MPG from a 3.9L?
IP: Logged

...i replied to that already...or so i thought

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