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08:54:21 - 03/14/2025

V6 Dakotas
looking for 8
Dodge Dakota


Subject: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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Can you get these enginge from
junkyards? That actually work?
I am looking to swap out my 3.9
for a 5.2 or a 5.9.

please respond


hot plate
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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does the engines from the rams fit our daks?

hot plate

Mike G
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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I too am looking to swamp out my 3.9 V6 with 5.2 or the 5.9 L V8. It looks like it will fit no promblem. I have been told I will have to do a lot of work to get it to mount in right, is This true? Do they make like a cross bar or some kind of kit so it will mount in easy.If this will take a lot of work then I would preffer to slap a new 3.9L V6 in and do something so it will move, like a super charger or something. Any idears? I have a 1990 dakota w/150,000 for the miles it still jumps of the line and moves but it needs work. I am okay w/the small things of a truck but far from a professonal mechanic. I need to do the rear wheel well Pass. and the drivers front wheel well. And below the cab window on drivers side there are some dents .I have never a temped to do body before but have read up pn it and think i can do it. i love my truck and want to do it over one step at a time. I also need to know from what year to what year part will fit on my truck.I know the windshield from any 87 dakota till the 96 will fit on mine is that the same for all parts? Any info will be greatly appricaited.

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

What's up Mike, and Hot Plate. Here's what I know about our trucks, as far as engine swaps and Body work. 1st off, A 5.2 (318) will fit into our trucks with no problems. THere are different motor mounts that are need, but they are available from a deal, or any speed shop that carries Mopar proformance parts. THere is a lot of minor things involved with a v6 to v8 engine swap, depending on if it has a computer or not. Anyhow, it can be done by a person with knowledge in home mechanics. Also you can find them in junkyards, you just have to look. As always you may need to invest some extra loot into an engine received from a junk yard. 2nd Body parts from an 87-90 model year are interchangeable, and some parts from 91-96 will fit on Gen I Daks. One of the things that you can do when looking for body parts is go to a search engine and type in the year of your dak, and body parts. That's what I had to do to get front end parts for my 87, and also check into after market parts too. When I finish my project, I'll post some pic. Hope I've been of some help, and good luck with your engine swaps and body work guys.


hot plate
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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so what exatly will i need to do this?
like what extra parts?

mike g
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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87dakbuilder.Thank you you have been of help..I am just getting in to trucks. I do really lopve my 90 dakota it seems to give me no probs. and has150,000 it is a good truck. Anyhoo I have been told that wheel wells are tricky to fix,you can bondo them up but in my case if I hit the edge of will you will see rust chip and break off i mean it is not to noticeable unless you get right on it to look. So if I was to get a new bed either from the junk yard (if it was in good shape) it would fit on my 1990 as long as it was from year 87-96 right, and the bed is easy to take of it looks like (from undernieth)????????? next in line that I think is going to be just as big of problem is my dakota has a cab and on the drivers side under the cab window it is pretty banged up not like cut threw but dented pretty good(maybe try dent oulling it and when I paint my truck just fill the holes ,prime and paint it) the fender wheel well wont be a prob. I can get a new fender. I was just woundering if any one new where to get the cloth and board that goes on the in side of the roof it is droppuing some and the floor carpet as wheel ..Like any sites yuo guys might have heard about..........I think my truck is a throttle body it starts right up and it has a round air filter over it.Like the old trucks.....When you say diffrent motor mounts do they just mount to the block and then mount to the frame in the same place as the v6 mounts would....Sorry for the long damn story just real interested in working on this truck..And on the other hand I am not loaded so this will take some time but it will keep me busy..Thank for the help...ui think I will post some pics tonite of what it looks like now so every one can see how it looks and give me there opintion to where it is not a good job to try myself or even to bother with at all..Cool I'll be back later

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

Sup Mike & Hotplate, Sorry it took so long to respond again, but I haven't been on in a while. Hot platethe answer to your question about what you would need for the job is, Tools to pull out the old engine (cherry picker and chains) the new motor mounts (which actually replace the old one entirely) and all of the wiring harnesses, and other minor things that go along with the enigine swap. Mike as for the headliner, and floor rugs, the company that I use is Summit Racing. They actually have a pretty good selection of interior parts for our Gen I Daks. As for the Bed, if you find a good one at a junkyard, go for it. I haven't taken my bed off of the truck yet, but I'm going to when the rest of the parts come in for the Drop (doing a 4/6 drop with a C-nothced rear frame) I admire you guys for doing the work yourselves. I'm 25 and my dad has taught me all that I know about Mopars. He instilled in my the save money route, and do it yourself attitude. Quite often some work can't be done yourself and you may have to go to a mechanic for the work that you cant do. Just keep this in mind when you attack your projects. Mike Hopefully we both will get our trucks done soon. I know my wife can't wait, all I do is surf the web and talk about the truck lately.

Take Care

Mike g
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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Hello 87dakbuilder...Hot plate. Thank for the info again...I have aklways been work with my hands type of guy but by no means a proffessional. Any hoo I am going to tak some pics today if it is still daylight by the time I get home if not tomorrow. Is there a book for swamping engines I mean it can't be that hard ( I also acknolege it isn't the easyiest job) so don't get me wrong. In you your opinion do you think it could be done over a weekend provided I hand al the tools start it on satuday morning and have it done by dark sunday? I will need a new tranny to right??? :) And will that match up okay...Now the I forgot about wire harrness and all that. I pick those up at a dealer or parts store????? You had also said something about a computer...How do I know if my truck needs to be adjusted (the computer) I think I have one I just got the truck a few months ago...My girlfriend car is a pain in the ass to work on (1991 Z24 ) I know that has a F*cking computer and the engine is pretty tight too But I have done most of the work to her car any hoo my truck has a lot of room to work with... Your truck is a V6 right and are you going to do anything as far as engine speed. I don't want my truck for racing I just want the speed there if I need it and I really want it to look good not like a big hot rod or anything just like maybe a some kind of diffrent grill and some skirts or something most of I just want a clean looking truck Who knows We will see becouse it will take time I am money tight so it will be one thing at a time....How can I tell if my truck has a computer in it ..?????????? Thanks for all your help>>>>>>>>>

hot plate
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

in my 98 dak i was looking to swap out the 3.9l to a 5.2 or even a 5.9. A couple quesitons
I have 3.55 gears will i need to swap those out to like 3.90s or 4.10s? I just had the AUTO trany replaced in the 98 about a week ago. Will i have to get a different one to be able to use the v8?
Also what would be a estimate or good price for everything i need if i was to get it from a junk yard.

so far all i know that i need to swap out is the engine/wires/computer

thanks for your time cause it
is confusing to me

hot plate

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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Sup Mike, I think that you can get the swap done in a weekend, if you have everything that you will need. If your truck is a 90 it probally has a computer. But that doesn't matter, what does matter is, does the new engine have a computer. That is the computer that you will need. It is a small box usually on the passenger side firewall, or there abouts. My 87 has a computer, but it isn't like the newer models, just controls ignition and things like that. Not too complicated. I replaced it cuz I have an 87 just for preventive maintenance. As for your second question am I going to do some mods to my engine. Hell yeah bro. I'm doing research now. I have a premagnum v6 like you, so I'm limmited in what I can do. For budget reason too I'm limmited. Don't get married bro, (especially at 24 yrs of age) but I'm in the process of dropping the truck 4/6, and for engine mods, if I can't supercharge the premagnum, I'm gonna build a magnum v6 for it. I'm looking at an MSD 6a, 8.5mm wirers autolite 3923's, a Magnum v8 throttle boddie, the FMU injuectors 24#, headers, Free flow exhaust, a new cam, 1.7 or 1.7 rolls, I mild cam, some head work, ported and pollished crank, and toping it off if a Supercharger. Don't know too much about turbos, so I'm going the charger route. It all depends though, cuz my dad says that he is giving me his 93 Dak with the magnum 318. It is an automatic, and it runs low 15's now, in my lighter Gen I Dak, with a stick, and some mild work done to it, I can get it in the 12's easily, as a daily driver. (I hate automatics, takes the fun out of driving) So those are my idea's for the engine. Just gotta find a Magnum v6, of wait for Dad to give me his truck, and gut it. What a shame, it is a beautiful truck, but all I want is the engine, wiring, and PCM. I'll keep you posted bro. I'm sure you'll do the same.

Take care of your Dak, and good luck with the project

Dave C.
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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Look at

hot plate
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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Any answer to my question?
that site didn't help

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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The magnum motors are the same as the old 318, 340, and the old 360s there is no diference. The web site I gave you has the mounting hardware you will need and helpfull tips.

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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ive been looking for some sites also, the site is only for older daks. so i guess were out of luck till something turns up.

Michael White
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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Does anyone know if there is a difference in the connection between the computer the engine wiring harness in 88 dakota V6 and 88 ram V8. Cause If there wasn't it would make the swap alot easier, and you could keep the fuel injection. Also has anyone heard of anyone putting twin turbos on a dak? Cause that's the next step for me after the V8. Thanks.

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

I have 90 Dakota and I wanted to swap my 3.9 for a 318. But instead of going through the trouble of swaping just bore the 3.9 out about 30 over and modify the cam and stuff that will give you some extra power, just a suggestion though... I'm undecided about about swaping or boreing out though what do you thing will be best?But 87dakbuilder if I were to go with swaping motor I would need to get a diffrent transmission correct? Or will they bolt up?

mike g
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

87dakbuilder. I have went down to the local junkyard here and was looking for a bed for my truck. I found a 1992 dodge just like mine exept no cab so the bed is longer then mine. At any rate I seen on the roof it said good motor and tranny but some one grabbed that to. The emblem on the front fender said V8 5.2 Liter EFI. So my q. is would that have fit in to my truck no problem if I bought the right mount and grabed th computer and a harnees for that motor????? It is EFI and I believe mine is either carbed or Throttle body not sure .I think it is throttle body. So if I was to pull my motor out and put this one in with the computer and harnees would the tranny bolt up and what else would I have to do becouse this motor is fuel injected .Is just the same basiclly just hook up the gas feed to where it goes and after that ...That is where the diffrence from Carbed or throttle body and EFI takes place??? So I dissconnect the gass feed from my motor and pull it out then drob the 5.2 V8 in and hoo up the fuel feed to the intake and part is done or will consist of a heel of a lot more to put a 5.2 L V8 EFI from a 92 dakota into my 1990 dakota ???????????? DAmn I can't wait to gett started I just want to dump all Kinds of money in to it But I got a morgage this is my it will be one thing at a time so any info you can give me will be greatly appricaited...Thanks in advance for your help....Let me just tell you what I an looking for I am not looking to run 13's on 1/4 mile all I am looking for is to gett the jump at the red light..You know my friend has a I think it is 96 Ford show SHO it is pretty quick think I can get my truck to beet his car on the 1/4 mile???? I am looking to win awards but just want a little more pick upand speed...So what do feel would be the best way to go maybe keep the v6 and bore it out or s/c it I don't know///P.S My girl wants to get engaged Good idear or not..........LOL

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

Sup Mike, I know it's been a while, but it seems like things are going well for you. To start off with, if you can get the magnum v8 out of the 92 Dak. Jump on it. YOu won't regret it. Heck plick up the tranny too, after all it is gonna be a lot cheaper from the junkyard than from mopar. As far as the swap goes. All you gotta do is take the computer, wiring harness, and all of the engine ecentials (mpi and stuff like that) Take everything for the engine that you can. If you can take the motor mounts too, they will directly bolt onto your 90 Kmember. Due to the wieght of our Gen I Dak's, with the magnum v8 in it, and no mods you can expect to run high 14's or low 15's in the quarter. The 92-93 Magnum v8 are an awsome engine, even with the morgage it is a great steal, if you can get it. I would if I was you. Now about the engagment thing. All I can say is that I'm 24 and married, and if I wasn't married, my truck would have a lot more mods to it than it does now. SO on that topic, I'll let you decide. I know how you feel, I want to poor my dough into my truck too, but I got a cute little voice telling me to save the money. I don't listen, after I finish typing this, I'm ordering a new grille and tail light assembley for the Dak. Gonna french in suzuki samerai lights into the roll pan. I figure I'm gonna be the first in europe to do it, and hopefully in the states too. Take care bro and keep me posted on the turn out of the truck and the engaged thing. DOn't do it if your not ready, but if you are, it is a great, and challenging experience all in one.


mike g
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

Okay it was gone but I will keep looking I hope I get another chance. Can some tell me what the diifrence between the magnum and the pre magnum engine is. Is it going to last longer then the premag. So if I did grab the V8 5.2 liter it will bolt right up to my tranny if the tranny that goes with that 5.2 liter engine is not alvailble??????This guy who works at some tow yard siad I would need a new tranny and rear axle gears if I was to drop the 5.2 liter in my 90 dakota is tha t true i was under the impresion it wold be okay to keep my rear end? If need maybe I will get new ons if I go ahead and throw a V8 in. Now about the fuel injection on this 92 dakota. My truck is not EFI I think it is a throttle body. So waht else would I have to do to my truck???> I don't think I would have to do any thing to hook up the fuel injection motor to ny throttle body... I t all the same frome the gas tank up to the hood right just becouse it is fuel enjection it won't mean any thing . Right?? Just hook up the gas feed to the gas intake on the block or the FUel injector intake right. Will I really be able to feel a diffrence in pick up and just leaving the line with a 5.2 liter V8 over my 3.9 liter V6 (or is that a silly q)

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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Mike, If and when you do switch from the premagnum engine to the Magnum v8 you will definately notice a huge difference. It is like nite and day, I mean, my dad's truck is a 93 magnum v8 with 393 gears, and I've driven it 130 mph easily on several ocassions. My sister turned a 15.10 at the track driving it (she knows nothing about racing except what me and my dad talk about). The fastest I've been in my premagnum Dak is about 105 (it took forever). Think about it this way. Stock horse power in a premagnum v6 is 125 hp, stock hp in a magnum v8 is 230 hp. I think you get the point I'm trying to make bro. But seriously the difference between the two engines is the heads I beleive. I'm in the process of doing research on what the exact difference is, but I'm in europe in the military so it is a lot harder for me to get the info that I'm looking for over here. As for the fuel question that you had. Fuel injection and tb's are the same basic concept so hooking up the engines shouldn't be a major problem. I beleive your stock tranny should be able to handle a stock 318, not possitive, but it should work. The only way to find out is to try. If all of this seems to complicated, go the route that I'm going. Find ways to put ponies into your premagnum v6. There actually is parts available for us, we just have to look a little harder than others. Check out the Mopar proformance catalog. I'm trying to buy one now. I'll talk to you more later.


Dodge Dakota


Oil Pan Q, '85 5.2 into an '88 Dak
IP: Logged

Hi Guys,
My cousin is going to put an '85 318 in his '88 Dak but he ran across a problem, the oil pan won't fit. He said the rear seal is a different size. Does anyone know where he could get an oil pan that would fit the truck for that engine?
He checked a source and was told that he can't get one in all of Canada. Is the oil pump the same in the Magnums as the older engines?
Either way, he still ain't gonna beat my '98 5.2 Sport but he still wants to try.

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

mike g...where in the country are u? I have a
bed and a set of doors for a gen1/gen2 dak for

mike g
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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I am in the proccess of having a friend look closely to my bed he thinks it might not need to be replaced. At any rate what are youy selling them for The bed and doors...What year did they come off from???? I am in massachusetts... I have a q. for you... Well the front grill from a 96 dak fit on my 90 I was told it would but I was at the local junk yard and there was a 96 and a 90 I took the grill off the 96 and put it up to the front of the 90 it looks a little out of place maybe I need the fenders as well...What can you tell me about this????? I was told all parts from 87-90 dakotas fit on each other... A little off the subject My air tube from my cat. converter popped out while I was going up a hill .I will be replaceing the whole cat and tube .. But can any one tell me what tube controls and/or what fuction it plays in acceloration.... Is there a cat converter that will make my truck a little louder or does that mostly have to do with the muffler.. I have a 9 month old muffler on there so it will last a little while longer....

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

Sup Mike, It me again, haven't been here in a while cuz I'm still waiting for my grill to arrive in sicily. I'm pissed that it aint here yet. Anyways the Grill of the 96 will fit, but I think the lights were different in that model year so it is better to use one off the Gen I daks, LIke 87-90, If you do go with the 96 Grill, take the lights off the truck, and it should look ok. As for the Bed well you said that your friend is looking into that for you. The Cat well unless you live n Cali or a state where you have to have it, just forget about it and get yourself a cat back exhaust that is free flowing, you will gain about 10-12 hp from it due to the hobeycombe element that the Gen I Daks were made with. Hope that was of some help.


Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

the bed and doors were off a 96 dakota,
painted black and in pretty good shape. The
96 grill will not fit the gen one with out
converting the front end to a gen2. To convert
it ya need a radiator support, hood, grill and
headlights, and bezels. The fenders are the
same. The front end of a gen 2 is more
rounded like this ) while the front of a gen 1 is
more like this I

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
IP: Logged

what are the bezels????? Do you guys know of any other beds that might fit on ? One that is more stylish/or with like curse?? 87dak.Do you know what the air tube coming out of my CAT. Converter is for or what it controls...I was driving around 75 mph on a slight hill on the highway a week or so ago and it started to studder and then it feltlike I was easing up and down on the gas i noticed za lot of air sound so I looked and the air tube pooped out of my CAT... Now it feels like i am constantly push down and lifting my foot off the gas. At all diffrent speeds...If I ease up or give gas it will stopand then after a few mor minutes of driveing at the speed it will start again ... I noticed my idle control unit is making alot of noise. When a turn my key on I hear it for about 3 sec. then it stops. If i sit in it started but just in park I can hear it .sound like it does when I turn the car on and off?????????? Idle Control---(The unit whith the idle screw in it ....and by the way It is electricaly controled.........)))))))))))))

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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Mike, sorry but I don't know what that tube is for, I told you that I cut my cat out of the exhaust system do to the honey comb eliment that robs hp. As a result I have a little more low end torque, and I get about 1 1/2 mpg better fuel economy. Those are the gains that I got from just cutting the cat out. It isn't needed. The next step for me are headers, a homebrew coldair intake, and a conversion to a gen two intake, throttle body set up and pcm. I'm hoping these mods give me more horsepower, before I put the 1.6 rollers in and a new cam. I also want to swap out to a 5.9 throttle body, and supercharger. But that is much later down the line. I'm still interested in a manifold off a gen II or III Dak, and a PCM module. If anyone has one for sale, Contact me at Thanx again


Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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I have one of the dreaded 3.9's I just got it out of the shop last week and had what i thought everything replaced...and then it just didnt start any more..i have a new starter, altinator,coil,ignition switch..ect it sounds like it wants to but just wont cant afford any more shop time any suggestions would be greatly appreceiated..jill

LI Blackdak
Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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this engine is a piece of trash that i would expect to find in a car from the 70s

Dodge Dakota


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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If the engine has all new ignition parts, then it can only be fuel. Check the pump and fuel filter.
Also make sure the airfilter is clean.
The engine itself is not junk, just what they designed around it like the computer. The intake manifold is a Chrysler design that was dropped back in '67. It was not intended for a truck.
Good luck

 User Profile


RE: swaping out the 6 for a v8
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Hope your good with electronics and custom manufacturing because 87Dakbuilder is being way to optimistic.

If I were you I would stay with a preMag engine, cheaper and LOTSA potential there.

If you do go with the Mag then get ready to do alot of wire sorting ang figuring as the underhood wiring harness is way different than yours.
Yes you tranny will work but if you have alot of miles on it the extra TQ from the V8 could do it in.
The gears are fine but you will need limited slip as the V8's have alot of TQ and spin alot.
Dont forget that you'll need headers and a new "Y" pipe also.

If you want just ask and I will give you a killer receipt for a preMag as I have one of those too.

87Dakbuilder, did you ignore one of my other posts or not see it?
I dont think you'll be able to get a Mag intake on a preMag engine as the bolt holes are completely different.
I think best thing to do is find a Mopar Performance 4bbl intake for preMag, have injector holes tapped in the runners and then bolt on MP's 4bbl to 2bbl TB adaptor.

Good luck, Scott

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