From | Message |
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/03/2001 20:24:23
Subject: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: My dak just exploded basically... Driving down a highway... doin 65 engine goes from 2000 rpm to 3000 and then the turck started slowing down and i couldnt accelerate anymore or anything... I pull over and it dies... i try to start her but the starter wa sonly turning but then engine didnt sound like it was... All of a sudden BOOM! My breather and PCV blow off my valve covers and smoke flies out and the the hose on the brake booster that connects to the intake manifold blows off as well... Before any of this happened there was clicking coming from some where but I couldnt tell where. HOLY SH*T! The dak just died... Called roadside and they got me and its at a dealer in a little town I've nwever even heard of in IL and I go to school in Iowa! This suks. I had friends with me to drive me and they stayed with me... I felt like crying! LOL buyt I didn't... I felt bad for her.. and It's hard on me... I'm gettin drunk tonight for sure! She's still under warranty but I won't know what the deal is until prolly monday cuz the place was closed and they arent open on sundays... It's gonna be a long weekend! If any of you can think of what might have happened it sure would be nice... I sure as hell can't figure it out. The oil was over filled totally! Dodge changed it a bout 3 weeks ago in Iowa for me cuz i can't do work on it at school cuz of no time! I dunno if this could have something to do with it... This really sux. Give me your input on what you think for some comfort thanx
Jed Dodge Dakota 
11/03/2001 22:07:47
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Buddy, that's some pretty CRAPPY news! :(
What year is it??? Engine size?? Hope they fix it just as good as new!!!
Good Luck!!!
Roby Dodge Dakota 
11/03/2001 22:17:21
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Really really sorry to hear that. Dude, let us know how everything goes.
justin Dodge Dakota 
11/03/2001 22:56:42
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: it sound like somebody put a bomb in it. you got alota enimies? you bangin some guys girl?
Big Ben Dodge Dakota 
11/04/2001 00:28:13
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: The flowers are in the mail for the funeral. Hope everythings turns out for the best, give my regards to the truck. What a sad story. Good luck on getting it fixed!:)
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/04/2001 10:33:59
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: She's a 97 3.9 4x4... Flowmaster cat-back, K&N filter, 3" body lift, 33" swampers... Was workin on buying rockers and a chip and was about to put on a 180 t-stat and new autolite plugs. Guess that'll have to wait =(
Zaurusman Dodge Dakota 
11/04/2001 23:08:09
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Wow, that stinks Tony! Just before my parents moved to another state, my father fired up his '69 Charger 383 and in starting it didn't just blow stuff out of the valve covers; it blew the freakin' covers!! They were bent all to hell, blown from rectangular so some freaky curved shape as their sides bowed outward. Never did figure out what did it, though I confirmed that fire was coming around the valves after we took them off and he ran the starter to do something of a diagnostic, but he has some cool new Mopar Performance covers now. Timing chain, everything checked out, but we figure this 32-year-old engine needed new seals. Of course, it wasn't his daily and I can really feel for THAT pain! If my truck did that I'd be cursing a storm sure to spawn a hurricane somewhere. Good luck man; be happy, no, THRILLED it's still under warranty! I recommend a 24-pack of Bud Lite or numerous rum-and-cokes... :-)
'98 RC Red Sport V6 5spd 3.21 15x8's
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/05/2001 17:41:15
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Well, dealer called... said I need a new engine! LOL It's undert warranty too... Do you think if I asked for a V8 they would put it in and I's just pay the difference? How much are the V6's? what about the 318 or 360 even? If you know help me out here cuz I'm gonna ask if it is ok to put a 8 in...
justin Dodge Dakota 
11/05/2001 19:13:53
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: im findin you and beatin you tony if they give you a 360. lol
TigerDak Dodge Dakota
11/05/2001 23:11:47
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Hey....dont stop there. I'm curious to know WHAT HAPPENED! What made your truck lose its engine???
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/06/2001 00:55:48
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: They don't know what happened! Everything blew that they have no basis of what to start lookin at for causes. Even the therostat was blown through!
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/13/2001 20:24:26
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: They denied warranty based on my 33" tires! and they said a hose was missing... I didn't take any hoses out Are they idiots? They are such full of sh*t and its pissing me off. This is bull sh*t.
NizateCizain Dodge Dakota 
11/13/2001 21:40:01
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: WHAT... man well, that is no good. I am not familiar with warranty's but they are similar to insurance and I deal with insurance and I see ppl get screwed like that all the time. I dont know what to tell you. Pretend to be ignorant. Claim that you paid for the warranty and they didnt specify that if you swapped the tires it nulled it out. So if you paid for an extended warranty I think you should be able to scratch up some sh*t. Because I would have never thought that big tires void warranty, and you probably didnt either. Take the engine to a good mechanic (small time, small town) and just have him do a necropsy (cant spell) if you know your mechanic well enough he shouldnt charge you too much. Sorry man I would be killin ppl by now if I was you, good luck.
cbsdakota GenIII

11/14/2001 04:42:33
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: I think Bernd knows the actual law, but they cannot deny warranty unless they can prove (and they have to know what happened to prove) that your tires made your engine explode. What hose did they say was missing? I think they are full of crap and trying to pull one on you. Keep fighting it.
Project QUIKV6
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/14/2001 09:38:03
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Well, I called the dealer and they said the warranty guy came and said the tires caused the computer to be confused because the car travels at a different speed than the engine thinks and so that caused the engine to over heat and blow. The warranty guy also looks at my K&N filter and said that could be something as well. I know this is horse shi* because how many people are running bigger tires and their engines arent blowing on them!!!! This is bogus. I'm writing to the head of Chrysler for sure. Everyone is telling me to do so. This is total bull! They said that they could put another engine in that has 19k miles on it for 3 grand out of my pocket! Yea right!
stealwings Dodge Dakota 
11/14/2001 11:30:38
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: There is no way I can even imagine how the size of the tires can cause the engine to blow or overheat. How could it overheat, unless the thermostat and waterpump wasn't working. Typical Dealer Bullsh*t. Good luck on fighting them. I hope you win. Greg
Pete Dodge Dakota
11/14/2001 11:34:41
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: i recently dealt with a Wynn Co. Warranty on my buick - they wouldnt pay for the entire cost of the part which was leaking (reman steering rack @ $855), and they only would pay about 75% of the mechanics bill was 1200 bucks, i ended up paying $450....
i know another guy who had a Wynn warranty - and went through arbitration with them....
Wynn is a piece of crap extended warranty....
Kyle M. Dodge Dakota 
11/14/2001 21:59:02
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: I think this is total bull!! I think you should tell the newspapers about how the Dealership is screwing you over, that'll get their attention!
BlakDakMagnum Dodge Dakota 
11/16/2001 12:11:57
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: I'm taking paralegal study right now and this really doesn't sound right. Why don't you try taking them to court? According to law, they have to have some sort of grounds for dismissing a warranty, proof of documentation that says something will dismiss warranty and also proof that you've seen it (a signature, or witness). I'd recommend threatening them with legal action. If they don't change their tune, contact an attourney and see what he thinks, I really feel something can be done about this. Fight the system!
DAKNEEDER Dodge Dakota 
11/16/2001 15:04:33
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: That sucks bro. Back in the day, actually last year i believe, in Truckin'. There was an article about what voids your warranty: suspension mods void suspension part, major engine mod voids engine part, and so on, having bigger tires does nothing but throw off your speedo maybe 1-3 mph, and of course allow you to venture off road. Fight those anti-modification bastards and kick some ass! V8 transplant will cost slighty more, but after you embarrass the dealership, they should put in a V8 for ya. Good luck and this Bud's for you, wait I ain't legal yet, sh*t cop! (lol jk)
cbsdakota GenIII

11/16/2001 17:57:28
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: I just talked to a reliable source. I can't say who for legal reasons, but, you have a case. Threaten them with legal action and then contact a lawyer. Make sure to sue them for court costs and legal fees.
Project QUIKV6
cbsdakota GenIII

11/16/2001 18:00:19
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: First of all contact Marty at KRC Performance and Bernd and have them both get you some kind of proof or a written statement acting as an expert witness that the tires and other mods do not affect the computer and/or engine. Hughes Engines and Magnum Performance may be some other good sources.
Project QUIKV6
Zed Dodge Dakota 
11/18/2001 17:57:01
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Thats gay.What a typical Dodge response. The tire would never had done that to the engine. My guess is that the engine pinged itself to death. All these stupid dodges ping and it pisses me off. Even after the flash and cooler plugs, the ping came back again after awhile.....How can you not design an engine that doesn't ping?? Incompetent engineering i guess.......Good luck with fighting dodge, they are real bastards.....
Alt-Tab Dodge Dakota 
11/18/2001 19:01:13
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: No way. I was out in the parking lot today when this huge Ford F250 pulls up in front of me. His truck is so high off the ground, the front end of my Dak can almost fit under it. Of course it's got tires to match. I've seen this guy hop parking blocks without a second thought. No way your tires are gonna make your engine blow up, or else they wouldn't sell the tires, much less have THAT MANY people using them.
Alt-Tab Dodge Dakota 
11/18/2001 19:03:00
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Oh, before you argue the case, get a copy of the warranty and read it very very carefully. Try to read it from THEIR point of view, to see if they have any case against you.
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/18/2001 23:39:03
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Yea, they are saying I removed a bleeder valve for the engine... I don't know what that is but can anyone tell me? And it doesnt matter cause I didn't touch and bleeder valve. It prolly blew off when it blew! I also didn't have fan shroud on since my body lift and I've had a lift on for over a year without the shroud. I doubt that overheated and blew my engine. They said that did it too... I don't think it's that important can anyone confirm? Other than that there is nothing else they can say blew my engine cept my K&N BUT GIVE ME A BREAK! I am totally fighting this is bull. They want 3800 for a new V6 to be put in. I aint payin that unless I absolutely haver to. My parents don't understand and are just going with it and I'm tellin em that this is bull and they can't do this and we should fight. I'm goin to the dealer tomorrow and let rthem show me everything and then see what I can do. Mty service contract is in there and I'm gonna read it good. Then I'm gonna find out how to go about it. I hoper that I can just get teh money for the work they cuz I really need a truck right now. Rerspond if you can tell me anything Thanks...
bernd *GenIII*

11/19/2001 02:07:07
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Tony,
First off, I am really sorry to hear about this happening.
Now, (and you'll have to pardon my use of the english language)....the dealer is a piss-poor excuse and prime example of what a "F--king Idiot" is. There is 100%, NO WAY 33" tires could cause this at all.
On the "Bleeder Valve", there is NO SUCH THING. The crankcase is ventilated two ways:
(1) PCV Valve (even is this was removed, you would have some leaky valve cover gaskets...but not stuff blowing off
(2) Valve Cover Breather (vented to the airhat). Even if this was removed, NO WAY, NO HOW.
On the overheating without a fan shroud, BAHAHAHAHA...again, they're full of sh-t! The fan shroud helps direct the air (being pulled by the fan) through the radiator. At higher speeds (basically higher than 20mph) there's no need for a shroud and the fan spins free (clutch fan).
Get a statement of why they are denying the warranty (with exact details on the alleged cause) and then contact SEMA immediately and get the phone number for the FTC for filing a complaint. (Yes...the FTC!) Explain to them what happened and then give them the phone number of the service writer (with his FULL name) who told you this.
Personally, those morons at the dealer don't know sh-t about what they're talking about. (God it makes me mad when I hear crap like this. They're pretty much trying to get out of a warranty job because they're probably at their limit for the month already and are trying to make the books look good.)
1997 Dodge Dakota SLT - V6 Supercharged/Intercooled @ 10# w/Nitrous 14.93 @ 93.26mph
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/19/2001 02:29:08
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: How do I go about contacting all these people? I need some help in the best way to go about it. I'm going to the dealer tomorrow and we are gonna have to say what we want to do. So what do I do in saying stuff to them?
bernd *GenIII*

11/19/2001 09:14:18
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
There's a phone number on the website with instructions on what/how to do it.
1997 Dodge Dakota SLT - V6 Supercharged/Intercooled @ 10# w/Nitrous 14.93 @ 93.26mph

11/19/2001 09:15:59
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: FTC, Washington, D.C.: 202/326-3128
It is about mid page at:
good stuff.
2001 4.7 5sp RC 3.91 sport plus
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/19/2001 14:13:54
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: OK... Went to the dealer today. This dealer is OK cause I know the people. I was talking to them about this whole situation. They still couldn't tell me what caused the thing to blow. They just said they denied warranty because of the tires. On the service Contract it states that warranty doesn't cover severe off road use. I wasn't off-roading! They just assumed that my tires implied that I off roading. No where does it say that I can't put on bigger tires. So, constitutes an aftermarket product... right? So, they can't prove that my tires blew the enigne and under the magnusson moss act they are in deep shi*. Bernd tell me what you think.
bernd *GenIII*

11/19/2001 14:34:38
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Tony,
They're messing with you now. There's absolutely NO WAY tires can blow an engine. Plus, they are not allowed to void the warranty on the vehicle because of the tires. Federal Law protects you on this...whether they like it or not.
Call SEMA and get the info on how to file a complaint quickly.
1997 Dodge Dakota SLT - V6 Supercharged/Intercooled @ 10# w/Nitrous 14.93 @ 93.26mph
Zed Dodge Dakota 
11/19/2001 15:00:50
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: LOL......its funny how all us dodge owners know how to get a hold of all these places and what to do if we have a piece of junk wish i would have found this site before i bought my dakota.....
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/19/2001 15:18:59
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: OK... I'm gonna call the warranty place to send me a copy of why they denied the warranty in writing. They are going to say modifications denied warranty but prolly not that it blew the engine. I'm confused on who to send the complaint to though. SEMA or FTC? You guys have been an awesome help. I just need a little more Thanks!
Tony Dodge Dakota 
11/19/2001 15:45:42
| RE: HOLY SH*T IP: Logged
Message: Also, I'm gonna need some prtofessional written opinions that tires don't blow engines. That's what it says on the SEMA site to gather info even from professional 3rd parties. CBSDAKOTA said that I could contact a guy MARTY from KRC performance and also he said Bernd could get me some written stuff. Bernd if this is possible please do so with this. It would be a great step toward filing a complaint.
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