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02:22:36 - 03/15/2025

V6 Dakotas
J and J Auto
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Subject: $4.30 to $3.99
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The gas price up her droped $0.30 in 1 week I
hope this is not a false hope and it keeps going

Perhaps it has something to do with the 3 million
cars in china because of the olympics being held
there they want the air quility to improve so
they are going by licence numbers odd number cars
can only be driven on odd number days even's on
even days that si about 1.5 million cars not
driving for a day

I guess that would put a big dent in consumtion
and demand

I still say that if everyone in the US would not
buy any gas for 1 day all fill or get gas the day
before the oil companies would $hit there paints
and I bet the price would drop real fast

But getting all people to stick togather and do
something like this is just imposible to do

I personaly do not think we should be paying more
than $2 a gal actualy a $1 even sounds better to

When I started driving gas was only $0.15 a gal
now those were the days I even seen it as low
as 12 cents at some stations in those days the
super sheel was like a 103 octain and the motors
had some compression and power and actualy those
old cars all got 18 to 20 mpg

somewhere here we are getting screwed by both the
oil and car companies

In the 1950's AMC built an experimental car and
it was getting 50mpg plus and had just as much
power as anything on the road I actualy rode in
that car what happend and where did that tecnology
disapere too it still exsist but is hidden from
the public

J&J Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

It makes no difference if everyone doesn't buy gas for one day because you still have to buy gas...and who else will sell it to you?
Plus, you don't buy gas today? Fine, we'll sell it to you tomorrow...and you will pay more for it.

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

What both J and J and fotodak are saying are right. Paying more than $2.00 for gas is stupid. And not buying gas for a day probally wont work to decrease the price any. But what is starting to work to decrease the price is the Nation as a whole has cut back on thier consumption, and the speculation in oil futures has out-priced it's self.

With both of these in mind, the consumer is more able to say. I am not going to pay more than $2.00 a gallon. If you dont want to give it don't pay it. Quit driving so much, sell your SUV (as an example, we all got Dakotas) buy a more fuel efficient vehicle. And the price will eventually drop.

I myself hate paying this high price for the gas. There is no reason for it ot be this high. I drive to work and back, stay home on the weekends and have cut my consumption of gas.
I hope it has made a difference.

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

here's another angle:
We don't buy as much gas, they don't make as much profit from sales volume. To make it up, what does a bidness usually do when sales are off to make up the difference? yep, they raise prices.

When cras got 10 mpg gas was cheap. The more mpg cars get the higher the prices have gone.

Now....with oil at 130 a barrel, do you expect gas companies to sell gas below $2 a gallon? Not on your life, if they did they'd be out of business and then where would you get your gas?

Decreasing demand will take the edge off prices a bit, but if we had an excess of oil-along with the needed increase in refinery capacity, that would do the most to reduce the price at the pump.
As it is now we import not only oil, but gasoline, too, because we don't have enough refinery capacity. we've closed refineries while demand has increased and have not replaced the lost capacity.
Speculators have driven the prices up buying oil futures as a hedge against inflation, but what has it done? Increased inflation! So, what do they do? Buy more! It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and therefore justifies what they do, but only to themselves.
The minute they hear any talk of drilling, or better yet, raising the prime, they dump their futures and the price drops.

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

it's still dropping!
but how low will it go?????

does anyone think we'll see 2 or 2.50 a gal again?

harry from ct
Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

gas dropped in southwick mass from 4.39 to 2.89 a gallon pride market

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

"does anyone think we'll see 2 or 2.50 a gal again?"

Ha, we'll be lucky if we ever see 3.00 a gallon again. welcome to the brave new world. i'm not having too much trouble now. my '00 QC 4x2 gets 24 on the hwy and my wifes mazda protege is getting 38.5 hwy.

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

hey harry you mean 3.89 correct?

I dont think there is any place in the US that has gas for under 3$ a gallon

J and J Auto
 Email User Profile


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
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No it was $3.99 that day now it has droped again
to $3.86

If I drive to a small town just south of here
about 20 miles it has 1 gas station a midland
and 1 bar the gas price there is always $0.10
less a gal its $3.76 there

This station is also on the snowmobile and ATV
trails and is open from 6am to midnight 7 days
a week

In that county you can leagaly drive the ATV's
on any secondary road and you see people going
to the grocery store with there ATV's its like
a differant world down there and the people are
so friendly

I could never figure that out go 20 30 miles
north to the next 2 towns and its full of dick
heads that think they are better than everyone

They treat the tourist that have lots of money to
spend great but the local people strugling to
survive they have no use for

Its a strage world out there LOL

I also do not drive as much as I used to only
about twice a month do I start any of my vehicles
they just sit

I have a nice collection of classic's, trucks and
hot rods and have only driven 2 this year my
dakota and my 79 Lincoln the rest are sitting
with stable in the gas tanks with covers on them
in the buildung

I finaly got around to resetting the injector sync
on my dak figured I would get some miles on it
let the roller chain do its enitial streach, I was
getting 22.5mpg and it did change 2 degrees now
I set it at +4 +5 and am getting 24 25mpg the
hotter cam opens 5 degrees sooner than the stock
cam it made a big diff now the cam is more
noticeable than ever

196/205 @ .050 with the 1.7 harlands you can add
about 4 degrees to that so like 200/210 would be
a closer call .460 lift

I watch MSNBC news every day and they say the
price per barrel from the speculators is like
$30 to $35

There are no regulations on these guys and they go
wild and are making millions off us and also
hurting the economy but what do they care

For them spending $10,000 is like a average
person spending $10

I call it Coporate Gread !!! these big companies
just don't give a dam as long as they make $$$$
screw you and the economy is there out look

Not a good thing but true

J&J Auto

Problem Child
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RE: $4.30 to $3.99
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I say we charge $132.00 a bushel for wheat, let em eat their oil.

Problem Child
 User Profile


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

I'm sure you like your truck Larry, we all like our trucks, but let's be real. fluff your pillow and go to sleep. then wake up, drive it like you stole it. then tell us your mileage.

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

There is no conspiracy by "big oil" or "speculators", it's all market driven.

Right now, there is a TEMPORARY backup in the US gasoline supply chain because of reduced US gas usage. So less gas will be placed on order and prices will be lowered until that extra reserve is used up. Then prices will be jacked right back up to where they used to be.

If you look at the world oil market as a whole, there is enough world demand to use all of the oil that is being pumped. So if US customers use less gas, there are plenty of customers in some other country to use up what US customers save. What's more, in "emerging markets" like China and India, demand is increasing and gas prices are government subsidized (they pay much less than we do), so they have no incentive to cut back.

If the oil producers are pumping all they can pump, but world demand is increasing. Prices will continue to go up.

Another thing is how easy it is to get the oil. All of the easy $0.50/gal oil has already been pumped, so they went to slightly harder to get $1.00/gallon oil using more expensive technology. Then that got used up so they went to the $2.00/gal oil, then to $3.00/gal oil. Now we're at $4.00/gal.

Sure, you can drill on the continental shelf and in ANWR, but those are relatively small oil fields that will be used up in 5 years or so. All of the huge oil fields (in Saudi Arabia for example) are pumping at full capacity and there are no new discoveries to tap into once those are used up. Those oil fields have been pumped to death for the last 30 years - no telling when they're going to peter out.

I'll betcha 5 years from now, we'll be lookin at $10/gal oil squeezed from stone mined from east bumfuct egypt.

Thinking that not buying gas for 1 day is going to make the oil companies $hit their pants.. well that's just not going to work, because it's more than a local problem. It's a world market, and we import 70% of our oil from foreigners and they control the prices. If we don't buy their oil, then there's other people waiting in line to buy what we don't. It's only going to get worse.

When Uncle Sam starts talking about supporting renewable energy (wind, solar) to get us off of foreign oil, then you know something is going on. Because Uncle Sam only reacts to emergencies after the crisis has already happened. I think we're in big trouble down the road here boys...

harry from ct
Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

yes i was wrong on my last listing not 3.29 a gallon now on rt 57 in southwick mass

J and J Auto
 Email User Profile


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
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I drive like I always do get up to speed and hit
the cruse

Problem child you need to read closer I say
highway mileage that is crusing like most normal
people do

I also have my days that I run the hell out of it
and it will than pull 18 19mpg

I have other cars that I drive not just my dak
My collection of road runners some of those cars
getting 10 or 12mpg LOL but those are 10 second
street machines

What I hear on the MSNBC news channel is americans
drove 40 million miles less in june because of the
price and now its comming down

I also am driving less these days not because I
cant afford it but it just pisses me off having
to pay that much for gas Its not right

J&J Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

Look out, the gov't is going to get into yer knickers again.
The politicians who keep telling us to drive less, to conserve fuel and gas prices are too high are now saying because we ARE conserving they need to raise the fuel tax!

One more excuse for the tax and spenders to take even more of OUR money.

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

I guess you can just look at the pictures and think about what happens to the price of something when everyone wants it and there isn't enough to go around:

J and J Auto
 Email User Profile


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

I heard that also on MSNBC

I think if I remember right the tax per gallon
was like $0.22 to $0.18 depending on state and
fed tax %

That's real nice
Drve less conserv but sorrie now your not buying
enough so we need to raise the tax per gal to
make up for that

How can you win what are they going to do dubble
the tax

Well you heard of a win win situation
This is a Lose Lose situation
What a world we live in sometimes it just makes
you laugh seeing the things that go on

Like the senitor in Alaska who forgot to report
$250,000 free work the oil company did on his
house LOL the funniest thing about this one was
they also brought up the gas grill they bought him

LOL this guy is in court now and is begging the
judge to move the trial up before elections come
up so he can run again

Just ureal what goes on and the judge agreed to
do it, thats crap if you ask me says he not quilty
how does that work after investigating the guy
for a year charging him, says he's not quilty and
wants to run for re-election. COME ON NOW !!!

A federal inditment, I don't think the feds would
have charged him without some good evidence

We all need to become politicions, just think
how many speeding tickets you could get out of

J&J Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

So, anyone the feds charge with a crime should automatically be considered guilty ? You wouldn't feel that way if it was you ! I think the senator is probably a scumbag too, but here in America, people charged with crimes DO have the right to a fair trial.

Problem Child
 User Profile


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

There you go, 18 best driving like the rest of us. Quit giving false hopes to these kids wanting more.

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

"those old cars all got 18 to 20 mpg" Really ? Even the cross ram max wedges ?
Of course not !!!
And the AMC experimental car is a myth.

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

"I also have my days that I run the hell out of it
and it will than pull 18 19mpg"

If you run the hell out of it would that make it heavenly???

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