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02:36:25 - 03/15/2025

V6 Dakotas
harry from ct
Dodge Dakota


Subject: RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

in 1923 the model t got 23 is going on with the computers we have today

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

How fast was that Model T going? Bet ya it wasn't anywhere near 60mph, was it?

How much did that Model T weigh? Bet ya it wasn't anywhere near 4,000 lbs, was it?

How much horsepower did that Model T make? bet ya it wasn't anywhere near 200, was it?

How long could that model T run before it needed a tune up?

I could go on here, but...why?

J and J Auto
 Email User Profile


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

Hes trying to make a point here

If the auto makers wanted the new vehicles to
get good mileage they would

It has been proven over and over that economy
improvements are well known to a very few and
kept from the general public

Like the guy from canada who designed a carb used
it on the chevy straight 6 and got over 50mpg
he was bought off foe 2 million by the oil
companies to keep it off the market

Like the guy from wyoming insterments who was
arested 3 times and while in jail twice his
factory warehouse where he made the units that
almost doubled your mileage burnt down

And than to have all the false charges droped
and set free

Lets take an example many are familure with
Tucker the tucker automobile the big 3 did not
want another auto maker he was arested falsly
charged kept away from building his cars after
they knew he was broke and unable to continue
all charges were droped and he was set free

The problem there was his car was so advanced and
so much safty built in the 3 big boys did not
want to compete with him

Know you tell me what that was all about

Another Dalrian the stainless steel car he was set
up by the govt and arested for selling cocane to
put him out of business

You would have to be deaf blind and dumb not to
figure out what happend here

The mileage and the know how exsists but is kept
hush hush

Actualy on the old carbed engines its rather easy
to get good gas mileage

1967 chevelle 307 motor, 307 gears getting 30
32mpg using a modified carb

The rambler car is no myth

The real secret is atomizatio if you figure out
how to run straight atomized fuel the gas mileage
is there on the carbed motors you had a chance
with the new computers you don't

J&J Auto

J and J Auto
 Email User Profile


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

Heres another little tidbit

In 1988 or somewhere there abouts there was this
guy or I should call him more like a usless bumb

He went threw4 or 5 jobs in the year I knew him
would work a few weeks maybe a month than claim
he got hurt just to collect money

well I gus his luck ran out, first he asks to use
my phone ok a $60 phone call than he says he will
sell me his 86 renault, it was sitting in an alley
baled tires and a front axle out said he would
take $250 for it I said ok let me see the title
had him sign it and wrothe him a check for $190
was he pissed I said $250 I told him well you
got $250 minus the $60 phone bill he went away
steaming and I never seen him again

I put a new front CV axle in and 4 new tires I did
not even want the car really but what the hell
thought I would help the guy out

Si i started using the car and on the high way
this little a peppy renault was getting 48mpg
35 40 mpg town so I just used it for a loaner car
I only had to put gas in it like once a month
everybody drove it from the shop it was always

Now you can not even buy a renault in the US
was it because of the fantastic gas mileage
I Wonder

I ran it ti 199,000 miles than gave it to my
brother he drove it for a year than ask me if I
wanted it back, my neice just started collage
down in milwaukee so I gave the car to her she
drove it for 3 years it had 350,000 miles than
she gave it to my nephew and he drove it over
450,000 and it was still running great

But all good things must come to an end, he
pied it out and that was it poor little car

Getting that kind of mileage running that long
wonder why they are not sold in the US anymore

I also knew a few others who had the same
renault encore cars and they just loved them
gas mileage out of this world and just run
forever they would not part with them

Even the bodies held up excellent befor he smacked
her she still looked real nice just a few little
rust spots

Now why cant the us automakers build cars like
that and why are they not in the US anymore

Just another one to think about

J&J Auto

more BS
Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

It's Delorean, not "Dalrian"; and he WAS selling coke. You're good with the repair tips, but too easily taken in by some of this conspiracy crap. If all it comes down to is the atomization of the fuel, it would be MORE easily managed by computers. Just need better fuel injectors. But that isn't the case, you can only go so lean. Cars COULD rust less, if more zinc was used in the steel,and that would be nice. But the rest of your claims and speculation is a bunch of hooey. I guess you can't help it, your lack of education is evident from your atrocious spelling. You are starting to remind me of STS. Maybe you should stick to trouble shooting.

Good Day

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

take a look above
"more BS" and all the other flame posts are made by none other than
Stan, STS, and his newest name is dakota49

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

do yall think the Freemasons are part of the whole conspiracy?

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

And while Stan and dakota49 may well be the same person, they spell better than Larry(J&J Auto)/STS.

Dodge Dakota


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

I'm a mason
but i never work for free

J and J Auto
 Email User Profile


RE: $4.30 to $3.99
IP: Logged

If you can spell beter I gues it makes you more
of a man hey

Lack of education HUMM that's very interesting
I guess my engiering degree's means nothing oh
$hit I also wasted 8 years in the marine corp boy
what a useless life I have dummer than the day is

It does not matter how well educated you are if
you do not know how to get along with your
fellow man you will go nowhere in life

My life is now winding down and I have seen it all
that is what is called education and exp.

If you think any of these comments bother me, they
don't just shows me stupidity and jeaulesness
hope I spelled that wrong LOL

And you need to grow up and stop acting like a
kid having a temper tantrum

Here I will give you another one to complain about

What About The Fake Moon Landing Conspericy

And now years after the fact all the tucker stuff
was proven true the information has now been
made public

Winers like you are the ones who start wars but
it takes someone like to to go fight it for you

J&J Auto

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