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02:30:02 - 03/15/2025

V6 Dakotas
Dodge Dakota


Subject: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

It's not miles per gallon anymore, it's miles per dollar.
Thanks to Americans letting themselves get robbed instead of excercizing their power to control their government,
Every vehicle these days gets sucky fuel economy!

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

What does controling the government have to do with gas prices??? If we let the government set gas prices, (like they did in the 70's) we will be in for real trouble, cause then they will set how much money we will ba allowed to earn. Is that what you want???

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

Uh, when there is corruption and price gouging with a commodity that is causing a severe threat to the nation,
That is what governments are for? Duh.

What does the government have to do with air traffic controllers?
When the air traffic controllers went on strike in the 1980s crippling air travel, Ronald Regan stepped in and fired them, and the government ran the flight controllers until private enterprise could take it back over.

After 9/11, there was gas stations out west that tried to take advantage of 9/11 by jacking their prices up to $5 a gallon, and the government stepped in and made them stop.

It is the government's responsibility to investigate corruption with the oil companies, and only if the oil companies have a good reason to explain that oil really does cost as much as they say, would they be off the hook. Otherwise the oil companies have to be taken control of by government until the situation is under control.

The government also should be reducing tax on gasoline to help ease the problem.

They are in on the corruption and that is why they aren't. The government should not be in partnership with corporations and it is going against the US constitution to do so.

The government is harming their own people. Don't believe it, just watch the United States continue to plunder.
I told you so!

smokin dakota
Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

why dont we sell corn a 1000000 a bushel.........

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

There is a few things that is causing the high gas prices. To me this sounds like something that you have not done your research on. This has to do with a weak dollar, raise in demand (domestically and internationally) and a lower supply. However i would argue the oil companies stating that supply is low.

The whole flexfuel (E85) thing, ive been saying from the begining, its shooting us in the foot. yes its an "alternative" but your just moving the cost of transportation. You are noting using corn which was mostly used as food for us, namely feeding our live stock. How if you go to jewel or whatever its more money for meats! yes your paying less at the pump but more your paying more at the store, was the moving of cost really worth it?! not really because id rather feed my stomach then my car.

On the tax thing, it sounds like you support McCain, lowering or even doing away with taxs on gas is just plain not smart, yes it will give relief at the pump but your just moving the costs yet again. What pays for roads and other DOT things? taxs on gas, so the local and state governments will need to more these costs somewhere else because they will have a much smaller budget.

For every action there is an effect, so choose your action wisely on that note.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

It's just that there is a crisis and the government should actualy do something to ease it.

Gas stayed stable at around $1 a gallon from the 1980s all through the 1990s until coincidently after 9/11 the prices started shooting up. suspicious.
If it was a demand thing, that would mean that the population of oil consumers barely changed until all of a sudden after 9/11, the population of oil consumers exploded. That doesn't mach statistics on population growth. It doesn't fit.

Oil prices skyrocketing because of stock market speculation instead of actual circumstances is very wrong, and is an open door for greed to take advantage by making record profits on an imaginary circumstance.
The government should be regulating false price speculating that is so obsurd.

The payscales of workers in USA are not being adjusted for the shrinking dollar. That is also the government's responsibility to set minimum wages that match the current cost of living as it is to the current value of the USD.

Failure to do that will make the United States economy collapse. It is already happening.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

Your fight WAY to many battles! I am going to state that off to start.
I agree with you kind of on the 9/11 thing, the prices sky rocketed due to a the falling of the twin towers. And yes many oil company's were gouging at this point, i will not argue that point. A month or so after the prices went somewhat back to normal.

Within the last few years if you noticed China has been industrializing very quickly. It is now estimated that China has about three million cars on the road. One of the biggest nations of people is industrializing...YES the demand in oil has increased majorly, along with the normal increase in that of domestic.

A year ago now (i believe) i remember reading in the paper about how they were going to raise the cost of living...all this does is cause more inflation! Which is turn raises the cost of living which in turn gives you a weak now where are you?!
OH YEA worse off then where you were.

Did you not read my note of "For every action there is an effect, so choose your action wisely on that note."

By the sounds of it since you want the government to control so much of your life, why dont you live in a communist country instead. It might suit your living needs better. I mean look at those counties they are doing better then the USA, right?! hmmm

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

This line

"A year ago now (i believe) i remember reading in the paper about how they were going to raise the cost of living...all this does is cause more inflation!"

Should read

"A year ago now (i believe) i remember reading in the paper about how they were going to raise the minimum wage...all this does is cause more inflation!"

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

You need to look at the big picture.
Not right after 9/11, but the whole 7 years since 9/11.

There is losers trying to pull wool.

the gas quadrupled within the 7 years so far since 9/11.

The elections were tainted in 2000.

Bush very arrogant about re-election in 2004, indicating some rigging.

Stock market fraud got the lid blown off in 2002, right after 9/11.

The government cordoned off the ground zero site for a period and wouldn't let firefighters in, because there was something secret they were recovering.

Osama Bin Ladin still not found after 7 years, something fishy about that- what are they doing to capture him?

Changing stories for the reasons for being in Iraq, and lying to the soldiers about when they can be finished there in a fillabuster tactic.

USD sharply losing value and government under the control of the corporations are not adjusting minimum wage to match current dollar and cost of living although society in United States is currently collapsing from it.

All the Smallpox vaccines when the threats to control people with fear never were real, so the public would approve of the illegitamate invasions of other countries.

No attempts to investigate the consumer fraud from the stock market oil prices.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

I am looking at the giant picture! I think you just need to pick your battles. You were just fighting the wrong battle to begin with. Should of said these things sooner! If you wanna debate against the 9/11 findings then debate that, but if you wanna debate the dollar and the raising gas prices then thats what we will debate. lol

I will agree with some things from the 9/11 happens contributed to the fall of the dollar and raising gas prices. I will agree to some point that the government is trying to put a cover over our eyes. Yet i will not put all the blame on 9/11. There are other facts that point to the cost of the falling dollar and the raise in gas prices.

Plus my question to you is how do you get a free country to go to war when you want them to, when they just want peace? You give them reason and you tug on their heart strings. We seen this happen in wars in the past. The Iraq war is no different. The government did something to give us reason, tug on our heart strings and gave us a "solution". Overall giving them the answer they wanted in the first place.

Trust me, i know what your getting at! Your saying that Americans should stand up and fight and demand answers. However we have been told that even though we know under the constitution and under the freedom of information act, we should be getting information that we have requested, we as a nation are being denied these rights. The FBI and other government officials and offices, know nothing or look the other way when being asked.

A dollar is no more then a piece of paper. In the end it means NOTHING. However we all know that a politician will sell his soul for this piece of paper. And the wealthy 10% of this nation will remain the the wealthy 10%.

Plus shouldnt this post be within the general discussion rather then the V6 Board? idk just a question! lol

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

Inflation is caused by greed, and adjusting the minimium wage is to chase it. If it means the evil will jack up their prices more, then the minimum wage will just get adjusted again.
Government is supposed to control the evil from trying to rip people off.

What is going wrong these days is corporations owning everything in a big monopoly. Controlling everything makes them charge
"whatever they can get away with, that people will still pay if they need it"

This is the destruction of the United States.
The United States system is supposed to work on free enterprise and COMPETITION that controls inflation, as competition makes businesses make their prices as low as they can get away with to steal the customers from their competion AND gives the incentive to build better mouse traps, improve quality, and create new technological innovations to compete. That's America, the one people praise.
That America is destroyed. Corporate monopolies have no competition, and the whole thing that made America great with competition is destroyed by it.

It is true that the people of the United States have to look at the consequences for all this, as not banding together and putting their feet down to clean up the corruption in government and make corporations have to compete on a level playing field instead of being so powerful they can pay off even our government to break the law and not pay taxes.
These actions going on have a very hollocaustic affect in the future of the United States if it isn't stopped now.

Communism is what the United States is becomming with corporations controlling everything hand in hand with the government, the corporations control the economy, products and wages and the government controlls the laws. A perfect pair to take over everything.

If you don't want to live in a place where there is a government governing society, Why don't you move to an anarchy jungle of kill or be killed.
Most people would like to live in a civilized society, and to do so there needs to be government keeping things in line, and stopping bad guys where they lay.

What I want is a government that if you don't do anything wrong and don't hurt anyone then you never see the government and are totally free to do what you want, BUT if you do bad things to try to hurt citizens, THEN there is a government in place to stop you, and only then does a government control THAT aspect of your life, the aspect that doesn't let you hurt others.

Freedom. You are not free in anarchy because you always have to protect yourself from predators.

You are free when you can live without being attacked, or even have to worry about being someone's prey, therefore, to be free you DO need a government, but still, a SMALL government that mainly stops crime. All the government programs for people is control, that they make you pay taxes for (now adays the government welches on providing these services to people who paid for them). But freedom would be a government that has no such programs so you can be in control of providing for yourself.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

Sounds like a Ron Paul Supporter! NICE

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged


You missed it.

The 9/11 scam (what the government is telling us was behind that- not coinciding with what we are seeing), the gas prices and shrinking dollar caused by corporate monopolies taking advantage to rob people with all their fraud filled lie advertizing over the media- lying about their prices in their crooked ads,
ARE all connected- if you can see it.

I agree with what you are saying, too.

The United States will be destroyed if there isn't reform from the greed.

There are satelites that can read licence plates from space but they can't find America's #1 most wanted that was behind one of the worst attacks in U.S. history, and his country being taken over is not the focus of attention but instead another country that had nothing to do with 9/11 is?

JUST THIS YEAR the news said that Bin Ladin called the Pope a person that is on a crusade against Islam.

Makes you feel not so secure knowing the USA FBI is that lame.

They are lying to us about the whole thing and they need to be brought to trial! All of them involved in this national fraud they are committing against entire nations and the world.
No different than Hitler, they need to be stopped!

the off topic board is just weirdos that talk about Amsoil motor oil, obscene activities, and discuss the United States falling apart as it is in a radical way instead of in a mature way as we are here.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

Hitler, wow i am surprised you brought him up. You wanna talk about a master of spin and deception to his nation. There is a master of that, he was a brilliant man. Dont get me wrong, what he did was wrong but none the less smart as hell.

Actually a few documentaries that i have watched have referenced things from hitler to this whole 9/11 fiasco.

How about the tapes from Bin Ladin himself stating that he did not do the attacks on America. Yet the tapes that the media released are all poor quality and they say that it is Bin Ladin stating that he did do the attacks.

And i wouldnt state that Americans arent standing up and asking questions, it is just that we are not getting information guaranteed to us. However i do agree that a lot do just sit back and accept what the media reports to them.

What needs to happen is like what happened in the watergate scandle, a well known media company needs to stand up and start questioning everything and not let go until it receives its answers, ACCEPTABLE answers, not ones they are givin and inst full or make acceptable sense. Because any media person that stands up right now to do a report on this side of 9/11 gets crumbled and never shown. Thanks to the internet, we can find it, but its not on the front of the public where it needs to be.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

Interesting point that i just found on the internet and thought i would share with you. The federal reserve chairmen stated to congress that congress might need to enact new laws to give the federal reserve more power.

Which this point i am totally against. If you ask me the federal reserve has too much power! The federal reserve is no more federal then federal express. Many Americans dont know that the federal reserve is really just a bunch of privately owned banks in the USA, which the list of these privately own banks has never been released. Which is stupid to give the power to make money to a monopoly, since you wanna talk about a monopoly in america, talk about that HUGE one.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

True, but brains can be used for good things or bad things.
The good guys are heroes. The bad ones are the most digusting life that ever existed on Earth. Hitler is in the later category, though he could have been in the other category if he wasn't so against the human race, like Bush, the corporations that are destroying everything, and the others I'm sure you know who they are.

It's interesting that when Bin Ladin's headquarters were invaded by US troops, that just like in Alice and Wonderland there was a tape on a table with a tag that said "play me".

One corporation owning all the media stations is no accident. Corruption's worst enemy is journalists exposing them. Controlling the media through cooperating corporations that have something in it for them is destroying freedom of press. We need private enterprize back and out with corporate monopolies that let power turn them insane and take advantage of prices in such a way that the nation's economy is crumbling from it, but this time they are powerful enough to overthrow our government. Bad news!

As for the government controlling everything, and piece by piece are gaining more and more, it is all part of a scheme. All through the 1990s corporations were buying eveything and changing names left and right. The government was building up the military strong. The 2000s they launch their takeover.
Let me share something with you.

Look up "Rex 84" and see what they are gearing up for!

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged


American citizens don't seem to know what they have to lose if they let if fester.

Their life, liberty and persuit of happiness is going to be completely taken away, all the way soon from the evil that is going down.
If they only knew how serious this is that is happening, they would fight for sure!

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

The puzzle solution:

George W. Bush and Osama Bin Ladin and his taliban are friends.(watch farenheit 911)

Both of them are into oil.

Both of them wanted to seize Iraq for it's oil.

Afgahnistan is being kept out of the picture while Bush ravages Iraq.

Osama Bin Ladin is being harbored by Bush.

They are both in on stealing Iraq but Bin Ladin has to be kept hidden since he was part of the fraudulent scheme the government used as the excuse to invade Iraq.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged


There is a reason they aren't letting the troops out of Iraq. How long have they been fillibustering saying they are coming home? since 2004? The ass holes have been crying wolf a little too long, don't you think?

The reason the troops are being kept there is because they are stationed for what is next to come.

Shame on the US soldiers fighting for the evil and carrying out their evil scheme that will be the death of the United States and all the pain and suffering to US citizens that has already started setting in.

The next president could very well be the one that causes the big boom.
The United States is under attack by wackos posing as our government and Americans seem that they won't know what hit them.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged

It's simple. Oil is critical to our way of life (electricity, fuel, energy), and to life itself (food supply). The world oil supply is running out (google on "peak oil") while world demand is ramping up. Iraq has oil, therefore it is critical to our national security.

Oil is running out. Need proof? The Arabs are planning a "green" city (Google "Masdar City" - no oil fuel), they are also working on solar power plants. The Iranians are *supposedly* trying to refine uranium for Nuclear power plants. T.Boone Pickens, an oil man is promoting wind energy (, in response to president Bush's request to increase supply, Saudi Arabia has only been able to increase oil supply by a paltry/token amount (they have no more reserve capacity to give). No new giant oil discoveries have been made in the last 20 years, and the oil companies are having to drill deeper and deeper using more exotic/expensive technologies to extract oil (which used to pool on the surface in this country). President Bush, and oil man decries our national addiction to oil.

Supplies are flattening out or decreasing, while world demand is increasing. Gas prices are going up long term and they won't be coming back down.

I was only a kid, but I remember back in the 1970s, when the oil supplies were short, prices went up, gas was rationed, the lines at the gas station were long. It will happen again. This time, there will be no Middle East to turn to for oil.

The US govt believes the only way to shore up oil supplies is to democratize the middle east and replace hostile regimes with friendly ones.

Better start eeking out that last mpg from your trucks before it changes from miles per dollar to dollars per mile.

Dodge Dakota


RE: miles per dollar
IP: Logged


I agree. The governments of industrialized nations do seem to be acting as if the fossil fuels are indeed running out around the 2010s, as scientists predicted waaaay back in the 1960s.

To go to such extremes to invade countries to steal their wealth, and the government is actualy supporting alternative energy research. They don't do anything unless there is an immediate need.

The oil companies should not be profiting from it. The higher cost from low supply scarcity should go into a government fund strictly for developing alternative fuel means, to save the economy when the oil does run out.
Oil tycoons getting rich from it won't stop the economy from falling apart when the oil runs out any. There still won't be any new alternatives found by then because there was no money to.

The government stifling Americans from getting higher education makes Americans have no opportunity to use their brains to invent new possible alternatives, so the geniuses that would have found a way go unsung.

Greed in the picture makes for certain death to America.

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