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06:38:09 - 03/14/2025

V6 Dakotas
Dodge Dakota


Subject: Halo Plugs
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Where do i buy Halo plugs, i checked out and they didnt have any plugs for the dakota. So which ones do i buy?!

J and J Auto
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RE: Halo Plugs
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Put halo spark plug in the yahoo search and you
will find rogers site and LS Brisk the company
that makes the halos

17 stock heat range
15 1 colder

I think the halo plugs are great but most will not
spend the money the next closest thing is the
v power ngk fr4 stock fr5 1 colder same as 3923

J&J Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
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How much are Halo plugs and what's so special about them?


Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
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i found them for $8.99 a plug, they are soo speical cause they work better then those bosch 4 plugs cause it spark all around the "halo" cause a hottier and better spark.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
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About every 10 years or so these specialty plugs of verious kinds show up and each time they are NEW AND IMPROVED. They do everything you can think of EXCEPT put money in your pocket. BUT ... They sure do put millions in these companies pockets selling them. There tried and true test to success is ADVERTISING . Tons of BIG BIG advertisements. It's called the sycological effect and those of us with weak minds fall for it like a brick.
Platinums last a long time but have low resistance giving weak spark. Autolites have the hardest regular metals so last longer then the other regular plugs. AC delco is about in the middle of the pack and I'm not going to list every plug made . What i'm getting at is what crysler uses and why. Champion plugs. They have the softest metals of all plugs made. there for they wear out a bit faster. BUT... The soft metals disapate the heat the best (we need this) and they have the highest resistance build in.75,000 in regular plugs and 85,000 in truck plugs. And we need this to as it gives the hotest spark. You can research what I'm saying day in and day out and in the end you will agree I'm correct. Not making this stuff up. Crysler uses champion plugs for good reason. It is what our engines need to run as intended to. But we're guys and we're convinced we're smarter then crysler. You want to blame the plug on the spark knock? ok. Why doesn't my truck have it. And i'm not alone by a long shot. Infact those with spark knock are a minority unless you go with this forum which attracts people with problems. Not many come looking for us if things are as they should be.
When your going down the freeway, the inrushing air/fuel COOLS the combustion chamber AND THE PRUTRUDING PLUG . The plug carries the remaining heat to the head as best it can (champion soft metal plugs do this best) Colder plugs protrud LESS into the chamber there by retainng more heat then the original plugs you replaced. Lets reverce this. Town driving. Now the protruding plug acts as a hot plug retaining heat as there is less air/fuel to cool it. This is esential to keep carbon buildup off the plugs. Colder the plugs, the more the carbin buildup and this carbon will not go away when you hit the highway. When you think on it you guys changing your plugs are defeating the system design. You got a spark knock??????? FIX THE REAL PROBLEM. Don't cover it up with cold plugs. ONE EXCEPTION. You guys running S/C or turbo or heavy souped up engines DO need to Find the correct plug ( always colder ) By experiment. I could go on for days here and never run out of information that all points the same direction. Myself I run champion truck plugs in the proper heat range as dictated by crysler. My truck runs so smooth at times I have bumped my starter thinging it wasnt running. My fuel milage is about normal, 18.3 highway using cruise set at 78MPH. 5.2L CC 4x4 - 99 bought new. I live at 5,000 ft. elivation and when I go to the coast my milage increases about 2 miles per gallon while thereI also run a 30,000 volt coil, round metal case. This is the best you can use. 8MM plug wires and brass contact rotor and dist cap. I als check my PCV valve every oil change for rattle and carbin. Mobil 1 EP and mobil oil filter. There best. I'm also running amsoil end for end other then engine.
As you can see, I'm very paticular how my ride is taken care of.
I know this is very long but if just one guy was to discover the way to his dakotas heart it's here for the taking and well worth my time.

So many problems .... So little time

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
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Wow, that summed up some spark therory for us. Good descriptions.

However I have a different experiance with "spark knock" or pinging. My 3.9 at 3000 ft. sounded like a guy whacking on a trash can lid when you put your foot into it. The fix was a 180 T-stat, brass cap/rotor, quality plug wires and the magic Autolite 3923's. The voodoo lays in the colder heat range. The suggestion is that the less extended tip creates a slower combustion response as hotter fuel performs.

I run unleaded in the winter switching to plus grade in the hot months. Ping is not our friend and this represents what worked for my issue. Some may use stock Champs with no problem but when solving for the nasty ping monster, don't rule out experimenting with heat range.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
IP: Logged

I wanna hear Larry on this one!! so plz... :-D

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
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I'm not certain with a name like "Screwuphead" Larry will offer much sage advise to your inquiry.

Should you want to be the site beta tester please feel free to pursue the "Halo performance vs. hype" report.

Who knows, could be great magic?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
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Good post greg. Your offerings are valid ones and no doubt you made your decissions Based a lot on what you read in here. I'm not going to condem you or anyone else for using basicly the fix you used . With all due respect it is a patch job. As I said in my post there is a REAL reason for the spark knock. Just think on it. If your type of fix was the true issue, Every single person driving a V6/V8 Dodge would need the same fix . Not true. And again it really is a minority that needs ths fix. Something else is causing the problem. You and others can have a SMALL vacumn leak that uses an unnoticable amount of oil causing the problem. It can be a carbin deposit in your cumbustion chamber and more then likely it will be in one of 2 places. Carbin buildup on a valve or valves or the plugs extending maybe one thread to deep into the chamber causing it to become a glow plug. In these cases your fix will work as a rule. Some more then others. How about weak plug wires allowing a wee bit of cross fire orrrr a carbin track in the dist cap. Point is, there is a true cause for the problem that happens to some and not to most. As I stated before. I run mine not only correct but with hotter spark Then stock by far. How about the guys burning up there plugs with an MSD ?????? Just can't explain it away. I tried a MSD. Sold it. My setup works far better. Tried Jacobs alao. That stuff is total junk and infact both mine went out in short order with no help from Jacobs. They went to the dump about a week ago along with 2 85 dollar sets of plug wires that had a life time warranty. No replacements comming. There word is only good till they get your money.
I can't convince you or anyone else in here what's right or wrong. The wrong information has been passed around so long in here it is now gospal and nobody is going to say it's wrong for fear of 20 guys jumping in to tell them how crazy they are. I guess the bottom line has to be, If it pleases you then it has to be right. That keeps it simple. Creates lots of posts. And gives us all the oppertunity to sit here unheard as we say how crazy that SOB is lol. Enjoy your Dakota's. I sure do

So many problems .... So little time

 User Profile


RE: Halo Plugs
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I had a MSD6A, and did not notice any difference.
That is, until it DIED and left me stuck in the Taco Bell drive-thru. (I noticed that)
I did not replace it with another MSD.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
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OB I agree with your original point. The Dodge engineers are not idiots and their plug selection may work properly for most applications. Reading many posts where owners experiance ping I think the engine design is to run on the fringe of lean. The 190 operating temp along with factory plugs, air box etc. should work ping free. However, with leaner oxygenated fuels, various altitudes, ignition part condition and driving styles ping can sneak up and find you.

The Autolites are perhaps an easy fix where the real problem needs proper inpection and diags to reveal. I tested for the dread plenum leak - not present. Wire cross-fire should always be investigated.

My results were step tested with slight improvements until the largest gain with plug change. I'm going to try NGK's next time.

I believe with strict emmission standards the factory released this engine too hot and too lean to meet specifications. My montra is - whatever is made can be made better. In this case, all being subjective, my goal was to kill ping with whatever it took. Those solving for this may have similar results.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
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One thought you need to keep in your mind reguardless what you deside to run. If your plugs have been installed for 10,000 miles or more, No matter what you install, your going to notice a bit of differance. The only honest plug test is new against new. I been reading in here about a year or more. Lots of plug changing done with lots of happy campers expressing how much better the new plugs work compared to the old ones.Not one time has anyone ever mentioned they tried all new differant brands to determine what's real. I'm refuring to the ones that change brands. And the fight is on which plugs are best. If your going to compare, do it fare. New againt new.

So many problems .... So little time

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
IP: Logged

ive never heard of whats is this spark knock?!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
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Your just another reason i keep telling everybody changing to Colder plugs and 180 thermostat is a patch job. I have no Ping/spark knock either and I own a 94 and 99 318's, the 99 bought new. MOST PEOPLE DO NOT ever have a spark knock unless your in one of these trouble shoting forums. People are here mostly but not totaly because there looking for fixes. These patch jobs have been drilled in to the point it has become gospal long ago and nobody and I mean nobody is willing to believe the truth simply because the patch jobs work or worked some. I did not say fixed. I said worked.

So many problems .... So little time

J and J Auto
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RE: Halo Plugs
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piston ping can be caused by more than just a
spark plug

Vac leak
lean air fuel bad o2 engine temp or IAT sensor
carbon build up crap gas

Just going 1 range colder does not always solve
the problem than you need to look deeper

The plugs in these motors should run a light tan
or tan color if they are not than you have other
issues you need to solve

The halo plugs actualy getting away from the
quensing effect is like advancing your timming
about 2 degrees more power and better fuel econo

go to or rogers halo plug site and you
will find picks of quensing effect

I run all halo plugs in our perf motors and they
all run great a noticeable diff from a reg plug
the only other plug I have tried that even comes
close is the v power ngk

Just changing the plugs or droping a heat range
may not be your answer look closer and deeper

J&J Auto

J and J Auto
 Email User Profile


RE: Halo Plugs
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Here is Rogers site were I buy all my halo's

You should of seen and herd the diff they made
in the vortech 360 motor WOW

J&J Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
IP: Logged

Do you think i should get a 180 thermostate when i get these plugs?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Halo Plugs
IP: Logged

Larry.... Not going to argue your experiances with HALO in your RACE CARS. You really need to clarify to these guys your running tons of HP and you HAVE to run cold plugs pulled back to keep from cavatating. Simply stated, Missfire. If these guys go buy colder halo's at 9 bucks a pop there going to be disapointed. Most of these guys are stock or closer to it then some think. Those with S/C and High HP engines like you need to pay attention to your knowledge. I've built a lot of engines myself over the years not to mention my shop of over 40 years. There was a day years ago I also thought I could beat the fuel milage and the guy next door with those exatic plugs always coming out. Bottom line is. for most of us what the truck came with can't be beat. the only real trick a guy can mess with a bit is 30,000 volt coil, 8mm wires. brass dist cap and rotors, this giving about as much spark as anyone could possibly use unless your running over 8,000 RPM leaving only the plug gap to play with till your happy. Keep in mind, If you go for higher coil volts, you best be running over 8,000 RPM every day or you will be plaged with cavatation. That's it for me . Talking way to much.

So many problems .... So little time

J and J Auto
 Email User Profile


RE: Halo Plugs
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yes a stock motor stock heat range usualy runs
best but I have seen many that droped the 3923
in and they did run better

with all the bolt on mods than try 1 colder
the autolites are $.99 at walmart try 1 range
colder in a cheap plug first and see how it works
out for ya every motor reacts diff

the 1 colder halo because of the timming effect
will run just fine I have put them in many V6 V8
completly stock and they still showed better perf
and fuel economy

hers another thought for most if you just piddle
around town never running hard stay stock if
you like to hot rod go 1 colder

I have run 2 colder in the V6 3922 with all the
bolt on's and they still ran great this was with
a 14 degree base timming over the stock 10

these motors will not foul a colder plug like the
old carbed motors

J&J Auto

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