From | Message |
Hioujok Mijer Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/05/2004 22:00:14
Subject: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: American Cars Suck!
Yutio Micock Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/05/2004 22:15:45
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: Yeah Hyondas are te best cars on the planet earth. Me own Dogde Carvan, it break down twice.
GraphiteDak GenIII

1/05/2004 22:37:50
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: Imports do run good. However, they are light weight RECYCLED BEER CANS!
Think about it. You see tons of 1980-ish Ford, Chevy's, even tho the emmisions on them sucks and I think they are ugly compared to today's standards. But then, try to count how many Honda's, for example, that are older than 1990 and still in one piece and on the road. I can rarely find any and I KNOW they sold sh*t loads of them in the 80's too.
They just don't survive 15 MPH wrecks so they go to the junk yard HA HA!
You are probably one of those guys who lower your cheap Civic and slap on gay ground effects like this guy had today. I almost ran over what looked to be either a Civic or a Integra, etc. It had so many body kits added I couldn;t tell what it originally was. But the little fukker was in front of me today and right in the middle of the intersection he SLAMMED on his brakes for what was the SMALLEST dip in the road and CRAWLED over it! There was NO REASON for this and no one else was slowing down for it so I HONKED at him. Then he takes off like speed racer with his fart can powered piece of sh*t Honda (that was slow). Then not more than 100 feet ahead he comes up to where the rail road track goes across the road. This was a SMOOTH crossing and not one that was on an incline or ANYTHING like that. The little fukker again slams on his brakes to a complete stop! While people in the next lanes are going over the crossing no problem, passing us, he waits for enough room to go SIDEWAYS and REALLS SLOW as if he was going to scrape his precious bidy kit!
I lost it and HONKED again and told him to take that piece of sh*t off of the road before I run the fukker over!
He turned off at that point because I was pissed from stopping several times behind an IDIOT who would alter their car to the point to where he has to be so rude to stop FREQUENTLY in traffic.
Yeah. Those kind of guys drive little IMPORTS (or any other Ricey economy cars, Neons and Cavaliers included)!
I'll keep my 4X4 and run over the compacts thank you!
Yutio Micock Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/05/2004 22:42:01
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: But why me did me Carvan break down twice?
Jake Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/05/2004 23:52:46
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: Beacuse it had a Jap engine you moron!
Takagi Nagasa Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/07/2004 20:13:30
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: Fok Qu
GraphiteDak GenIII

1/07/2004 20:44:44
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: Mitsubishi has come a LONG way since the early Caravan days.
Anyone knows the Mitsubitchi powered V6's would blow head gaskets if you even thought of going up a long hill and smoked really bad like a Chevy with 100k miles on them.
The Mitsubitchi in our 1998 Cirrus is getting close to 100k miles. It leaks no oil and doesn't smoke one bit but I heard they beefed up the piston rings to chrome molley or something and did some other improvements.. I recently replaced the timing belt, hoses, etc but that's the most we've had to tear into it.
Now the suspension, as well as it works, falls apart way to easy on these things. Hope my Dakota holds up better.
Jake Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/07/2004 21:13:49
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: GraphiteDak.. a few more observations to your post.
Did you ever take notice most of the wacko,ill manored, dumb A$$ drivers you run into are generally driving a Jap car? Now to say all would be a absurb statement but at least 90% of the time they are like the fool you mentioned in you post. Just one look and you can just tell these idiots are completly lost when behind the wheel. They pull out in front of you and the go 10 MPH under the speed limit, pull away from a red light soooo slow and eventually get up to the speed limit and finally exceed it by 20 MPH. Or how about the 45 drivers? 45 all the time no matter what the posted speed is..25,35,45,55. How about the ones that speed up just so they can ride your or anyone's a$$? No clue how far it takes to stop from 70 MPH or anything else for that matter. Like the slug in a Pathfinder in a ditch near my house. I stopped to help the geek out. His comment. " I didn't think I would slide on the ice with a 4X4". Just another Jap vehicle owner.
GraphiteDak GenIII

1/07/2004 23:59:23
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: "Didn't think I would slide in ice with a 4X4"! Typical ignorance. NOTHING is really SUPERIOR as far as STOPPING and all vs FWD, RWD, AWD. It's getting tracion to at least MOVE that makes AWD / 4X4 better. FWD may move in the direction the wheels turn, IF they get traction but I have found sometimes more useless compared to a good old RWD can do. (I lived in snow before moving to Phoenix).
Now. You ARE correct. Most of the idiots (90%) THESE days seem to be in IMPORTS. The other 10% are in Cavaliers or somthing. Driving little ECONOMY FWD cars and who must have NEVER driven a REAL car with some balls or performance so they get these spam cans and GLORIFY them with rediculous body mods and stickers, usually making them drive and handle WORSE than before!
Then they get this built up fat head thinking their Cavalier or Civic is a street machine, winding out the gears with the FART CANNON (which sounds HORRIBLE in my opinion) racing up and down the streets EXCEPT for like the above guy I mentioned who while SPEEDING around SLAMS on his brakes to get his GROUND EFFECTS to clear the MAN HOLE cover without scraping!
That sh*t is rediculous. It's one thing to build up or fix up a car. But to do so for LOOKS and to become RUDE to everyone else on the road is plain stupid. Rice sucks for this reason. I don't respect silly mods at all. Here is where I post and vent my dealings with the local Ricers here... Stupid Car Mods
Jake Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/08/2004 10:06:21
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: The locals here bring out their vintage iron each year for a mini show. There are rods, 60's and 70 cars which include a few oldies like a Hemi Super Bee, a original 440 'cuda, a COPO 427 Nova and one of mine,a L-79 66 Chevy II. We trade stories,info and of course..lies! The humor part of the meet are the little pencil necked ricers that show up and say how ugly these car are! A few even think their Honda shopping carts would give us some competition on the strip. We invite them to bring their little soup cans out anytime and bring plenty of cash since we have absolutly no use for the titles.
My question is..are these guys really that dumb? I find it hard to beleive anyone with half a brain would even consider a race with a 66 spec A/S car with a four door,decaled,fart piped,Pep Boys spoilered ,unpainted plastic $hit box that would even remotely think it would be a race?
hey Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/08/2004 13:42:43
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: Graphite, there is no such thing as chrome
molly, Try alloy buddy, and I have a bone 2
pick with u about your site. Although i don't like
rice either, I am rather pissed about the truck
comments,but everyone has there own
opinon, even if it's the wrong one.
I hope I get flame broiled for this one!
sucki sucki Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/08/2004 15:05:46
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
me wan meet Yutio Micock
hahahaha Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/08/2004 15:53:01
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: mitsubishi still sucks. my sister has a 2000 caravan and it has 40K miles on it and its been in the dealership 4 times. im tired of dodge selling out their economy line to import manufacturers.
Jake Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/08/2004 16:35:00
| RE: Hey IP: Logged
Message: Hey, your another 3rd grade drop out. If you can read.....
ORNL's Vinod Sikka has won five R&D 100 awards. The first was for his work in 197475 at ORNL in developing a steel containing chromium, molybdenum, and other elements. It was developed for the U.S. government's Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project, which was to have been built in Oak Ridge but was canceled in 1983.
The award-winning chrome-moly steel was first manufactured and sold in the United States in 1983. The material was originally tested in boiler tubes at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston Steam Plant in nearby Kingston, Tennessee.
It is now manufactured and marketed internationally by companies in France, Germany, Japan, and the United States for a total of over $100 million in sales. Because it doesn't easily corrode or deform at normal operating conditions, the material is used in utility boilers to produce electricity and oil refinery furnaces to make unleaded gasoline. Like Sikka, the steel is a winner, at least in certain applications.
Now, shut up and go to your room!
Yutio Micock Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/09/2004 23:40:47
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: U gauys shidn't make fun of mi. My Carvan is pieace of ****. I thaught I woud be a good citizen if I baught American Car. Now I cannnot go anywher around here. The dumb ting break down all the time. I cant' go out of town. To much plistic gray. It is real slow, and 2.4L buzz, put pedel to floor to make it go. My wife like Cassette but now it broke too. Exhaust is too small, 2inch outlet, needs more like fyve inch. Van must be slow because it have to much metal frame underneath. Trans leak in garage, engine had blown head gasket. I would like speak with hilbilly druck readnecks that make thes tings. Sticker says made in america by Dodge wth pride inside door, even that is pealing off. America pride in quality, nope, non there. Japan build good car, Toyota, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi. New Nissan Titan is faster accerlating then Rum Hemi in commercial, it passed it up. Ha ha.
BamaTech Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/09/2004 23:53:54
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: Daimler Chrysler owns Mitsubishi and in 2006 all of the Small Vehicles like the Neon, Stratus , Sebring are gonna be built by Mitsubishi for Chrysler
GraphiteDak GenIII

1/10/2004 00:29:20
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: Those cars allready have Mitsubishi under the hood.
As for the piston rings on our V6... I looked up the specs again and I MAY have been remembering wrong. It says the top piston ring and oil rings are CHROME PLATED. That may be the same thing as Chrome Moly, don't know.
But... there IS such thing as CHROME MOLY piston rings. If I remember correctly they take LONGER to seat than stock piston rings but are used in serious performance set ups.
Oh yeah, Hey, what is it about TRUCKS on my site that bothers you??? Let me guess. It was something to do with LOW RIDERS?
I happen to dislike LOWRIDERS. First of all I think it f**king ruins a TRUCK. Second of all people who drive lowriders are f**king idiots. At least where I live (Phoenix). The little PUNKS speed around like speed racer. BUT... Stop quickly and often to crawl over man hole covers, small dips in the road, take 30 seconds to get their car off of the road in front of you and over the entrance ramp into a shopping center. They drive STOP AND GO all the way down the street sometimes trying to keep their vehicles from getting fu*ked up on the little dips and speed bumps. All because they decided to lower their vehicle to where it hits the pavement. Lowriders are rude a$$holes on the street. What's the point? Everyone knows the city streets is NOTHING like a closed and SMOOTH race track!
fukk off Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/10/2004 01:37:08
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: There is nothing wrong with lowering a vehicle, Mine is lowered, I DO NOT go 1/2 mph over stuff, but it looks better, and handles better than stock. it is more a performance thing than appearance sometimes. You think lowriders suck, well I think 4x4's suck. Its all opinion. For some reason you think u need 4x4 in phoenix. well I can drive well enough to push my lowered dak through the snow in pa. 4x4 is unnessisary for most people. some like it. ITS ALL IN YOUR OPINION. you may be able to run over my lowrider, but first you have to catch it, and I dont see that happening. My dad has a 4x4, and in 2wd i would kill his truck in the snow. of course he would kill me if he pulled the lever, but who cares? that lever costs a lot of money, and is expensive to fix.
GraphiteDak GenIII

1/10/2004 10:58:47
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: I didn't buy the 4X4 for Phoenix.
I go places a regular truck can't go, yet alone a low rider. And I do drive in the snow. If you are saying your low rider can drive through the mountain with snow, especially the back roads. You are full of sh*t.
But I told you why I don't like low riders. Maybe our image of them is different but here in Phoenix they are dumb ass punk kids who THINK they are fast with there STOCK engines with fart cannons driving their trucks so low they scrape off the pavement and their heads bounce instead of their suspension. THAT is NOT performance.
They also like I said, drive like race cars for a stretch only to STOP practically over a dip as small as a manhole cover. RIght in the middle of traffic! Then they need like TWO LANES to go over it all diagonaly or something. They think that is COOL or PERFORMANCE?
So if you are not like that where you are from, then maybe you don't understand my thinking.
Also, what kind of truck and what mods do you have to be faster than a 4X4 V8?
Toyota??? (they seem popular for the kids that THINK they are fast). You better be running a truck with a V8 or a really modded V6 to be faster than my stock 4X4.
hey again Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/10/2004 13:57:45
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: I also hate it when the retards slow down for manhole covers but I use air bags so when i'm driving around town i air them up so i can clear any curb i need to. Maby your perception is a bit off because of the people around you but they don't represent all lowered truck owners.
fukk off Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/10/2004 16:22:17
| RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best! IP: Logged
Message: I have a 99 2wd reg cab dak with a 318, 5 speed, and 3.55 gears. 9.25 inch with suregrip. It has gibson exhaust, and an air raid intake.
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