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15:49:43 - 03/12/2025

Dakota Performance
hey is wrong
Dodge Dakota


Subject: RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
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hey-hey you're very wrong,
there is such a thing as chrome moly you moron and it is a steel alloy! correctly said it is a chrome molybdenum alloy. just a metalurgist with 33 years experience. your are really showing your lack of knowledge by reaming a guy out and it is you who is wrong, not the guy you reamed.

hey is sorry
Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

I am sorry for correcting someone with the wrong info. My deepest regret for my imature actions.
I don't mean to be one of the many sts's on this board I just need to think before I type.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

Thank you for putting me in my place. We need more people on this fourm. And I would also like to apoligise to mark for haveing to put up with me and all the other people on this fourm that make his job difficult.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

for all us dodge people i came up with some new drivers rules that u can all follow if u want. when u see another dakota or ram while ur driving down the road give them the friendly nod. but when u see a ford or a crapanese import truck just look at them and point and laugh. feel free to add to the rules lol.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

what about chevy? love it or leave it?

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RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
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I'm still laughing about what hey said about kicking his dad's 4X4 in the snow. Be not using the 4WD or not, a lowrider couldn't go over 6 inches of snow period! I was telling my friend about this earlier. He said the guy must be a moron. That shows a low rider mentality. If he can go over more snow than his dad's truck, then his dad can't drive. Sure, you could go over some snow. But not where I drive in snow. And I live in Arizona! A lowrider wouldn't make it over a ramp into a parking lot the way they are in Northern Arizona.

And I can't BELIEVE someone would lower their Dakota! I like being slightly higher than other pople. That way it's THEIR radiator that got f*kked up from MY bumper or better yet, my trailer hitch! Lowering your truck, makes it as worthless as your typical Honda!

fukk off
Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

HEY didn't say it, dick head I did. A ram with one tire spinning in the snow is not as good as my sure grip dak in the snow. If he pulls the lever he will kill me...Read it again dick. I said my truck was lowered, I never said the frame was leaving sparks. IT IS LOWERED, NOT A LOWRIDER. And yes it can go through 6 inches of snow. My mentality as a lowrider driver? What about you "I'm king of the road cause I have 4 wheel drive". You have the bad mentality there "Mr. lowered trucks are bad, and I am great, cause I can see in his sunroof". You are one close minded mother fuker. Open your eyes to the world. I don't hate 4x4's, I just don't want to spend more on a truck than I need to. If I was going to plow snow, or go 4-wheeling, I would buy a 4x4, I go 4-wheeling on a 4 wheeler, and drive to work and around in my LOWERED dakota. You want a big 4wd, fine buy one, but dont tell me I am wrong for not doing what you do. I'll stick to my motto (LIFTED TRUCKS ARE FOR THOSE WHO NEED A BIGGER PACKAGE)

Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

Just wondering fukk,

Do you have a huge rear wing on the back of your truck?

How about neons under your truck?

I just hate to see a perfectly good Dakota turned into a ricer. That's all.

fukk off
Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

No neons, no 5000 watt stereo, no European tailights. It does have a fiberglass cover, and a "small" wing.

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RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

My truck is not lifted.

But when you say LOWRIDER I think of just that.

And the LOWRIDERS I know can't go over 6 inches of snow. PERIOD!

BTW. Limited slip does not really make it better for snow or especially ICE.

I have had experience such as with a Mustang. WHen they grip, it does go good. When they DO slip (especially with over 300 HP) it just does a donut and goes nowhere!

Honestly, one reason they make OPEN difrentials is for safety. When you are on ICE wnd one wheel slips, the OTHER wheel is sitting there keeping you stablized. When they BOTH slip the rear end slides sideways. I actually think that is fun. But for most people who only lived in the city for example, they are better off with a regular "one wheeled wonder" open diff.

And in your first post, you did come across as saying your 2WD was as good or better than a 4WD in the snow. Simply not so. A 4WD is just that, and night and day difference in the snow, ice, mud. They are not even CLOSE.
My Dakota will climb up a very steep dirt hill from a dead stop that my Quads (ATV's) can not. A 2WD could not get up that same hill, not even with a POSI.

Oh, BTW. I like 2WD Dakota's too! I think the RC ones (with a V8 of course) are sporty as hell with some nice fat tires and a few NICE mods. I wouldn't mind having one but I needed to get one to hold the whole family and a Dakota QC does just that and well.
I'd NEVER EVER make a low rider out of a Dakota. Hell. Low riders are just dumb. If you are one who has lowered your R/T one or two inches, that isn't what I mean. I'm talking lowered close to the ground like you see the guys who hang in the low rider CLUBS. Low trucks are dumb. Why ruin a truck?

THIS is a low rider:

More can be found here Stupid Lowriders and other Ricers!

fukk off
Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

I do not have an r/t, hence the 5-speed. It is a reg cab, and is sporty as hell. And I also can handle sideways, It doesn't take a genious to counter steer a sideways truck. If your four door dak can go up a steeper hill than your 4 wheeler, you have a really sh!tty 4-wheeler. Is it 2wd? You are missing my point about the 4wd thing. I never said my truck was as good as a 4x4 in the snow, I said my truck is as good or better in the snow than a 4x4 that is in 2wd. If a 4x4 has an open diff, and he leaves it in 2wd, I would go better, and faster than him. Maybe mine would be sideways, but I would still get my truck moving first. If you have a 2wd truck without a posi, and you live where I live, you are screwed from october till march, you might as well park it. If you mean lowrider, say lowrider, don't say lowered, there is a big difference. My truck is lowered, that piece of puerto rican driven garbage in the picture is a "lowrider" Yes I know what I am talking about, I have had 2wd trucks with and without posi, the non-posi trucks had the rear swapped for posi, cause the open diff. sucked assin the snow. If your mustang did a doughnut, you are not good enough to handle that car in those conditions. Dont get pissed because I say that, I am just being serious. I have also had mustangs in the snow. I have had many 2wd vehicles with posi, and a few with 300+ hp, and I have never looped one. Not in the snow, dry pavement, rain, I have never lost control of one. I have ditched one car, a front wheel drive car. They suck, I will be the first to admit that the reason I ditched the car was because I couldn't drive it as well as it needed to be driven. My truck in the same situation, would have wiggled the back end, then continued down the road.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

I would kick your butt in the snow even in two wheel drive. Sorry, but I'm just being serious. When you are going sideways I'll be a mile up the road. That's just the way it is.

fukk off
Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

So with half the traction, you will be going faster? great logic dumbass. I suppose you think most drag cars have open differentials, because they must go faster with half the traction. Wow you are dumber than most people on this site.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

Who said anything about open diff? Who's the dumb ass now?

fukk off
Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

I did, in the post you were replying to. I said 4x4's with an open diff, and you answered to it. If you answered it without reading all of it, you are still the dumbass. Read it again, then come back and tell me if I am wrong.

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RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
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At least we got the diff between LOW RIDER and LOWERED cleared up.
It must have been your general TONE for me to assume you had a LOW RIDER. Lowriders are generally idiots.

As for spinning donuts in the Mustang, I was just giving an EXAMPLE of why the GENERAL PUBLIC is better off in the snow with a open diff.
I also said I drove just fine in my Mustang. I romped all winter long in it. Had chains with me just in case. Because no matter how good any of us are, you will eventually get STUCK!

As for the 4WD vs. 2WD, plain and simply I can go over a lot more snow than a truck that is lowered. Once you hit 16 inches of snow your packing that sh*t under the body and posi or not you can;t push thru that so therefore a 4X4 even in 2WD may possibly still have an advantage. But who cares how far a 4X4 can go in 2WD, you have 4WD so damn you'll be using it and it is no comparison there. If I didn't care about going off road and not bottoming out (like mine allready does at times on the serious sh*t) I'd just get me a sporty 2WD as well. To me the RC looks better slightly low with fat tires. But the longer QC like mine looks better higher. That's my opinion and I sure as hell wont lift mine more than 2 inches. This 4X4 handles the mountain curves too good for me to want to lose much of the handling.

And when I compared my QUAD to my Dakota. there's not a damn thing that would start out on the test hills I am talking about. No Banshee, no Raptor, etc would start out and go up this steep hill. You would have to do it yourself I guess to understand. I take my Quad up some serious a$$ sh*t too. Sometimes it's scary. But one has advantages over the other. The Dakota just simply has more traction while my quad spins out. Getting the Quad going up the hill while allready moving is a diff story.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

can anybody say pissing contest???
dont say your truck is better until you dook it out at a track with snow if you want....

Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

Hey Fukk off you were making a good point that you aren't "one of those" low riders with 1 inch between your frame, and the road. Then you had to go say something about lifted trucks and small packages. You were getting onto Graphite about smallmindedness! you like a lowered ride great I don't, but that's your right. Now there are lots of good reason for lifting your truck. You loose handeling, but gain room. I enjoy mudding, but my dak gets burried real easy in the swamp mudd around here. The solution is get much bigger tires to distribute the weight over a larger area. To get bigger tires under the fenders, you gotta rais the truck. For those who rock crawl it ain gonna happen with stock tires and no lift.

fukk off
Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

Very true, and my truck would not corner like it does without hotchkis suspension. Youi are right, we are both entitled to our opinions. I wasn't being closed minded, I was getting a dig in like I get all the time. "lowered trucks are for little boys who cant get it up" I hear this sh!t all the time. I get peoiple fukking with me because I have a truck that is different than the "norm". Maybe I'm just ahead of everyone else in the times around these little redneck towns like the one I live in. Sorry, I'm not gonna grow a mullet, jack up an 86 chevy, and jam to metallica in my town, thinking that I am cool with some teeth missing while I feed pigs at the local farm. Sorry, lifted trucks are bad here. I'm not saying that all people who jack up their trucks are like this, but everyone around here is. Dont call my way wrong, and I wont call yours wrong. If your truck looks good, be it stock, lowered, or lifted, I will give you a nod, or say nice truck. If you try to make yours out to be better than mine, I'm gonna prove you wrong if I can. I'm done now.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Yeah, Japanese cars are the best!
IP: Logged

So I guess I can be stereotyped as a "lowrider", since my truck is bagged and I like driving an inch off the ground. However, when I hear the term "lowrider"I think of a Monte Carlo sitting on 13" Daytons sticking out past the fender with 10 batteries in the trunk. It's your opinion, but I don't consider myself or my truck to be a lowrider.

I have nothing against lifted trucks. I have a 2wd and live in California, so I don't really need to lift it since I don't do any offroading. I certainly don't want to leave it stock and in my eyes the lower or higher a truck is the better it looks.

Just be careful what lowered truck you try to runover. If its me and I am in front of you, you are going to get some sparks and a couple of road dots in your windshield. :)


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