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11:41:24 - 03/12/2025

Dakota Performance
Dodge Dakota


Subject: Beat a Porche Boxster??
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Looking at the spec's of the Porche Boxster. Slow as shi... The standard Boxster does the 1/4 mile in 14.6 stock. A few small tweaks to my Dak and I will add Boxters to my hunting list. I love this truck it just lurks quitely looking for prey allthough the new exaust does have people on the street turning for another look. If only they knew what lurked underneath the hood of this sleeping monster. Had a Ford guy walk up to my truck and give it the twice over after hearing me pull in.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Wait till I am with this 4.7 OHC engine all you $50,000+ sport car owners.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yes I had a rough childhood but it's pay back time!!

Dan Ingler
Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Earth to Jeffster, Come in Jeffster. Do you copy?
Sure you may take a Boxster in the 1/4 mile but who buys a Porsche because of it's quarter times? Throw in anything resembling an S-curve and we're through. I don't want to be a bubble buster though. How about a race between a Ferrari F40 and the new RT's. 1/4mile, pick up 8 4x8 sheets of sheetrock and 4 bags of mulch and then race back!! Those Italien bastards with all of their little spark plugs and multi-carbeurators. Go back to Itlay!!! (slight sarcastic tone!)

I do have abuddy who has a 1999 Prelude who talks a good talk. Do you think my 99 Dak V6 CC 2WD with every mod short of a NOS or supercharger would take him? Traction would probably be my downfall.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Dan you would smoke him. I alrdy have beatin integras civics and preludes with my 99 5.2 4x4. You should see the look on thier faces as i whop thier a**. LOL. I also only have minor mods homebrew intake, spark plugs, and a few other minor stuff.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

The stock 5 speed 4.7 sport will absolutley devestate a stock 99 or 2001 Prelude. Beleive me I know!!

As for handling you are right a Porche wins but you would be surprised just how well a Dak will corner with the suspenion technology available. My previous truck was a peice of shi.. Chevy with only a 2.2 but with the $1000's spent on state on the art suspenion products nothing I have ever driven in my life could touch that truck in a S curve. I saw Road & Track do a head to head between an R/T and a BMW back in 1999. The R/T devestated the BMW not only in the 1/4 mile but also in the curved course not to mention purchase price. The 4.7's 5 speed's are even faster. The suspention perhaps not as good as an R/T but easily upgradeable. My truck sounds nicer than a Boxster that's for sure. They sound like an old 70's Beetle.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Unfortunately guys, he said he has a 3.9, not a 4.7 or a 5.2. Too, it's in a heavy CC. The 99-00 Preludes turn mid-15 second quarters, so it would be a good race.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Your right. If it's a 3.9 CC stock it would be a very easy win for the Prelude.

Mike Balls
Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Jeffster what the hell kind of drugs are you on?

Dan Ingler
Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Geez, it's not totally stock.
JBA headers, flowmaster, MSD Digital 6 with taylor wires, Accel coil and 3923 plugs, K&N Gen 2 intake. My next big mod will the throtle body but I haven't made up my mind on what I want.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Sounds good Dan. You will need to run about 15.5 to beat a stock Prelude. I think they are booked at 15.7.

To give you an idea how quick. I lost (barely) to a stock Prelude in my 98 CC 5.2 4x4 5 speed with no mod's. If you can run as fast as that V8 4x4 CC with your modified V6 you are very close. Stock Preludes are swift, 200hp but absoutley no match whatsoever, I mean not even close to a 4.7 with the right set up because they have only half the tourque.

Mike Balls
Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Jeffster what the hell kind of drugs are you on?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

I'm with Mr. Balls (nice name - thank your Dad). What kinda chemicals do you put on your Rice Krispies, there, Jeffster?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

?? Look at the spec's. Prelude runs mid 15's and Boxster runs mid 14's. No drugs required to understand the numbers.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

BlahBlahBlahNumbers..... You need to back off (just a touch) on caffeine, and start going to your local track. Watch some American Iron like Mustwaings and Camurrays. Maybe look for some other Dakotas and see how they run. Don't get your 15-second panties in such a wad over some yuppie convertible. You own a Dodge, now. You need to set your sights on some larger game. Ask yourself, "What will it take for me to start slapping around those 12 second Mustangs I see at the strip?" Don't worry with the Preludes, my friend.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Saw quite a few older modified 5.0 Stangs running 12's and 13's at the track. This truck will get there eventually. Preludes, slow 5.0's and almost everything else are just to wet the appetite a little untill I can afford some serious goodies. Being beaten badly by a Dak truck leaves some of these guys stunned however. Ha ha ha

Still feels good to slap around 95%+ of what's out their with a near stock truck. I will try to cut back on the coffe but can't make any promises.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

I needed a good laugh today. Beating a Porche boxster... LOL.... Don't get me wrong I love my Dakota. Its a great truck. But I also love my Z28. There's more to life than the straight line. The Z28 does both extremely well. Try autocrossing sometime at your local SCCA club. I am sorry but your 4.7 would not stand a chance against the Z on curves or staight line..... Beating a boxster..... hahahah

ps Have a good holiday and stay safe.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Ha ha ha ha ha. The stock R/T suspention was compared favorably to a BMW on a curved course by Road and Track. The truck allthough mabye not an exotic sports car can actually be made to handle the curves a lot better than you may think. I know this first hand. My slow Chevy had a ton done to it including urethane control arm bushing and Z rated tread. I had my passengers faces plastered against the side windows and I could have done more. I have no plans to do so with this one but you would be quite surprised by what's out there. The wheel base stock with the road and handling package is very broad and stable especialy in a R.C

I am sure Eric knows what I am talking about if he has used genuine proffesional parts. I am sure he is also just scratching the surface.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

jeffster is absolutly right. I have been in a porche boxter and they are not that fast. The dakota just will out run it. Then when the porche boxter blows his engine because he is trying so hard to catch you will have to get his body lifted of the frame to change the mid engine which is a 6 cylinder design. I dont care what you people say jeffster is right the numbers are right although to pull of the 14.6 secs in the boxter takes a hell of a driver. They dont make miracles in europe they make food for our dodges.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

After a long day of losing to the Z-28's at the strip and the Boxsters at the auto-cross, I like to drown my automotive woes in a beer or two. Sometimes I like to bring a beer or two for my friends. How many kegs can your Z-28 haul home on a curvy road? My sloppy-handling straight-line Dakota hauls 10 kegs. If I had a mind to, I could haul them kegs and tow that Boxster home at the same time. Call me if you need help at the package store.......Just a thought.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Alex belive me a porche boxster will get destroyed by a dodge dakota.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

I'm not worried, bud. Yuppies talk on the damn cell phone too much to drive well. And besides, the REAL Porsche guys have the all-wheel-drive twin-turbo 911's and Carrera 4's. The Boxster is what you buy your rich tennis-playin' stay-at-home MILF. But then again, all I paid for my beer haulin drag racer was $21000 drive-off-the-lot. So, I'm not worried.

2000 Dakota Sport Loaded
4.7, 5spd, 3.55
15.48 @ ~87~

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

4.7 5 speed.

The boxter is slower then an integra it is slower then a maxima the.

Gen II
 User Profile


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
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Hehe, M.I.L.F. ........hmmmm. I wonder what that means? I've seen American Pie before so I know what you mean. I don't use that term very often, if at all though. I'm too busy looking at they're 18 year old daughters.

Kris Harnack
1994 Dodge Dakota SLT
3.9L V6 / RC / SB / Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Ha ha ha ha. I'm with you Kris.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

For the record I never claimed to have beaten a Boxster. All I said is a few very inexpensive tweaks and I don't mean super charger or NOS your there with your ten kegs of beer.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

You ain't nutten til you beat this minivan!


Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

whoops forgot the other link


Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Little kids still don't get it! People who buy porches don't really give a shi* about the quarter mile or the fact that you can tow more crap with your piece of shi* truck.

The next thing you need to understand is that you drive a fuc&&& Dodge. A Dodge... A Dodge....A Dodge....and one last time a Dodge. The next time you are at work (McDonalds, Burger King, or some construction site) think about your sorry ass life and understand that the rich guy (whom owns your ass) does not care about your sorry Dodge driving ass!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Bill that was rude. Yes we drive Dodge's. But no rich guy owns my ass because I am the rich guy. I choose a truck like my Dakota because it has more balls than some pussy car. Now I can tow my boat, hunt Preludes and Porshe boxers, and drive around making the shmoes who need a Porshe to compensate while I drive around with my trophy girlfriend sitting next to me. Life isn't sorry at all.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

LOL CThomp!!

Shi.. Mc Donalds wages wouldn't even pay the insurance on a V8 2WD truck. It's funny seeing these old men with mid life crisis's blowing their life savings to play the role and get stomped by some young buck in his work truck with a cute chick by his side. Life is great.

I sense a troll is hunting for old Jeffster posts.

 Email User Profile


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
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Uhhh...i've already matched a Porsche Boxster in my V6. The guy gave me the "Thumbs Up" after I slowed down to see what the heck was hanging on to my bumper at 110mph. He couldn't pass me and I couldn't pull on him. We ran from a 30mph roll.

1997 Dodge Dakota SLT - V6
Supercharged/Intercooled @ 10# w/Nitrous

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

I coulda sworn Preludes were faster than that, you're basicly telling me that my truck :: 02/RC/4.7L/2WD/3.92/LSD :: shoulda be able to take a 'Lude??!

There's only one way to really find out..a friend of mine with a WRX just beat some punk in the Prelude (~97-98) last weekend.

I'm at a lil over 800 miles in my truck now and my shifter seems to be a lot smoother than it was a hundred or two miles ago -- weird.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Bill, you got to be chittin me! Like I give a flying fanged fudgesicle about porshe drivers. A Dodge (Viper) for the same money will smoke one in any test. A Dodge, that is, a Dodge, a Dodge! The imapeeing supercars have never really gotten over then Viper thing, then the fact that Dodge can put together a pickup for $18,000 that will hang tough with some pretty serious imports (in the straights and twisties) is just the second blow. The knockout is that this is an all americian, UAW built, V-8, front engine, RWD full frame price of iron, the way god intended for all greatness to be created! Take your Hitler or Rice mobile there and try the win the BIG ONE again! Then maybe you can come over here and try it with your POS girly 4 banger. 40 years from now there be some Taliban poser here trying to peddle his Bin Lama type R and how it doesn't matter a dodge can smoke him in a straight line because real Bin Lama Type R owners but them for their babe appeal. God bless the USA and especially Dodge!

PS I fully realize Dodge is now owned by a different Hitler company, don't fret my little friends, the revolution is in motion! The Germans have tried to gut the best of what is upcoming for Dodge (Hemi's, rwd cars, etc.) But all that stuff is back in the fires now, Germany is losing it's misguided grip on Dodge more everday now.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Man, I need to get some sleep here!

PS, Dodge still rules!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

God Damn Hersbird you do have a sense of humor after all.

Take your "Hitler company" ROTFLMAO

"Taliban poser trying to pedal his Bin lama"

I am crying out here in Vancouver I am laughing so hard. >Bowing graciously to the master<

Jeff M
Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Interesting thread... and a very old one.. I am very glad you guys have kept it alive.... I just purchased a '01 QD 4.7 w/auto late August and shockingly enough my previous vehicle was a 97 (current generation) Prelude. I still have the car, but will be selling it once its in a condition I can sell it in. I managed to kill the engine twice in that car.

While I do love my Dakota, the Prelude is a great car. People buy each for different reasons, all of which need to be factored into the big equation of what vehicle to buy.

I am a bit surprised at the Dakota's acceleration. A race between these two vehicles stock will be pretty darn close.

I bought the truck because I needed to tow a 18' 3500lb boat that the Prelude simply can't handle. And after 4 years, I am sick of trying to stuff my hockey bag/sticks in a cramped little sports car, among other things, I needed more room.

Ok, so fine, I add a few mods to my Dakota and blow the doors off my Prelude? Who cares? What have I accomplished? I can just as easily add some mods to my Prelude and return the favor... If I am not into professional racing and making money off it, why bother pouring any cash into making a vehicle go faster than my neighbors Boxster? Maybe some of you guys are still I little young and think going faster than your buddies Mustang is cool, but I have better things to waste my time on.. But thats my personal preference.

As for cornering and handling... Heck even going in a straight line at 90mph+ in the Dakota I feel a bit uneasy. There is simply no comparison here, and I doubt the R/T has much to add. The center of gravity for the trucks are much higher and lack REAL performance tires of their car counterparts, for starters. For the guy who said R&T favored the R/T on curvy roads. Lets see the slalom course times of that R/T and BMW. There is a difference in suspension preference and suspension performance. Preference is subjective, course times on the other hand are hard facts.

There is also the issue of quality, and while American cars have vastly improved since the 80s, the fit and finish is still not on par with most imports. The rubber gasket that fits around the door window seems to fit oddly, especially in corners. The button to my center console kept popping out (and has since been replaced by the dealer).

They are both great cars, but with two very different purposes. Right now in my life I need the towing ability and a place to throw my junk, and the truck fits the bill.

Also, people seem to think that the Boxster is supposed to be a real sports car or something. It's a Boxster, not a 911. While Porsche has traditionally been synonymous with performance, that was not the primary focus for the engineers. The BMW Z3 also lacked in the performace department. I think in recent years they have added a larger engine to the line-up... Sad to think that out of all those little cars, a 2.0 liter NA 4cylinder beats them all. (I would think the Audi TT w/Turbo which is now available is faster, though).

Damn this was longer than I had expected....

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

funny thing you should mention that.. because yesterday on my drive home I pulled next to a nasty yellow boxster with its ugly body styling.. and seriously thought "ya he has a boxster..SO what" I have a Dakota ! And I am much more content with my truck than i would ever be with a Boxster,and I dont say that either because i couldnt afford a boxster and hold a grudge, because i could if i wanted one *And have about enough left over for 1 day of insurance ;) but anyways I couldnt careless if he doesnt "like my dodge" .. I would never want some yuppy that couldnt appreciate a dakota ... driving one. And that goes for anyone out there. And I agree with Alex, any true porche guy would have an all wheel drive 911 twin turbo. But anyways.. the moral of my story is Drive with Pride..

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

hmm Dakota vs. porche

haha that just makes me laugh I think you guys are crazy for even comparing the two. No offense but porche quality far out does dodge, handeling will out do dodge, power will out do dodge(ex viper), looks will out do dodge. They are much better much more expensive cars, it is an insult to put them in the same catagory. Same as comparing a ferrari with a viper!


Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Sorry I've just never been passionate about anything from porsche. Look back 30 years to the 71 Hemi Cuda, now look back 30 years to the VW, oh I mean porche whatever it was. I'm sure it had better build quality and handled better then a 71 Hemi Cuda then too, but still Mopars give me a fat, and I could really care less about anything from porshe. Jags, and Farraris are another story...

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

uhh I raced a S boxter when I lived in NY and I can tell you that a 0-60 stoplight to stoplight race I stomped him at every light with my r/t. I will give it the benifit that it was a younger kid driving it that probable was his dads or something. We talked at the last light and he was interested in buying a r/t. I was interested in his G/F in the passenger seat :-).

Dodge Dakota


RE: Beat a Porche Boxster??
IP: Logged

Id rather drive a BMW 740i than ANY porsche!!!

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