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11:27:09 - 03/12/2025

Dakota Performance
Michael Unrei
Dodge Dakota


Subject: RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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I have a 99 dakota sport 4x4. I am considering switching all fluids to synthetic. I have heard that this is a way to get extra horsrpower and fuel economy. Does anyone know if this is true. I want some other opinions before I make the switch.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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Any comments on Royal Purple, I have read great things, how does it stack up against Amsoil?? I recall reading a Hot Rod article where just by changing all fluids to Royal Purple they realized a HP increase!!

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Synthetic or dino oil, whats better = Amsoil
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I have many articles discussing the added HP gained from switching to synthetic lubricants.

I'm visiting a buddy with a Vette Shop and using his computer this morning so I'll send a Vette article.

Corvette Fever magazine
Subject: Article in Corvette Fever magazine 9/99

AMSOIL Boosts Horsepower

AMSOIL synthetic motor oils increase horsepower and torque, and that fact’s been made public by Corvette Fever. The September issues features a five-step program to boost the horsepower of the C5 Corvette by 40 HP. “Step four,” writes Corvette Fever, “involves a simple oil change. The Vinci Hi Performance dyno shows several free horsepower by using AMSOIL Series 2000 synthetic lubricant.” The magazine pictures Series 2000 Synthetic 20W-50 Racing Oil, the AMSOIL SDF Oil Filter and AMSOIL Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid.

Vinci Hi-Performance, has been modifying performance cars for over 30 years. Vinci Hi-Performance specializes in late model Corvettes, Camaros, Trans-Ams, Suburbans and Vipers.

No Matter what type of vehicle VHP performs modifications on, or what type of performance package they install, every performance package receives one group of basic ingredients: AMSOIL Series 2000 Motor Oil, AMSOIL Transmission Fluid and Gear Lube, AMSOIL Super Duty Oil Filter and 2-Stage Air Filter.

Roger Vinci was a Valvoline dealer using their DuraBlend Motor Oil. Roger has always recognized the advantages of using synthetic oil in racing but always believed that synthetic oil leaked or contributed to a loss of oil pressure. The only way he would consider becoming an AMSOIL account was to prove it to himself by installing AMSOIL in his personal Corvette and running the car on the dynamometer. He installed Series 2000 0W-30 in his personal ZR-1 Corvette.

After switching to AMSOIL Series 2000 0W-30 and a Super Duty Oil Filter, he immediately noticed the piston slap noise was cut in half and the lifter noise was 100 percent gone. He was also very surprised by the lower oil temperature and an increase in oil pressure!

The ZR-1 was then put on the Dyno. The results: A three horse power gain over the Valvoline DuraBlend, plus another eight horsepower by switching the K&N Air Filter out for an AMSOIL 2-Stage Air Filter. That’s an extra eleven horsepower!

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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My .02

Some people swear by synthetic oil, some don’t, and some don’t even think about it. As truck enthusiasts with at least a few horsepower modifications on our vehicles, we should all definitely be using synthetic oil.

Petroleum, whatever the brand, has a lot of impurities in it, even after the refining process. Not only does it have a lot of impurities; its very structure is somewhat unstable. What I mean by this is that regular motor oil has an unbalanced molecule structure. Some molecules are big, and some are small. In reality it is the small molecules that end up keeping your engine running smooth, and when you use regular petroleum, these smaller molecules are the first to burn off.

Synthetic oil, on the other hand, is created in a laboratory from the ground up. What this means is that since synthetic oil is created rather than refined, so it can be created without impurities from the beginning of its existence. Also, because synthetic oil is created and not manufactured, all the molecules that coat your engine are exactly the same in size, which means it gives better, more uniform protection for your engine components.

Quite Simply, synthetic oil is better for your engine than even the highest grade of petroleum out there. It flows better, provides more cold start protection, and can handle higher temperatures with ease. It also causes much less sludge build-up in your engine because it has no impurities to begin with, so it’s already one step ahead of regular oil in fighting the sludge battle inside the engine. I know a lot of guys with 4.7L sludge problems that this might help.

Just my .02

Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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Redline oil and Mobile 1, two of the best oils!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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Mr. SVT.
Rather than rewrite my knowledge I did a copy and paste from my answer on another thread asking about Redline vs. Amsoil. I have followed the "synlube" industry for 20-plus years, do some work with polymer based materials, and build race engines as a hobby.

(I know you didn't ask but) I'd say Mobil1 is the best of the "commonly" available synthetics and is probably the best oil at "that" price point. If that is all that fits your budget, use it because I'm not knocking it. However, Mobil1 is somewhat constrained in their formulation approach as they are trying to make a licensed product and sell it in that "lower" price range (formulated to be very good but not the best for price point reasons. I think you guys were seeing it for $18-$23 for a 5-qt jug).

This "lower retail price approach" limits the amount of zinc and phosphorus Mobil can use in the formulation to provide wear protection. This is why they have to play around with moly in their new Supersyn oils to get acceptable wear performance over long drain intervals.

Anyone is making a good choice with Amsoil or Redline. I do think that Amsoil and Redline make better synthetics than Mobil1, especially Amsoil and their extended drain synthetics, but they are up in the $7.00-$8.00/qt range, so this isn't a fair comparison. Amsoil & Redline compared to Mobil1 is not apples to apples. I've had excellent results with the Amsoil Series 2000/3000 products in my personal vehicles, with change intervals of 15k-20k miles. I only use Redline for the race cars.

There are other less readily available alternatives, but when you think of real synthetics for real people, most people would agree that there are only 3 popular brands in North America: (I said popular, not only.)

Mobil1: easy to find, relatively cheap, good detergency.

Amsoil: Lasts long, excellent additive package, and stable against oxidation.

Redline: Good engine performance. (API aproved oils only, race oil is not for Joe Public unless you like tearing down and rebuilding engines)


Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
IP: Logged

I have seen a lot of talk about AMSOIL and other synthetics, but have not heard much about other manufacturers such as Valvoline, Castrol etc. What experiences have you had with these makers? I am currently using Valvoline SynPower. Thanks in advance.

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Synthetic or dino oil, whats better? Amsoil !
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Are you looking for a TRUE 100% Honest Synthetic Oil? Both Valvoline and Castrol are simply hydrocracked conventional crude petroleum oils(dino) --- and are NOT true synthetic motor oils.

Both Oils mentioned (Valvoline and Castrol) use Group III base oils, so they must rely more on their additives packages. A TRUE synthetic uses either the Group IV or Group V base oil, or a mix of the two, plus their own unique additives package. As a matter of fact, I don't think any of the TRUE synthetics use all of one, they mix a combination of both. Group IV is PAOs (Polyalfaolefins) while Group V is the esters. Only oils manufactured with Group IV and Group V base oils are TRUE Synthetics.

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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That's true. The courts allow non synthetic oils to call themselves synthetic because the process of hydrocracking changes the characteristics of the oils ever so slightly, but only just enough that they are slightly different. They can not be compared to true synthetics. It's not comparing apples to apples.

Synthetics are truely superior. A true synthetic is built from the ground up. It has unique properties such as uniform size which makes them more stable and that is why they perform better.

Mobile 1
Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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It's like cubic inches. There's just no substitute.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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Mobile 1 is like cooking with PAM. It never sticks!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
IP: Logged

Soo, what was determined about Royal Purple? I've used this in my past 2 trucks and its been great! I don't know about all the power difference and whatnot, but when i had my motor worked on in my old truck (195,000 or close to it) the mechanic said about how well i kept up with the oil and he could see a difference with the syntethic oils. I also saw that Hot Rod report a few years back when they talked about switching all the fluids to Royal Purple.

i cant and wont say that its the best out there becuase I've never tried any other exspensive synthetic oils. I just know that it works for me.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
IP: Logged


Somebody mentioned using a synthetic blend. I did for a long time thinking I was getting the best of both worlds. With commercially available synthetic blends, you have no idea of what the synthetic to dino oil ratio is. One would assume it would be close to 50/50, but it could just as easily be 10/90. After learning this I have switched to a 100% synthetic oil.

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Amsoil -- Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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In an ongoing effort to inform, I am posting the following:

Synthetic lubricants are a product of the trend towards increasingly complex industrial and automotive equipment designed to meet ever more severe operating conditions - such as extremes of temperature in the operating cycle, the need for sealed-for-life components or extended overhaul periods. In these cases the equipment has exceeded the performance capabilities of conventional mineral oil based lubricants, and created the need to develop synthetic oils.

When we talk about synthetic oils we are describing the base fluid which, as in conventional lubricants, acts as a carrier for conventional additive packages.

The following short definitions of the terms often used by those involved in the lubrication business will be helpful as a start to this bulletin.

Mineral oils - Lubricants whose base stocks are derived solely from direct distillation and separation of crude oil or "Dino".

Synthetic oils - Lubricants whose base stocks are pure chemicals. They are NOT based on the simple refining of crude oil ("Dino"), but are manufactured by the conversion of certain chemicals into synthetic bases with controlled structure and predictable properties.

Part or partial synthetics - These are mineral oils blended with synthetic oil. This has the effect of combining the desired features of each into the single oil. The term semi-synthetic is sometimes used to describe these oils. This is misleading as this term is used to describe a quite different fluid as shown below.

Semi-synthetics - These oils use the same raw material as mineral oils. However, the oil is further chemically manipulated after distillation. This process removes many unwanted compounds (such as those containing nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur) and converts many of the sludge-forming compounds into less reactive hydrocarbons.

Classes of lubricants

All synthetic base fluids are not the same. Therefore, not all synthetic oils are the same.

There are many useful classes for the production of lubricants. The principle classes have proved to be esters, phosphorus esters, polyalkylglycols and synthesised hydrocarbons or polyalphaolefins. There are also classes within classes and the characteristics and performances of a synthetic base oil can vary considerably from one chemical structure to another. Selection of the correct base fluid for a particular application is important.

Why use synthetic lubricants?

Longer oil life --Enhanced thermal and oxidative stability
Benefit = Use less oil, less down time, longer filter life, lower disposal costs

Reduced oil consumption -- Lower volatility and higher density
Benefit = Less top up, less inventory

Safer operation -- Higher flash points, fire points
Benefit = Lower maintenance costs, lower replacement parts cost

Predictable properties -- Uniformity of product characteristics
Benefit = Lower product rejection, lower maintenance

As mentioned earlier, these fluids are pure hydrocarbon chemicals, enabling particular specifications to be met.

Compared with conventional mineral oil formulations, no synthetic oil is cheap. The higher cost of the synthetic may be set against a lower oil consumption, lengthened drain periods, increased parts life, longer overhaul life or reduced maintenance costs.

Many have asked: Is Amsoil approved by Dodge?


This was posted by Sephiroth 3/20/2004
V8 Forum --- Subject: New Chrysler Product?!

Message posted by Sephiroth:

"I went in to have my brakes checked today, and when I walked into the garage the first thing I saw made my jaw hit the floor. My local dealership now uses and sells AMSOIL products!! They've got it posted on a big banner over the service-desks. GM may not have been able to get it for their 'vettes, but obviously Dodge was able to, or they found out how awesome it is and started buying at regular price! When I go in for a tranny-filter, fluid, and gasket change next week, it's getting filled with AMS."

Sephiroth went on to state:

"This is at the Raleigh, NC dealership, Al Smith Buick, Dodge, Mazda. I told the guy at the desk I was astounded to see them using AMS and that I had been using it for a while now. After he rode in the truck he said he'd be switching next oil-change in his Ram.

As for me, I've got it in the engine, and I'll have it in the tranny soon! Next up are the differentials. After that I need to get a dyno just for curiosity's sake. IF I get 3-5hp form the differential, and God knows how much from the engine and tranny, that'll be enough without any heavy mods. Well, for all I do anyway. If it is a significant gain, I'll post the results."


... and as part of the same thread jeremiah2360 stated:

"Norwood (MA) Dodge sells Amsoil too."

Dodge Dealerships are beginning to realize that Amsoil offers a FULL LINE of Premium Synthetic Lubricants and Dodge Dealerships are beginning to offer Amsoil.

Why ...

1) Dodge knows Amsoil meets AND exceeds Dodge's requirements.
2) Because their customers are asking for Amsoil.
3) Amsoil = 30 Year History of Research and Development
4) Amsoil offers the best Synthetic Lubricants

Request a FREE Amsoil Catalog by clicking below.

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

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The Truth About Synthetics = Amsoil
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FYI .....

The Truth About Synthetics
By Ed Newman

This article appeared in National Oil & Lube News (a Leading Industry Trade Journal), April 2004

One morning in January 2004 the subject of man's walk on the moon came up in our department at work. To my great surprise our web assistant stated that he did not believe Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon, that it was a hoax. I was somewhat chagrined. I knew there were people who thought that way, but to meet one in person was a surprise. For me it's like stating that there is no such place as England or that Northern Lights are a hoax. These are simply facts.

This incident, and several more like it, led me to wonder what impact this kind of thinking has on today's world.

One survey in the early 1980's found that nearly 90% of all Americans believed that the government's account on the Kennedy Assassination, which determined that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, was false. Though distrust of our government did not begin with the Warren Commission, this was a fairly good indicator of the times.

What's disturbing is not just what people won't believe, it is amazing the things people do believe. Some people who do not believe the "lone gunman" theory are ready to believe that not only were there more gunmen, but also that the CIA, FBI, mafia and half the State of Texas including Vice President Johnson were involved.


How strange our world is today. Modern people have been trained to question everything, yet they believe the most foolish things. Yes, I can understand why someone might not believe the moon walk. We live in an age of falsification. Images, stories, urban legends, and cleverly devised myths abound, along with photos that have been doctored, stories that have no basis in fact. It is an era of deliberate obfuscation, an age of spin, of falsifying perceptions.

"Don't believe everything you see," is advice given wisely, but at the same time it can also unsettle us. Uncertainty makes us anxious. We like things to be firm, solid.

Uncertainty leaves us feeling confused. When there are things at stake, we want to know what is true. But sometimes we simply can't know. We hear both sides of an issue and we don't know whom to trust.

These lyrics, from the song "Going Under" by a group called Evanescence, capture some of the emotions people might feel when they have doubt and uncertainty.

"Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies
So I don't know what's real and what's not
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore."


With all the mixed messages - oil companies promote a 3,000 mile oil change while automakers recommend longer intervals through oil change indicator lights and plain old 10,000 to 12,000 mile changes for European vehicles - there's bound to be confusion. The result of this confusion is a pervasive distrust.

Even after customers buy something they want, they can be anxious and wonder whether they made the right decision by upgrading to synthetics. This is why the best salespeople learn to anticipate "buyers remorse," and nip it in the bud with affirmations that support the decision that was made.

When it comes to synthetic motor oils, having a firm understanding of their benefits is invaluable. Every employee can and should feel confident about recommending synthetic motor oils. For those who need a refresher, here are eight truths about why synthetics are better for today's motorist and worth the extra money upfront cost.

1) They offer superior wear protection so that engines last longer.
2) They improve fuel economy so that vehicles get better mileage out of every tank of gas.
3) Due to their low pour points and cold weather pumpability, they make winter starts much easier.
4) By reducing friction they help engines run cooler.
5) By reducing deposits engines run cleaner and perform more efficiently.
6) Due to lower volatility they reduce oil consumption.
7) They have been proven to provide more horsepower.
8) Because they resist oxidation and breakdown, they reduce varnish and sludge which keeps valves and rings from sticking.

It's a "wow" type of list. This is good stuff to know, for you and your customers. When combined with extended drains, premium synthetic motor oils offer these additional benefits:

1) Synthetics save customers money while improving your profitability. Their overall life-cycle costs are less than petroleum products, and you earn more as well.
2) They save customers time. Consumer surveys have shown that they desire the convenience of extended drain intervals. Motorists will pay extra for this convenience.
3) They reduce waste. Not only is there less waste oil to deal with, there are also fewer empty containers to dispose of.

No question about it, the truth is powerful. By speaking the truth about synthetics we can put to rest the anxious concerns of our customers regarding one of their biggest investments, their vehicles. In the end we're respected, and their engines are protected.

If anyone is interested in Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants you can request a FREE AMSOIL CATALOG by clicking the following link.

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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Dodge Dakota


RE: Synthetic or dino oil, whats better?
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