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11:59:09 - 03/12/2025

Dakota Performance
Dodge Dakota


Subject: RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

Why would I post anywhere else??? . I was just trying to find a
phone # for them to re order. And when I saw the negative
comments I had to tell you that you were wrong about the PVI cos
its worked for me. Im done!

 User Profile


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

Good riddance - we don't need people like you calling us brainwashed just because we recognize deceptive advertising when we see it.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way

Tin Man
Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

Way to Go Kowalski. Now you can have this site all to yourself. You, and Dorthy , and the tin man, who's favorite song you can all sing;"If I Only Had A Brain"

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

You're such a moron who deserves to have his ass kicked. Maybe
that would wake you up to reality dumb ass.

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

what dman refused to acknowledge was the fact that almost all of the posters that posted positive for pvi only posted here. Not just him. Why would you post somewhere else? It would give you a little credibity.

 User Profile


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

Yup,and we haven't seen anything to indicate that it was more than one person. Could be one troll posting the all the nonsense. I thought "dman" said he was done - seems to be proving once again that he can't be trusted. Usually cowardly foolishness, talking about ass kicking while hiding identity. And it was the scarecrow who sang "If I Only Had A Brain". Although that would seem to apply to our "Tin Man" (dman ?) here...

Lead, follow, or get out of the way

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

btw, only idiots resort to violence. The tin man needed a heart, and the lion needed courage, which dman seems to also need to make threats to people over the internet.

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

Hey guys,it worked for me too. I drive a Ford(sorry) and I went from 17-21MPG. I agree it's not deceptive advertising if it works!

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

so what brought you here? Have not seen you here either.

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

are you referring to me? Ya sorry for coming in here when I drive a
FOrd truck hope im not intruding haha.I googled pvitech to find
their web site to get their # and I thought this was it but then I saw
the comments. I have never posted here because I am a Ford
driver!! Sorry again!

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

Just seems like you are just another sheister making some fake post about pvi.

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

I tied it too but didn't work for me.
I agree it is deceptive advertising.

Mike Golka
Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

Sorry that it didnt work for you. What kind of vehicle do you drive? Did you send it back to get your refund? Did you call our tech department to make sure you had it hooked up on the proper vacuum line and it was bubbling properly? The main issue we find if there is no response is improper installation. Then sometimes the engine management system has to have a re-learn done as well. If after all of that has been done and no response then there is nothing more we can do. If you are still under our warranty period, you can send it back for your full refund! Just so you all know, we get refunded by the manufacturer/inventor so we have no problems with refunds as long as they are within the 4 month warranty period. We are just the distriubtor for Canada.

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

Mike Golka, why are you posting as DonM?
Why are you advertising your product here in violation of the court order?

Kent Wilkens
Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

First posted 5 years ago. I use my own name. This is my website.

I drive a ford Excursion.

I bought a PVI unit for it (had a money back guarantee)

Didnt need the guarantee.

I dont know if multiple aliases have been used by others. Cant speak for them.

I came to this site by googling PVI tech many years ago, when my initial order ran out and was looking for more stuff and couldnt find it. Posted my observations at that time.

My vehicle has a digital MPG readout. I observed about a 15% increase in mileage at cruise speed. It did take about 3000k before it actually kicked in. During that time I paid very close attention the mileage and didnt notice a change initially. Once it kicked in I was able to record an increase at certain speeds of 13.8-14.4 as a best before to 16.0. to 16.8 mpg (US)

It took quite awhile after the unit "ran out" for the mileage to drop back down. That could have also been due to other factors.

As I indicated in my post of years ago, the mileage increase could simply have been from my paying better attention to how I used the gas pedal. I also felt I had mitigated this possibility by regularly testing my mileage on a flat straight section of road of a certain distance that I regularly pass over. A period of time after the unit ran out, the vehicle didnt seem to have the same jump.

A few years back, due to bolts snapping off on the cast manifolds attached to the aluminum heads, we replaced with headers. The effect of that was noticable and immediate. Acceleration testing on the four ton pig was 12 seconds for 0-60 mph before the headers to 9 seconds after.

I did not find this actually made a significant difference in my average gas mileage as the tendency was to just get there a bit quicker. Staight flat testing gives me a little less results than the PVI did, but the vehicle in 9 years old now, has a roof rack (1 mpg) and the largest cargo carrier I could find to stick on top (Yes, the excursion is big, but with 6 kids and camping gear, it was still cramped).

I also bought a fancy Superchip reprogrammer to get better mileage and more power (what I had read indicated that could also net substantial increase in power and mileage). I tested extensively with and without the programming, using different settings, and ended up going back to the factory settings. Even the high test settings with premium did not show a measurable difference in power or mileage.

I will probably get some more stuff for my PVI rig and test it again. Would be interesting to see the results with both the PVI and the headers.

Its important when testing to do so at the same time of the year as the pig does not get the same mileage in the winter as the summer.


Mike Golka
Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

I am not posting as Don M or anyone else. I have always
posted as myself!. Just so you know, I am allowed to advertise
the product, Im just not allowed to make any claims with it. The
Gov't wants me to spend millions of dollars testing the product
on every year, make and model of vehicle out there to make
substantial claims to back up the product. I of course do not
have the money to do that and I dont want to charge more than I
have to. It is not worth buying the PVI if you arent going to save
right?! The PVI was shown in the US courts to show positive
results. I did not know that a vehicles combustion chamber
totally changes when it crosses the border did you!?I guess the
Canadian Gov't thinks it does. And I am not sure if you know
this, but the competition bureau here never proved that the PVI
did not work. They agreed that we get the catalyst inside the
engine. It is what happens after that to your particular vehicle
that they argued. Platinum is proven as a catalyst. Thats why it is
inside the Catalytic converter, platinum spark plugs... Platinum
and carbon cannot exist in the same area. PROVEN FACT! What
they said is that because we do not have all the millions of
dollars of testing they want IN CANADA, we cannot make any
claims. So all we say now is that you should try the PVI,if
mileage is your concern, we give you a mileage calculator to log
a before and after test to see for yourself.Do an apples to apples
test. If you are not satisfied for any reason you can send it back
for a full refund. Something that was not made public is that the
vehicle Peter Barton tested on Marketplace actually showed a 3%
increase. They did not present that as evidence during the trial.
We found out later. I also have a video from a test done by
GLOBAL TV if you want to see that, Ill send it out to you. I was
just made aware a few days ago from a customer that German
automaker VW, Audi etc are looking at getting rid of all pollution
control equipment on their vehicles and are going to be adding
platinum to the engines of their cars by 2010. Funny how that
coincides with when the patent for the PVI expires! Im not sure
how they are going to get it in there. I haven't read the article
yet myself,but if you want to check it out, it is supposedly in the
Fall/October issue of Popular Mechanics. Guys, Im not here
trying to rip anybody off, Im a Father of 5 kids, grew up on a
farm, worked hard my whole life. My goal was to help the
environment and of course save people a bit of money at the
same time. I believed in the product so much that I risked all of
that to fight for it for 5 years. I could have ran away with my tail
between my legs and paid my fines but I believed! The ads we
used were the same ads that the manufacturer uses in the USA.
Again, they are ok to use down there but not here. Were they
misleading? When you look at the big picture, yes I guess they
were. We cannot say 100% what it would do for your vehicle, if
anything. Every vehicle is different, tuned differently, driven
differently. That is the only item that they got us on because
they could not prove it did not work. One more thing that was
not made public, the judge that heard our case, retired after our
case. He was a judge for 25 years. When a judge retires, he gets
some kind of a declaration paper talking about his biggest case
he over saw. Well in 25 years, guess what his biggest case
was...the PVI case. A small company out of Edmonton was his
biggest case he ever made judgement on! I did not know we
were that famous!! The Inventor of the PVI was suspicious so he
hired a PI to look into it him a bit further, the Judge went to
work for an oil company after he retired. Coincidence??!! What
do you think? Anyways, there will always be skeptics. Hope this
clears up the air a bit.


Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

Mike, I never thought i'd see you have the courage to say such rubbish. You think its safe for you because you are advertising in the states here?
Let me say something else about what the courts decided; when Mike appealed they upheld the ruling and said the previous court could have gone even further. This whole thing was a long time scam that started off in Texas with a product called "gas saver" they had the same thing happen to them too. The court decision is here:

And the "true story" of what Mike just lied about:


Mike Golka
Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

I am not advertising in the States. The inventor/manufacturer of the PVI does. That is where he is based. We were given the Canadian distribution rights from him. We are HIS dealer.Sort of like a franchise. You follow their rules. We used the same ad that they use in the US since it worked for them there for the past 25 years. Our Government then came after us for misleading advertising which again when I look back on it, maybe it was since we can't say for sure it will work on your vehicle. We aren't hurting anyone because we never denied a refund. And the judge aknowledged that.If you want more insight on this, why dont you look at some independent studies that were done by someone besides the Government. City of Los Angeles, Alburqurque,University of Leeds for example.I'm sure you are aware the Government makes a lot of profit from the sale of fuel.What do they have to gain? If you can tell me what they have to gain and do it without losing a bunch of tax dollars, Id be interested.Look at the past posts on here from some of our past customers!!! If you want, I have a binder full of thousands of testimonials from our customers.You are going to tell me that it was all in their heads??? The post you listed, from CBC. Who funds CBC?????? Why didn't CBC ask their own forensic mechanic for his insight? He tested it and it worked for him that's why. Remember the Pogue Carbuerator? It was said to get something like 60 MPG, it never surfaced. Why is that? The inventor of the PVI was given the oppurtuinity to sell his patent rights for the PVI for multi millions years ago but he knew they would probably just bury it like the Pogue Carbueratorand many other inventions that have come out. There are always two sides to a story. If you would rather believe the Government over your fellow tax paying Canadian, who has nothing to gain from saying what it did or didnt for him, thats your choice!

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

It work for me!

Dodge Dakota


RE: PVI Tech
IP: Logged

owwww f-uck off !

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