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Dakota Performance
From | Message |
kawzx7 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
3/15/2002 14:13:21
Subject: RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: HEATH, talk to us man.
kawzx7 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
3/18/2002 08:36:58
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: Haven't heard from him in a while..............HOAX?!!!!!!!!!!
Richie Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
8/06/2002 19:15:00
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: My driveshaft broke in 1/2 on my way home from work today. Was on the freeway going about 65 mph and all of a sudden the car statrted vibrating like it had a blowout. Once pulled over and saw no tires were flat I looked underneath the car and was shocked to see the shaft in 1/2 like it was. I did not take it to the dealer but took to another shop where a friend works and they said they have never seen that happen before.
Texas Todd Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
8/07/2002 09:13:26
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: Sorry you got the shaft from your driveshaft.
What body, year, engine, tranny, mods, driving style, etc?
Chrysler Corp Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
8/07/2002 12:37:46
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: Sorry board members. Heath isn't with us anymore. He tried to uncover our secret. Don't look into this anymore or you will share his fate.
yates-in-DE GenIII

8/07/2002 13:21:11
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: David W. Mitc,
Dude, you are one of those. It is a proven fact that driving at higher rates of speed causes less accidents than driving at'55' or '70'.
I use my truck for heavy haulin' and driving sustained speeds over 115 MPH (not KPH) everyday. People that drive at higher rates of speed are more aware of the traffic and the road conditions than those that drive at 'SAFE SPEEDS' (USA revenue maker) People that drive this slow tend to get side-tracked with CRAP, like READING THE DAMM PAPER or A BOOK (and don't say they don't, I've witnessed it), argueing with their kids (this one took a friend of mines legs at the knees while changing a flat he had), PLAYING WITH THE STEREO, WATCHING TV or A DVD MOVIE (seen this alot also), DAYDREAMING, PULLING OUT IN FRONT OF FASTER MOVING TRAFFIC ('cause no one should go that fast)
I live in Germany, and people drive speeds reaching 175+ MPH all day, everyday. The accident rate here, on much more crowded highways, is way less than that of the USA. Try some constructive reading, these are some sites that I was made aware of from here that are pretty cool:
American AutoBahn
Slower Traffic Keep Right .com
And yes I want to and do drive my TRUCK OVER a 110 MPH, and it drives as well as any car. So if the drive train has a problem we all need to know about it. DUH! (call it flamin' if you want to folks)
My VW Killer Lynn
EyeTrip R/T

8/08/2002 03:07:58
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: yates-in-DE
I've thought that for years, and seen it in "Non political scenarios"... I agree that people that remain at the speed limit are more dangerous because of the distractions of being board. I love and do drive over 120MPH when ever possible. I am very aware of whats around me, and my connection to my machine is excellent. 20yrs no accidents, except, other jackholes have rear-ended me standing still at the gas pump and stale red lights. I dunno, I think alot of the "Politically correct" people would be up in arms with that evaluation.... Oh wait thats another...Ahhh never mind. LOL signed speed demond!!!

8/08/2002 08:52:52
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: The probelm with the high sustained speeds is the time required to react and stop to a situation. Takes alot of space to stop a vehicle at 120MPH compared to 60 much more than double.
2001 4.7HO RC 5sp 3.92 LSD
Click on thumbnail for mods
yates-in-DE GenIII

8/08/2002 11:26:36
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: CW,
I will agree on more stopping distance for more speed. That's kinda a given. But if someone is driving a 120 MPH they will more than likely be PAYING ATTENTION TO THE ROAD, NOT TAILGAITING, NOT TURNED AROUND FACING BACKWARDS ARGUING WITH THEIR CHILDREN, READING THE NEWS PAPER or THEIR FAVORITE DRIVE TO WORK PERIODICAL, WATCHING A GOOD MOVIE on their DVD PLAYER in the GLOVEBOX, ETC, ETC, ETC.
Here in Germany the accidents per mile driven is 60% less than in the USA, at double the speeds, and double the stopping distance.
'55' and '70' MPH speeds are only for GENERATING REVENUE for the STATES AND COUNTIES. That was said at a congressional meeting in DC when the OIL CRISIS hit in late 70's. Don't we pay enough SALES TAX, INCOME TAX, PROPERTY TAX, LUXURY TAX, FUEL TAX, IMPORT TAX, STATE INCOME TAX, ETC, ETC.
Doesn,t to many people die on the highways from the excessively slow speeds! Isn't it time it stopped! IS MONEY MORE IMPORTANT THAN HUMAN LIFE?
My VW Killer Lynn
FredDQC Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
8/08/2002 12:29:37
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: I agree with yates up to a certain extent. Yes I have driven in Germany. Before I got marry, I was (still are in heart) a speedster. Is true you focus more on what lies ahead when you speed and you are constantly thinking on how you are going to react if someone gets in your way. But I have a baby boy know and I love him so much that I wouldn't like for him to get killed or hurt because of some stupid little kid like there are many in the U.S. that because they graduated from high school, their parents bought them a brand new car. this kids think that driving fast means stepping on the gas and that's it. they don't know how to react fast or avoid an accident because they are not aware of the road. Therefore it makes them a human proyectile that can kill as good as a bullet.So I decided to drive @ 70mph as careful I used to drive @120mph. All for the love of my baby boy. I'm sure that like me there are many others and that is one reason for slow trffic on the highway. So if you like to drive fast and i'm in you way, just flash you lights a mile away, trust me I will notice you are behind me, cause I'm always AWARE!.
Gov. Perry Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
8/08/2002 12:43:04
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: A note to all:
It is our standard in the State of Texas to try and save a minimum of ten lives for every one hundred major accidents on our state highways. If we were to, for example, increase that standard to twenty, do you people realize how many more millions of dollars that it would cost on an annual basis?
I apologize for making human lives sound expendable, but our State Budget is at it's limit and we're doing all we can to not increase taxes any more. Please be understanding in this matter.
Respecfully Yours,
Gov. Rick Perry, Texas
yates-in-DE GenIII

8/08/2002 13:26:31
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: Fred,
I respect your opinion to drive 70, but also thank you for moving right as is good etiquette. Even in Germany there is people that drive about 100 KPH to 130 KPH (63 MPH - 81 MPH). These people do it for the fuel economy. I respect that, but they move right and stay there, and only move into the fast lane only when it's safe.
I would have no problem with the minimum driving age moved to 18 years old like here in Germany. Also DRIVERS EDUCATION is very expensive and intensive. You have to earn the right to drive, it's not just given to you like in the USA. That's one of the problems in the USA, all you have to have is a pulse to get a drivers license.
I drove Tractor-Trailer Semi Trucks for 17 years and have witnessed these MISSILES with YOUNG IDIOTS at the wheel(have been the first at the scene on several). And you driving as careful at 70 MPH as you did at 120 MPH makes you one in 100,000.
Gov. Perry,
As far as 10 lives per 100 accidents and not 20, I guess you must do what you have to do. If you raised the speed limit to DRIVER DISCRETION on the RURAL SECTIONS OF INTERSTATE, you would be able to decrease the accidents per 100,000 miles driven by 60% and not need to raise the taxes. The safety decrease speed here in most congested areas is 120 - 130 KPH (75 - 83 MPH).These areas have very few accidents. I hope the revenue collected from HIGH SPEED AWARDS from the average law abiding citizens helps you feel better about the lives lost.
My VW Killer Lynn
Einstein Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
8/08/2002 18:01:28
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: yates-in-DE
Is that a accrete compares of pop verses miles you do relies there is at least twice as many driver here
yates-in-DE GenIII

8/08/2002 19:28:59
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: EinStoner definitely not EinStein,
You say Germany has half as many drivers, well thats not correct or close, and there is other variables that you are not smart enough to add in.
#1. The Population of Germany = 82,259,500
#2. The Population of The USA = 284,796,900
This equals 3.46 times as many people in the USA. So at an equal average of Lisenced Drivers that means that there is 3.46 times as many drivers.
#3. The Land Mass in Germany = 134,910 Sq Miles
#4. The Land mass of the USA = 3,537,441 miles
This Equals 22.2208 times as much Land Mass as Germany. Which equates to 7.578 times as much Driving Space Per Capita than Germany.
So you are saying that Americans need to drive 1/3 to 1/2 slower because there is 3.46 times as many Drivers in 7.578 times the driving space Per Capita in the USA than in Germany? When the Germans have 1/3 as many accidents per 100,000 driven miles than Americans with 2 to 3 times the speed in 1/7.578th the space per driver.
The accidents per 100,000 miles Statistic makes no difference in population as long as the highway milage is equal, and the USA has 22.2208 times as many Highway miles with only 3.46 times as many drivers. If your theory was correct then the Germans should have 7X the accidents per 100,000 miles as Americans.
And EinStoner at least use your real handle to post under, or are you affraid to show your real ignorance.
My VW Killer Lynn
YJ Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
8/08/2002 21:21:57
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: Comparing population to available road would not be an accurate comparison. Much of the german population are fine on buses, bikes, etc.... As soon as we are 16, we get our license and go buy a car.
Does anyone notice something strange in yates' posts? Do a search. Nearly every one has something to do with Germany. $hit, you aren't german are you? Aside from the small percentage in every one of us mutts. Just because the autobahn's there doesn't mean germans are the best drivers in the world. I remember cruisin' down the autobahn in my buddy's Lancia, watchin' some dip$hit couple haulin' a trailer with their diesel Mercedes. Just as interesting to watch their trailer begin to sway, then smash both taillights, then roll the car, as it is to watch a similar incident here.
Point is, they're everywhere. Even in tiny countries with a limitless portion of highway.
Black 2K QC 4x4 4.7 3.92 KVT910DVD
Black 91 YJ Borla | 5" Suspension | 33BFGMT
sandman Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
8/08/2002 22:58:03
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: YJ if you are not actively serveing your country in some branch of the armed services you should shut your mouth!!!! You should only be so lucky to see how the Germans run things. Our wounderful country is only 200 years old and we have alot to learn about social responceability. Yates in serveing our country in the U.S. Army stationed in Germany. Once you see how thing can be you get angry that simpletons keep spouting the same lies. You could live your whole life in Germany and never own a car if you did not want to. You would not have any problem getting around. You can take a train, subway, bus, cab bike or combanation to get where you want and you can do it cheap. I was lucky enough to spend 14 years over in Europe.My dad was a lifer. Our country could benifit so much from a good mass transit system and a well maintained HWY system with high speed limits like the autobahn. It is a shame that old people are either traped in their homes because they can not drive or stuck driveing when they can no longer safely do so. What the heck do you expect him to talk about while liveing in another country?????? Yates I want to thank you for all the sacrifices you and your family are makeing for our country!!!!! I love my country but like any country we can learn from our neighbors.
YJ Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
8/09/2002 13:07:31
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: Sandman, I apologize. You're a dumb$hit. Don't think to assume you understand where I've lived, how I've lived, and where I've come from. I'd love to sit and explain it to you over a beer, since so much of it contains other countries(Germany included) and the US Army. I'd like to hear your story as well, but damn, what you've done here is petty. My previous post only contained content in regards to just that...Posts. I was referring to the way I interpreted Yates' near-glorification of German driving. Wasn't attacking his occupation, his truck, or anything we hold dear at a personal level. I give what I can to this forum and learn just as much.
Now Sandy, we're all men here. If you're going to get this upset over posts on the internet, there are supposed prescriptions to lend you a helping hand. Coors-light is not one of them, nor is it helping your situation. However, in reaching this level of sophistication, we all know telling me to shut my mouth and actually shutting my mouth are two of your current goals. The latter being the obvious choice for effectiveness. If you're not in Redmond, WA already, you are certainly welcome to come up. Nothing more fun, with even a touch of exercise, than teaching an arrogant a lesson. It's unfortunate, but even in the 21st, this is obviously still necessary. But for a fellow dak-owner, I'm willing to take some time between meetings. ; ) In the future, you may continue to grow if you don't presume your or anyone else's history and life are above others.
Yates, I do appreciate your posts, I just found it a bit odd that there were so many comparisons to Germany. I understand you're there, but I don't think you were born and raised there. The comparison to another country may not always be as helpful as a comparison to the post's country of origin, even if it was in your past. I do thank you for any info you can provide, but I won't thank you for doing your job. I feel you've made the pre-meditated choice to join the armed forces and make that your life/career. You could've made the decision to keep U.S. capitalism at its best by serving your life in that arena. I truly hope things are working out for you. I have enlisted friends and friends that have graduated from WestPoint. I appreciate them as much as they appreciate me. We know what we've decided. I'm sure when our country needs us all, we, myself included, would be there to make the sacrifice. However, I personally wouldn't consider a sacrifice on my part. I would consider it my duty. Sandy should take note of this.
I hope my previous post didn't rub you the wrong way. I was only posting a fresh perspective in an area in which we are allowed.
Good luck over there. Kick some FIAT a$$. ; )
Black 2K QC 4x4 4.7 3.92 KVT910DVD
Black 91 YJ 4LHO Borla | 5" Suspension | 33BFGMT
yates-in-DE GenIII

8/09/2002 14:49:52
| RE: Driveshaft destroyed IP: Logged
Message: YJ + Sandman,
Thats what makes our country so great, we can disagree to disagree with out fear of reprisal or retribution.
I live here now for the Second time in my life, the first time from 1980 - 82 as a US Army Soldier, the second time as a Dependent to a US AirForce Civil Servant. I've served my 14 years in the Armed Forces and at 40 would do it again in a heartbeat.
I've allways thought that the Germans had it together with their traffic laws. I also feel that for Drivers Education and New Driver Starting Age (18) they are smarter than the USA. It is required to earn a drivers license, it's not given because you have a pulse.
We have 20X more open safe driving roads available in the USA than the Germans do, yet we have 3X as many Fatal accidents per 100,000 miles driven as the Germans. We also have 5X as many accidents per 100,000 miles as the Germans with 1/2 to 1/3 the speeds. COINCIDENCE? YOU DECIDE.
Later, the wife is waiting for me to come watch the new DVD she just bought, Lord of The Rings.
My VW Killer Lynn
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