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12:09:28 - 03/12/2025

Dakota Performance
Dodge Dakota


Subject: Speed question..
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I have a 2001 with 4.7. The truck will not go over 100 MPH. Dealer told me it is governed that way and they will not remove it. Has any one found out what is stopping it at 100 MPH?


Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Its called safety. Your tires (unless its an R/T) are not rated for much over 100 mph, plus if its a 4x4, it'll get even more unstable.

They are trying to prevent wrongful death lawsuits and keep racing on the race track, not the highway. Where the hell can you legally hold 100 mph? You'd get about 4 mpg anyway at that high RPM.

Lower the truck, install Z rated tires, install sway bars front and rear, reprogram the PCM, get a 5 point race harness and a helmet and find a racetrack somewhere and keep the hell away from me on the highway.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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WOW !!!!!!! i couldn't have said that better myself. How many times do i have to tell people that the governor is a federally mandated thing. It's so stupid ass kids can go out and exceed the maximum speed rating of the stock tires. Here it is plain and simple, if you exceed the max limit of the tire anything could happen a bead could break, a belt could separate the possiblities are endless. Oh yeah i dodn't wanna hear that story about your friend who has a mustang and did 150 mph on the highway cause if that is true then send pics of the speedo then send the horrible pics of the mess afterwards <<<< a.k.a. instadeath
if you feel that it is necessary to have to drive that fast then your STUPID GOT IT. i race improved touring neons and let me tell you my car will do a true 140 mph but even on the track it never sees that speed because if you've ever driven at a true 140 mph or high you'd probably s**t yourself speed gets scary after about 120mph one reason is that you can't see anything but a hugh blur. OH well keep tryin out the high speeds but if i get called to come and scrap your ass up off the ground i'm not gonna be very happy

jay ( drives wrecker and seen way too many stupid people die from speeding)

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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I'm not gonna argue about if its stupid or not cause I've done and it is stupid. I have done it several times actually but only on bare highways. My main point of this is only to say that mustangs WILL do 145 mph. It would probably hit 150 but the highest I've ever gotten was 145. It was a legit question and maybe he has a reason for removing it. Maybe he runs the 1/4 quite often and he is limited at his 98 mph governor. I agree with Josh but there was no need for the comments from Jay (drives wrecker and mouths off before he even knows the reason for the question)

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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I think the reason that this page is here is to get more power but in a safe manner, to use on a track or deserted highways for acceleration runs only. There is never enough power in a vehicle to suit me but you will never see me doing 140mph anywhere. I like acceleration and quatermile runs anything that will flatten the eyeballs is good. Top speed proves nothing but aerodynamics.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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100+ mph on anything is scary. I have a TL1000R Suzuki, have seen 125+ on the drag strip and that is it. I try my darndest to keep it under 3 digits when passing cars and such on the street. It only makes sense.

If a Dakota hits over 100 mph in a 1/4 mile, then your computer should have been reprogrammed anyway when you bought nitros and a supercharger.

I agree, anything over 120 mph is a blur and way past the point of control. "Control" is just an illusion. Anyone too ignorant to believe that belongs on a racetrack. (Sorry to steal lines from Days of Thunder). When god wants you, god will take you at either 35 mph, 135 mph, 185 mph or standing still.

If you want to drive over 3 digits in a factor vehicle, buy either a motorcycle or a high perf sports car. If you wanna do it in a pickup, be ready to spend well into $5k in mods to do it safely, (i.e. Z rated tires, 17" + wheels, suspension, PCM programming, etc.)

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Your truck's computer electronically limits your speed because the tires are not safe beyond a certain sustained speed. Dodge has this feature to reduce the number of product liability case against them. The two wheel drive Dakotas seem to be limited to around 115-120. The 4x4 Dakotas seem to shut off at 98 mph or so. The only way to remove the limiter is to have a professional reprogram your Powertrain Control Module which can be expensive. That's the answer to your question.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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hey to answer the ignorant response to my previous post all i have to say is " why do u think speed is a violation of the law ". Answer that one genius, responding to a post like that just proves your ignorant and you probbaly shouldn't be on the road anyways. you wanna be stupid and run 140 on a highway, then do it somewhere where my family and friends aren't driving GOT IT. OH YEAH ALMOST FORGOT what stock mustang gt (exc. cobra, saleen, and roush) can do 140mph, you seem to have forgotten something it's called wind resistance do you even know how much power it takes to push a vehicle to that speed, do you know how much wind resistance is on a car at 120 mph let alone at 100 mph. In a stock gt it would take a long time to even get anywhere near 140 mph because of the weight of the vehicle and the amount of wind resistance on the vehicle. Find the formulas and do the math simple as that
i'm not here to talk s**t ok i'm here to tell you that i've seen too many people who do stupid things end up spattered on the pavement it's the harsh reality if you choose not to believe it then oh well just stay of the highways near me thanx


Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Thank you for the answer. Figured it was something like that. Not touching the computer.. :)

Josh and Jay:
Your posts were uncalled for. First off I don't ride around at 100+ MPH! Second it was a question in which if you did not know the answer you need not say anything. I'm not some kid riding around at those speeds so to flame on as you did was wrong without knowing who I am.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Mr. Bobt,

I don't ever recall calling you a "kid" running around at those speeds. I was more assuming your brain may not be working correctly to cruise at over 100 mph.

I was also serious stating you need Z rated tire and performance suspension if you want to think about those speeds. You have a pickup, not a sports car.

Where & Why would you wanna drive at those speeds, or were you simply asking a simple question?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Simply asking a question. When I first bought the truck I was on a open strech of road with no one in sight and was just seeing what it can do. Haven't been over 75 (highway) since...

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Sorry for jumping to conclusions. Your question made it sound like you were looking for ways to cruise over 100 mph versus wanting to know why the limiter is there. Sorry for offending you. Just trying to keep the roads and other people safe!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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No problem...just did not want you guys to think I was some speed demon. :) I like this board, it is very informative and I would like to keep coming back
No harm done.. :)

kota on 20s
Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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i agree that people should not drive over 100mph here, but that is because no one know's how to drive (well the majority anyway).
why do we have 65-70 mhp limits and in germany they can go as fast as they want on tha autobahn?
because they are curtious drivers and drive smart.

some guy in my neiborhood had his 01 turbo porsh up to 175mph on a really smooth freeway and he walked away. i know its not the smartest thing in the world, but my point is speed dosent kill, dumbass drivers do.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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What the hell is wrong with driving at 100 mph. Its not that much faster. I dont know about you but i am still in control. The reason i am in control is that a choose the place to go 100 mph. I do it on deserted stretches of highway when there is little on no traffic. And where i live. (Toronto Canada.) When there is little or no traffic people are driving between 80 and 100. Its the people that are going 100 on a street next to a school zone that are on the edge of losing control. I drive ski doos at 120 + thats a blur but 120 in a car is not. Its dangerous and most likely life ending if you screw up but its not a blur if it was then nascar would not be able to drive inches of the other cars bumbers at 190 +.

The point is dont attack people for the speeds there driving when you dont know the situation he was in.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Try to use that reasoning with a cop. They'll probably give you a second ticket for making a crappy excuse.

I agree 100 mph on 4 wheels isn't fast compared to 100 mph on a sled or on a motorcycle, but it still is illegal. I give you credit for knowing where and when to speed, like open and deserted streches of highway.

My point is most bikes can handle 100 + w/o a problem because they are inspired and designed for motorcycle racing enthusiasts. Dodge dakotas are not, especially if they are 4x4s.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Hey Mar, just a gentle reminder that up here we measure our speed in kilometres, not miles. So yeah, I do drive 120 on the 401 as does everyone else - and white-knuckle ventured up to 150k on the deserted toll highway, however that's a far cry from 120 mph.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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I know this 160km = 100mph 200kph = 120mph (roughly)

Driving 160km on the 401 in toronto is almost imposible but further east it is very posible. I am on a pit crew for a small cascar team and drive to mosport race track very often i hit 160 all the time and get passed by people even more recless.

The only time i hit over 200km in a car was in my camaro heavly moded. I was driving home doing the speed limit and a bunch of losers in riced up civics and preludes came up behind me. The were crazy and could not pass me and the truck beside me. Then one guy desided to pass me on the sholder and they all started to do it but i stuck my car out into the sholder to block them and they got pissed. I sped up a bit and left the truck and they could have passed me now but they didnt they just stuck with me and were about a inch of my front and rear bumber they were blocking me in and trying to freak me out. Well i got pissed of and just turned out to pass and floored it. They held on till about 180 and then i left them. Did about 240 km and once they were out of sight slowed down and got of the highway.

I dont drive like this but these guys were nuts and were doing manuvers that were indangering my life i feel i did the right thing. I dont like to live on the edge but i truly feel that speed does not cause you to lose control but requires you to change the way you control a vehical..

In winter when it is snowing the people are still driving 100 on the highway but with the snow its more dangerous then driving 300 km.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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One of the scariest things to ever happen to me in a vehicle was I was cruising about about 125 in my Mustang back in Illinios and it was the middle of the night and no one around. Then I saw two little red points of light in the way distance. I figured I was coming up on someone so I let off and since I wasn't coasting down quickly enough I tapped the brakes a little. Absolutely nothing happened! It was like I didn't even touch the brake. I pressed a little harder but still didn't feel much. The brakes didn't seem to want to have an effect until about 100mph. By that time I had long past the truck without drama but it made an impression on me. I have had the car up to 100-105 many time since then (It'll do 100 on any given highway on ramp) but I've never gone over. High speeds and drum brakes do not make a happy scenerio.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this so start clicking.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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I just have to say that I agree with a number of different opinions on this thread. First of all, I agree that bobt was asking a legit questions and shouldn't be ridiculed for it. Secondly, I agree that speeds in excess of 100mph are dangerous if you don't know how to handle them. Third, I agree that these speeds or anything even close to them are dangerous when there is other traffic around. What I don't agree with is the difference of opinions here. It's obvious that we all have different views on what's speeding and what's not, what's safe and what's not, etc. That's why we have speed limits. I think probably the best and most informative quote on this entire thread was that speed doesn't kill, dumbass drivers do. I completely agree and commend you for saying so. If bobt can handle speeds of over 100mph in a Dodge Dakota, more power to him. If now, I'm sorry to his family because he's probably going to die. Lastly, bobt - as already stated, the speed governor is there because of a number of different safety issues. Your tires could blow out if you go over their rating because of road wear and the heat caused by friction. Something even as small as a pebble could cause a blowout, and a blowout at 100mph+ will NOT be fun. Also your engine may not be able to handle the RPM range that going over 100 mph will produce. You suspension may also be a problem spot in that too much pressure may be put on it and it could give in.

I would also like to make note of the fact that despite what I've said here that may have made me sound older, I'm a 17 year old senior in high school and I own a 2002 GT Mustang that I pay for myself, insurance and maintenence included. With a car this powerful at 17, I've been forced to learn the do's and don'ts of speeding very quickly. Personally, I feel that I'm in control at speeds in excess of 100mph, but I'd never do it around anyone else or in conditions I didn't feel were EXACTLY what they should be, including weather, road, location, time, light, visibility, etc.

Bottom line is that everyone is in control at different speeds, and I don't think that bobt should have been ripped on at all for asking such a simple and legitimate question.

Peace :)

kota on 20s
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RE: Speed question..
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the funny part about this is, the autobahn has a less fatality rate, than the US highways. and the average speed over there, is 90-120mph.

the reason is, THEY ACTUALY PAY ATTENTION!!! they thought we were nuts when we put cup holders in cars. talking on a cell phone, eating, drinking (anything), putting on makeup, reading, ect is all illeagle over there, AS IT SHOULD!

Injection is nice, but i'd rather be blown.
5.2L, 5speed. Powerdyne SC, 50mm TB, 2bbl M-1, 1.7RR's, MSD 6BTM, ciramic JBA headers, 3" carsound cat, dumped gibson

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Nothing can make you feel worse than having a SC'ed r/t dakota just to be passed on the hyway by an 88' desil 3500 crew cab long bed cause your limited @ 115

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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I've had my Dakota R?T over 130mph, so don't try to say a Mustang can't go 150mph. Also on my truck when I get over 100mph, it seems to smooth out and doesn't float like some vehicles I've driven. it handles extremely well in the triple digits. I would never try to go that fast in some other vehicles though, but I know I can handle those speeds in my truck with the way it is set up. Performance tires, and suspension. I recently rented a Jeep Liberty. I usually make it a point to find the speed limiter on vehicles just for shyts and giggles. I never did on the Liberty. Anything over 80mph and it was very unstable feeling. I don't condone speeding, but I can't say anything to anybody that does because I do it myself on occasion. 90% of the time I set cruise right at or just above the speed limit. As far as the speed laws in this country, they are a joke. How many people do you know that actually drive right at the posted speed limit?? If you set your cruise even 5mph over the limit you are breaking the law.

 User Profile


RE: Speed question..
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Only one thing to Say.


MyVW Killer

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Kota on 20s-
Thats not really true. There are many many more fatalities on the autobahn per number of cars over 200kph than in the U.S., actually double. As a matter of fact there insurance rates are almost double than here too. But I do agree with you on the paying attention part...people here just don't seem to give a damn.

Demon Dakota
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RE: Speed question..
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A picture is worth a thousand words, Right Lynn?


My truck runs right at 3000 RPM at 100 MPH, and I can get 18-19 MPG at that speed. If I'm lucky, I can run I-75 S here in Georgia at that speed for at least 2-3 hours.


The federally mandated speed governer is 155 MPH. Manufacturers put lower ones on vehicles due to the type of vehicle and it's duty (and sometimes to dodge the wrongful death sh!t, butnot always). The '03 SVT Mustang Cobra can and will do every bit of it's 155 MPH limit. After that it is no longer stable due to aerodynamics. And if I can pilot a jet at 1000 MPH at treetop level and not kill myself, then I sure as hell am able to drive 100+ on the highway if I feel like it. Granted, it's illegal as hell, but I usually get in behind police cruisers heading to work down the interstate and keep up with them. What are they going to do, write themselves and me a ticket?

K&N Drop in AF
True Dual exhaust and removed third cat
HO Cams & HO Intake
Modified TB
Autolite 3923 Plugs
TPS @ .76 VDC
IAT Adjuster Mod

kota on 20s
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RE: Speed question..
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Dr. Dakota, that maby true, but there is a reason for that. it is legal to go 200kph there, therefore, there are more cars going that fast more often than here. take ALL vehicles, at ALL speeds, and the autobahn takes less lives than the US highways.

Lyn, you are a bastard!...jk

demondak, they also put on speed limiters, because of the speedratting on the tires.
cars with Z-ratted tires, usuall do not have a limiter, or it is set verry high.

Injection is nice, but i'd rather be blown.
5.2L, 5speed. Powerdyne SC, 50mm TB, 2bbl M-1, 1.7RR's, MSD 6BTM, ciramic JBA headers, 3" carsound cat, dumped gibson

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Yates-in-DE....Let me know where you drive. I don't whant to be anywhere near someone going 120 mph and taking pictures of their speedo. Or maybe you got it on jack stands? Demon Dakota..... Ever have a deer jump out in front of your jet at 1000 mph? May be a low flying goose? Of course jets are made to injest a goose or two. Cars or trucks don't seem to endure to well with animal impacts. We had a car hit a deer at the Chrysler proving grounds. "Certified" 100 mph + deer = one dead driver and one passenger that hates venisen.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Is it just American cars that have speed limiters? Do Japanesse cars have them too?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Speed question..
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Lynn, how did you do that??

kota on 20s
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RE: Speed question..
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superdak, he lives in heaven (germany), and the limiter is higher than the US versions

Injection is nice, but i'd rather be blown.
5.2L, 5speed. Powerdyne SC, 50mm TB, 2bbl M-1, 1.7RR's, MSD 6BTM, ciramic JBA headers, 3" carsound cat, dumped gibson

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