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11:44:01 - 03/12/2025

Dakota Performance
Dodge Dakota


Subject: trans fluid drain
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going to put redline c+atf synt trans fluid (7176 approved) in my 99 5.2 auto trans the question is how do i get ALL the fluid out of the converter ?? no drain plug - or do i just add the synt after i drain the pan and let it all mix ??

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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weekends comming any answers ??????

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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You would have to remove the transmission to completly drain it. Most of the fluid in a transmission is in the torque converter. You should not have any problem with it mixing with non-synthetic fluid. It would of course be best to have all synthetic in a transmission but part synthetic is better than nothing. I am going to change my fluid before it hits 5000miles and replace the filter at the same time. I am going to do this every 30,000 miles so eventialy I will slowly get all the non-synthetic fluid out over time.

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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You can remove the fluid without taking the tranny out 1)you can drill and tap a drain plug in the converter although this is best done when you take it out and get it balanced but I`ve done this many times or 2)you drill and use the special pop rivets to seal it up,you have to know the converter tho and make sure where you drill the hole so you dont hit a vane,tranny shop should be able to do it for you,I peronally know a tranny place that charges people for pulling the tranny and they dont,crooks oh yaaaaaaaaa

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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While it is true that some converter have a drain plug installed at factory level I would not drill and tap a converter unless it was out of the vechile so that the shaveings from the procedure can be flushed and the converter dynamicly ballanced(spin ballanced). You know I will check if I get the chance and see if dodge was nice enough to include one from the factory. You are not going to gain much by installing a drain plug in the converter. If you change your fluid and filter ever 30,000 then your fluid will eventualy be completly replaced in a very short time. You will use 4-6 quarts of Trany fluid every time you change your fluid. I would imagine that with in 3-4 fluid changes you will have replaced all or almost all of the non synthetic fluid in the transmission. Heck the stock fluid could very well be semi-synthetic. A lot vechiles today are useing semi-synthetic trany fluid from the factory.

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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lol sandman,jeez man you are not always right you know I`ve drilled and taped atleast 40 converters on the cars and no probs it just takes carefull use of the drill and taps with grease,remember you are drilling into a chamber with oil that is gonna exit out the hole you just made so it helps in clearing the fillings.Sandman :) every 30 000 miles, at your speed you`ll change all your tranny fluid in ummmmmm 8-10 years,this is the reason you get a 19 dollar tranny flush cause they dont do squat,hell some places try and suck it out the fn dipstick,take it from a ex-wrench all shops are scammers just at different degrees of scamming

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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Art I was not saying anyone was right or wrong. What does he realy gain by drilling his torgue converter. The potenial for him to cause dammage to his transmission is greater than any benifit he "might" gain from the procedure. The drain and flush has never been established as a tool for extending the life of an automatic transmission. If the fluid and filter are changed regularly and not allowed to deteriote then there is realy no reason to have it flushed. Most transmission fail shortly after being "flushed" by these so called transmission shops. If he wanted to he could always change his fluid every 15,000 to acclerate the process. It is much safer to remove a pan and add new fluid then to drill and tap into a converter.Surely Art you must admit that the more involved a procedure is the greater the chance of dammage incureing. If he does this and has problems latter Dodge is going to say that his drilling and taping caused the damage and will not cover the repairs. If anything it would be safer to add a drain plug to his trany pan to make it easier to change his fluid. You must have some serious issues if you always take what I say as a personel attack against you. YOU SHOULD READ YOUR OWN POST ART!!!! It sounded pretty precautionary to me. The begining of my post pretty much echoed your first point in your post.

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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Sandman you read your first post where you say only way to drain ALL the tranny fluid is to remove the trans uh uh and of course by all means you take the pan off and change the filter and adjust the bands at the same time,thats just the normal procedure, then tap the converter IF you want it all drained.Hell I dont have a auto dakota it might even have a drain plug go take a look.Read your first post then your other ones it just seems like if someone has a diff way of doing things bad,good or whatever you think it sucks,you work in the industry right?auto repair is the biggest rip off industry and dealers are even worse I`ve seen crap that made me sick how they lie and cheat people and hide there own F-ups and take a guess why breakdowns happen after these maintanence procedures :) peace man

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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Art I agree with you that there is always more then one way to skin a cat. I try to assume that most of the people who ask questions on this board are not mechanic's. I try to give the most accepted method of accomplishing their goal with as little skill or experince required as possable. I also like low risk. This is probably because I always have to take long term liability into my answeres at work. If my proffesional opion differs from yours or anyone's for that matter it is not an attack. We are all entiltled to or opions and they will differ because we have all had different experinces with cars while turning wrenchs. This does not make one persons opion more right or wrong than some elses. You are definately correct with your answer too the question. I still question what value it would have in the long run if the transmission is properly maintained. I was told that for performance work you must use a spin ballanced converter for the longest life cycle. I will also agree that their are alot of sharks in the auto industry. It is easier to find a good surgeon then an honest mechanic! Most Dealers are one foot lower then whale $hit and that is pretty low.If I could find some non-biased research on the value of totaly draining a converter to extend the useful life of the transmission I would hop on board in a heart beat. I just would hate like heck to have someone do this because I recomended it and have them post back here that same day telling me they screwed up their torque converter. I have seen some real hack jobs by booth ASE certified mechanic and shade tree mechanic. For what it's worth ART I ask questions on this board as well.

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
IP: Logged

Aight peace sandman,guess your right most people on here really shouldnt do this it does take a little know how,so dont any of you go drillin your t-converters aight any way know this aibnt the right place to post this but wtf kinda buzzed :) raced a volvo of all things on the way home and know what it beat my by a half a car till we got to about 75 or so then i passed him dam that thing is fast im impressed,I dont know what model it was but it looked really new and hadd what looked like intercoler badgees on it oh well dusted a creamaro yesterday nite lost to a volvo tonite :) cheers nuther beer for me and my hunnies yellin at me I gota go yaaaaaaaaa beer lol forgot what i was talkin bout oh this gonna be a mnesd tomorro when i reasd this,cheers sanman

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
IP: Logged

None of you are mechanics or know anything
about cars so STFU,my tranny in my old cop
car was slipping so I put sawdust in it and its
still running now

Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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Talk about 2 people fighting like childern.......

Hot RT
Dodge Dakota


RE: trans fluid drain
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I would like to say that I work on cars every day, and I am proud to say that I have never "scammed" anyone. I have built my business on honesty, and it has paid off very well for me. My customers are not stupid, they are loyal! If you want all the oil changed in your tranny, go to a shop with a transmission flushing machine. They hook to the cooler lines. They will pump in the new while they pump out the old. A quality shop will change your filter too if you want. Good luck.

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