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12:01:38 - 03/12/2025

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Subject: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
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With Regular Gasoline approaching $3 per gallon it is a good time to think about ways to increase fuel economy (mpg).


Switching to Synthetic's Increases M.P.G.

Fuel economy can be very difficult for the consumer to accurately gauge. If you fill up at a warmer part of the day one week compared to the previous week you can sometimes see a huge fluctuation in MPG just based on that. Also, the pump may have stopped pumping sooner this week compared to last, making it "seem" like you used less (or more) gallons of fuel.

It has been proven by Amsoil (and other leading oil manufacturers and suppliers) through use of industry accepted fuel economy tests, field demonstrations (and as witnessed by most of our customers), that switching to synthetic oils and lubricants can (and does) improve fuel economy (mpg).

VISCOSITY can increase Fuel Economy - a.k.a. MPG

Depending upon your driving habits, conditions, and climate ... switching viscosities can improve fuel economy also. I've observed a MPG increase when switching grades (5w-30 vs. 10w-40).

Tighter government regulations and increases in engine manufacturers’ demands are calling for more fuel efficient lubricants. Amsoil Synthetic Motor Oils reduce friction and drag better than petroleum oils, resulting in significant fuel economy increases.

In a 1.2 million mile demonstration, AMSOIL Lubricants showed a 4.5% increase in gas mileage. Other tests have shown increases of as much as 15% under certain weather and driving conditions.

Yet, because every vehicle is different, as are driving habits and conditions, it is difficult to accurately project an exact increase.

You can Request a FREE Amsoil Catalog by clicking below.

Thank You,

Steven Roark ... Amsoil Dealer # 1061837

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

04 Dak
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

What is better Amsoil or Mobil1 and why?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

Just how cost effective is Amsoil? If it costs you $50 to do an oil change that's .01 per mile if you change oil every 5000 miles. If you get 20 mpg the 4.5% increase will get you all the way up to 20.8 mpg. If you have a 20 gal. tank you will save about $2 per fill. 5000 miles/416 miles per tank * $2 saving per tank means that you saved about $24 between oil changes.

Check my math. I must have something wrong because I thought the savings would be greater than the cost. Maybe you have to go 10,000 miles between oil changes to see a savings.

05 Dak
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

What is better Bud or Miller beer and why?

06 Dak
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

What is better GLAD or HEFTY trash bags and why?

02 Dak
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

What is better RibEye or Filet Mignon and why?

huh ....
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

Where is 03 Dak and what is his question and why?

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Better MPG - Amsoil Dealer # 1061837 - Amzoil
IP: Logged


04 dak

Make certain you compare apples to apples.



Where are you getting your oil changed with 100% synthetic oil for less than $40 per oil change (including filter) which is what Amsoil costs me for 5 quarts and an extended life Amsoil Synthetic Oil Filter.

Synthetic and Non-Synthetic Differences

The major difference synthetics perform longer than petroleum oil is heat tolerance. Flash point is the temperature at which an oil gives off vapors that can be ignited with a flame held over the oil. The lower the flash point the greater tendency for the oil to suffer vaporization loss at high temperatures and to burn off on hot cylinder walls and pistons. The flash point can be an indicator of the quality of the base stock used. The higher the flash point the better. 400 degrees F is the minimum to prevent possible high consumption.

Today’s engines are expected to put out more power from a smaller size and with less oil than engines of the past. Therefore, the engines run much hotter than they used to. That puts an increased burden on the oil.

Even the best petroleum oils will have flash points only as high as 375 and 420 degrees F. For today’s hot running engines, this may not be nearly enough protection. Just about any synthetic you come across will have a flash point over 430 degrees. High quality synthetics can have flash points over 450 degrees (Every AMSOIL synthetic oil has a flash point of over 450 degrees F with some exceeding 475 degrees). As a result, you will see little noticeable breakdown due to burn-off.

Just as important is the way in which petroleum and synthetic oils burn off. As a refined product, petroleum oils molecules are of varying sizes. Thus, as a petroleum oil heats up, the smaller molecules begin to burn off. Since the ash content in most petroleum oils is very high, deposits and sludge are left behind to coat the inside of your engine. In addition, as smaller particles burn off, the larger, heavier molecules are all that is left to protect the engine. Unfortunately, these larger particles do not flow nearly as well and tend to blanket the components of your engine which only exacerbates the heat problem.

Synthetic oils, because they are not purified, but rather designed specifically from the ground up for lubrication purposes, are comprised of molecules of uniform size and shape. Therefore, even if a synthetic oil does burn a little, the remaining oil has the same chemical characteristics that it had before the burn off.

There are no smaller molecules to burn-off and no heavier molecules to leave behind. Moreover, many synthetics, have very low ash content. As a result, if oil burn-off does occur, there is little or no ash left behind to leave sludge and deposits on engine surfaces. Obviously, this leads to a cleaner burning, more fuel efficient engine.


You can click the following link and Request a FREE Amsoil Catalog and read about the differences a TRUE Synthetic can offer.

Thank You,

Steven Roark - Amsoil Dealer # 1061837

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

the prophet
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

which is better? Heaven or Hell?????

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

"Where are you getting your oil changed with 100% synthetic oil for less than $40 per oil change (including filter) which is what Amsoil costs me for 5 quarts and an extended life Amsoil Synthetic Oil Filter."

I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you saying that I said that or are you suggesting that I can get an oil change and filter for the same price you do?

I guess my math must have been correct or you would have disputed it.

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Amsoil Dealer # 1061837 - Steven Roark - Amzoil
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You stated $50 per oil change and i corrected it to $40 which is what I pay for my DIY oil change using Amsoil ... and you could too as an Amsoil Preferred Customer which allows you to purchase Amsoil products at the same wholesale price that I pay ... and it's delivered right to your door.

Where I live an oil change with the "basic" Mobil1 at a service center is $65+, and that is for the basic Mobil1 and not Mobil1 EP ... their newest "long drain interval" oil which bumps the price up to $80+. Granted ... that is at a service center and not DIY.

Thank you,

Steven Roark, Amsoil Dealer # 1061837

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

Why should I or anyone else have to be part of a pyramid scheme in order to buy a product at fair market value? Don't think this would be a rather bizarre world if we had to engage in such foolishness for everything we bought? If every product was shipped to us separately don't you think that we would be paying a large portion of our hard earned money for just shipping?

Now back to my math. Is the 4.5% increase in gas mileage enough to offset the cost of using Amzoil? My figures say it isn't and the figure you give seems to indicate it is a wash at best. I'm putting the ball in your court and giving this product the benefit of a doubt.

If you have a way of justifying the product based on increased gas mileage let's see the figures. I could even become a customer.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

In WI.MN.ND.IA. there is a chain of Mills Fleet Farm stores that sell Amzoil for about $4.49-$4.99 a quart. But I still buy from a Rep.(with no shipping)Just my chose!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

Well at $5/qt. you are just breaking even. That excludes the cost of a special filter and assumes that you already get 20mpg.

Since about 1980 everything I've owned has gotten at least 200k miles using whatever oil was on sale and a Fram filter. I'm still wondering what I will gain by using Amsoil

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged


I just bought Mobil1 for $5.99 a quart at the oil change store (didn't want to drive cross town to wal-mart because gas is too expensive). I've seen the commercials for the new Mobil1 oils and I saw the new Mobil1 EP synthetic oil on their shelf and it was $8.49 a quart (day-um). This is the M1 oil rated at 15,000 miles between changes. I still think Amsoil must be better because it is 25,000 miles between oil changes.

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Amsoil = MLM = Synthetic Motor Oils = $$$ = Amzoil
IP: Logged



Pyramid Scheme ??? I think you are confused. A Pyramid Scheme is a financial investment whereby the last people in loose all their money ... promoted via con men.

pyramid scheme, noun. A fraudulent money-making scheme in which people are recruited to make payments to others above them in a hierarchy while expecting to receive payments from people recruited below them. Eventually the number of new recruits fails to sustain the payment structure, and the scheme collapses with most people losing the money they paid in.


I think you meant Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM)

As to discrediting Amsoil because we are a MLM company ...

As for MLM's ... Well, ... there isn't anything wrong with this as most companies are a network of people that take the money from the bottom people who do the work and rolls it back up to the top, each level is getting their portion and usually the guy on top makes the most. This is common in any and every company. If most companies would follow such a program (performance based) you'd be surprised as to how many would really put an effort into really working instead of expecting that paycheck just for showing up.

That's the neat thing about MLM's, as it can offer the ones that work ... an unlimited amount of income based on their performance. Not everyone should be in a program such as this because many cannot focus on selling and are better suited as a production person (clock-in clock-out) and IMHO ... they DO deserve their share because if not for them there would be no product to sell. So, is MLM bad?, I don't think so. Every company is an MLM of sorts.

FOR THE RECORD, Amsoil was started 30 years ago as an MLM because they did not have the advertising budgets to compete with the "big guys". I'm certain that if they were starting the company today ... what with easier access to capital (Venture Capital and the Stock Market) they might do it differently. However, they can't change their stripes now ... thousands of Amsoil Independent Representatives would loose their sole income or their second income ... and who says they want to. I think Amsoil is quite happy with 5% of the market that appreciates a superior product.

FYI --- 32 Years In Business and Amsoil has never been fined or censured by the FTC!

Anyone interested in the Amsoil Independent Dealership Opportunity can click the following link and request "Dealer Information".

Thank you,

Steven Roark, Amsoil Dealer #1061837

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

"I think you meant Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM)"

Amway, Mary Kay, Amsoil, etc. are all the same thing. The bottom of the MLM/Pyramid is designed to make the top wealthy. The bottom never makes it to the top.

When it comes to MLM you have to ask yourself some basic questions. The basic question that needs to be asked is this: If this product or service is so great, then why isn't it being sold through the customary marketing system that has served human society for thousands of years? Why does it need to resort to a "special marketing" scheme like an MLM? Why does everyone need to be so inexperienced at marketing this! Is the product just a thin cover for what is really a pyramid scheme of exploiting others? Why do they have all these incentive (brainwashing) rallyes?

For most MLMs, the product is really a mere diversion from the real profit-making dynamic. The product or service may well be good, and it might oversaturate at some point, but let's get serious. The product is not the incentive to join an MLM. Otherwise people might have shown an interest in selling this particular product or service before in the real world. The product is the excuse to attempt to legitimate the real money-making engine. It's "the cover."
Intuitively, we all know what is really going on with MLMs. Just don't use the word "pyramid"!

You see, if you can convince ten people that everyone needs this product or service, even though they aren't buying similar products available in the market, and they can convince ten people, and so on, that's how you make the real money. And as long as you sell to a few people along the way, it is all legal. Maybe...

MLM/Pyramids thrive on market saturation. Imagine that Wendy's became suddenly possessed by the idea that "everyone needs to eat," and opened four Wendy's franchises on the four corners of an intersection in your neighborhood. Who would benefit from this folly? The consumer? Certainly not the franchises; they would all lose. Wendy's corporate? Perhaps temporarily, by speculative inventory sales while the unfortunate franchises were under the delusion that they could all make money. But in the end, the negative image of four outlets dying a slow death would likely offset the temporary inventory sales bubble. Even the most unreflective of the hapless franchisees would think twice about doing business in such a manner again. This is why real-world distributorships and franchises are contractually protected by territory and/or market.

Amsoil may not be a pyramid in the legal sense but what about the ethical sense? Do you make all your money from sales or is it neccesary to sponser others in order to realize a significant potential. Here's whant they have to say about it.

Sponsoring New Dealers and Preferred Customers

When you sponsor new Dealers and Preferred Customers you are building yourself a "downline group." The commission value of your group's purchases and sales are added to your own, increasing the percentage of your commission and giving you a bigger commission check.

How do you make the biggest paycheck? Simple, you strive to saturate the market with little people all selling your product and skim the profits. Is this all legal? Sure it is. Is it ethical? Well I've seen too many people go down this road and in the end they didn't make any real money from selling their products no matter how good the product was. I have only one friend that is making any money and she is now heavy into the "Sponsoring" angle of the MLM scheme. The sale and promotion of the product is now merely necessary to suck in more subordinates. The sponsorships now bring in much more money than the sale of the product.

Is it a Pyramid?

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Amsoil at Dodge Dealership - Amzoil - Ams Oil
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Try to dis us if you can (but you can't) ...

Amsoil products are sold through Independent Amsoil Dealers like myself (and Amsoil is sold at Dodge Dealerships if you read below). People who want to represent the "best" in the industry, who want extra money, something to do in their spare time, or even a full-time business.

Anyone can start an independent AMSOIL Dealership for under $50 and put as much -- or as little -- time into it as they want.

There's always plenty of support, never any hassles. No quotas to fill. No inventory requirements.

You can establish commercial and retail accounts as well as sell to individuals. It's up to you ... extra money, a full-time income or simply rock-bottom prices on AMSOIL products (buying at Amsoil Wholesale / Dealer prices).

The outstanding products offered by Amsoil comprise a rock-solid base upon which to build a business. There are many advantages to the AMSOIL Dealership opportunity that you simply won't find in other business opportunities:

1) Minimal start-up fee
2) No inventory requirements
3) No territory restrictions
4) No capital investment in office or warehouse space
5) No employee expenses or requirements

And above all, Amsoil provides Dealers with an excellent support system to help them develop their businesses; brochures, tapes, regular meetings, technical services -- everything you need to begin and build a business is available from Amsoil.


Amsoil Dealers and Amsoil Preferred Customers purchase AMSOIL products at wholesale cost. Amsoil Preferred Customer Memberships are recommended for people who are not necessarily interested in the business opportunity, but want the lowest possible prices on the best lubrication and filtration products for their vehicles and equipment. Preferred Customers pay the same low prices for Amsoil products that Amsoil Dealers pay.

Ten dollars ($10) gets you a six-month Amsoil Preferred Customer Trial Membership for buying Amsoil products at wholesale prices. Preferred Customer memberships may be renewed indefinitely for only $20/year. Preferred Customers can upgrade their membership to an Amsoil Dealership at any time. Preferred Customers receive an information kit on AMSOIL products, an Air and Oil Filter Application Guide, and the monthly Amsoil product, racing and application magazine, the Amsoil Action News.


... even Dodge Dealerships have signed up as Amsoil Dealers and are are selling Amsoil:


This was posted by Sephiroth 3/20/2004
V8 Forum --- Subject: New Chrysler Product?!

Message posted by Sephiroth:

"I went in to have my brakes checked today, and when I walked into the garage the first thing I saw made my jaw hit the floor. My local Dodge Dealership now uses and sells AMSOIL products!! They've got it posted on a big banner over the service-desks. GM may not have been able to get it for their 'vettes, but obviously Dodge was able to, or they found out how awesome it is and started buying at regular price! When I go in for a tranny-filter, fluid, and gasket change next week, it's getting filled with AMSOIL."

Sephiroth went on to state:

"This is at the Raleigh, NC dealership, Al Smith Buick, Dodge, Mazda. I told the guy at the desk I was astounded to see them using AMSOIL and that I had been using it for a while now. After he rode in the truck he said he'd be switching (to AMSOIL) next oil-change in his Ram.

As for me, I've got it in the engine, and I'll have it in the tranny soon! Next up are the differentials. After that I need to get a dyno just for curiosity's sake. IF I get 3-5hp form the differential, and God knows how much from the engine and tranny, that'll be enough without any heavy mods. Well, for all I do anyway. If it is a significant gain, I'll post the results."


... and as part of the same thread jeremiah2360 stated:

"Norwood (MA) Dodge sells Amsoil too."

Dodge Dealerships are beginning to realize that Amsoil offers a FULL LINE of Premium Synthetic Lubricants and Dodge Dealerships are beginning to offer Amsoil.

Why ...

1) Dodge knows Amsoil meets AND exceeds Dodge's requirements.
2) Because their customers are asking for Amsoil.
3) Amsoil = 30 Year History of Research and Development
4) Amsoil offers the best Synthetic Lubricants

Anyone know of any other Dodge Dealerships offering Amsoil?

It is still less costly to DIY vs your Dodge Dealership !!!

Especially as an Amsoil preferred Customer!


You can click on my Amsoil Website Link below. On my site you can Request a FREE Amsoil Catalog, and you can "check a box" for Information on becoming an Amsoil Dealer.

Thank You,

Steven Roark, Amsoil Dealer # 1061837

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

Whats better??And Why??
Reading the Amsoil guys shameless plugs(While he assumes none of us have or know how to use a calculator) or gouging your own eyes out so you don't have to read his rants on how his product will somehow save: Time?? Money?? World Hunger??
Maybe the calculation works if you change your oil every leap year regardless of milage!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil = Better Fuel Economy ... & MPG
IP: Logged

Are you saying that Amsoil does not and has never used a sponsorship MLM style? Do you currently sponsor other dealers? Is it encouraged? If the market totally becomes saturated what will it do to your potential sales?

How would unlimited franchies work for a business like let's say PepBoys. What if PepBoys corporate offices told everyone that they could become a dealer for just $50 and you could personally buy all your parts for the same price as every retailer?

Just think, everyone buying all their products at wholesale then trying to sell those products to everyone else who just also happen to be dealers. WHO benefits from a business model that allows anyone and everyone to become a dealer?

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Amsoil Dealer # 1061837 Steven Roark - Amzoil
IP: Logged


I never stated that Amsoil was not an MLM company.

REPEAT: Amsoil was started over 30 years ago as an MLM because they did not have the advertising budgets to compete with the "big guys". I'm certain that if they were starting the company today ... what with easier access to capital (Venture Capital and the Stock Market) they might do it differently.

The outstanding products offered by Amsoil comprise a rock-solid base upon which to build a business. There are many advantages to the AMSOIL Dealership opportunity that you simply won't find in other business opportunities:

1) Minimal start-up fee
2) No inventory requirements
3) No territory restrictions
4) No capital investment in office or warehouse space
5) No employee expenses or requirements

6) No requirement that we sign up customers or dealers

Am I concerned about SATURATION?

NO ... Every year hundreds of new commercial account opportunities are available with the creation of new companies ... and thousands of 16 years old's get their license and begin to drive automobiles for the first time, PLUS many more current automobile owners switch to Amsoil for the first time.


Thank you,

Steven Roark, Amsoil Dealer # 1061837

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

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