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20:41:05 - 03/12/2025

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Subject: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
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Hey guys. I'm still stoked that my truck pulled an f250 diesel out of the woods last night. I had to drag him about a mile including around trees and up hills. I couldn't believe my little v6 no-power dakota yanked him right out! My Purple Monster got a lot of much-deserved respect on the trail last night, man! So anybody got any stories of cool or amazing sh!t they've done with their dakotas? Cool pulls, trail runs, tows, anything. I love this little truck! It loves to be beaten!

How deep can that pond possibly be?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

I had a tug-o-war with a 80 something chevy pickup with a 6" lift and 35's. I have a 3" BL and 35's. Everyone said he was gonna drag me around except the one other dak owner there. Needless to say, he couldn't budge me. It was pretty much a standoff but most other trucks he hooks to get drug around. :)

I also drug my buddies monte carlo sideways up a 6' embankment when he went off the side of the road. The trooper on the scene asked my friend if he was sure that truck could do it. My friend told him, "I haven't seen that truck hook to ANYTHING yet it couldn't pull."

And lastly, I was sunk up to the windows in red clay. I had the hood off and the whole motor was under. The only thing you would see was a trough where the fan was spinning. The truck stayed idleing while I hooked the strap to the back and got pulled out by previously mentioned chevy. Then he tried and didn't make it as far as me and I had to pull him out. Needless to say there was mud 3" thick on both sides of the radiator and after pulling said chevy out and driving to the car wash was a good hour later, she was just starting to run a little warm. $5 later at the super high pressure bay and "on the road again..."

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

haha we went up to silver lake sand dunes in michigan, my 02 dak 4x4 stock at the time, 3 jeeps and a yoter. i pulled 2 of the jeeps out 3 times and only got stuck once in a pit that they wouldnt go in ahahahah i love this truck!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

i was out at out local spot one night playing with a couple guys from our club. It is pretty muddy and now dark as it is around 2am. A guy on a ATV comes riding up and tells me he found some guys stuck and asked if we could help. i follow him to a long muddy trail with a 2500 4x4 stuck about 200 yrds back. After looking around it was decided my Dakota stood the best chance of making it out to him and strapping him. i am sitting on 32" mud tires, a hitch and custom skids. the ruts were so bad that as i drove over them my exhaust was pushed up into my rear fender and put a small dent in it. i was able to make it back to the 2500, with a small jerk i had him out of the hole but he still couldnt get enough bite to back up. i ended up dragging him in 4lo the 200 or so yards back to the driveable trail. The body damage wasnt fun, but was repaired shortly after. The look on everyones face as i pulled out a truck almost 2x my size though was priceless

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RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

*UPDATE* Last night I pulled out a Ford Bronco on 44" Ground Hawgs! When I finally jerked him out we looked at his ruts, they were probably 2.5-3 feet deep.

How deep can that pond possibly be?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

I am a student in a small community and last winter I placed an ad in the local paper and actually made quite a bit of money pulling people out of the snow last winter. Most of my 'customers' were other 4x4 trucks too.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

A few months ago i was over in Jersey at one of our spots, and i went to romp through what looked like semi solid mud, when it really was about 2 feet of wet clay. Luckily there was a tree nearby which i was able to winch to. when i was alomost out, the tree (which was not too big) came unrooted and toppled on to my hood. needless to say i needed a little bit of body work 2500 bucks worth, but the laughs afterwards were good

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

i have an 02 quad cab with a 4.7 v8 and detroit in the back. all the hard-core jeepers look at me funny when they see me out. they stop lookin so funny when they see go places they aint been and are afraid to try. your purple rig looks real nice. plus, since i been listening to 'Skynard pretty much most of my teen and adult life, we obviously got a lot in common. i have a bunch of Skynard on cd and love to blast it goin up the steep slopes. rock on.

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RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
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I lost a bid on ebay for a bumper sticker that said "I'd rather be at a lynyrd skynyrd concert." I'm still looking for that bastard. BTW I'm glad I don't have a detroit in my dakota. I still owe about 8k on it, and if it had that kind of traction I'd kill that truck in about 3 months. Don't think I wouldn't climb everest in that bastard. I beat it enough with open differentials. But at least I use the 4wd. I have several friends with full size 4wd's, all paid off, some even with offroad packages, and theyre street queens. I'm proud to beat my Dodge.

How deep can that pond possibly be?

david ledger
Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

hey Sam- i saw skynyrd in Lincoln, Nebraska, forget exactly what year. Bonnie Rait opened for them and then joined them for a few finale songs. A couple months later Marshall Tucker came thru.

The full detroit is pretty awesome. If i could find a locker for the front i'd do it. The guys at the Mopar dealer will still do the warranty work when I need it. they say that if the "modification has nothing to do with the defect, warranty still applies." Plus out here in Guam, the Mopar dealer aint worried about a nosy factory rep strolling thru the shop to check on warranty work. besides, the service manager has a badass Cherokee and comes out to the same places we go offroad, so it's all in the family. the cool thing about the detroit is that the jeep jockeys are all drop-jawed when they see the Dakota walk thru stuff they stand around talking about. I pop it in 4lo, drop the shift lever into 1st and enjoy the slow ride. most of the jeeps have to "make a run" at the tough spots and hope the momentum gets them thru.

we got our share of streetqueens out here too ...... i think the trucks they drive are pretty good, just the drivers aint got no balls.

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RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
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I pulled a few people out with my Dakota and winch and I even posted up on this board about a serious one that I was amazed I even moved. All the dumbasses here called bulls**t and well whatever.

I had a guy wave me down as I was heading back from the bank, he gives my the prayin for me to pull over sign, you know please please. He wants me to drive this old tractor not very big but it is hooked up and ready he just needed another person. Well the tractor did not cut it and the front end kept coming off the ground.

He saw I had the winch and bumper (Hanson) and asked how much it was rated at. Well 9500 lbs was all I had but we gave it a shot, hooked the cable up and winched and had it in 4lo reverse, slowly I got him to move some til he finnally got some traction and got him to a gravel part on the exit from this rodeo arena.

Sounds pretty easy huh, well he was in a 2 wd drive dually ford desiel hooked up to a trailer he had just loaded 8 bulls on, yep 8 full size bulls he claimed he was at about 16 - 18000 lbs. He was not burried just had no traction in the mud and had some small holes he dug into.

Eh well I know what I did and really did not care what the idiots here at the time believed.


Forexfour's Home

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

I wouldn't trade my Dak for anything. My dad calls it, "THE MIGHTY DODGE" hehe. I have my own little saying which people that know me and know what my truck has been throught agree on. You can drown it, you can beat, you can burn it, but you just can't hurt it.

david ledger
Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

its a real truck not some phooey version of a comfy sedan with a pickup bed on the back - as in "Silverado"

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

On May long weekend I went camping at Jones lake. Where we camped it was all coarse sand with steep hills. Anyways I ended up hauling out 3 chevs 2 fords a ram and an atv that had a boat/trailer on it. The ram was a 2500 that got stuck on a stump. I was quite surprised what a stock V6 with bfg at's can do in 4low. I love it when my truck gets me Free beer

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RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

AMEN TO THAT! Free Beer is the best part!

How deep can that pond possibly be?

David Ledger
Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

Hey Purple Monster - Free beer is almost as good as "Free Bird", but not quite. One does go with the other though. Anybody out there too young to know Free Bird, we excuse you.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

i got stuck. really stuck. slid into a hole and the left edge of the back bumper was on the ground, right rear tire and left front off the ground. even with locked up rear going nowhere. doomed. i was with a group of 5 guys. two awesome jeeps with 44" tractor tires and Dynatrac axles and two smaller jeeps. no winch. to make matters worse, i was at an angle to the trail so tow straps were off at about 30 degrees to the trail. the biggest jeep scratched himself into a position where he could yank me from strait on, but nothing. getting dark. one last yank after about a 10 yard free run-up and out i came. after some guys got me back lined up on the trail with some good spotting i blasted outta there and just about ran over the jeep that had pulled me out, but he scooted off to the side. he laughed. my seven year old son, unprompted said - "hey Uncle Pete, that's why they call it Dodge" So now, our Dak is known on the trail as "Dodge Me". since i had the trail blocked and it was getting dark i had a big audience waiting on me. the only other trail out was blocked by a broke jeep, so at least i knew i wasnt going to be the only one hanging after dark. anyway, after the convoy started rolling one guy in a killer jeep dug his way right beside me, looked over, nodded, and said the words: "tough truck"

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RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

My buddy has a nice little wheeling trail that leads to a sandy beach on the connecticut river. Out there I've pulled out a bronco II, chevy colorado, f250 diesel, chevy 2500hd, and a 2wd 92 dakota that I had to drag 2 miles out of the trail. Including hauling it up rocky hill climbs. At one point it looked like the pulls on TTC, my front tires were coming off the ground. My buddy's mother, who is a die hard chevy gal, even has to give me props with my dodge. Which reminds me, I've also pulled her nissan out of there. Even for a 98 with ifs the damn thing don't quit. And David Ledger, yes I was listening to skynyrd every time.

How deep can that pond possibly be?

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

My 98' 4x4 v8 dak has pulled out many a baja, and plenty other trucks and suv's. I live in southern cali, plenty of soft sand and steep hills in the high desert, this truck can go anywhere my imagination can think of. once I was on a dune with a jeep he got stuck half way up I passed him, stopped just before the top and cut the wheel put it in reverse and punched it, it got up on 2 wheels but fliped around nicely.

david ledger
Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

hey Purple monster - nothin like Skynyrd on the box when we're out there doing that thing on the trails.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got an Amazing Dakota Story?
IP: Logged

Before the transformation, my little 'Dak and I got in a little trouble outside of Aiken, SC (enroute to Ft Gordon, GA.)

According to the Highway Patrol, I was doing 116.

In a truck. With a V6.

Needless to say, I had my day in Court.

Y'all got some bass ackward folk down there in Aiken.

After all was said and done, I paid $76 in court costs.


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