Bucket GenII

1/09/2009 16:24:14
Subject: RE: Tow Straps IP: Logged
Message: Trust me when you ride in the Bucket-Mobile the reactions are priceless,truckers on the cb radios usually think i am a minute-man,highway patrol cars speed up to me on the highway and give me a thumbs up,at the border patrol check points they usually stop me just to ask about the truck, last desert trip i took i had a group of range rovers from an offroad club that kept circling me on the highway for about 5 or so miles then they would pull up to the drivers side wave to get my attention and give me their thumbs up, which i guess is all good but it gets highly annoying when you cant even go 5 miles out of a 400 mile trip without someone pulling up along side and trying to get your attention so they can say something about your truck.I am a blend in kinda guy and WOW did i ever ask for it when i made this truck look like it does, so if you want an "unbelievable" amount of attention on the highway, jack up your truck and paint it camo and you'll get it, hell the guy next door asked me the last time i drove it," is that a Dodge?" I have had it for ten years and he didnt know what kind of truck it was, its so frankensteined out from how it looked when i bought it, I just started getting more and more carried away with it and i still have the bumpers yet to do,But i keep going because it just works so great for me out in the desert,and the more you load it down with weight the better it handles,and it tows my trailer easily.click on the avatar and it should list the cardomain site if you want.Thanks for the props TT its good to have the real "TexasTodd" back.