From | Message |
DakotaFan Dakota Enthusiast

1/19/2002 01:38:20
Subject: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: I posted this in the other offroad forum too, but am so proud I belong, I'll post it here too. :-)
My cousin and I want to put CBs in our trucks, but both of us are at a loss as to where to mount them. I have a 2000 CC 5 spd, and he has a 2001 CC 5 spd. Any suggestions???
You really never learn how to swear until you learn to drive...
Hawkeye *GenIII*

1/19/2002 08:00:30
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: I'll try to take a picture of mine. The way the Dakotas dash is designed it doesnt give you a lot of options. If you just wnat something to talk with and not a really big radio, CObra makes one that everything is contained in the mike. Just a little small box that you can mount under the dash out of sight. Its a good little radio. Used to have on ein my wifes Jimmy.
Urban Warrior
BlackDak02 GenIII

1/19/2002 12:54:43
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: A little off- topic, hope you'll excuse me.
I've got an old President that I brought back from the dead with the uppers & lowers, sideband, that I use in the big truck I drive at work. Went to the auction near where I live & this guy had a stack of 'em, I got him down to $15, no warranty, he didn't even know if it worked. The next time I had a run going to OH I stopped at a good CB shop that I know. When I brought it in the guy in the shop was BSing with another guy. I put it down on the counter and both their mouths dropped open. The CB dude says "I haven't seen one of these for a long time!" He tells me how this radio is equivilant to the top end Rangers made today. He got it to work and shared the wattage from the sideband on The CB side for better performance. This darn radio has a ton of features, the only thing I don't like about it is the dim LED, can't see the channels too good. This guy was foamin at the mouth telling me to go back to the auction & buy all the radios the guy had for a very good profit. Needless to say I never saw any more of those radios at the auction again.
Haven't thought about installing a CB in the Dak though. Probably don't have to though,I got a pretty good hand held unit.
2002 Black CC SLT 4x4 4.7L 45RFE 3.55LSRD
DakotaFan Dakota Enthusiast

1/19/2002 19:03:12
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Well, all we're planning on using them for is on logging roads in the's a requirement on some of the roads. So perhaps the Cobra will suffice. ? We don't do any heavy duty offroading, mostly we go up to go shooting--but it would be nice to be able to explore a bit (legally).
You really never learn how to swear until you learn to drive...
greengiant13 *GenIII*

5/27/2002 20:44:26
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: I love mine.
Catch me come later!! Green Giant
Halo3 GenIII

5/28/2002 08:48:02
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: I've been really happy with my Cobra C75WXST (paide $89.50 + S&H). All the controls are on the hand-piece...with just a small (half the width of a pack of cigarettes) box (where the power leads & antenna connections are) to hide. It's small enough that I can stow it away when not in use, and has lived up to my off-roading thus far.
Semper Fi, Halo3 '00 Lt. Driftwood 4x4 SLT DQC w/5.9L Halo3's Dak
Knobbyman *GenIII*

5/28/2002 09:04:18
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Halo - Can you get a external Antena for it?
'01 Graphite QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD 4.5" Customized Suspension Lift 305x70x16 GoodYear MT/R's ----Speed only breaks stuff faster----
halo3 GenIII

5/28/2002 19:28:21
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Yeah, you have to get some kind of antenna and mount with the Cobra 75WXST. I went with FireStik's Dodge mount kit (mounts antenna by using the top-most/back-most hood hinge bolt) & a 3' FireStik II.
I've been thinking of fab'ing mounts for the two antennas (scanner & CB) so that I can mount them behind the cab (coming from under the frame for my tonneau), but they are fine where they are for now. That can be a lazy-day project. hehe
Semper Fi, Halo3 '00 Lt. Driftwood 4x4 SLT DQC w/5.9L Halo3's Dak
Knobbyman *GenIII*

5/30/2002 09:14:26
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Hurm.. I'm so going to have to look into that. I didn't realize that you could mount a antenna to it. SWEET!! I'm going to get my CB now.. hurm.. bank account says no. :-\ anyone have like $200 I can borrow forever?
'01 Graphite QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD 4.5" Customized Suspension Lift 305x70x16 GoodYear MT/R's ----Speed only breaks stuff faster----
halo3 GenIII

5/31/2002 05:58:36
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Forever?
Isn't that, like, not so much borrowing, but having?!?!?
Semper Fi, Halo3 '00 Lt. Driftwood 4x4 SLT DQC w/5.9L Halo3's Dak
12GA Dak *GenIII*

5/31/2002 10:53:47
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Hmmm...anybody know if the "hands-free" cellphone legislation (NYS) applies to CBs as well, or are they exempted? I'd love to have a CB in my Dak but don't feel like having another hands-free device hangin' in the cab.
2002 Black QC Sport 4x4, 4.7L, 5-spd, 3.92 LSD
BlackDak02 *GenIII*

5/31/2002 16:45:08
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: I would say not 12GA Dak. I deliver all over NYS and my mike hangs from the sun visor in open view at all times. If they tried to enforce something like that truckers would be mighty pissed and I would have heard. They took away our 'birddogs'(radar detectors) there'd be alot of whining if they tried to take away our CB's, LOL.
2002 Black CC SLT 4x4 4.7L 45RFE 3.55 LSRD
Knobbyman *GenIII*

6/02/2002 09:46:34
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: 12GA ... If they did that to CB's .. what would the police do? Don't they have the hand sets just like CB's have?
Ehh if all else fails .. call the cops .. (DOH! got that saying wrong) anyway just call and ask um. Or go down to the station and ask for it in writing I don't know if that's possible but I'd try it just so you have something to show a officer if they try to write you a ticket for it.
'01 Graphite QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD 4.5" Customized Suspension Lift 305x70x16 GoodYear MT/R's ----Speed only breaks stuff faster----
12GA Dak *GenIII*

6/03/2002 09:22:14
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Yup, you're right. Called the cops and they said the hands-free legislation doesn't apply to mobile CB units as long as you're not holding anything up to your ear. I guess that talking with one hand on the wheel is okay, but listening with one hand on the wheel is considered too distracting??????? Whatever.
2002 Black QC Sport 4x4, 4.7L, 5-spd, 3.92 LSD
Knobbyman *GenIII*

6/03/2002 10:19:01
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: eh.. it sure would get intresting if it was against the law.
Just noticed... where are the new faces on the members forum?
Sure.. The "regular" people get um.. But we don't ?
:-p Just trying to give Mark a hard time.
'01 Graphite QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD 4.5" Customized Suspension Lift 305x70x16 GoodYear MT/R's ----Speed only breaks stuff faster----
BlackDak02 *GenIII*

6/03/2002 17:15:32
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: K-man, I think the new icons aren't accessible anywhere on the site 'till you start an entirely new thread. Old posts still have the standard icons.
12GA DAK, yeah I didn't think it applied to CB's. It's strange, but I notice that with the cell phones when some people are using them they are all over the road, dunno, sometimes they are a hazard.
2002 Black CC SLT 4x4 4.7L 45RFE 3.55 LSRD
12GA Dak *GenIII*

6/04/2002 11:21:40
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Hmmm...don't know if it's the cellphone or the driver that's the cause of the problem. I see some drivers lookin' all over the car, screwin' with the stereo, turning around swatting their kids - eyes and hands on everything but the road and the wheel. Not sayin' that cellphones don't contribute to the distraction though.
2002 Black QC Sport 4x4, 4.7L, 5-spd, 3.92 LSD
BlackDak02 *GenIII*

6/04/2002 15:40:24
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Yeah, that's kinda what I said in a condensed version ;-)
2002 Black CC SLT 4x4 4.7L 45RFE 3.55 LSRD
greengiant13 *GenIII*

6/06/2002 20:35:39
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: I like my radio i will take some photos of how my antenna is installed. i had to drill 4 holes, it hurt to do it but it works great.
Catch me come later!! Green Giant
BlackDak02 *GenIII*

9/13/2002 23:18:09
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Found this pretty cool bracket on the web, might help with installing the larger units.
2002 Black CC SLT 4x4 4.7L 45RFE 3.55 LSRD
FortWorth4x4 GenIII

9/14/2002 00:53:53
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Thanks for the link BlackDak, to bad I have a floor center console. But thats great for the guys that dont.
'99 White CC SLT 5.2L V8 4x4 Auto 9" Lift 35x12.5x15 ProComp more.
Knobbyman *GenIII*

9/26/2002 10:52:51
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: BlackDak02 - That's how mine is ... laying. ;-)
I'm going to try and get a custom center console made and have mounts made with that. So we'll see what happens but I might end up going with those brackets.
What about the antenna.. How do you get the best range out of it?
'01 Graphite QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD 6" Suspension Lift 305x70x16 GoodYear MT/R's ----Speed only breaks it faster----
BlackDak02 *GenIII*

9/26/2002 21:55:23
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: YW, FortWorth4x4, yeah, I figured it might help someone out.
Haven't installed mine yet Knobby, just lookin' around for ideas for when I do.
Here's a link to antenna installs. I liked the stealthy fender mount/firestick combo that was mentioned in the thread.
2002 Black CC SLT 4x4 4.7L 45RFE 3.55 LSRD
Knobbyman *GenIII*

9/27/2002 13:25:51
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: I looked at that also.. but I wanted something mounted in my bed if possible... I have mine on the side of my tool box right now. I like where it is but I'm wondering how to get a stronger signal out of it.
'01 Graphite QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD 6" Suspension Lift 305x70x16 GoodYear MT/R's ----Speed only breaks it faster----
LiveDakota GenIII

9/27/2002 18:08:37
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: Knobbyman, what kind of antenna did you get for it? If the signal isint strong enough and depending on the radio they have receiver amplifiers for cb's. I had one on the base station setup a few years back and it makes a ton of difference. I was only talking with people from the U.S. and small surrounding islands but when i got that and tuned the radio a litle i was reaching out to australia and europe with it.
blackbeauty GenIII

4/05/2003 05:22:33
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: I agree w/the cell phone s*** It seems that the only clueless people that I encounter that are weaving in and out of lanes and merging infront of me at 70 mph at only 2 feet are the f***ers that are conducting business and managing their kids in the back seat at the same time. It seems to be driving skill versus idiousy.
clean&shiny is good, mud&dirt is better
blackbeauty GenIII

4/17/2003 06:23:07
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: by the way, has anyone installed a Midland77-235ESP and where did they put it. I like the idea of putting it inside the console, maybe it will fit. Anyone know about 8 foot metal whip install on rear bumper?
clean&shiny is good, mud&dirt is better
AHersh GenIII

4/17/2003 13:19:23
| RE: cb installation IP: Logged
Message: I've had a Cobra in my truck for a couple years, a replacement for a larger unit that was in the center console. If you don't let orange air freshener leak all over it and melt the plastic, the Cobra is great, it doesn't take up any room and can be operated with one hand.
If you don't have a concsole, you can mount the hardware under the seat and bring the unit up between the seats. I use a magnetic antenna, cheap, but I didn't want to drill any new holes in the cab for fear of rust.
1997 CC 4X4, 5.2L Manual Dynomax UltraFlow, K&N Drop-in, Mobil1 in Motor & Gear Boxes, Rhino Lining
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