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12:09:13 - 03/12/2025

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Dodge Dakota


Subject: autoparts store ignorance
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okay.....what the crap does one have to do to get a shorter belt. i mean i know and you know to just ask for the belt for w/out a/c. but the retards at the parts store dont seem to grasp that concept. i went to just about all the parts store trying to get one today (mainly cause my a/c pulley is whinning and getting louder, afraid of lockup) anyhow they all said "uh we dont have a belt the size you need to by pass the a/c duhhuh. because the belts will be different for models w/out a/c derrrrr....i think, uh im not sure...." i tell them same set up minus a pulley, i even took a piece of rope in that i cut to size for them to match up and they said nope. i did find a couple of places that had them but one place said like 40 bucks and the other was almost fifty. i said no way in he!!. any info on how to help get the wonderfully trained auto parts specialist to understand this would be great.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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Why don't you fix the A/C? Would be easyer.

Eric on Dubs
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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I used to work at an autoparts store. They don't stock all the belts in the frigg'n world. Maybe it is a strange size. Maybe that is y it is 40 to 50 bucs for it. I mean, back off man, at least they tried to help you. just my $.02

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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The A/C stroy sounds fishy. I am thinking more like raceing!!! In any event the number of ribs or groves and the length is all they need. You normaly put the belt on a stretcher if the numbers are gone from the outside of the belt. You stretch it and subtract 10% so they could have come close. I know I would sell you one with your measurements with a clause that it could not be returned if it did not fit( all sales final). I would not want to be liable for someones jerry rigging. Most jobber type parts places will work with you but a big corperate store like Auto Zone realy does not need the head ache!! If this is a serp. belt $40.00- $50.00 is not that unheard of. The $5 dollar V-belts are history!!

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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next time when they ask if it has air, just say no. Doh!!!!

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RE: autoparts store ignorance
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Lay off the parts store guys. Many lives ago I worked in a parts store in a rough neighborhood and put up with all kinds of threats and verbal abuse when we didn't have or didn't stock somebody's part.

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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being one of those idiot parts store morons you wer talking about... just ordering a belt for one with no air..doesnt always work.
a lot of manufactures put an idler pully where the compressor is supposed to be! now which belt do you want? i have about 300 diferent part numbers and im an idiot because you want to be a cheap b@sterd and bypass your air compressor! just a thought! and i thought being a tech was a pain in the @ss!!!!

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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ps. I'm a Manager at an Auto Zone store..... and this type of request pretty much equals the "gimmy a starter for a small block chevy... they're all the same!"

Eric on Dubs
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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I hear ya on the starter thing man. I used to work for Discount Auto.. lol. People would come in and ask for a starter for a 350. What year? I dunno. What's it in? An air boat. haha.. I don't miss those days at all.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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ok defense time, maybe i hit a nerve there but i guess its my fault i forgot to mention a couple of things about the stores up here. first off, i'd like to fix the a/c but i really dont have the money to get it fixed right now. g/f pregnant, shes unable to work because of complications with it, one income for 2 people and a $360 monte carlo payment and all that good jazz that goes along w/ it. next thing, story isnt fishy, my truck....race....i dont think so. truck is tired, about 1,000 mi away from 200,000 hard miles and everything except routine maint. stuff is still factory. its a work truck, not for racing. ok as far as the auto parts stores....i understand about not stocking everything, im not dumb. and i know dealing w/ the public is a pain in the azz sometimes, i didnt get rude or threaten the guys or anything and i did say without a/c, i already said that in orig. post. the guys at autozone, 1 guy tried to help me, hes the one that said come back with the rope and i'll see what i can do for ya. well when i went back another guy waited on me and i told him about being in earlier and he said (exact quote) "ok then, why the hell dont you go talk to him since i seem to be no friggin help to you" im not sure if he was trying to be sarcastic when he started laughing after sayin it but judging by the look on the managers face i doubt it. (side bar: this kid looks to be about 17 maybe 18 and is a ricer, or at least he thinks he is with his like 86 or so civic hatch back. sure his car looks all fancy dancy on the outside but thats about it. this kid is notorious for getting his azz whupped frequently for running his mouth and making bets agaisnt other drivers and when he loses dosent wanna pay up)the orig guy was on phone and then had to make another store run so someone else came up to me and i said "92 dakota belt no a/c. heres the rope of the size i need" this one decided to give me the entire history of the way belts are cut and made. why i dont know, but he said that its not possible that there is a belt for this truck w/ no a/c because they didnt make them without a/c because its not listed on the computer at all (it was listed just said not avail. need to order). but when i asked him if he wanted to come out and see the sticker under the hood on how to run the belt w/ and w/out a/c he went back to describing about the belts and why they are made with ribs. so i say ok then i just need some plugs then. when he brings up the list he asks what i want. i said i wanted autolites? he tells me no and that they never carried autolites (thats funny, i got autolites in the truck now and i bought them from that very store just last year) so he tells me that the only plug he really sells people for my truck is the split fires and that is what is recomended. i just stared and blinked a couple of times and said well never mind then thanks for trying. so i go up the street to advanced. this guy was cool, i told him what i need and he brought it right up. he says i have it but it'll be 37 and some change. and before i could say a word he said "thats rediculous, theres no way anybody i know would pay 40 bucks for a belt and that it just didnt sound right so he looks at an old catalog and there was listed a belt no a/c for like 15 bucks or so. he said for some reason they no longer carry that type and cant order it. i understand complety. he asked me if i tried autozone and i gave him the rough details of the conversation. i not sure if he stopped laughing after i left the store or not. but he was ok and wasnt rude and i wasnt raggin on him. so i start calling some other stores asking for it and they say not avail., or all they have is v belts. so last resort for up here is i call the dealer they are the ones that tell me like 50 bucks they'll have to order it and it wont be in for like over a week. and besides i could have sworn that somewhere on here in a couple of threads i read that people just walked in the store asked for the belt and walked out w/ it that day or the next. the reason i was harping on those guys at autozone is cause all this friggin trouble just for a belt, i mean come on. now that i have written a short novel about something as little as a belt i will stop now and wait for the next guy to yell at me for raggin on the autoparts guys. and im not being a smart azz or trying to be rude but....come on.....

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
IP: Logged

allright i dint say every freaking parts store worker was an idiot, im not a cheap b@sterd, forgive me if things are a little tight money wise right now i guess nobody else has ever been there. im not an idiot, i know diff. manufactures make differnt things but ...look at the sticker under the hood for cripes sake it shows same thing minus a/c pulley w/ shorter belt.
you could have been like the others and just told me to back off or asked me to explain, but no you have to make assumptions like im a friggin punk kid who just likes to haggle people.

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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sorry Zerv.... just had a 12 hour day at the Zone. My bad , was just tired.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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The time he spent writing his last post, he could have MADE a new belt.

Anthony G
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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Why don't you unplug your A/C compressor then? It should be a small wire running to it. That way it can't engage the clutch. That will keep it from locking up on you if it's low on coolant or oil. Forget about buying a shorter belt and save that money to recharge your A/C system for the summer.

Good Luck.

Anthony G
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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If it's the whole unit, try some WD40 around the bearing without the belt on.(WD40 on the belt could be bad) :) Try spining it with your hands, it should spin without much effort. It could just be your belt making the noise. If nothing else works, check out a local junk yard for cheap parts.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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if your belt tensioner is froze up, your belt will slip and squell. put a wrench on it and see if it moves, if it don't wd40 it

Lab Rat
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RE: autoparts store ignorance
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I don't recommend the WD-40 trick-you won't get any into the sealed bearing in the rotor and you could CAUSE TOTAL COMPRESSOR FAILURE. Unplugging it won't do anything if the noise is there all the time, it's the bearing. If the noise is there only while the clutch is engaged, it's the compressor internals. Check everything else with the belt off-especially the tensioner pulley-the are notorious for being mistaken as compressor noise.

If the problem is the clutch, your $50 may come close to buying a reman assy. What year and engine do you have?

Gibson Dual Sport, AirForce One air intake, Jet II, Jet TBS, 180 stat, IAT, TPS, no viscous fan, Lakewood traction bars, "Wilson" antenna ball...when are we gonna see some real parts??!!

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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wd40 on belt tensioner pulley is OK
wd40 on a/c compressor is a no-no

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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Hey Zerv - Thanks for helping with my insomnia problem. Halfway thru your long a$$ post, I fell RIGHT to sleep! Thanks buddy!

dano 360
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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i went to the local r&s for some plugs,asked the kid for autolite 3923's. he asked me what year make and model. i said i just need part #3923 and he proceeds to get an attitude with me and tells me that he needs to know what vehicle it is for. the rack of autolites are right behind the edge of the counter so with my even bigger attitude i ask him to turn around while i pointed to them and he still insisted on year make and model. at this point i just reached around the edge of the counter and grabbed them myself. 1 week before the same butt wipe needed my vin# for a pcv valve because he said that they offered 2 for my truck when i returned from going outside to get my vin# the butt hole has the part on the counter. i asked him if he still needed the vin# to check and he says no with his cocky little attitude. so i made him him go look for the other pcv valve while i paid for my part and walked out of the store. this is definitely not typical of parts counter workers,90% are a pleasure to deal with and really know their shlt. but there are a few who need to find a new line of work.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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ok sorry about the long post but if i didnt then everyone would have thought i was just harpin on the parts guy. the squealing is there all the time clutch engaged or not. hey, bill no problem i understand where you are comming from i just didnt want ppl to think i was some snotty lil punk who just liked to give ppl sh!t. and i agree w/ dano 360, most of the time the parts guys help out but there are those occasions where you just get the guy who dosent know what he is talking about.

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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Zerg... If you haven't gotten a belt yet, try these part numbers- kelly springfield belt # 884k7... 29.99 Goodyear #4070884...25.99
we had both these belts in stock! that is if your truck has a v-6 or v-8. you never did say.
hope this helps and sorry for gettin in your sh!t the other night... had a full day of stupidity and your comment kinda hit a nerve! lol you'll have that some times. checked both with and without a/c for a 92 and they both take a 7 rib belt. thats why its more expensive. later

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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sorry man ZERV not Zerg,Opps, can't spell for crap when its late!!!! lol. Most Auto Zone stores should stock both brands of belts. On the Autolite thing... our area doesn't stock autolites, we stock motorcraft. but you can give the guy the numbers i gave you and you should be ok. ( hint) see one of the guys in a grey shirt, they are managers. the red shirt guys are just countermen. and if somebody gets pissy or sarcastic with you? just tell a manager.I have a couple of guys that iv'e had to give attitude adjustments to also.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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I couldn't agree with you more. I'm not going to generalize but many and I say MANY! of the auto parts clerks at least where I live, don't know much about cars and I don't think they require them to know. All they got to know is to know how to scroll the arrows and select items in the computer. I had a similar problem trying to get upper ball joints. A tip for next time, look for the older guys, they are still used to look up for parts in the "books" those are the most experience and can really help you out. The others, if is not in the system, you are screwed; that is their knowledge limit.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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You are right bout the older guy, they usually know their stuff, forget the youngsters. And another thing I have learned, if there is a Lady behind the counter, she will get the info you need or give you the right directions!
And I am an old dude LOL. and I want a starter for a 350 chevy, I think they made two models?. Just depends on the bolt pattern!!!!!!
Enjoyed the story bout the belt ;-)

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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actually there are about 7 different starters for a small block chevy depending on year,trans, and bolt pattern.and one that bolts on like a ford! fit like one year early 60's 327 i think. It just makes it a whole lot easier to get ya the right parts if you cooperate and give us a little more info than .. it don't mater ,theyre all the same!!!! lol

John S.
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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Bill sounds like you have a problem with your authority level "the red shirt guys are just countermen". You know, I work in an Autozone store and I am a red shirt- this doesnt mean I do not know what I am talking about. I have managers asking me about proceedures and parts often, I am a college student and work part time. I am very thankful you are not one of my managers, where I work I am treated the same as any other manager would be, we are all part of the same team, just some of us have keys to the place.

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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no John I don't have a problem with my authority. If youve been listening to these guys posts... they seem to be getting the run around and treated sarcasticly. and as i said in my last post - see a grey shirt if you don't feel you are being treated right! I ment that as a help to these gentlemen ... not as a put down to my countermen! now who's getting touchy? and for what it's worth... i have countermen that range in age from college student to 60 !

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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John, sorry if i touched a nerve... tell me , what are you gonna be when you grow up? how long have you been a tech ? just curious! not trying to be a dick! just would like to know

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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ps, hey John, I work at store 0777. call me tomorrow( thursday ) , I work noon to close, and i'll discuse this with ya personally and off the forum. remember my friend... sell more parts, have more fun!!!!!

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RE: autoparts store ignorance
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Hehe .. Grey shirts.. Grey comes from the well seasoning right?

Anyay I just think no one knows anything about cars.. it's all a conspiracy.

BTW. AutoZone down here in Tx doesn't carry Autolights either. I had to go to Pep-Boys :-\

Bleh never buy anything from them. Frickin rip off. And they know even less. Anyway I think I'll go ask my local red shirt for some muffler bearings. If he doesn't know what I'm talking about I'll tell him to ask for Bill @ store 0777 to clue him in.

'01 Graphite QC 4x4
4.7 3.55 LSD
6" Suspension Lift
305x70x16 GoodYear MT/R's
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