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16:16:30 - 03/12/2025

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Dodge Dakota


Subject: RE: autoparts store ignorance
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I wouldn't buy anything from Auto Zone. The couple of stores here in Syracuse, have a bunch of morons working there. another thing don't try to buy plug wires for a 99 5.2 there either. They have a part number but the wires don't fit, the boots are too short.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
IP: Logged

Bill your very ignorant, how old are you? Still working at autozone when your an adult? Oh im sorry to hear your all grown up and make $10 an hour

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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another red shirt here who has worked 'the zone' for quite awhile now (through college GO GATORS!)... and no this is not going to be my career. and it seems the greys come to me for advice on the tech stuff, and yes im a younging at 21 and have 3 rods (69&98 camaros and a sbm swapped dak, not hondas) built with my own hands and $. i also drag race avidly. dont assume i dont know jack cause im baby faced, or the rest of my generation is f-ing gay with their POS winged things they call cars. not saying bill is ripping on us part-timers, but just cause his shirt isnt grey doesnt mean he does not know his crap, or hasnt turned down offers to wear one of those fancey grey shirts, i would hope he knows that. i personally dont want 30 extra keys, pull registers and audits, and deal with screaming morons who 'must speak with a manager'... just my opinion. :)
ps- and yes zone should carry autolites instead of light up exhaust tips, bobbing head dolls, and 1000 other things that are so stupid.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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Just thought I would add my $.02, coming from both ends. I think it is an age discrimination thing for the most part. When I worked at the old Big Wheel/ Rossi (now Checker-Krager, and probably a dozen other names), I had one older gentleman who came in insisting I had sold him the wrong oil filter. (A Cherokee of '90's vintage). He said when he installed it it "shot off". When I checked the computer I see that I havn't researched that year cherokee (a '96 perhaps?) but I have found one for a '94. He insist it is my mistake and demands a new engine. I don't know the deal my manager makes with him, but he leaves happy. A Couple weeks later he comes in for another oil filter for a "'94 cherokee" remembering this guy from getting my @$$ chewed by him, I ask, "What year?" and this time he says "'94" again, I ask him if he is sure, and he says, "Wait, no thats my old truck, this is a '96."
Anyway, to make a long story short (too late!) counter/tech guys have to ask alot of ?'s to make sure they are getting the right part.
On the other hand i have been treated like a moron when I asked for parts as well. Thank god i have a decent relationship with my local parts guy.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
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Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
IP: Logged

If you want to pay for gear heads to hand out parts you better be prepared to pay alot more for parts!!! You do not get a top notch parts guy for $9 an hour just like you do not get a gormet chief for $6 an hour! If you are a doing it yourself you have a certain level of responcability. You should check the part before you leave the store. Even ASE certified Tech.'s check parts. You also have parts that get boxed wrong. I am not saying that parts stores do not have some under trained people that do not know anything about cars. Most chain stores are really generious on their return policy. I have had to educate AutoZone staff my self. We all make mistakes and you can not expect perfection. I make 1-2 mistakes a year and when I do I always try my best to make it right. It happens! No I do not work for auto zone and never have but I have worked in the auto industry since 1988 and this is how things are! You can always pay more at a Jobber store and get more knoldgable staff!

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
IP: Logged

WOrking at Kmart during my college years has led me to the following conclusion about the american public at large:

All except for 5% are brainless, stupid, ignorant a**holes who expect you to do the thinking for them.

In my store, we had an automotive section and believe me, you ask a simple question to gain more information to get these dooshbags the CORRECT part and boy, they come unglued on you!

Numbnuts comes sauntering in on a Saturday morning. Wants a set of sparkplugs for his "toada" (that's Toyota for those who made it past 8th grade)

Exchange of words
Numbnuts: Need sparkplugs for a toada.
me: What year, engine, car or truck do you have"
Numbnuts: Hell I don't know, I got it from my brother. I think it's a 85 or something.
me: Hmmmmmmm looks up in the book, checks twice, locates THREE different plugs with different reach and hex......which one for this neanderthal who stands before me?
me: Uh, do u know which engine you have in there, the book says there are three diff. plugs for that truck depending on which engine you have.
Numbnuts: Hell, you're supposed to know that! Why else do you think I am here? Are you incompetent or something? WHy did they hire you anyway? Don't you now anything?
Me: Well, all I want to do is make sure you get the correct part to do the job. SInce you don';t know, take all THREE types and have a nice time figuring out which ones you need.

Then I walked away, punched out, and went home since my shift was over.
NEver saw this brainless dolt again in the store.
He was out there probably trying to figure out how to get the hood up on his "toada"

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
IP: Logged

went to canadian tire to get a helicoil ,kid didnt know what it was , he was only about 17 so i bestowed the benifit of the doubt on him .and asked if the parts counter manager could help me/him out, off he goes , comes back , he says, he wants to know the year ,make ,and model of the car sir.
i say it dosent matter
off he goes again,comes back and says try plumbing

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
IP: Logged

GENTLEMEN, sorry for starting another FLAME war!I'm sorry if I've ruffled a few feathers.Not raggin on any of the countermen out there.My point was... If you have a problem see a manager!to JS- ok I suck!lolalso I CHOSE to sell parts, after 25 years of being a DEALER TECH ( you know, one of those crooked b@sterds that won't fix anything for free!) I had had enough of the car business. been a cetified ASE master tech since 1975 so yes I do know what I'm doing. this will more than likely get my @ss flamed again,but thats ok! sad part is, most parts stores don't want to pay to get experienced auto techs to work the counters so sometimes you get people that maybe don't know as much as they should about cars.doesn't make them bad help,just means that sometimes they might make a mistake from the info thats given to them. I have a good bunch of guys working with me,(notice I said WITH me and not FOR me) and I'm the only one in my store thats ever been a tech.ok I'm done now.... let the FLAMING BEGIN!!!!! LOL

Bill Smith
Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
IP: Logged

you know, this whole thread started because somebody couldn't get help in finding a fan belt for a Dakota to bypass his a/c compressor. I apoligized to the guy for flamin him and found him 2 different brands of belts that would fix his problem.the " Autozoner" that started the flame war to me about my coments on red shirts ,still hasn't contacted me to discuse my "dealing with athority". now I suck! you guys are too much! the point I was making , was if you have a problem at Auto Zone, being treated rudly or whatever...go see a grey shirt. They have the authority to give discounts or disiplinary actions depending on the case.I did not say that all counter men were stupid. once again this forume has taken a coment, twisted it around in the contect in which it was ment , and turned it into a flame war! the man never has said if he fixed his truck or not! come on guys , lets get along here!!!! I admit I was out of line whern I ripped on him for being cheap and as I said , Apoligized to him on this forum.why now has this turned into 2 pages of flame wars about me ripping on countermen?

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
IP: Logged

Au contraire......I ripped on the moronic dimwits (also known as customers).....I used to work retail and deal with the spoiled brat american public so I know exactly where you are coming from
What's nice to know, ifyou behave like this in UK, they WILL escort you right out the front door! I like that idea and too bad retailers here don't have the backbone to do it. Losing your temper and verbally attacking a minimum wage clerk does not solve the problem, it only shows the world how much of a baby you are.
Trust me on this...I spend over 5 years doing it, by the end of the first year, I could have cared less. Not that I didn't want to do my job, but I could not stand the whiney dumb as grass idiots who came in.
I could go on and on with other stories but hopefully you will see I am on your side and when I go to a store, I sympathize with the poor bastard behind the counter.

Dodge Dakota


RE: autoparts store ignorance
IP: Logged

Retailer I have to agree with you 100%. I often deal with people that want you to do the thinking for them. Or they require an insane amount of reassurance and comforting about makeing a darn decision.I can not stand that.

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