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11:27:04 - 03/12/2025

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Dodge Dakota


Subject: Got a HUGE ticket.
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I was on my home from work, and got pulled over. Cop was a putz. Said I was doing 60 in a 35 and passed on the right. One more MPH and he would have arrested me. So he said stay here and im going to write you a huge ticket. Now, there are two lanes on the rd. the left lane merges into the right lane. There was a guy in front of me, and a guy next to me, the guy in front of me was far enough ahead where I could move into the right lane. Now were in a cluster fu$^ so I accelerate to get past the guy to the left of me, because the left lane ends, and the guy behind me was on my tail. I see the cop come flying over the island from the other side of the rd and pull me over. Anyway, he comes back, he says, your 19 years old you should be driving responcibly and obeying every traffic law. I know how fast thing truck can go. If I ever see you again im going to arrest you. What a dick. So I came home, and told my mom, she was pissed, lol, butta, she grew up in the town I got the ticket, so she said, lets take a ride, I wanna see who this cop is. So we go, she pulls up behind him, because he had a taxi pulled over. He comes over to her mustang, and she gets pissed, go mom, gets his badge number and name. Anyway, the cop was walking back to his car (this is on the right side of road where it opens up to 2 lanes.) As soon as he gets in his car, a Jeep Cherokee comes peaking over the hill, he turns his lights on and hops the island AGAIN and we went down the road and turned around, and he had a pulled a station wagon over. Where the hell was this station wagon? Beats me, I never saw one. Looks like hes just pulling anyone over. You see a Toyota Camry, and a Maxima, and my 2001 Flame Red Motorsports Edition Dak with a Dodge 38"X4" decal on the windshield to match the paint, and the black rims, with the Eagle #1 goodyears with the yellow letting. Hmmm.. Did he pick me outta the croud just because of my truck? I sure as hell know there was no way he coulda shot me and got 60mph.. He had the radar on his window, there was cars speeding in both directions, and he picks who else.. ME!! He tells me these arnt the back roads of Florida.. come on ass hole. So I got hit with a $244 ticket, which I am totally going to court for. I have documented the whole conversation, and will type it up, and send a copy to the cheif of police, as well as take one with me to court. HE THREATENED ME!!! WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!! said if he saw me again, he was going to pull me over! You know the judge is going to be hearing about that, as well as the cheif. So, I work for a company, and make deliverys. Just started monday. So, I need a good clean driving record. This might just jack up my insurance, and piss the company off. So, im going to tell my boss what happened, hes pretty cool, and hopefully this thing ell get thrown out. I GOT THREATENED BY A COP and then got a $244 ticket! WAHOO!!

cop skotch
Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Sounds like SUPER ROOKIE on steroids, Officer Peckerhead. He'll be put in his place before too long. A lawsuit is in order.

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RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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You had to be tired after typing that im worn out after reading it


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RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Dude I here your pain. I got a goodstory for ya. Background first though... I am in the Air Force and we don't get tickets for money.. we get points on our licence instead. Well I'm in Germany and always drivin like 110-125mph (depending on if I'm driven my Dak or my Golf GT)
So here I am in Saudi Arabia now and I was driving this slow old Chevy 3500 (my work truck) to work in the morning. I pass a couple cars going about 5 mph over the speed limit not even noticing I was going over the speed limit. Well one of them was the Commander of the Transportation Group (guy in charge of all vehicals). I didn't know this at the time. I get a call from my commander asking about what truck I was driven to work and all. To make a long story short Because That Trans Commander told him to take my licence he did. So I have been the most Hich-Hikin' Guy in the Desert. Man all because I got through the gate before he did in the morning.. man what a bunch of crap. I can't wait to get back to the German Autobahn!!!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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HEY Nicholas,, The Cop is supposed to show you the number in MPH off his radar gun befor he writes a ticket , did he show you the speed MPH off the gun?? If he didnt then really how can he prove you really did the speed he said you did. Court all the way man!!, Yes sounds like a Rookie cop on a Power trip.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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He didnt offer to show me the gun or a print out, and he didnt even mention anything about the gun. I should have asked, but even still, there was traffic going in both directions, and he was on the opposite side of the road so how the fu-ck did he get ME going 60? what a stupid ass hole. I just mailed the ticket to wherever its going and plead not guilty. If worse comes to worse, I see a lawsuit in hand for the threat, and perhaps profiling due to my truck. Think he sees some punk kid. Oh well, we'll see what happens. Don't know how long its going to take for me to get a court date, but I will def. post the results when I get back.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Depending on what state you are in, you can talk to the D.A before court starts and tell them you want to plead guilty to going 44 in a 35. If they accept it, wait for your name to be called and the D.A. to read your plea to the judge. After the judge finishes talking and gives you your fine, Then ask him if you can have a prayer for judgement. If he gives it to you then you won't have to pay the fine or worry about your insurance going up. If he don't give it to you then the most you would have to pay is court cost plus a small fine which is usually $10 to $15 and your insurance won't go up because you have to exceed the speed limit by 10 mph. Only catch to prayer for judgement is if you get a ticket within the next three years, then you have to pay the fine on the new ticket, the old ticket, and your insurance will go up. That's how we do it in NC, but the choice is yours.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Insurance doesn't go up unless you exceed the speed limit by 10mph? Wow, wouldn't that be nice up here in WA. ; )

Lucky you,

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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let me see you dont deserve a ticket ! first of all you said you were speeding second he could of written a hole slew of tickets starting with unsafe lane changing / willful recless driving and being from one of them small town with a few tickets myself i found that i just take my own knocks GO IN TO A COURT ROOM WERE THEY THINK YOU DID IT JUST BECOUSE HE SAYS YOU DID IT YOU HAVE NO HOPE sry my 2 cts

Tom Jones
Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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I hate to hear about this type of behavior from the police. I had an entire town's worth of police watching my every move as a teenager so I feel for you. The best thing to do is stop your problems before they start. Doccument EVERYTHING that happened. Hire an attorney (if you can afford it), this is going to efect your insurance (for YEARS) and maybe even your is worth it. Do your homework, go to court, be cool and good luck!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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I got a story of profiling!! I was on my last few weeks of being 19 and I decided to go for a drive along the coastal roads here at about 9:00 PM (most of them considered back roads). I saw pretty much no one the whole time. As I stopped at a stop sign in a small town I noticed a pair of head lights had just appeared, for the most part, at my rear bumper. I thought to myself how odd it was to not see anyone one second and the see a pair of square lights the next. I left the stop and made my turn, lights go on. I couldn't figure out what had happened because I didn't remember speeding(very hard to get over the limit on those roads because they are curvy, narrow, and frequently flood). So, the officer comes up and we have a chat about how my evening just swirled down the toilet. I asked him to explain what I had appaerently done wrong. He told me I had been going 30 in a 25, then 40 in a 35, then 35 in a 25 as I was coasting to the stop sign. He asked me to step out where I agreed to a search. He searched my person and found my knife which he put in his pocket. He then tore the cab appart while I leaned on the hood. On the upside he found a Jeg's catalog I was missing. After he found nothing he let me go. The stupid thing was he didn't search under my bed cover, good thing I didn't have my meth lab in there or my collection of high powered assault rifles. So I got about 1 mile away and realized he still had my knife. I tried to find him but I guess he was too busy driving around with his lights off. My initial thought was to go blasting through town to try and get him to come after me again, but i figured he would have been a real jerk. Ended up that he refused to return my phone calls about the knife and most certainly kept it. I retold my story to an officer who happens to be a neigbor. He agread I was profiled. I guess I just looked like a young white kid with a truckload of heroin or some other nonsense.

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RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Nicholas, where were you when this happened? I'm curious as to what part of CT...?

Bill White - 2002 QC 4x4, SLT , 4.7, 5 spd, 3.92's w/LSD, Airaid, MBRP Super Single, Hurst T-Handle, BFG A/T's, IAS Shocks, 180 T-Stat, Jet Chip - Stage II

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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That's not a huge ticket. The fine I will be getting soon for my last ticket is going to be huge. 113 in a 65.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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First of all I would like to say that Im not defending either party but I am a police officer in Ohio and officers do not have to show you the radar lock. I personally do but it is up to each officer. Now secondly, an officer would not be able to tell which vehicle was doing which speed if all three vehicles were traveling the same direction on a mobile or stationary radar unit. Now the officer could testify to the fact that your vehicle was the one that appeared to be the fastest one therefore your the one his radar had locked, but you should be able to beat that situation in court. If the cop was pulling people over left and right and has poor probable cause then chances are the judge in his area knows this therefore he has a bad reputation with the court which makes it easier to beat. I do not like officers that profile and remember some of us are just doing are jobs nothing more. I always hear people bash officers and say thier pricks but remember their are good and bad people in every profession. Trust me the job doesnt pay that good but someones got to do it, may as well be me!
PS. you can do burn outs all you want in your dak but please dont do it on my clean cruiser. LOL

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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ask for proof that his radar gun was calibrated properly for that day and a supporting deposition. Plead not guilty, if he writes that many tickets he probably won't show up to court. If the cop does not show up to court, then ask for the ticket to be thrown out.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Cool another Ohio officer posts on here. If you don't mind what part of the state are you from. I work in the western part. Darke County to be exact.

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RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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tickets dont bother me. i've been arrested for driving a wee bit quick before. no thank you. never again. :::slooowwwiinnggg ddddoooowwwnnnnn:::

Keep On Truckin!
Sgt G

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Dude I totaly feel your pain but when you started talkin bout bringin your mom down there to bitch the dude out, I fell off my chair laughin, that was awsom..Bravo! just eat the ticket,Trust me. pay the 244 and don,t go to court. if you do when you walk out it,l be 4 hundred or so before the judge gets done.Just some advice from someone who,s been there. Yur mom hahahahaa.. sory

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Hey Nicholas-

Let me get this straight. You're doing 60 in a 35? You didn't say how fast you think you were going. And all you can come up with is some lame excuse of how traffic conditions FORCED you to speed? GIVE ME A BREAK!!! And then you go home crying to your mommy. Judging by her reaction I can see why you are such a dumb@ss - YOU GOT IT FROM HER. Have fun paying your fine, hope it doesn't cause you to lose that great delivery gig.

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RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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for a book about beating tickets...costs about $15, shows you what documentation you have to have to challenge the cop's radar, and they NEVER have all the documentation.

I was a Miami, Florida police officer back in the late 70s and if someone got under our skin, we could say about whatever we wanted to write them a ticket.

Some years before that, I got jail for doing 131 in a 75 zone, (that was the speed limit way back when), in Ft. Lauderdale. I remember the cop saying, "I cannot even write a ticket for that", I said, "ok, cool, I'll slow down..." He started laughing and said, "Man, you are going to jail"
It was a bummer. My fine was $255 but that was 1972.

Good luck,


98 SLT 2wd 5.2 Powerdyne S/C (just bought), Powerslots, Hawk pads, Snugtop hard tonneau cover, Rancho brushguard and sidesteps, Flowkooler, Edelbrock shocks and dbl timing chain, Flowmetrics TB, Hella 500 lights, Magnacore wires, Autolites, Black Magic #150 and #110, etc...and a 57 Harley Panhead

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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McCracken, all I gotta say is kiss my ass. Who ever said I was doing 60 in a 35? I know for sure that I wasnt. Couldn't have gotten past 45 tops. The same cop was hiding behind a barn today shoooting radar. The guy was trying to make himself look like a damn hero. Handing out tickets left and right..

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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WAAAAAAA quit crying about it, its just a fact of life not the end of the world. its a price you pay if u want to play at this game. i have had M A N Y tickets, one more and i will probably lose my job, i manage a truck accessory shop and need a license. that would be a bigger loss than a delivery job i would think. LIFE GOES ON MAN!!!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Tim, just out of curiosity.. do you drive a ford?? cause you seem like the type of ass hole that would.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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grow up its just a ticket for gods sake. everybody is always not guilty suck it up and go on with your life, maybe mommy can help you out

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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When 1 was 19 i was speeding on the highway doing about 135 in a 100km zone. I got pulled over by an officer who claimed i was doing 145km and he didnt radar me or anything he said he matched speed with his car and he lied to me saying he gets his speedo calibrated everyday on a dyno or somthing.

Anyway the point is that even though i could have gone to court and maybe got it thrown out i ate the ticket and it tought me a lesson. Maybe i was profiled or somthing as well but i did slow down and i did gain some respect for the system.

I also agree with the cops on this sight. Its not easy to only give people bad news or to bother people. Belive me im a salesman. You got to give them a brake, and remember when you go to court and try to beat a ticket if you win you may have saved yourself some money but you just killed a little bit of that officers reputation.

So even though i dont know the whole story and what the cop said to you exactly just be glad he didnt arrest, and maybe that threat was his way of making sure you dont do it again.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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"Who ever said I was doing 60 in a 35?"

The cop w/ the radar gun, that's who.

"I know for sure that I wasnt. Couldn't have gotten past 45 tops."

You don't know how fast you were going, but it wasn't sixty, huh? You don't sound too "sure" to me.

"trying to make himself look like a damn hero. Handing out tickets left and right."

Or maybe just doing his job. Nicholas your posts make you sound like someone who just can't handle consequences or take responsibility for your own actions. Ten mph over gets you a ticket in most places I drive in MN. Nobody made you speed- not the traffic and not the cop. And you're talking lawsuit and profiling? LOL!!!!!!!! You said you are 19, right? Good, there's still enough time to get your head on straight and grow up and be a man. Your own choices are going dictate where you end up in this world- and since I don't think you are shooting for "white trash redneck" you should really quit thinking, acting and talking like one.

Bill the Cat
Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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McCracken you got it almost right, you forgot that this clowns ego got the best of him when he refused to slow down and pull in line, HE decided the best thing for everyone was for him to speed up and race arond everyone one the rt. side, which in every state is illegal,then cut off the guy that was ahead of him. I saw the same thing happen once before ended up the guy that was in the front vehicle got out and the next light and pulled the ego punk out of his car and beat the snot out of the ego punk. Your MOMMY did you a big disservice when she "came to your rescue" GROW UP child. If the cop wanted too, he could have arrested her for obstructing official business. I have a very fine Gouda to go with your whine little boy.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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I sense a lot of LOVE here....

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RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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"I sense a lot of LOVE here...."

You know

Catch me come later!!

Green Giant

Dodge Dakota


RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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just maybe his mom will take his computer away

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RE: Got a HUGE ticket.
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Hey! He may not want to face the consequences but you guys are forgetting a few rules of driving. STAY IN THE FLOW! If every one was speeding (which 7-10 over is VERY NORMAL here in IN) and he was stuck next to two people who expected him to yield maybe his best bet was to speed up and get by them. Better to do that than to slow down and possibly get rearended by the guy behind him. And profiling is a big problem. I was boxed in one time just poking along on a highway and some cop tried to pull me over for 78 in a 55! If he hadn't lost sight of me he would have tried to ticket me. And how many of you guys can account for your speed at all times while in traffic. If your staying "legal" and in doing so are 7-10 mph slower than everybody around you then your as dangerous as the guy going 85 in a 55. And this does sound like a Rookie cop on a power trip.

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