From | Message |
bflobrian Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/17/2002 21:46:52
Subject: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: What is causing oil to show up in the air cleaner assembly.
It's like blowing right at the air cleaner from that air breather hose,(crankcase inlet filter), coming from the valve cover.
1994 3.9 4x4 automatic 178,000 miles
bfs426 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/17/2002 22:05:12
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: sounds like your PCV.
d Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/17/2002 22:24:09
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: change your PCV valve.
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/17/2002 22:25:43
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: correct me if im wrong but any fuel air mixture that escapes from your pistions and down into your crankcase goes up through the crancase filter and into the air cleaner where it is run back through the system to be burned off, it is more aperent in older engines with lost compression. mine kinda did the same thing, dont know what you cna do to fix the oil problem, new crankcase filter? have not yet tried this venue with my 90, but its F***ed up right now so, when i take it to be fixed ill ask what exacly it does
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/17/2002 22:32:15
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: PCV valve eh?
mine msut also be bad unless mine has a CCV
ill try that too :-P
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/17/2002 22:36:27
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: ill check it in the morning, cuz my system seems to be working in reverse :-O and im also getting oil in the air cleaner, damn, maybe ill have to patch the hole i cut in my new air cleaner assembly to put in the CC filter hose in so i didnt get an exhaust smell from my $20 K&N crankcase filter
bflobrian Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/18/2002 21:23:34
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: PCV is new, changed nearly the same time as that gold colored thing,(crankcase inlet filter) on the opposite valve cover.
A friend of mine kinda said the same thing as Superbee, about older worn engines, rings, etc. Fuel/oil/air mixture passing by the pistons and being forced up through the valve cover and into the air cleaner.
Does that sound right?
Any other thoughts?
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/19/2002 00:56:27
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: well i did some dinking with my truck, i took out the PCV and blew it out with an air hose, and its less gummy now, but i still get fumes out the oposite valve case, this may be due to
1)very worn pistons/rings
2)valves not seating propperly
3)not enough sucktion through the PCV hose
tomorrow ill check for leaks in the hose
start yours up and take off the crankase filter to see if you get fumes out of it
or start it up and check and see iff the hose running into the air cleaners is putting out or sucking in
if its sucking in then its all good and you should not have any mroe problems, if its still blowing out then your in my boat
but i still need to seea bout a new CC filter
if not ill ask them at the garage im getting the tranny leak fixed at, ill be taking it there Sat so until then
oh and i woul dtry and fix the tranny leak myself but most likely will require dropping the tranny out, and i dont want to deal with that
drunkace Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/19/2002 01:19:00
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: Reading this to find out why my jeep would be doing the same thing as far as the oil in the filter....I have to change it's got 160k and is a 1988. My Dak is fine--thankfully.
I would like to tell superbee that I too had a tranny leak that turned out to be a rubbed through cooler line....hope it's an easy fix for u too....
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/20/2002 01:01:37
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: honeslty, now that i think about it it makes more sense if i blew a hose on the pump, because ALL the fluid leacked out, it was damn neer bone dry, and it all happened in the matter of 6 miles, so a hole in a line somewhere makes more sense, and i hope so because it should be way cheaper
drunkace Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/21/2002 13:42:59
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: mine happened to be that 3 foot long metal pipe that had been slowly rubbing against something over the years...cost less than 5 bucks to fix. Wish they could all be that easy to fix. I know there are rubber lines in the tranny cooler system that could blow also....hope that's what it is.
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/21/2002 15:46:56
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: ill let you all know next week when i get my baby back
Sigma Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/21/2002 16:48:45
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: bflobrian..........also check for worn valve guides....
bflobrian Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/21/2002 21:01:11
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: Superbee, if it was doing anything, it was probably sucking...but very little, at idle.
It might very well be blowing at highway speeds.
Sigma, good possibility...that would be an easier fix than the rings!
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/22/2002 01:24:48
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: yeah the valves could not be seating right, but i dont want to tare mine apart and fix it and lose parts and all that bull crap, could see if they can do it while im waiting for the tranny to be fixed, its jsut sitting waiting for the tranny guy to look at it, maybe i can see if one of the other mechanics can look at the valves
Duke Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/14/2002 20:22:13
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: Install an oil catch can inline of the PCV. This will catch the oil and allow the gases to be burned. This will keep the oil out of your filter. If you're in California make sure that there is not a oil breather on the can or you wont pass smog. If there is just plug it off and you'll be legal.
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
6/24/2002 22:07:25
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: well i got mine fixed,
i replaced the PCV valve with no results, finaly today I replaced the rubber hse going from the intake to the PCV cuz it was collapsed, WOOHOO i worked, now there is a MUCH stronger vacume coming off the PCv valve and the crankcase filter is sucking air in rather than spewing fumes out
i realize this is an old thread but i got mine working and thought id add to it in case somonme wants to look it up in the future
nuckenfuts Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/25/2002 07:18:13
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: Dude, it's called blow-by. Yur motor is worn out. Done for , needs a rebuild. Definitely not the mysteriouse pvc vlv.Eventually it will start to cause the engine gaskets to blow out. start serchin for a cheap rebuilt now and run yurs until it blows out the gaskets and won't hold oil ... just some advice.
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
6/25/2002 13:30:23
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: why??? its working properly now
going in where its saposed to and sucking it out where its saposed to now
the hose running from the PCV valve to the intake WAS COLLAPSED AND WAS NOT ABLE TO SUCK THE FUMES THROUGH
nuckenfuts Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/25/2002 14:03:33
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: wow! the extent of your brain capacity has woed us all, I could only wish that someday I could be like you and speak with total ignorance to someone I don't know. I was meerely stating an opinion, not bashing your mom dude.
P.S if this thred pisses you off equally, perhapse you should consider treatment.
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
6/26/2002 08:46:26
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: are you a mechanic?
trying to sell me on a rebuild i dont need yet?
nuckenfuts Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/26/2002 09:53:53
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: no, man I was just stating my opinion of some helpfull advice, using the description of the symptoms you have stated. if you have enough presure under your vlv. covers to blow oil into your air filter weather your pvc system is clogged or not you most probably have more extensive damage/worn parts. Ive seen crank case blow-by through the lifter gallery also. which will give the same symptoms with no exhaust smoke/oil burn.bottom line if you pull your oil fill cap off the vlv. cover with the motor running and you can feel the blow gasses pushing out< It's almost time for a rebuild. If I offended you I am deeply sorry..
nuckenfuts Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/26/2002 09:57:05
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: P.S. 178,000 miles I'm almost 100% sure I am correct in my assumption of your problem unless you have granny miles on it....(A)start with a compression check.
bflobrian Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/26/2002 21:49:42
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: For the purpose of just curing the problem of oil in the air cleaner, might it be possible to have two pcv valves, on opposite valve covers, both running to the same vacumn hose, (by virtue of a T hose connector). ....damn that was a long sentence.
Will there be a problem doing this type of re-routing. Is there a pressure problem that will arise.
nuckenfuts Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/27/2002 07:21:53
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: Nope. Pull the pvc. vlv. hose and the rest of the hardware off and toss-it. cap off the vacume line on the intake and put a breather/filter on the vlv. gasket makes one that fits right on your cover perfectly for bout $10. + it looks nice. alowing your crankcase to breath on it's own through a larger orafice is also more efficient in allowing the crankcase to expend built up gasses rather than trying to suck them out through a check vlv. and a straw that could clog/break and cause engine damage, ie. blowing out pan gasket,cylinder blow by and poor performance.Not sure but I think this mod. violates CA. emmissions though.but they got to catch ya first, right? Oh yea and in doing this you will reduce carbon build up and all the other crap that gets sucked into yur intake.And technically you can toss the cat(s) too. Because crankase fumes are not combustable when compressed, If you stop sucking them in you don't need to burn em out of the exhaust right? plus an added bonus, if u have a cold air intake you"ll actually get cold air to your intake now cause crankcase fumes are burning hot, wow even more performance. well if it helps I did it, and it worked out good for me. let me know what u think/if it helps.
nuckenfuts Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/27/2002 16:22:54
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: Nope. Pull the pvc. vlv. hose and the rest of the hardware off and toss-it. cap off the vacume line on the intake and put a breather/filter on the vlv. gasket makes one that fits right on your cover perfectly for bout $10. + it looks nice. alowing your crankcase to breath on it's own through a larger orafice is also more efficient in allowing the crankcase to expend built up gasses rather than trying to suck them out through a check vlv. and a straw that could clog/break and cause engine damage, ie. blowing out pan gasket,cylinder blow by and poor performance.Not sure but I think this mod. violates CA. emmissions though.but they got to catch ya first, right? Oh yea and in doing this you will reduce carbon build up and all the other crap that gets sucked into yur intake.And technically you can toss the cat(s) too. Because crankase fumes are not combustable when compressed, If you stop sucking them in you don't need to burn em out of the exhaust right? plus an added bonus, if u have a cold air intake you"ll actually get cold air to your intake now cause crankcase fumes are burning hot, wow even more performance. well if it helps I did it, and it worked out good for me. let me know what u think/if it helps.
bflobrian Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/27/2002 21:22:55
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: Found a chrome air breather at Auto Zone that fits good on drivers side valve cover.
Left the pcv valve on pass. side intact, (for now).
Only prob. I got are fumes comin' in cab, from the new air breather.
I'd like to convert the air cleaner with a newer, as you call it, home brew intake. Right now there's just the old air cleaner, like for carbs.
I have a '94 3.9 4x4
tons of 184,000
yeah, I know, the engine is worn, so don't expect too much for performance, but I'm tryin' to squeeze out something anyways!
Not to mention the timing chain is worn and rattles.
nuckenfuts Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/28/2002 06:24:15
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: pull the left side rubber flap back, the one next to the radiator that should get rid of most of the fume build up as long as you don't sit at Idle for long periods of time, wow, motor is worse thsn I thought.
bflobrian Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/30/2002 00:36:24
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: What's the purpose of this flap, (if I can find it)??
SuperBee Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
6/30/2002 01:13:06
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: keeping crud from coming into the engine compartment from the wheel well, i thought i was in need of a rebuld too, but that damn hose for the PCV was was collapsed and was not sucking like it was saposed to, and the oil wasnt really thick like regular motor oil, i think it was the hot gasses condensing on the cleaner after it cooled, now the crankcase filter intake in the air cleaner is sucking in air, so i could actualy put on the K&N filter i got for it, i could not before cuz of the exhaust fumes smell coming into the cab cuz the PCV hose was not open, check that hose, i have taked to some other people who could not tget the oil out of the air cleaner and cahnged the PCV valve and i looked and found the same collapsed hose, its a long shot but it worked for me and some freinds with Daks, i replaced it with some regular Fuel line found at ACE Hardware, 3/8 i think it was, all you need it like 15 inches or so, i got 18 inches and ended up with a little too much, so i gotta trim it
and i prolly am going to need to do my vavlve seals and such soon, i know at least one(1) is bad and leaks oil dow into the cylinder cuz that spark plug had more oil and stuff on it than the rest, and i burn some oil when i start it up, after that its clean
i ran some Sea Foam throught the PCV line and in the gas and put some in the Crank case oil and ran through a tank of Premium high octane gas, now back to regular 87 and it upped me from 14.6 the tank before to 16.1 this tank, granted there was like 1/4 of a tank of the premium in there, but i drove the premuim hard and got like 15.2, the Sea Foam worked wonders form my freinds 97 3.9 dakota. ill keep ya informed on what my gas mileage is next tank and the tank after on the genI thread
bflobrian Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
6/30/2002 21:35:11
| RE: oil in air cleaner IP: Logged
Message: ok, I know which rubber flap you'all are talkin' about now. I was thinkin of something else.
I'll check the pcv and the hose again to be sure it's all workin' fine. I mean, hell for a couple bucks, might as well just change the pcv and new hose and be done with it.
Actually doing what nuckinfuts said about the air breather, (chrome Mr. Gasket style), I don't have to worry about any oil in the air cleaner anymore anyways.
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