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dak_driver Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/11/2002 14:54:35
Subject: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
I hear we are going to hit close to $3.00 a gallon by the
summer. Want gasoline prices to come down? We need
to take some intelligent, united action. Phillip Hollsworth,
offered this good idea.
This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas
on a certain day" campaign that was going around last
April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that
because they knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt"
ourselves by refusing to buy gas. It was more of an
inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT,
whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan
that can really work. Please read it and join with us!
By now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about
$1.50 is super cheap. Me too! It is currently $1.97 for
regular unleaded in my town.(California).
Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have
conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is
CHEAP at $1.50- $1.75, we need to take aggressive action to
teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace....not
sellers. With the price of gasoline going up more each day,
we consumers need to take action. The only way we are
going to see the price of gas come down is if we hit
someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing THEIR
gas! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. How?
Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying
gas. But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act
together to force a price war. Here's the idea: For the rest
of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from
the two biggest companies (which now are one),
EXXON and MOBIL. If they are not selling any gas, they
will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their
prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.
But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions
of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers. It's really simple to do!
Now, don't wimp out on me at this point...keep reading and
I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!
I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each of
you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and
those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)
... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth
generation of people, we will have reached over THREE
MILLION consumers!
If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten
friends each, then 30 million people will have been
contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it.....
Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. That's
all. (If you don't understand how we can reach 300 million
and all you have to do is send this to 10 people.... Well,
let's face it, you just aren't a mathematician. But I am...
so trust me on this one.)
SIC. Assumption that all will send without duplication of
receptors is fallacious. Mathematician, perhaps; but
logical, not? The K...
How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email
out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300
MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within
the next 8 days!
I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential,
did you? Acting together we can make a difference. If this
makes sense to you, please pass this message on.
BlackDakRacer Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/11/2002 15:08:21
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: let's bomb some more people, saudi arabia wants some!
blackdak Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/11/2002 15:25:38
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: This suggestion has been floating around for the past 3 years that I can remember and probably before that.
Problem 1: The day after gas stations everywhere will have MORE business than usual. We have to get gas at some point.
Problem 2: All the small companies that you suggest will "follow suit" in lower prices- who do you think they buy gas from? There's no Mom and Pop oil company and refinery that sells cheaper gas. The small gas stations buy gasoline from the very companies you suggest boycotting. If you think the oil and refinery industry is a true free and competitice market, I'm afraid you are very wrong.
Problem 3: The ONLY way to lower gas prices is to lower gasoline use. Hard to do in a society that had made it necessary to drive just to get by. You need a car in our country. We dont have any reliable public transportation, nor do we want any while we have relatively affordable alternative. Even if every drives as little as possible, the oil companies still make a crapload of money.
Don't get me wrong. The oil companies and producers run a virtual mob, with price fixing, undermining the competition, and other business tactics, all of which are protected by every government in the world.
Do you want to make a difference? Find an alternate fuel. Pressure not only the auto manufactures but the fuel companies to develop and sell fuel cell (hydrogen powered) vehicle. Look at the concept Ddoge Charger that came out a couple years ago. A 4.7L V8 putting out the power almost identical to the new 5.7 Hemi, getting ULTRALOW emissions, and better gas mileage than most V6 engines. The technology is there. Show an interest in it. Ask gas stations when they will install fuel cell refilling pumps. Tell the Dodge or whoever dealer that you'll take that gas engine, but you'd pay the extra for a fuel cell vehicle if they had it.
The technolgy is here people. And better stuff is in the future if everyday people can speak louder than the money of the special interests groups and corporations.
nmdcommguy Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/11/2002 15:53:29
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: Here's what would happen: A run on amoco/BP and other gas stations would cause a spike in their prices. Exxon/Mobil sations would lower their prices because it wasn't selling. People would then flock to the lower priced stations and it would all even out in the end.
Supply and Demand - It's not just a good idea - It's the LAW!
DragonHawk GenIII

4/11/2002 15:53:56
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: I tell you one thing ... I would JUMP on buying one of those Chargers. Very nice looking car ! Just need to move along that fuel cell technology !
DragonHawk ========== 2001 Dak SLT Quad, AWD/4x4, 4.7L, Auto, LSD, 3.55 Full Info At:
Marks DQC GenIII

4/11/2002 15:54:07
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: blackdak your 3 problems are very good points. I disagree with the rest.
The root of the problem rests not with the oil companies, it's ultimately tied to the 'owners of the oil', in other words: Whose ground is crude oil coming from?
They are setting the price of crude at whatever price they can get. If it gets too low they cut back on supply until the price goes up, or they start a war (Israel now?). When the price is up they start moving it as fast as they can.
Look at the oil companies and their profits over the last 10 years, up years and down years. Compare them to other sectors, on the average they are not making outlandish profits. Otherwise their stock prices would be soaring, but what are they doing, about average to low.
This would be the WRONG way to go about it! If this becomes popular I for one will buy ONLY EXXON/MOBIL gas. I can assure you that bankrupting XOM will not be to anyones benefit.
Alternate technology has some promising ideas. But they are much further from commercialization than you might think.
Take fuel cells. Right now we fill up with gas at atmospheric pressure. We fill up our LPG tanks for our gas grills at 7 times atmospheric pressure. Current fuel cell technology involves storing Hydrogen at up to 1,350 times atmospheric pressure. I know from working with high pressure equipment that the hazards associated with such pressure are extremely high. It takes specialized equipment and highly trained people to operate such equipment. Then you have the situation where you are riding around with this high pressure tank that, if it let's go, it's got 50 times the explosive force of an equivalent gasoline tank.
Research on fuels cells however is progressing quickly and may be ready for public use in less than 10 years. (Methanol displacing Hydrogen for instance) But it's not ready now, and that's not because of lack of development, billions are being spent on development.
2001 Dakota Quad Cab SLT , 4.7L, Auto, 3.55 LSD, Garnet Red over Slate Zaino, Tint, Vent Guard, Gaylords Lid, Hotchkis, Bilstein, Wet Okole Covers, Painted Grill Shell w/ Ram inserts, S/S Bumper/Valence Cover, Billet Antenna, Precision Roll Pan, APC Clear Corners, Airaid, Gibson
Marks DQC GenIII

4/11/2002 15:58:16
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: OH I forgot, Who has a factual report backed by good data that supports this $3.00 / gal forecast number?
I have doubt this could be well intentioned. Maybe a competitor originated it? If not, it's certainly someone who knows nothing about the oil business.
The $3.00 forecast is meant to evoke an emotional response. I don't believe any credible source is forecasting above $27 per bbl which translates into $2.00-2.20 per gal gas. Some references:
People have the freedom to do these kinds of things. Unfortunately they too often don't know what they are talking about. The real change would be to reduce demand and conserve resourses. (Or conquer the land militarily.)
The mideast unrest has more to do with oil future uncertainty than any oil company.
I urge everyone not to support this and not to pass it on.
2001 Dakota Quad Cab SLT , 4.7L, Auto, 3.55 LSD, Garnet Red over Slate Zaino, Tint, Vent Guard, Gaylords Lid, Hotchkis, Bilstein, Wet Okole Covers, Painted Grill Shell w/ Ram inserts, S/S Bumper/Valence Cover, Billet Antenna, Precision Roll Pan, APC Clear Corners, Airaid, Gibson
yo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/11/2002 16:24:19
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: I agree the only way to lower gas prices is to lower demand. The only way to lower demand is to use the public transportation, or but a geo metro. Dodge as well as every other car manufacturer out there knows that as long as gas prices are low, this includes a prices around 2.50 a gallon which is probably still a deal compared to pre energy crisis days, people will buy big SUVs and trucks. Obviously none of us are helping the cause with our dakotas that get 19 mpg on a good day. In a few years the government is going to force the companies to boost efficiency, so we will rely less on oil. I have a feeling this is tied to the rumors of Dodge moving toward a smaller truck that the dakota. The new s10 replacement will have a 5-cylinder, not a 6. If we want cheaper gas prices, we need to stop buying trucks and SUVs when we dont need them, this will pressue Detroit to build better cars, or develop better engines so an SUV, their moneymaker, can get 25 MPG, and people will buy them.
A side note, I am looking at new Dakotas with V8's so I am not helping the cause, but then again, I know gas will be more expensive some day, and when the days comes, I will a) pay alot for gas and not complain, or b) buy a car. Hopfully I can afford a).
Marks DQC GenIII

4/11/2002 16:30:42
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: P.S. Please don't fall victim to the Gullibility Virus.
2001 Dakota Quad Cab SLT , 4.7L, Auto, 3.55 LSD, Garnet Red over Slate Zaino, Tint, Vent Guard, Gaylords Lid, Hotchkis, Bilstein, Wet Okole Covers, Painted Grill Shell w/ Ram inserts, S/S Bumper/Valence Cover, Billet Antenna, Precision Roll Pan, APC Clear Corners, Airaid, Gibson
drtswinger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/11/2002 20:52:44
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: Ok, please please please dont think that I am stupid or ignorant. But In one of my high school classes, we do current events. And one of them was about U.S. steel. Basically, from what I gathered from the conversation, was that steel workers were mad because they were being outsold by Russian steel. The steel producing states threatened to strike or what not, and not vote for Bush upon re-election if he didn't put a tarrif on russian steel to balance the prices. Well, when Russia heard this, they said no problem, if you tarrif our steel (which would cause a loss in sales) then we will raise the prices on the gas we have been selling you so cheap lately. Now I was informed before i heard this steel tarrif current event in class that the reason prices went down on gas, was because the russians were dumping it off in the market so cheap. Well, the next monday after we read this in the newspaper in class, Bush had signed a bill saying it would tarrif russian steel. And would ya look at that, our prices have steadily climbed since. And the ironic part is that the U.S. steel workers still were'nt happy, they wanted a higher tarrif. and russia isn't happy, seems like a lose lose situation to me. Now I might not have my facts dead on, or right at all.... this is all what was in the newspaper. So maybe we should look at other reasons this is happening other than opec. Now before you all jump my bones on this tellling me im wrong and stupid... remember that I'm a 17 year old in high school.... so my political knowledge isn't up to par as some of you might compare. Just look into it, search for articals online from and what not. Anyone else hear this? Just my 2 cents.
MightyDakSXT Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/11/2002 22:38:09
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: The only reason gas prices are going up is because the oil companies have reduced the surplus they use to carry.
By the way, that opening post is from an chain letter e-mail that has been circulating the inboxes of everyone gullible enough to think it's valid.
Yo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/12/2002 01:05:16
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: Surplus went down because demand went up. it happens every spring when people start driving more. Buyers ultimately control the price, not the sellers. If we buy less, price drops. If Opec sells less, we want the same, it is as if we are buying more, price goes up. Russia cant sell oil for more tha Saudi Arabia. We would just buy it from them. BUYERS CONTROL THE PRICE.
Bill Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/12/2002 06:48:06
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: Hey guys,
Me and Graphite just got done with a big debate over this topic in the Off Topic Forum. Here is a link:
Damn Gas Prices
Mark and Yo, thank you for making great points in this post. You will see that I totally agree with you and YO on this topic.
I encourage everybody to go to the link above and see what me and Graphite said about it, I stand behind what I said in that post.
Bill's Truck Page
Graphite *DakotaEnthusiast*

4/12/2002 08:24:53
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: I was wondering when you were going to get to this post Bill!! That was a real good debate. Both of us had good points.
joe 2002 club cab 4.7 v8 stock 4x4 Graphite /silver 2002 quad cab 4x2 v6 stock Atlantic blue/silver 2002 evenflo travel system
Bill Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/12/2002 09:05:21
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: I finally found it Graphite! You are very correct, that was an excellent debate. Both us made very good points, people can read them and then decide where they stand!! Have a good one!
Bill's Truck Page
j Potter Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
8/27/2003 15:13:38
| RE: cheaper gas prices! IP: Logged
Message: gas prices try running your dodge dakota in the UK our gas is $5 dollars + per gal that why I have converted my truck to run on Liqufied pertrolum gas
| P 1 |
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