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11:41:35 - 03/12/2025

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Dodge Dakota


Subject: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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I was at work today, (i work at Winn-Dixie), and a lady asked if I could help her get her keys out that she had locked in her trunk. We couldn't get 'em out, so we called the Toyota dealer, she was renting the car from them, and request that they come get her keys out for her. When the guy arived from the Toyota dealer, he was driving a really nice Red two-tone Ram with Bridgestone tires, and Hella driving lights, thats all I could gather when I walked bye so quickly. He got the woman's keys out for her, and as he was walking to get in the truck, I said "Hey man, I like that truck you got there", and he said "Thanks". I just thought it was kinda cool that a Toyota employee would be driving a Dodge Ram, Maybe he just works there, and doesnt really like toyotas, but i just thought i would share this, it interested me anyway, and i kinda chuckled when I saw it!!!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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I work for a large american auto manufacture and I am driveing an old beat up Toyota and my wife is driveing a Dodge. I do not work for Dodge!! When you go to the World Head Quarters you see Lexus, Toyota, Subaru, Sabb, GM , Ford........ The corperate staff, designers and Engineirs are not as brain washed as some.What if you just started there and you can not afford to go right out and buy a new car made by the company that you are working for? What if you used to work for Chrysler and own a Viper are you not supposed to drive it? Do not get me wrong their is nothing wrong with suporting your company if they make a product that you want or can afford it but if the do not you would be stupid to pay $25,000-$75,000 for a car or truck you realy do not like!!!! I have always said that if they give me a vechile or sell it to me for exact production cost then I will change my mind on this issue but that is not going to happen.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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well, i agreee with you sandman. but dont get ur panties in a bunch over a little comment. It doesnt matter where you work, or what you drive to work, It was just a little bit ironic to me, dont worry 'bout it.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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Usually employees get a better rate than the gen public. Remember the lease rate for GM employees on the new Trailblazers? A mere $300/month canadian for them.

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RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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I was at Chrysler headquarters a few years ago in Detroit for a seminar and had a Ford rental car that I picked up at the airport. We had to park in the "competitor" parking lot which was pretty far from the building and take a shuttle in. Still laugh at that.


2001 QC 4X2 Sport Pls 4.7 Mopar Snapless Tonneau

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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The type of closed minded thinking that creates ideas and enviroments that chastise people for purchaseing what they realy want to own artificaly increases market share and group think. They fail to realise how poorly designed their vechile is because they would have to tell them selfs that they failed to design or build a good product. Who wants to drive a vechile that they know is inferior??? So you make your employees buy what they make and hope they will ignore all the failures and push the product to friends and family.Who wants to admitt that they are a lazy worker doing nothing but the minium and useing the union to keep your job? I fill sorry for the guys that have less then 20 years seniority because they do all the work! Change has to be spured from within. I doubt that most people have the ball to act as agents of change. I hate they fact that my company does not make the best product in the world. They are capable of this they just lack direction and motivation. They still think that marketing alone can sell cars. They fail to reliase that marketing only gets you so far and reputation and build quality take you the rest of the way. They continue to lose market share and will continue to do so untill they realise this.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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Toyota= UGLY!!!!!!!!!! IT is a well designed truck but its sooooooo FN UGLY!!!!!!!!! What is inferior about the Dakota Sandman?? My 01 r/c 4x4 4.7 5 speed is now a year old and no problems at all and it looks sooo good!!!!!!!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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"The type of closed minded thinking that creates ideas and enviroments that chastise people for purchaseing what they realy want to own artificaly increases market share and group think. "

Um, I really wanted to own a Dakota, and now I do. And to be fair, one of the closer competitors when I went to buy my trucks, was the Toyota. The inside of the Toyota is extremely uncomfortable, and to get a truck that somewhat compares to what I got (2002 Dodge Dakota SLT CC), I would have paid somewhere around $21K for the truck. It has a smaller bed than the Dakota, and I can make up the 15HP difference between the 3.4 V6 on the Toyota and the 3.9 V6 on the Dak, by purchasing an FIPK and an exhaust. I paid $19K for my truck.

To get THE most basic Tundra, which has the same 3.4 V6 pulling an even bigger truck than the Dakota, I would pay about $21K. This is with a lot fewer options than I got with my Dakota.

Closed minded thinking? I don't think so.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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Should specify that the closest competitor was the Toyota Tacoma and the Tundra. Sorry.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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I did not say one bad word about Dodge. I do not work for dodge and was not speaking about them. I was refering to another American Automotive Company all together. I own a dodge (2001 Dak QC 4x4 Loaded) and their are a bunch of things that I would change/improve. I am giveing the truck the benifit of the doubt before I judge it. I give it alot of leeway just because it is American made and I know I can not hold it to the same standards that I would hold an import to. I will let everyone know after this weekend how my truck is doing. I think that the transmission oil pump seal is leaking and the rack is also leaking. We will see what we see! I do not regret buy this truck yet but if it keep this $hit up I will never buy another Dodge again.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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fourgivn1, I am glad you purchased the truck you wanted. I have no problem with that. I have a problem with people that think all americans should only buy an American Name Plate car or truck reguardless of what country the vechile or it's parts where assembled in or if they like the vechile. The point I was trying to make is that as American we should have the choice to buy what we like. If a Japanees car is made in America with american parts and a Chevy is made in Korea with mexican, American, Canadian and brazilian parts I do not think we should give someone grief for buying the Japanesse car. I realy do not think we should even if it was made in Japan. If not for imports we would not have the build quality and reliability we now have in American cars and trucks. I think that the people that have abondoned the American name plates have voted with their pocket books. Automotive companys will try much harder to get their business then to keep loyal customers especialy in the truck segment. The truck buying crowd is the most loyal in the entire industry. When Dodge added two more doors to it Ram loyal customers did not mind this and new customers say this as a BIGGGGGGG advantage. They did this initialy to attract new buyers not to keep loyal customers. The better ride and handeling is another thing that attract new truck buyers. Old truck buyers where used to a harsh and bouncy ride and they came back for more each time. Do you see what I am saying? Take away import and domestic competition and you would not have half the quality and durability and creature comforts we have today. We would also have to say goodbuy to the sleek, agresive, $exy styleing we have today. Trucks would still be shaped like stacked shoe box's. Personal i am glad Toyota build trucks because I get a better Dodge because of the competition!!! I just think that people should always have a choice thats all!!!!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
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I work for one of North America's top 10 Ford dealers (as far as sales numbers go) so it's a fairly large dealership. Of all the employees we have (probably around 150 or so) there are two of us who drive Dodges. I drive a 01 Dakota 4x4 and another guy drives a 00 Dakota R/T. Both just so happen to be black regular cabs - that's pretty weird.

Honestly, we do get good deals on Fords, but I was young (still am) and wanted a Dakota ever since 1997 when they changed the body style. If I had it to do over again, I would have gotten a similarly equipped Ranger with an extended cab and the Off Road package and would be paying about $100 less per month. But you live and you learn, right?

- Dave
- 01 RC SLT 4x4 3.9 BLACK

Dodge Dakota


RE: Toyota Employee Driving a Dodge!!!!!
IP: Logged

Yep, I do understand what you are saying, and I for one should apologize to you, because I must admit that for a while there I thought I was being lumped in with the other 'closed minded' people. I don't mind saying that had it not been for the Dodge Dakota, I most likely would have purchased either the Toyota Tacoma, or the Toyota Tundra. I said it in sort of a 'snappy' way; but essentially what I meant to say was that the reason I like my Dakota so much is because it's that one unique truck that happens to pretty much exactly satisfy my needs...bunches bigger than a little S-10, but not much smaller than (while being a good deal cheaper than) the F-150/Ram/Silverado.

I'll also concede to you the fact that yep, imports are, for the most part, more reliable than their American counterparts. However, I will ALSO say that this is not always the case. You gotta admit that there are A LOT of old trucks (usually either Fords, Toyotas or Dodges) out there on the road today. One of the most reliable cars out there today, and one of the most fiercely loyal groups of people, is the Saturn. Made in America. :-) And BOY do I wish they made a good-sized truck. I'd buy one in a heartbeat. I am 'loyal' to the Dakota, but only for as long as I can drive the thing and get more out of it than I put into it. :-)

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