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TrueTalk Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
10/31/2008 18:01:25
Subject: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Viewpoint: The case against Obama
An international opinion for the BBC by Peter Wehner
If the polls hold, the American people will elect Barack Obama as their 44th president.
He is a man of prodigious political talents who exudes grace, equanimity and self-possession. He is unflappable, possesses a first-rate mind, and is capable of inspiring rhetoric.
And he would be a very bad choice for president.
On the most important issue he has confronted as a legislator, the surge of forces in Iraq, Senator Obama was a harsh critic.
His opposition to President Bush's new strategy was wrong.
Much worse is the fact that Obama continued to oppose the surge at every stage, even after it was obviously succeeding.
To this day, even as he finally concedes the surge has "succeeded beyond our wildest imagination," Obama insists his opposition to the surge was correct.
Senator Obama's view is that a defeat in Iraq would somehow help our efforts in Afghanistan.
Indeed, if Obama had had his way, all American combat troops would have been withdrawn from Iraq by March 2008, which would have led to civil war and genocide; an unprecedented victory for al-Qaeda and Islamic jihadists; and a boon to Iran.
This fact is, by itself, a shattering indictment to Obama's judgement, and in the area that is the most important responsibility of a president: his duties as commander-in-chief.
Extreme liberalism
I suspect, too, that Obama will, as his running mate has said, invite an international challenge early on.
Obama appears to be a man who dodges conflict and hard decisions; the result may be dangerous displays of indecision and weakness.
Beyond that is the fact that Senator Obama, while exuding a centrist style and employing soothing rhetoric, has amassed a record that places him on the extreme left end of our political spectrum, whether the subject is taxes, trade, healthcare, the size and role of the federal government, the federal courts, missile defence, or virtually any other policy area.
In fact, Senator Obama has been judged by the non-partisan National Journal as the most liberal member of the Senate.
His record as an Illinois state senator is, if anything, more troubling. He opposed legislation that would have prevented infanticide against children who had survived abortion attempts.
Senator Obama has presented himself as a post-partisan figure. Once again, however, his record belies his claim.
He is among the most reliably partisan voters the Democrats have.
He has not opposed the special interest groups of his party on a single important issue. And he has no impressive bipartisan achievements to his credit.
Senator Obama is, in short, an orthodox partisan, a man of left-leaning instinct who has - through the power of his rhetoric, head-snapping shifts in his position, and the attractiveness of his personality - won people over.
Race card
Even Senator Obama's claim of being a practitioner of a "new politics" is fraudulent.
Much of what Obama has presented about himself is a mirage - an impressive one for sure, but a mirage nonetheless
He has run ads about Senator McCain's position on healthcare, social security, immigration, and the Iraq war that are demonstrably false.
After saying he would never do such a thing, Obama and his supporters have employed the "race card" in a disturbing fashion - with Obama warning that key Republicans would use the fact that he's black against him, and later saying that George Bush and John McCain were going to try to frighten voters by saying Obama has "a funny name" and "doesn't look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills" (both claims are untrue).
And Senator Obama's intimate 20-year relationship with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright - an anti-American extremist - is troubling.
It reinforces the sense that much of what Obama has presented about himself is a mirage - an impressive one for sure, but a mirage nonetheless.
And even if you were inclined to believe that Senator Obama will govern as a centrist - a questionable claim, given his record - the Democratic Party will hold a commanding position in the House and Senate.
Speaker Pelosi and majority leader Reid and their committee chairmen - many of them partisan, ideological, and ruthless - will exert enormous pressure on Obama to move left.
From all we know about him, Senator Obama will not resist it or defy them. And that, in turn, will lead to overreach.
Which is why even though next Tuesday will be a difficult day for Republicans and conservatives, the wise ones will understand that our moment will come again, and perhaps sooner than we think.
Our task is to be ready.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2008/10/31 19:22:58 GMT
dakota49 Gen I

10/31/2008 21:33:05
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: A MEN
93/96Dak Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/01/2008 09:31:56
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: This is why i stay neutral in politics. No matter who's in office, they'll do something that someone will not like; while others praise them. The "presedent" position is just a puppet for what congress wants. AKA "Front Man" to take all the hits that congress dodges. "Posterboy"
McCain was suppose to be in office last term. They recounted the votes, Mcain won, but congress wants an idiot in office. Someone that they can control w/o question.
just my 2 cents
Change Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/01/2008 15:58:44
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Dear Friends,
After reading this post, I find it very disturbing that someone would write these lies about me. Change will be coming , if you will do your part. Change stands for Come Help A Nigga Get Elected, so please do your part and help me.
Osama bin Laden
Nobama Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/01/2008 19:27:24
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Change = Come Help A Nigga Get Elected
Thank you and I aprove of this message.
Your Future and Forever New-Jesus Leader,
Barack Terrorist Hussein Marxist Nobama
RadioMan Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
11/02/2008 06:50:21
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: To tell you all the truth, I dislike both but
this country CAN NOT continue with the same kind
of leadership it's under right now. I have been
watching both with their bull $hit. Obama is the
ONLY one with some sort of plan to get our
country back on track. All I'm hearing from
MaCain and that dim wit he picked as his running
mate is SLAMMING.
My vote is for Obama! He may be black but he's
the ONLY one with a plan...
Alert Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/02/2008 07:50:09
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Obama is a democrat.
You can't trust him.
If you elect Obama, hold onto your wallet.
Teacher2 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/02/2008 08:08:58
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Voting for change? Be careful! You may not like the change you get and the country will be worse off for it.
"Country first" is more than a slogan. John Kennedy said, "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." Please, don't vote for Obama because he has promised you the moon and the stars (and the oceans rising). He's only promising you this in exchange for your votes. Don't be bought!
Kowalski GenIII

11/02/2008 09:24:59
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Don't be bought ? But you've already been bought and sold by the republicans, who could care less about people like us. Most of us wil see a bigger tax hit from the policies of the republicans, who have burried us in war debt that must be paid back with interest, while their policies devalue the dollar. 58% of McCain's new tax policies would benefit the top 1% of taxpayers - the super rich. That isn't those of us driving Dakotas. Your children's children will be paying off the interest on this debt for generations to come. Is this any way to run a country ? This kind of deficit spending wouldn't be seen as a reasonable way to manage your family budget, or a business. The days when republicans could claim the democrats will cost you more are long gone. And under McCain, any of you with health insurance benefits through your empoyer will see those benefits taxed, while the super rich enjoy more cuts. Obama, on the other hand, has promised cuts for working class people like us. Let the super rich pay their fair share.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way
Osama Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/02/2008 11:15:00
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Spoken like a true follower kowalski. Where is your idiot lover daddio?
Kowalski GenIII

11/02/2008 11:47:29
| RE: The case against anonymity : IP: Logged
Message: Ah, someone who couldn't think of any valid counterpoints, so he presents a personal attack under something other than his usual screen name. Spoken like a true republican.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way
fact check Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/02/2008 13:57:06
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Believe what you want, but it is all lies to get your vote.
President Clinton PROMISED tax breaks when he was running for office the first time. What did he do? He actually RAISED taxes on EVERYONE.
Believe what you want, but it is all lies to get your vote.
Kowolski Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/02/2008 13:58:10
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
you are right.
i have been drinking the obama-kool-aid.
x Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/02/2008 19:54:02
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Saturday he didn't know that one of his relatives was living in the United States illegally and believes the appropriate laws should be followed.
Obama did not know Jerimiah Wright was a racist American Hater. He did not know Bill Ayers was a former Terrorist, he did not know Tony Rezko was a slum lord. On and on. Either this is the dumbest person on the planet or he is a bold face liar. I say he is a liar and the American people agree
Ky_man Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/02/2008 23:27:19
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: You're told on one side what you want to hear about the other
side, that's the beautiful and or nasty game of politics and
I think X has the point of "lying" confused with the point of not
leaving information out because it really isn't that important to
what the COUNTRY needs. If it was a lie, he would have said, "I
have no affiliation with Bill Ayers," or something along those
lines. Regardless if Obama knows Bill Ayers or not, he wasn't
involved in the doings and actions of Bill Ayers anyways. That's
like saying you knew someone that went to prison for grand
theft auto or something like that, and one day you and your
friends ate lunch with him because you happened to see him at
BK or something. Thats just one thing on the list, but it's the
same for the others.
And to say the American people agree with one's beliefs and
sayings is pretty bold. I'm pretty sure that about 50% of the
people most likely disagree with that...
Regardless, both candidates and supporters on each side are
going to find pointless reasons to put down the other
candidate's legitimacy. This IS campaigning. It's disgusting and
nasty at times. In reality, we will see what happens on the 4th,
and then either candidate will be able to do their work to help
this country. If this wasn't the United States of America, we
wouldn't be able to sit and say "he's a liar" and "no he's not." It is
the coexistence that makes this country wonderful.
Robert Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
11/03/2008 07:02:56
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Kowalski - you said "Let the super rich pay their fair share". That's correct, however - they are already PAYING MORE than as you said "their fair share". You think one should be penalized because they have more income than you? IF SO, have fun & vote for the income redistributor. Socialism is going to cost this country WAY more than the Republicans ever spent on the war. Keep that in mind.
daddio Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
11/03/2008 14:43:21
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: sorry Obama fans but, i am just not comfortable with someone who thinks i'm wealthy enough with 150k household income and wants me to "spread the wealth around". i shouldn't have to help the others "up". they can do as i did, put forthe some effort and it will come. noone gave me and my family what we have. my wife and i have worked very hard for the, what i would call modest, lifestyle our family lives.
fact check Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/03/2008 17:46:31
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Robert, check your "facts". The super rich are now paying less than ever in recent history.
And socialism ? That seems to be what happened in the recent financial industry bailout. Government privatized the profit while socializing the risk. And wasn't the cost of universal health care, which republicans said we couldn't afford, LESS than what they've already spent on the war ?
Teacher2 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/03/2008 20:16:33
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
My taxes with Obama as President ...
Fed 39.6% + State + Local + Social Security + 5% penalty (due to deductions phasing out at the higher levels) =
======= approx a 57% tax-bracket.
THANK YOU BARACkissmyass HUSSEInow OBAMangryblackman!
modain GenIII

11/04/2008 12:14:48
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Kowalski said, "Let the super rich pay their fair share." I completely agree. They should only pay "their" share, and not pay the shares of all those "poor" and "not rich" people that pay *nothing* or *very little*!
If I were earning that level of income I would be incensed from having to pay 35% (or higher) of my income to the guv'mint to subsidize the tax bills of those earning much less than me. It would force me to play the creative tax games to shelter as much of my money from taxation as I could, or maybe even just earn less money so I could keep more of it. Imaging if the rich folk did just that: who'd pay the taxes then?
The graduated tax schedule is the most unfair and inequitable part of earning money in the U.S.
Don't tell me that the "poor" can't "afford" to pay taxes. They pay sales tax, they pay property tax if they own a home, they pay auto registration and insurance (or at least they should), they can pay for vice (cigarette, liquor, drugs, other unmentionables, etc.) and entertainment if that is a part of their lives. Why should they be treated to preferential treatment at the the expense of others just because of their economic level?
What's your left foot doing? ============== 2002 Graphite QC SLT Plus, 4.7L, NV3500, Superchips 3715, 3.92 LSD, R/T rear swaybar, no chrome, loads o'fun... 2001 Patriot Blue Durango SLT, 4.7L, 45RFE, Superchips 3715, 3.55 Open (for now) 1999 Forest Green Dakota RC Sport, 2.5L, NV1500, 3.55 Open
other bill Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
11/04/2008 16:47:15
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Thank you modain! I did not serve 21 yrs in the US Navy, at times BARELY making a wage above poverty levels, having my family 'do without' luxuries because we could not afford them at the time...only to later in life, better myself through education on my own time (& dime), eventually enabling me to increase my family's income to a comfortable "middle class level". Now I may have some 'whackjob' to tell me I need to "redistribute" what I have EARNED to someone who hasn't, or chooses not to? Please! I already wrote that check to Uncle Sam that included the sum of "Up to and including my life". He held it for 21 years. I am very appreciative it did not get cashed, but for the record it was on file and anybody who knows me knows for damn sure I was good for it! I think by now, I know for what and to whom I need to donate to.
Did you know there is a limit to what you can earn and still be able to deduct your kids college education? I didn't either, until last year when I passed the majic threshold! modain is right, the more you make, the more you pay. I am finding that out 1st hand. So while some whine about a tax break for the top percenters, bother to research that break...exactly how much it was, what their current rates are. You will be surprised. They are ALREADY paying more of their fare share.
Here's some ideas:
Ask the wait staff at your favorite resturaunt how he/ she feels about you giving their tip to the bum on the corner instead of leaving it on the table...your kid giving a portion of his allowance to the neighbor kid because his Dad spends his cash on smokes...starting to get the metaphores here?
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