From | Message |
daddio Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
11/04/2008 17:45:45
Subject: RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: modain and other bill, great points! taxing those top percenters, who by the way employ most of the middle class americans, will only hurt the economy further. if you owned a business and were told you had to pay more in taxes what would you do? cut expenses! which means let some empolyees go, or cut benefits and/or pay to those employees. then where are we? higher unemployment, economic slowdown, etc.
x Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/04/2008 21:57:40
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
BARACkissmyass HUSSEInow OBAMangryblackman!
another bill Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/05/2008 17:41:15
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Ask the waitstaff at your favorite restaurant how he/she would feel about killing foreigners if it would increase their pay. Ask your kid how they would feel about having their leg blown off or worse because they went out to play. Starting to get the metaphores here ?
The political change in this country is about a lot more than what someone thinks (and many may be mistaken) it will do to their taxes at certain levels.
other bill Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
11/06/2008 09:17:36
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: To: another bill
That is why the war on terrorism was prevent us from having to fight in our own towns. That is why President Bush declared war on Sudam Hussein (Iraq)...because intelligence showed he had amassed weapons and/ or components to produce weapons of mass destruction. Do a search on 'yellow cake' 2008. Better yet, go here:
You are correct. There is a LOT more to this. The citizens have 'elected' someone to lead them who has NEVER led anything! Kinda like taking the popular kid from school and putting him in charge of the city...because he's popular.
No matter. It's done. "The tribe has spoken"...only this is not a game show.
And for the record, I do hope he does a good job. I would love to be wrong.
? Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/06/2008 11:24:09
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: We elected a playboy jet jockey draft dodger, that couldn't even show up for duty, to be our commander and chief. How much worse can this guy be?
STS Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/06/2008 13:23:48
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: KY_MAN said
"I think X has the point of "lying" confused with the point of not
leaving information out because it really isn't that important to
what the COUNTRY needs. If it was a lie, he would have said, "I
have no affiliation with Bill Ayers," or something along those
lines. Regardless if Obama knows Bill Ayers or not, he wasn't
involved in the doings and actions of Bill Ayers anyways. That's
like saying you knew someone that went to prison for grand
theft auto or something like that, and one day you and your
friends ate lunch with him because you happened to see him at
BK or something. Thats just one thing on the list, but it's the
same for the others".
Oh really?
Well of course he didn't. Don't you know if Obamo was hooked to a lie detector that it would most likely gave a differnt result?
Can you imagine if Pallin or McCain had a relationship with David Duke; a rasist?? No way!
Or he never agreed with those views. UHMMMMMM
Ky_man Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/07/2008 02:47:40
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: You must be a human lie detector that has the ability to know
that he would fail a polygraph test, therefore, rendering my
point useless because I don't think you got the point of what I
said in the first place. He obviously knows Bill Ayers (Whoop
dee doo, just like I knew a guy who went to prison) There's no
question about that, it's just the argument that people have that
isn't valid in any way shape or form:
"Obama knows Bill Ayers.
Bill Ayers is a terrorist.
Therefore, Obama is a terrorist."
It's invalid right from the get go. Take a critical thinking class
and it goes over all of this.
And yeah, I can imagine McCain or Palin knowing someone who
is racist, just like you might know someone who is ractist, or like
me knowing someone racist. My neighbor was a crazy lady with schizophrenia and very racist. We had a "relationship" with her
simply because she was our neighbor. It was simple, yet still a
relationship. Welcome to America, It is wrong for her to be
racist, yet it is her right to think that way as long as she keeps
her feelings to herself and does not discriminate and blah blah
Same for Obama. Ayers may have been just a neighbor figure.
Doesn't mean he "affiliated" with him in any way. Just a
neighbor, simple. Also the same for McCain and Palin. I'm sure
they have "neighbors" that we wouldn't agree with as well.
It's politics: you find one little thing and then attack it. It's just
that this thing found doesn't make sense. Same for the other
side. Just because I'm fighting for Obama on this one doesn't
mean I voted for him in the election either. I can defend John
McCain as well If I wanted to, especially when people say he's
too old, that pisses me off as well. There is purple between the
red and the blue.
So c'mon people, he's not even in office yet. This would be
happening if McCain made president as well. It happens EVERY
election. People are pissed, people are sad. This is the United
States of America. We are a democratic country that made this
choice for ourselves. Regardless if you are conservative or
liberal, you should be happy at the fact that you can vote
Beyond that, it's impossible for anyone to say what is going to
happen beyond this point. No one can predict the future; we can
only assume everything. Remember that NOTHING ever goes
perfectly to plan, no matter who is in office. If everything went
perfectly to plan, the world would be perfect and we all know
that the world isn't perfect.
Now if I can even remember what I said, that would be amazing,
because I'm tired, thinking why this isn't on the off topic board (I
know I'm not helping any, haha), and I have other things in my
life that I have to worry about much more right about now.
That's something that will always be there, my ability to worry
about what I want to, when I want to.
I'm sure he will do a fine job, just as McCain would have as well.
Propaganda Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/07/2008 07:17:07
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: To other bill
You are perpetuating government propaganda and lies. There were no weapons of mass destruction. It's been shown that was a myth, to facilitate our invasion of a foreign country. That is WHY the terrorists hate us. And will only invite more terrorist attacks on our soil. You have this backwards.
other bill Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
11/07/2008 10:58:36
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Propaganda: kiddin? And here I thought the terrorists hated us well before we invaded Iraq. Maybe you should get your short term (and long term) memory tested. I guess they weren't already mad when they attacked the twin towers (2001)...or before that, the USS Cole(2000)...or before that the Marine barracks at the US Embassy in Beruit (1983).
You cartoon character, the President didn't gather the intelligence himself. He made a decision based on what was presented to him...and congress agreed (both republicans AND democrats)!
Propaganda Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/07/2008 12:19:14
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: other bill,
No need for the sarcasm, if you'd just stop and think a bit. Of course they were already upset with us, as we have quite a track record of using muscle to meddle with the affairs of other countries - usually to benefit the interests of big business and the military industrial complex. The info the president recieved was doctored to fit the president's agenda. With Sadam Hussein, it was largly a matter of vengence, finishing a job that his father couldn't do when he was in office. The republicans bullied the democrats into going along; making them look unpatriotic if they didn't. With this election, the majority of Americans have now basically said, enough of this crap ! Time for you to get with the program ?
other bill Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
11/07/2008 12:55:47
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: As I had responded to another bill in my 1st post, "You are correct. There is a LOT more to this. The citizens have 'elected' someone to lead them who has NEVER led anything! Kinda like taking the popular kid from school and putting him in charge of the city...because he's popular.
No matter. It's done. "The tribe has spoken"...only this is not a game show.
And for the record, I do hope he does a good job. I would love to be wrong.
STS Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/07/2008 16:30:36
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: To put this in a very pithy prospective KY_man, The man started his political career in the house of Bill Ayers, not only that but he even went so far as to write an endorsement in Ayers book.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Barack Obama provided a glowing endorsement of a book by domestic terrorist William Ayers in the Dec. 21, 1997 Chicago Tribune.
Barack Obama, who has consistently downplayed his relationship with William Ayers during his presidential campaign, once gave a glowing endorsement of a book by the former domestic terrorist and was mentioned by name in the book itself.
A blogger unearthed the Dec. 21, 1997, endorsement in the Chicago Tribune and posted photographs of the praise for Ayers’ book on Saturday.
Featured next to a smiling photograph of himself, then-State Senator Obama called Ayers’ book, “A Kind and Just Parent: Children of the Juvenile Court,” a “searing and timely account of the juvenile court system, and the courageous individuals who rescue hope from despair.”
The book, which details life at the Chicago Juvenile Court prison school, mentions Obama by name on page 82 when it describes Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood: and quote.
So there you go. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Father Phleger,Tony Rezko all seem to like this man, and now him well. But could all this be a coincidence?
If you have even a once of common since than you would think NOT!!!
Teacher Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/07/2008 18:13:19
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
95% of the blacks voted for Obama.
PROOF that this is still a racist country.
so true Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/07/2008 18:34:54
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
95% of the blacks voted for Obama.
"The tribe has spoken"
Ky_man Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/07/2008 19:46:32
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: STS,
It's "ounce" not "once," "sense" not since, and "know" not "now. "
*Automatic spellcheck complete*
Here are my thoughts to what you have said:
The reason I said all the things I said just comes right back up
when you say all this stuff. So here it is in the not so "pithy" way,
because your pithy way leaves a lot of invalid thoughts/
opinions that lack validity:
He never downplayed, just saw it as unimportant to his running,
because it is unimportant to his running. Just a book
endorsement people, c'mon now.
Who cares if he endorsed a book by William Ayers about
JUVENILE COURT (don't change the damn subject matter from
juvenile court to that Obama is one with William ayers just
because he endorsed a book he thought was a good read).
Who cares if crazy people like him, crazy people like John
McCain as well. (No pun intended).
Who cares if it mentions Obama on pg. 82 about the
neighborhood? Why in the hell would that have to do anything
with Obama thinking and acting like William Ayers? Just the fact
that Ayers wanted to use him as an example/ mentioned him in
his book doesn't mean that Obama is a damn terrorist just
because he agreed to be in the book. Ayers wasn't acting as a
terrorist by writing an f-ing book. Get real. Yes he was a bad
man, and yeah, he likes Obama. I'm sure there are plenty of
rapists, murderers, people in maximum security prisons, or
other crap like that, that just adore McCain and his views on life?
What would you say if McCain helped some dude out in prison
with some project that had nothing to do with the actions that
got him there, and the guy mentioned McCain as a helper in that
project (birdhouse, poem, book, whatever the hell you want it to
be), does that make McCain a terrorist scumbag? NO! It doesn't!
All of those quotes provided by Fox News and others say the
same exact thing, just in a different way...
Oh and by the way, just keep watching / reading Fox News.
You'll be happy for the rest of your entire life hearing what you
want to hear, when you want to hear it. Fair and balanced... Fair
and balanced... If you say it enough times, its true! Amazing!
I'm done with this pitty patty crip crap. Not worth any more
energy here.
Datsdatruth Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/08/2008 15:19:39
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: Bush is a terrorist because he was entertaining Arabs during the 911 attack. Any one of them could have contributed to that act of terrorism. He also allowed them to secretly leave the country while people like you were not allowed to.
McCain has always backed Bush which also makes him a terrorist. The fact that they are both republicans makes all republicans terrorists. America was clearly tired of terrorist running this country.
STS Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/08/2008 15:33:48
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: I'll keep this one pithy enough. Your full of crap, Yeah who cares that Frank Davis (a communist guy while he was living out in Hawai) was a big influnece on Obama!!!
Second, you seem to have a problem using Proper English!
Pitty (Pity) Ayers wasn't(Ayers weren’t)
"birdhouse, poem, book, whatever the hell you want it to
Try: birdhouse,poem AND book,whatever the hell you want it to be.
Ky_man Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
11/08/2008 17:55:47
| RE: The case against Obama : IP: Logged
Message: 1. I used "Pitty" as a humorous spelling for the adjective
because it was wrong and made the sentence look better with
the humor it was trying to portray.
2. Uhmmm: "Ayers wasn't acting as a
terrorist by writing an f-ing book." Dude, "wasn't" is the right
word... Don't know where you learned English...
3. Woo hoo! A fragment sentence. It was in parenthesis and it
was made to make you see the point. I wasn't giving a crap
about proper English at that point, because I realized how
amazingly STUPID the argument was. However, if I were to do
that sentence as if I cared, it would be "birdhouse, poem, OR
whatever the hell you want it to be." Not "and"... that supplies all
of the things listed, instead of just a choice of whatever.
Like I said, "This is pitty patty crip crap." If you want to get me
on my English, that's fine, it will only make me better at trying to
impress people on a damn forum later. As for the other
matters, it is the "PITTTTTTTTTTTTTY PATTTTTTTY crip crap" of
which I speak.
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