From | Message |
BooHoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/07/2008 19:12:06
Subject: RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Deliberate disobedience of the law is not the same as deliberately causing a crash. You are deliberately distorting the English language.
Like I said, if you are paying twice as much as a decade ago, the average annual inflation rate was less than 7%. There have been many many years where the inflation rate was twice that much.
Idiots like you have been crying in their beer and spouting the same message since this country began. You haven't said a single thing that hasn't been said before. You are no different that the idiots walking the streets carrying signs saying the world is coming to an end. Fortunately none of us will be around to see it.
BooHoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/07/2008 19:44:50
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Gasoline now costs around $3.30, so we are worse off than in 1955, right? No. Because we were poorer in 1955 than we are today, $1.76 then had a bigger impact on the pocketbook (that is, it represented a larger fraction of income) than $1.76 today. If we adjust gasoline prices not only for inflation but also changes in disposable per capita income (defined as income minus taxes), gasoline today would have to cost $5.17 per gallon to have the same impact as 29 cents in 1955.
Did you know that the price of gas increased 400% in the decade following 1972? Did you know that people broke speed limits in 1972? Did you know that people died in car crashes more frequently in 1972? Did you know that corporation lied in 1972?
Did you notice that the US didn't go belly up from all those disasters?
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/07/2008 20:11:16
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Lets see, if you run through a red light that has been red for several seconds, weaving through heavy traffic at high speeds, driving at high speeds on the wrong side of a solid double line for no reason, following vehicles 2 feet behind their bumper, are all things that cause crashes.
To deliberately, knowingly and willfuly do an act that causes crashes,
is to deliberately try to cause a crash.
In Connecticut and area the prices of things have indeed doubled in 10 years without payscales following the cost of living ratio, but I admit I don't know about other states.
Those 'idiots' saw the civil war coming, racial violence, unjustified war consequenses, stock market crashes, and those things were nothing compared to the corporate monopolies that have overthrown our gov. At least those times in the past, we still had our American constitution.
Wait and see what happens. Neither of us knows what will happen, but lets just see how it plays out. I am right about the points made.
You can't go by the price of gas, you have to look at the ratio of gas prices to payscales.
Payscales not followinng inflation is the root problem. Gas prices can triple in 10 years as they have, as long as payscales triple too.
They arent!
BooHoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/07/2008 20:33:33
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: "You can't go by the price of gas, you have to look at the ratio of gas prices to payscales."
That's right, and payscales didn't quadruple during the decade following the 70's but gas did.
You can't paint a picture of our economic situation by citing what you have observed in Connecticut.
The nice thing about this country is that you can pack up and move to another state that mets your expectations. Millions of people have done just that. If moving isn't an option, getting a better educations certainly is.
The end might be near for you, in Connecticut, but that is not the reality for the rest of the country.
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/07/2008 22:38:16
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Last I checked, Connecticut is part of the United States.
What happens in Connecticut is in the United States.
Oh yeah, there is no financial means for college in USA, either. Got you there.
I'll bet you can't tell me how to get the government to fork over student financial aid that our tax dollars are supposed to be paying for.
They tax away our college money to pay for so-called student aid so americans can go to college, but don't put out.
Thats theft and taxation with false representation.
Are you saying, so what if the Northeastern United States gets devoured by a cancer, as long as the rest of the nation doesn't?
I heard Los Angeles isn't doing too good either.
Don't forget it only takes a situation to get too much out of control and it will spread and destroy the whole integrity of the country.
All states will be affected as one nation if that happens. It is getting near the red zone.
X Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/07/2008 22:40:03
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Some gas stations I saw today in Connecticut are up to $3.44 per gallon right now.
Honestly Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/08/2008 02:10:32
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: I love gas! It's too bad its so expensive (I saw $3.85 today!), but it would have to cost $10 per gallon for me to stop driving around, and even then I'd just drive less. I'd stop buying food first.
I Sell Them Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/08/2008 10:15:45
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: $5/gallon! Gimme gimme!
Hybrid sales brisk. Money in my pocket.
Keep it coming.
. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/08/2008 10:57:27
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
How can you stop buying fast food?
The United States is ruined by corporate monopolies so fast food is the only food available.
You can't afford to live in a home that has a refrigerator or kitchen privelages to sttore or cook food, so you can't by food at a corporate owned grocery store.
X Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/08/2008 10:59:45
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: 666
There is a Shell station off interstate 91 in Connecticut that is
$3.50 per gallon for regular!
Hey BooHoo, watch the United States sink!
Iiiiiiiiiits heeeeeeeeere!
President Ass Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/08/2008 11:40:02
Death to Bush!
BooHoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/08/2008 18:48:45
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: "Hey BooHoo, watch the United States sink! "
i hate cars Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/08/2008 22:57:03
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Maybe I ain't so smart, but it sure seems funny so many people complain about the price of gas and how they're going under, then they go get in their full size trucks and suvs and (unfortunately)dakotas that get 15 mpg and drive all over for very little reason. Personally, I complain about stuff like gas and food, then I don't want to work saturdays, though my dad did, cause I'd rather be home on my pc or watching dvds my dad didn't have. And at 5pm I'll leave work when he'd have just been starting on his 16 hour shift. HMMMMMM. Maybe I'm just a whiner
. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2008 01:05:57
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
No, you are not a whiner.
You should be able to have a decent quality of life on ONLY 40 hours per week.
In the U.K. a typical work week is 35 hours and they protested when the idea of raising that was proposed.
If you work overtime the government just takes it all so you can't work more to afford more. It doesn't work.
Meanwhile there are the crooks of the 'dominant' so-called upper class that get millions per year for doing nothing.
A normal citizen would have to work 50 hours per week for 5 lifetimes to get what the lowlifes destroying our country USA STEAL from our society in 1 year.
The United States is going down.
Hey comrade Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2008 11:24:59
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: You have the right to leave the country if you are so hateful of your own nation. Leave your citizenship papers and go! I,m tired of you bitching and commie talk. I lived under Carter when the same crap happened and we made it out the other side. We,ll make it again if we can get rid of the drag and drain of people like you in conn. Big goverment is the problem and you want them to be your nanny. Move to england and let the trees have conn. Bloody pinko commie slim----
. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2008 12:16:10
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: One word. You're
A real patriotic citizen SPEAKS OUT about things that are threatening their nation.
A communist is someone that either denies there are serious problems going down, and says that everything is OK when it is not.
No one expects the government to be their nanny. That would take away freedom, but
the government is expected to stop crime so that we can be free. They are paid handsomly to do so, and it is their constitutional directive to ensure domestic tranquility.
These days the government is doing things that destroy domestic tranquility, from refusing to stop serious criminals (especialy on the public roads using automobiles), to feeding into the cancers of our society by allowing themselves to get paid off by corporations to let them be above the law, all for a cut in the dirty money they let the corporations get from ripping off American citizens.
If they break the law, they are just pardoned.
If they go to jail (like John Rowland) it is for a short sentence in a country club so-called prison, and when they get out they live off their hidden stealings.
You are not free if you live in an anarchy always having to lock your things up and watch for predators, and everyone is so afraid of eachother that there is no social harmony and friendships in existance.
It's people like me that are the nation's streingth, that are not lazy and excersize freedom of speech to address problems that are not just percieved as threats to the nation but are researched and statisticly proven are.
Never in American history has there been a phenomena of corporate rule, so you cannot compare this problem with past problems.
It is a different problem.
Now America has pulled through other threats to the nation in the past and maybe it will this time too,
but the only way it will survive this attack on our nation from derranged greed of crooked corporations that have corrupted our government (deadly thing), is if left wing activists speak out and let the truth be known, share information regarding horrible situations going on in the country festering, that they know about, and the people can excersise their power in numbers to clean up the vermon in our system.
Being like you, and thinking just to let it go and it will fix itself are the ones that should leave the USA because they aren't doing anything to defend their country.
Passing by Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2008 14:02:06
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Greed doesnt work. The United States is going to find that out the hard way. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that a society that runs on lying, cheating, stealing, and is overrun with crime, anarchy, and even terrorism, and even its own government is doing these things as well, and everyone hates everyone and there is no love and everyone just stabbs eachother in the back for money,is a society that CANT last long.
STS Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2008 17:34:17
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Sorry, I guess 4hrs sleep just does not cut it any more.
Well Larry I guess you and X doesn’t get it.
A: The fact is, we are loosing a Economy to any country that has a lust for our assets.
B:All thinks to the inflation in the oil market the coast of food as doubled.
C:Due to the up rise in Diesel the self-employed trucker and along with the American farmer could be just a thing in the place.
D:We will depend on other countries to give us are daily bread and money form contries like China to bail out the banks and credit agency
BooHoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2008 21:32:22
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: "If you work overtime the government just takes it all so you can't work more to afford more. It doesn't work."
That's as dumb as saying that you don't want a raise because then you would have to pay more taxes. This is the BS I hear from lazy bums that don't want to work overtime. They are also the same people that can't make it work on time and always seem to have an excuse to take a day off.
"A communist is someone that either denies there are serious problems going down, and says that everything is OK when it is not."
This just means that you lack the intelligence for debate. You simply declare anyone, that disagrees with you, to be a communist. It not only shows a lack of intelligence but maturity as well.
Your credibility is going down hill fast.
X Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2008 22:48:20
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: There IS a curve where your payrate after taxes goes down exponentialy. In other words, the more hours you work, the less per hour you get paid (rate after taxes).
If you get a raise, to protect it, working to many hours will cancel it out.
The curve doesn't start getting steep until after around 50 hours. They have this designed strategicly to allow survival but block you from ever getting rich.
Too many hours in one week, and the overtime hours can be less than your base rate.
If you still want to supplement yourself with what meazly extra amount you get for working a ton of extra hours, fine. More power to you, but it doesn't exclude the original point that was made, that you should be able to do just fine on 40 hours per week. Overtime should not be a necesity. It should be real 'extra' money.
The lazy bums are created by the gov. penalizing the overtime so much that it makes it not worth it.
What basis in fact do you have that the context of communist was used to say 'anyone that disagrees'?
That is not what the statement said.
It said that someone is communist if they don't believe in protecting the once great free country of the United States,
Where the society grew strong from good healthy sportsmanlike competition, and businesses competed with eachother to build a better mouse trap, resulting in the innovations of modern technology for people's lives to be improved.
Free enterprise, where US citizens bettered themselves by working for businesses (or being able to start their own businesses), and improved their lives by helping to improve life for the whole.
That is now gone. Corporate monopolies and manipulation of the US government have destroyed the USA and now the commerse system is nothing but corporations owning everything and taking advantage of the monopolies by severely overcharging for goods and services people need and have grown accustomed by and need to have to be a part of society.
The greed disorder is in those doing it like a gam bling disease. They can't stop. They have more than enough money and just want more and more without consideration for the rest of society. They are a cancer that is killing the whole body, themselves included, and are too sick to know what they are doing or even care.
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