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dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/29/2008 10:29:40
Subject: RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: The fact that the government can do things with the taxation on the oil to ease things and isn't,
does prove the oil prices are gouged purposely for corrupt reasons.
BTW, as the USD shrinks and pay scales do not follow it,
TAXES are going UP by standing still!
Federal and state tax brackets aren't adjusted to accurately reflect just how much money an income is (what was once a lot of money is not a lot now),
for example, less than 10 years ago $100 was a lot of money and taxed accordingly. Now $100 is only worth $50, BUT IS STILL TAXED AS IF IT WAS THE SAME AS HOW MUCH $100 WAS WORTH 10 YEARS AGO.
ALSO, Sales tax is steadily increasing, as the value of the dollar shrinks, prices go up, and the same percent of sales tax is on it.
for example, 5% of $100 is more money than 5% of $50.
The mathematical formula is the DIFFERENCE between the payscales not keeping up with inflation.
If prices increased 200% since 10 years ago, and pay scales increased 150% since 10 years ago, then the 50% deficiency in pay scale growth is what we should not pay taxes on, or we are being overtaxed. It would mean we are being taxed as if we were making 50% moree than a 200% increase in pay, because we are taxed as if 75% of our income was the full 100%, which it is not.
So, yes indeed, STS is on the right track with possible solutions.
The American people need to form a NATIONAL labor strike to demand that pay scales are adjusted accurately with respect to the current value of the USD as dictated by the very obvious prices of things, like gasoline, rent, food, basicly everything.
Americans had a NATIONAL labor strike
in the 1800s, to demand fair wages when crooked businesses were underpaying them and they couldn't survive thhe slave labor, evil crooked businesses undermining the fabric of USA by trying to rip people off with 'cheap labor' and lying in their ads.
Capitalism only works if played by the rules.
Cheating just creates a free-for-all and everything winds up a mess with everything ruined and broken (USA these days and getting worse).
This will get results, due to fear of crippling the nation's economy,
instead of,
The nation's economy getting permanently crippled anyway when that deadly point where payscales cannot cover the cost of living at all, no matter how many jods you have. Then it all collapses.
This will make USA very vulnerable to be invaded by hostile nations. We would be safer if we were strong, instead of very economicly weak and suseptible.
BooHoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/30/2008 14:23:43
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Dodger, give up your job at McD's and get an education. Economics would be a good place to start. STS can't even spell economics so don't look to him for answers.
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/31/2008 09:51:27
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Well, keep pretending everything is alright and that those who know better that try to warn you of whats happening, are idiots.
The payscales are not keeping up with the value of the dollar, so you are being paid less and less for the same work. That is a fact that anyone can find out, and every working person of over 10 years knows AND FEELS IT REALLY BAD!
What do you think that would do to an economy?
Less money in your pocket to but the same things as before.
That is simple kindergarten education to be able to see that.
A little kid goes into a store to buy a piece of candy with a $1.00 allowance 10 years ago, and then goes into that same store to buy the same candy with the same $1.00 in their hand today,
and they find they only have half as much money as they need now, because although they have the same $1.00 as before, the candy is now $2.00 (and not just the candy, but every thing else is twice as many dollars to get because it is because the value of the dollar is now half as much as opposed to there being some high supply and demand for that particular candy).
I know no one would like to admit that the United States is going down, but some good advice is not to be an osterich with their head in the sand.
Well Then Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/31/2008 17:03:56
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Well then BooWoo, lets hear some solution since you like to judge people for typos. Funny that you don't offer any solutions. So there for you full of BS!
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/31/2008 19:07:30
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
When did I judge anyone for typoes?
It was me that was being critisized for spelling.
The best solution we can do is speak out about it, and even take political action to question why this crime is being allowed.
The area is deteriorating fast. The news is filled with murders, rapes, shootings, broad daylight carjackings, kidnapping, robberies, home invasions, and I know anyone can say that is everywhere, but I am referring to how freqquently it is now. Every day there is a plethera of this anarchy and hanis crimes in large numbers and the traffic reports are filled with deliberately caused crashes.
USA is falling apart, but the people do have the power to take a stand against it. Organize groups to confront those in power (who are pretty powerless now, as the society deteriorates exponentialy).
BooHoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/31/2008 19:32:17
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: A solution to your imaginary problem?
Sorry but you can not gage inflation based on the price of gas.
Your claim that $100 will only buy $50 worth of goods today, compared to ten years ago, is blatantly false.
Inflation declined in 07. Unemployment is less than 4.5%. It's a great time to be buying house. Sorry it you got sucked into an adjustable rate mortgage. That's your fault.
You should try living in a country where inflation is very real. You are just a wimpy whinny American or maybe you are not an American at all.
B Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/31/2008 21:49:56
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Your statement is false, and you don't have to take my word for it.
If you think people being paid half as much for the same work they did 10 years ago is imaginary, you must not follow the US economic situation at all:
Here are some fact that are blatently true,
1998 prices (Connecticut):
20 oz. coffee, $1.00
Small Pizza, $4.00
Weekly room rent, $70
Fast Food meal, $3.50
Gallon of regular gas, $1.10
Typical Light Industrial payrate, $9.00
2008 prices (Connecticut):
20 oz. cup of coffee, $2.00
Small Pizza, $8.00
Weekly Room Rent, $140
Fast Food meal, $7.00
Gallon of regular gas, $3.30
Typical Light Industrial payrate $9.00
I think you need to double check your math, you could look dumb denying cold hard facts.
Unemployment figures have nothing to do with payscales?
It just means more people are employed being paid half as much for their work.
I'm from CHINA, where people treat people right instead of stabbing eachother in the back for money and money means more to them than their fellow citizen, their neighbors, or even their families, that they rob eachother any way they can get away with only to kick the supports out from under their own country one by one until the whole thing gives way. (soon).
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 00:12:41
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: BooHoo is a wimpy whinny American for not being able to face the harsh realities of what is happening to the United States.
Corporate monopolies are destroying the United States Economicly and Socialy.
Hey Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 05:08:13
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Quit answering your own posts--. Also, you have the right to leave this country any time you want, so GO AWAY! Dumbass east coast piss ant...
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 07:58:27
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Whats with this answering own posts garbage.
I didn't answer my own post.
I do have to agree with the other people here about the deterioration of US society.
Can't admit it, and can't take that a lot of people are talking?
America used to be great. Free enterprise and capitalism IS a great thing!
Something has happened to it in the 21st century where it is no more.
Crooked monopolies became too powerful and have molded USA into what they want, which is put Americans under their thumb, taken away freedom, opportunity and options (just listen to the sh!t veriety of their retarded radio stations), and instead of competing and PLAYING BY THE RULES on a level playing field where every citizen has an equal constitutional freedom to get ahaead if they work hard enough
(the great America you are talking about),
creating a healthy innovative America,
they try to eliminate competition by blocking upward mobility and blowing up their skyscrapers.
(We all know what 9/11 was all about).
The boring mondane society the corporate monopolies have created has turned America into something resembling a Dictatorship, like Saddam Hussein's regime.
. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 10:57:26
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
It looks like its golf club time!
sgt. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 11:37:08
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: God bless Saddam Husseim,a true hero!!!!
Taylor Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 13:20:58
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Saddam Hussein
President of Iraq
--Born in 1937 in Takrit, Iraq.
--Married to a Miss Tofa and known to have at least one mistress.
--Four children.
--Cairo University, Egypt.
--Al-Mustansariyah University, Baghdad.
--Joined the Baath Party, 1956.
--Sentenced to death for attempted assassination of General Kassem, fled country and lived in Syria and Egypt, 1959-63.
--Member of the 4th Regional Congress and 6th National Congress, 1963.
--Arrested for plotting overthrow president Abdul Salem Aref, 1964.
--Played a leading role in July, 1968 Revolution.
--Vice-President, Revolutionary Command Council, November 1969.
--Attained rank of General, January 1976.
--President of the Republic of Iraq, 1979.
*Saddam Hussein's life has been marked by violence. Beginning in the 1950's, Hussein was an active player in the coups and countercoups that took place in Iraq. He established Iraq's secret police force and has used it effectively to eliminate political opposition to Baath party rule. Soon after acceding to the Presidency, he invaded Iran and began a bloody war that killed untold thousands and ended in stalemate eight years later. He then turned his military against his own people, the rebellious Kurds, by indiscriminately dropping chemical weapons on civilians. In August of 1990, he once again flexed his military muscle by invading Kuwait and systematically destroying that country.
Saddam Hussein has also shown his tyrannical ways in his dealings with his own military. It has been reported that many of the commanders who survived his war with Iran were systematically purged and murdered to eliminate them as a political threat to his rule. He has surrounded himself with a cabinet that supports his every move and, it is belived, had shielded him from many of the facts regarding U.S. and Allied troop strength.
Hussein seemed to regard the war with the United States and Israel as a "destiny" he must fulfill. Although not regarded as a religious man, he took a more active interest in Islam during the war and called for a "holy war" against the Allied forces. In addition, he has a large ego common to many dictatorial leaders and defeating this may be more difficult than defeating his military forces.
Many consider Saddam Hussein to work best when under the greatest pressure. Given the condition of his military, the devastation of his economy and the state of civil war that existed in parts of his country, he was confronted with the difficult task of just staying in power after his crushing military defeat in the Gulf War. Many of the P.O.W.'s captured by the Americans stateded their total hatred for Hussein and these feelings are certain to be felt amongst some of the officers in his Army. A coup attempt or civil revolt was predicted. Many suspected that Hussein's death wass certain following the end of the war either at the hands of his own military in a coup or under fire from rebel forces. That was not to be the case, and wily Saddam Hussein continues in power to this day.
FellowAmericn Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 13:22:56
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: The Saddam Hussein Sourcebook
Declassified Secrets from the U.S.-Iraq Relationship
CIA Whites Out Controversial Estimate on Iraq Weapons
Saddam Hussein: More Secret History
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
The U.S. tilts toward Iraq, 1980-1984
Eyes on Saddam
U.S. overhead imagery of Iraq
U.S. Army Identified 500 Alleged Iraqi War Criminals in 1992
Report released under FOIA is precursor to 2003 war crimes proceedings
Operation Desert Storm: Ten Years After
Documents shed light on role of intelligence, stealth technology and space systems in the Gulf War
18 December 2003 For more information: 202/994-7000
Thomas Blanton/Malcolm Byrne
Saddam a "presentable young man" with "engaging smile,"
Let's "do business," said British Embassy in 1969.
Rumsfeld met Saddam in 1984 with instructions to improve relations,
Despite chemical weapons use and sanctuary for terrorists.
U.S. construction giant Bechtel planned to evade 1988 CW sanctions,
Now has biggest AID contract for reconstructing Iraq.
New declassified documents reveal secret U.S.-British-Iraq history;
Saddam Hussein Sourcebook published by National Security Archive.
Washington D.C., 18 December 2003 - Newly declassified documents posted today on the Web by the National Security Archive show the British Embassy in Baghdad recommending Saddam Hussein to London in 1969 as a "presentable young man" with an "engaging smile," "with whom, if only one could see more of him, it would be possible to do business."
U.S. documents published in today's Saddam Hussein Sourcebook quote Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in 1975 telling the Iraqi foreign minister "we do not think there is a basic clash of national interests between Iraq and the United States" (the Iraqi disagreed), and that Israeli influence on U.S. policy would diminish given "our new electoral law" which means "the influence of some who financed the elections before isn't so great."
The newly declassified briefing notes for special envoy Donald Rumsfeld's second trip to Baghdad in March 1984 reveal Rumsfeld's instructions to reinforce the message of U.S. interest in improved relations "at a pace of Iraq's own choosing," and to emphasize that U.S. criticism of Saddam's chemical weapons use versus Iran was not meant as a pro-Iranian or anti-Iraq gesture. Saturday, December 20, marks the 20th anniversary of Rumsfeld's famous handshake meeting with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad.
When the U.S. Senate passed economic sanctions on Iraq in 1988 for using poison gas against the Kurds, U.S. ambassador April Glaspie reported that the U.S. construction company Bechtel planned to employ "non-U.S. suppliers of technology and continue to do business in Iraq," according to a CONFIDENTIAL State Department cable. In April 2003, Bechtel landed the largest U.S. Agency for International Development contract to date for infrastructure repair work in Iraq, with an initial payment of $34.6 million and long-term value of up to $680 million.
The Saddam Hussein Sourcebook posted today also brings together five briefing books previously published by the National Security Archive into one searchable file of primary sources. These include "Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction," "Eyes on Saddam," "Alleged Iraqi War Criminals in 1992," "Operation Desert Storm," and "Shaking Hands with Saddam: U.S. Policy before the Gulf War."
STS Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 16:25:46
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: I think Joe.C was talking too the idiot BooHoo.
But your right Dodger, no one wants to talk about the many problems that this country is facing, rather it be a energy crisis with infalated prices at the pump, defecit crisis, currency crisis and even the working class is really feeling the heat from all this mess that are goverment as allowed to keep happening.
well Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 16:31:46
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: You should know, STS, since you also post as Joe C. and James Lease - just to mention a couple...
BooHoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 19:30:18
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Wow, what a coincidence. Everything on your list doubled exactly over exactly a ten year period, except for gas which was incredibly cheap at that time.
Shhhh, don't let Wall Street know about it or we are in for a major crash.
Then again they may not give a sh!t what is going on in your little state.
You guys must be from the gimme generation and think that the government owes you something.
You should be more worried about the national debt. Your concerns about our pathetically low inflation rate is a joke.
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/01/2008 21:44:22
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
So in other words, people working 3 jobs just to barely make their share of a $1,200 per month rent they have to share with a roommate, and can only afford 1 meay a day, and a telephone to call for help if they need to is a luxury they can't afford, is the way it is supposed to be.
The way things were, when 1 household member working a 40 hour per week unskilled labor job that paid enough to support a household and a house, and go to college was a treat that is not the standard for the quality of American life, but living below the poverty line unable to afford luxuries and have to live in rented rooms in substandard housing is what represents the true quality of American life, and should not be complained about.
I wouldn't call the dollar shrinking/ prices doubling in 10 years without pay rates being adjusted for the current dollar, patheticly low inflation rate, but I guess you are implying that the inflation rate should have been more than that!
The government is paid 1/3rd or more of our paychecks, you bet the government owes us the services we paid for very generously high sacrifices of our incomes. It's not like the government is colunteering their labor and services.
BooHoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/02/2008 18:46:45
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: "So in other words, people working 3 jobs just to barely make their share of a $1,200 per month rent they have to share with a roommate, and can only afford 1 meay a day, and a telephone to call for help if they need to is a luxury they can't afford, is the way it is supposed to be. "
I don't know any of these people. That figure sounds like someone working a minimum wage job. If you can't manage $600/mo. rent on "3 jobs" then it is YOU that has a serious problem not the rest of the US.
Besides, if you are in the minimum wage bracket then you don't pay 1/3 of your income to uncle sam. Your scenario is atypical at best and most likely BS.
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/02/2008 19:11:36
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
You just claimed that millions of people in the Connecticut area have a serious problem. They would all disagree with you. The serious problem is in government, failure to control corporate corruption, not to mention the crime and anarchy problem. (today there was 2 more psychologicly unstable individuals using cars, attacking people again on the roads. No government or law enforcement stepping in to protect the citizens).
The person who can barely afford the rent is a one-job person witha skilled trade.
The facts of the prices vs. payrates over the past 10 years speaks for itself. Connecticut residents lived it.
Don't forget that whatever data you are going by is fixed to make America LOOK strong when it is not.
The small percentage of those who have all the money are averaged in with everyone else who is struggling, making the per capita wealth and income look good. It does not represent the typical citizen.
There is something dirty and it's not with Denmark's gov.
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