From | Message |
. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/18/2008 19:07:19
Subject: RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
There was another terrorist attack with a motor vehicle in Connecticut today.
It was a whack-job in a full size silver pick up truck with Massachusetts plates in a psychotic state of mind attacking U.S. citizens.
There were 2 other real bad attacks against U.S. citizens on March 5 and March 7 in Connecticut aslo. This makes 6 attacks this month, 4 of which used a motor vehicle as a weapon of terror against innocent U.S. citizens.
People are really wondering why the government is not doing anything about this motor vehicle terrorism.
Ya know, if there is any justice at all the Unted States should be blown to oblivion, unless it stops this motor vehicle terrorism.
N56629 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/18/2008 21:13:23
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Dakota49, what do you get when you burn hydrogen fuel?
. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/18/2008 21:35:53
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
You get water-
The Oxygen in the air combines with volitile Hydrogen to form Water.
It's the same exhaust that comes from liquid fueled (LOX) rockets.
Joe.C Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/19/2008 16:20:48
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Blah Blah to you N5
I'm sure you get a donation from people just to keep flying your plane.
The World Economy, sure its growing at a rapid rate (most in Asia) but it still does not justifiy these high gas prices at all. Remember, even durring the 90' the World Economy was booming and did you see oil at even 30 dollars a barrel?
N56629 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/19/2008 18:33:40
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Jose, I'm sure your momma is still paying for your gas. If you think the oil companies are making too much money then just buy their stock and enjoy some of the profits. You can use it to offset the price of gas. That is, if your momma will let you. LOL
jayb Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
3/19/2008 18:35:22
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Obviously some of you dont pay much attention to whats going on. With the prices going up, there is no shortage of oil. The companies give out excuses sometimes saying the supply is low and what not but, thats not true, and most people belive it too.. The white collar people that run these companies don't care about the average person, or how difficult it is for them to pay for fuel.
Its just greed thats it. Its no more complicated than that.
. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/19/2008 19:05:38
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: The white collar mental cases don't care that they are driving the United States into the ground and we are right around the corner from a hullocaust in the United States.
Today is the 5th anniversary of the Iraq invasion.
5 years ago today the first bombs were dropped on Baghdad beginning the unjustified invasion of Iraq by the United States, a corporate controlled government.
(Coincidence Iraq is an oil rich nation).
dakota49 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
3/19/2008 21:15:42
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Hey Dodge Dakota, how can you say "Today was the day an unjustfied invasion of Iraq began" ???? (ok the fifth aniversary)
You don't seem to have all the facts to say something that uninformed. We had more reasons to go into Iraq than you could shake a stick at. For anyone to say we didn't have any reason to do what we did is just plain uninformed. I think you must have been listening to the communist in our country too much. Although for now we do have a free country and the right to say what we want, and I would fight to the death for you to have the right to say it as well.
Just so you know I am a former Marine, and I spent 19 months in Iraq. I get a little upset when people don't know what they are talking about start bashing our military when it was them that gave us our freedoms we enjoy today.
Have a good day,
. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/19/2008 21:50:26
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
To talk about misinformed.
Iraq, like other nations, didn't have a clean record in history, but they did not attack USA in 2003 to prompt any kind of retaliation.
The US government kept changing their story as to why it got involved. First weapons of mass destruction, then when none were found, oh, now we have to rebuilt what we destroyed- of course that is what happens when you bomb a country, then it's turn them into a democracy. That sure is a long way from the reason being because they were threatening USA with imaginary WMD.
Does the military know they are really fighting against US citizens by really fighting for the small elite group that is who is repressing and robbing US citizens? They aren't fighting for us they are fighting for the corporations and the world domination plot of theirs.
Maybe you would be the one to ask why they haven't found Bin Laden yet, and why it is said that George W. Bush harbored the Bin Laden family after 9/11 by sending them on a plane home- Who are the soldiers fighting for?
How else do you explain the quality of life in USA going downhill exponentialy, with crime and anarchy all over the place and domestic terror attacks with motor vehicles in large numbers on a daily basis, no control over all the advertizements filled with fraud, misrepresenting their prices in ways that decieve and hurt US citizens, the corporations running the show destroying the quality of everything they take over, like radio stations that play the same prerecorded tape of the same songs over and over every day for years, and yes, what is happening with the oil price gouging that is destroying many innocent US citizens' lives and causing severe pain, hardship, low self esteems, crime and violence in US society.
That is what they are fighting for and reinforcing. The revelation is playing itself out.
It is the final days as the king of deception takes the lead.
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/20/2008 00:02:52
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
I hope you are young. That way, long after their evil destroys civilization in the United States, you will think back at this conversation on the Dodge Dakota board.
. Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/20/2008 00:07:58
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
There is a big difference between freedom and anarchy.
You are not free when you have to watch your back everywhere because there is no government lifting a finger to stop criminals.
History Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/20/2008 05:39:10
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: You are a east coast loon. Free poeple have always had to watch their backs against crazys like you. We have had to defend against internal decay (such as you) as well as external attacks. Most Dems voted for the war. The Clintons and most Dems said Saddam was a world threat in 1999! Bin Ladins family was NOT with bush on 911. Thats left wing crap that you swallow because you want to believe it. Our soldiers are still finding chemical warheads that were supposedly destroyed after the first gulf war. Dems will not count them because they wern,t NEW warheads. (they can still kill you). And of coarse you will not believe the iraq pilots that said on cammera that they flew plane loads of wmd,s to Syria. No- you can not believe that because you are a left side wingnut. You say that Saddom wasn,t that bad- that they were better off under him- ask a Kurd about saddam! Have YOU served your country in goverment or military? No? Thought not! Shut the ---up. As for the bad drivers up there with you- Stand in front of them and tell THEM to stop...
Joe.C Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/20/2008 16:30:20
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Hey jayb try explaning that to Larry Johnson!
No my mom don't pay for my gas, I'm sure you get your money from people that feel sorry for you or your wife gives you money.
And its Joe not Jose!
N56629 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/20/2008 18:44:05
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: "The Clintons and most Dems said Saddam was a world threat in 1999!"
You are right, Bush is just as stupid and gullible as the Clintons.
N56629 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/20/2008 18:46:53
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Jose, you know I'm right.
You are the little fag that goes around searching the internet for information on people that post on in this forum. You are a cowardly worthless piece or sh!t.
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/24/2008 09:03:59
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
There is another person from the East coast here, too, and they are one of the crazies we good citizens have to watch their backs from?
Well let me just tell the crazy one that they are only destroying their own society that they themselves live in, and us good citizens will be laughing as we take back our nation after they inhialate themselves. We won't have to watch our backs anymore soon.
Yes indeed we have had to defend ourselves against internal decay from those crazies, but the underground organizations of terrorists that use motor vehicles to slowly pick off U.S. citizens one by one on the highways is a new thing of our time, and the U.S. government, that preaches defending the USA from terrorism, has to be the one country in the world that is being attacked by terrorists and the government doesn't care. There was another motor vehicle terrorist attack again, on Easter weekend (religous holiday), March 22, where the terrorist was yelling "death to America and it's citizens", "f-u-c-k- you US citizens", and "f-u-c-k- govornor Rell" out the window of their dark blue truck, Connecticut license plate 23C-H65.
These terrorist movements which use motor vehicles to attack innocent U.S. citizens indiscriminately (people the terrorists don't even know), that did absolutely nothing wrong, are a very serious thing in these parts, it is very real, and to belittle it is to belittle 9/11.
Belittling 9/11 or these derranged motor vehicle terrorists alike is a pretty sick and low unpatriotic thing anyone can do, and supports the USA getting attacked and destroyed.
Not me. I do my patriotic duty as a citizen and speak out, and protect my fellow good citizens from the terrorists that are US citizens but have decided to turn against their own nation.
I served the US of A more than any soldier since World War 2, because instead of fighting against US citizens by fighting for the corruption that is toppling USA into ruins, anarchy and domestic suicide car missions every day (5 in Connecticut this month so far), I am doing more than they are by admitting the truth of what is happening to USA and NOT AFRAID to speak out.
Joe.C Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/24/2008 16:40:39
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Thats no way to talk to your uncle.
From now own you will adress me as Uncle Joe, you got that you fagg from Minnosota??
And I know that you enjoy useing your EBT card to pump gas. Yeah fileing for SSI really did help. And then you go to the ATM machine and draw out 4-500 dollars.
Joe.C Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/24/2008 16:42:25
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: So now I guess your the wrothless peice of Sh!T
N56629 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/24/2008 17:50:22
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: Jose, that is "you're" not "your." It's spelled "piece" not "peice."
That makes you a worthless and illiterate piece of sh!t.
Yup Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
3/24/2008 18:12:03
| RE: $4 a gallon IP: Logged
Message: It also makes him "STS", "James Lease", and I'm thinking maybe the spammer.
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