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voter Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/29/2008 13:07:27
Subject: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Once a BLACK MAN has risen to the highest office things will change.
A vote for Obama means the END of affirmative action.
A vote for Obama means the END of government no-bid contracts for minorities.
A vote for Obama means the END of nîgger FREEBIES!
tex- republic Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
1/29/2008 14:38:16
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: aahhh,
He's only HALF black, talk about playing the race card!!
ouch Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/29/2008 14:47:53
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
OH NO ... call Cher!
Obama is a "half-breed"
1hotkadota Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
1/30/2008 11:37:45
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: I'm voting for Obama.
And you should too.
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/30/2008 13:22:08
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: Voting for Obama is the best choice.
We all know how every politician we elect turns out to be a crook, and it has been a while since America has had a good leader that wasn't out for himself at the expense of the nation's people's money and satisfactory way of life.
But Obama seems to have a clean record without any visible ties to any of the corruption cancer that is in the political system destroying USA,
so at least Obama is the safest bet.
Ranking on someone because of their race or color of their skin will never get us a good leader, be for real.
Diversity, in fact, is what will bring USA together and eliminate the "one world run by one race" ideology that is poison, and Hitler didn't get.
Many Blacks are fighters that "don't take sh!t from no one"---
And they have good personalities, colorful culture that is anything but mondane like the white corporate boring medicracy of everything the same, and radio stations playing the same recording every day for years on end. (at least the hit radio stations that only play hits change their playlists when the songs fall from the charts and new ones emerge, forcing veriety change which isn't so bad but the classic rock stations and stations that play older songs just pick a small handful of about 30 of them to play over and over and not the thousands of other old hits---pretty retarded!).
wtf Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/30/2008 14:11:11
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Obama seems to have a clean record without any visible ties ????
He has NO track record and that is why he does not deserve a vote!
He is just another ANGRY (half) BLACK MAN!
dodger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/30/2008 20:01:15
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: would rather vote for a guy with no history of evil corruption and wrong doing,
than one that does.
teacher2 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
1/30/2008 20:43:41
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
better to vote for the evil you know than the evil you don't
1Hung-Low Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
1/30/2008 21:08:25
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: HA! HA! HA! Y'all are funny White Eye People. A vote for Obama is a vote wasted. Y'all need a real Nigga in the House, vote for his Pastor, now there is a smart Nigga. He'll have all yo sorry azzes payin' tha taxes to suppote all those welfare crack Ho's and their Babies. Vote on you Fools. Weez gonna get in that Big House soon enough and watch how we mock those Muslim Brothers and put yo Honkey Azzes in it's place. Sorry azz crackers, Y'all needz a real Nigga.
1Hung-Low Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
1/30/2008 21:34:23
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: Y'all think a Nigga is Boolshiatin' about Obama's Pastor, This Nigga got it goin' on, He's all about bein' a Full Pledged Nigga.
Check Out his Chuurch right here. He peaches right to that Nigga 'Obama', and he listens well.
Now Copies and Paste tha Damn Link and Visit Uzz.
1hotkadota Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
1/31/2008 16:41:34
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: 1hung
You are the most ignorant person I've ever seen on here.
And probably one of the dumbest too.
Wong Hung Lo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
2/01/2008 12:17:30
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: Stages of anarchy:
The United States, at least in the New York/Connecticut/Massachusetts area is currently at the stage 3 level described above!
The area deteriorated to the first stage described above around 1988-1996.
1996-2000 very visibly entered the 2nd stage of anarchy described above.
2008 it is in the third stage described above, on the border of entering a 4th stage.
Since Americans hjate everything that has to do with love, that means they hate everything that has to do with God, so
The anarchy in the tri-state New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts area is peaking again- high probability of terrorist attacks.
Large amounts of tailgating at very close proximity to vehicles in front to purposely try to cause crashes, and suicide missions into red lights (playing Russian roulette) at higher than usual levels!
(length the red light is red for very long, speed without caution higher, and frequency of them attacking red lighted intersections all at higher than usual levels (and the usual is bad!)
Suicide missions into red lights very profound in Connecticut today!
The traffic report will have to be filled with deliberately caused crashes resulting from the acts of terrorism on the roads today,
should be interesting!
This is the corrupt government that is burrying the United States showing, as no law enforcement or government crack downs on this state of emergency anarchy on the roads in this area of the country is present.
These motor vehicle terrorists know the police are lame and will not stop these terror attacks in progress and only show up after the target is hit,
so the terrorists get BOLDER AND BOLDER as the anarchy worstens and the government and law enforcement continue to lose power as a result.
Their greed and corruption is just making them lose their power, they lose, and the United States plunges into anarchy.
Roger Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
2/01/2008 13:06:57
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: Wong Hung Lo wrote: Death to America
perhaps you meant:
Death to "the United States of America" ?
last time I checked, "America" isn't just the USA
Roger, your Canadian neighbour and fellow American.
WongHngVeryLo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
2/01/2008 14:02:54
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: Yes, I did mean USA only.
Canada is a very nice place and it seems to me that the government is fair to it's citizens, everyone has the opportunity to live comfortable and right, without getting stabbed in the back by nut cases that hate their fellow citizens, derranged by lust for money nuts, and terror attacks with cars on the public roads that runs rampid because the government doesn't care.
You won't find that in Canada, thankfuly!
I can imagine what the law would do to a terrorist that tried to deliberately kill someone on the roads in Canada!
Keep up the good work, Canada, you serve as a role model for the world and the country below you that is ROTTING into carean with the stinch from the ghettos expanding at record speed from the evil repression of all USA citizens not being able to make ends meet because 1% of the population is the diseased cancer sucking 99% of the nation's life blood economy out, starving the organism to death, and USA citizens won't even see a doctor for it, while they still have time to kill the cancer before it's too late!
Canada will be around for a long time after USA destroys itself.
Canadian kids can read about the fall of USA following the Clinton and Bush administrations where both of those families were in on a scheme with corporations to rule everything and be all-powerful, only to fall flat on their faces in the same place Hitler did whern he tried that lunatic totaliarism stuff.
The world belongs to all people, and all people will rule it. When one small entity tries to take it away, the masses will overtake the small selfish entity in a revolutionary era in human history and a nation's history.
Greed doesn't work!
How many times do the derranged whackos in power have to burn their hand on a hot stove before they realize they are only getting burned by their greed?
Michael Moore compared Canada to USA, and found how much worse the USA side of the great lakes was from the Canada side, and how many more shootings in USA there are, etc.
The USA government SUPPORTS murder of it's citizens on public highways by REFUSING to lift a finger to stop the epedemic of murders in this highly diseased part of the country where the murder and anarchy with motor vehicles is severely out of control!
Well lets all lift our finger to them, and you know which one!!!!!
Proof the US government supported and orchestrated 9-11, killing thousands of citizens, because every year thousands of citizens are killed and mamed from motor vehicle crime the government permisses!
How does one apply for citizenship in Canada?
I know alot of people interested in immigration OUT of USA, and even from China that want to escape the eminate destruction of USA while it is still here, and we are alive.
We can watch the show from safe distance in Canada when evil Americans finaly destroy their nation and themselves!
Capitalism IS GOOD! It is just that USA has corrupt it and isn't playing by it's rules anymore, and the disbursal of money is no longer governed, and people are allowed to get money dishonestly, while hard working people get short changed, etc.
Parents sadisticly praise spoiling their kids as being a good thing, so their kids grow up vegitables who can't survive on their own, and mental development all derranged to get angry at the world if the world doesn't give them everything they want because that is what they were taught it works.
These derranged-from-spoilage kids are growing up to be the ones running the USA and crashing the USA into walls everywhere because their parents never taught them how to survive, they are total nitwit losers in high positions that shouldn't be. Even their college educations are fake because someone else other than them did all the work to earn the money for it.
(college is not the individual's accomplishment unless the individual and only the individual themselves did every bit of the work to earn the resources to pay for it. The winners at life earn their own accomplishments. Losers leech of others and worse, claim they made the accomplishment when they did not; someone else worked for the money and/or helped them with the money like a loan, etc.
Doing it yourself with NO help from anyone is the only way it is your accomplishment for real.
Otherwise include who helped you in the credits!
If you don't, it's like plagarism- you are claiming to have made an accomplishment you did not because someone elses money from someone elses hard work is what payed for the thing.
It's stuff like this overpaying and underpaying ABUSE OF CAPITALISM bullsh!t and USA citizens being ALLOWED to have things they didn't work for (DEBT) out of control, that is behind alot of the USA economy collapsing.
1hotkadota Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
2/01/2008 16:58:39
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: Holy no one gives a crap Batman!
GraphiteDak GenIII

2/01/2008 23:21:18
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: Damn this board still has a bunch if idiots trolling it!
I'm Republican. But Obama is actually a guy easy to listen to. Quite the opposite of hillary, that barking B*tch!
When you watch the videos on youtube of those two, Hillary is clearly the ANGRY white female. Obama is quite patient with that old hag!
Too bad there are so many rumors running around about him being Muslim and what not. I sure hope not. Muslim beliefs are very unnerving indeed!
I kind of doubt those rumors though. A TRUE Muslim would probably never say he was a christian even if it was a lie.
2/04/2008 13:19:43
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: To Roger:
"America" in the posts is used in the vernacular sence, referring to the United States; it is not intended to detract from or dismiss the many other cultures and citizens of the Western Hemisphere.
To GraphiteDak:
Finally a voter that sees the big picture!
Hillary is in on the corruption with the Bush's and the others. The USA economy and corporate corruption was accelerated and visible anarchy became appearant to higher levels around 1988, when it just so happened Bush Sr. was elected (if he really was).
Lowel Weiker lied about not imposing a state income tax in Connecticut, Rowland robbed the Connecticut tax kitty, now Rell, OMG!
Corporate monopolies went out of control with buy outs and conglomerates all over the place headed by the Clintons in the 1990s.
They are all in on it, we need to clean it out with a new politician that isn't connected to the evil plot.
Hopefuly Obama isn't, but he is the best hope.
STS Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
2/04/2008 15:32:54
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: @GraphiteDak
Islam in itself is nothing but a lie. The whole concept of Islam is hateful and murders.
Rather Obama is still a Muslim or not it remains unseen. But it’s funny to me he's got friends that said some good things about Louis Farrakhan. And of course the far left media would say nothing about that. Now just imagine if Mike Huckabee had friends with connections with David Duke. I wonder what the communist in the media would say about that one.
Of course both these two (Farrakhan, Duke) men only believe in one race and they don't know what the love of God really is
2/04/2008 16:04:07
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: Notice that the hypercritical Kowalski stayed very quite on this one just like he did on the other post that Slanders Jesus.
I can't help but believe that he's involed in most of this spamming. What do you think?
1hotkadota Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
2/04/2008 19:02:16
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: I think STS and AGAIN are the same person and that christianity is just as bad as islam. If not worse.
Obama is not the one you people should be worried about. For that matter, neither is islam.
It's the goddamn mormons! Mitt Romney is the mormon presidential candidate right now and if you guys think muslims are crazy, just wait until Romney gets into office. This country will be ruined faster than if STS was running the place.
Funk Hillary too.
I'm voting Obama bitches!
Kowalski GenIII

2/05/2008 08:31:02
| RE: VOTE 4 OBAMA !!!!!!!!! IP: Logged
Message: Of course they are they same person. He's hopping mad since I identified him as part of the off topic postings problem here in this forum. My invlovement is simply trying to help shut that down. This post doesn't belong in this forum; but if you regulars want to keep it going - I'd like to add that it isn't any one religion that is to blame for the world's problems. Religious fanatacism in general is bad though. When religions stop being about preaching the golden rule, and start being about preaching that everyone else is wrong, you must join their brand and all others are evil - that is when religions lose their value and become serious liabilities. The Hitler smitten, Jesus pushing STS is as bad as many militant muslims for his lack of tolerence for others in my opinion. And while Obama may prove the lessor of the evils in this election (the thought of a religious extremist like Huckabee in office concerns me deeply), his supporters should be aware his ties to special interest's money run at least as deep as Clinton's. I'll likely continue to vote third party; to express my dissatisfaction with our political system. When the people who supposedly work for us (politicions) have free health insurance and we don't, there is something seriously wrong with the system. Edwards, as far as I know, was the only one to speak out against that. He's out. The others all support a continuation of business as usual, with the government spending our social security money on big business through war; while decreasing benefits for those of us who have paid into that for all our lives. That is not what I see as needed change. Change is what we need, but I think with Obama it is a hollow mantra.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way
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