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11:31:02 - 03/12/2025

General Dakota Board
Bob Lincoln
Dodge Dakota


Subject: RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
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"For you to say that you are not for big goverment-then demand a hold new department, is pretty lame." WOW. What are you guys smoking? I don't know what this "new" program is that you are all so scared off. I'm talking about the emissions testing that works for us in MA, and can work as well anywhere. Many states do the same testing with positive results. And cleaner air is EVERYONE'S goal, not just mine. And testing is every two years, not four.

Perhaps you can be more specific about this so-called new program, and more specific about its parameters and its cost.

I love how you guys make up political stances on topics about which I have never commented. You should do spin for Fox-TV or the White House. Your guesses and ass-umptions are totally wrong.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
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Lib,s make me laugh. Liberal? says to not call names then a few lines later calls Rush Limbaugh a jackass(thats name calling if you can,t understand the point). As for the federal goverment- the department bureaucrats(The underlings that push the programs on to us)seldom change after an election. They are there for decades doing their "thing". That means screwing up our lives. Washington is at its best when it does the the least.

Wow Bob
Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
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Try to follow, Bob! I know its hard for you. The start of this thread, states the call for the emmisions testing that right now are limited to areas that do not meet standards(your area-Bob), be federally expanded to all areas of the NATION. That means extreme expantion of a FEDERAL PROGRAM, Bob!-There are large areas of the midwest where its 50 miles between farms, and much farther to a town(thats too small for a TEST STATION that your tax dallors will pay for).As for your ASS uption about four years, The point was that a vehicle thats out of specs a week after testing would been out for two years before being tested again- then gets an exp. will be out of specs for FOUR years. Thats the weak point of the program. Most of us watch our milage too close to not know somethings wrong and repair it. We have to drive more than you do back east, Bob. Keep the Feds out of our lives, the state is bad enough.You are a lib and can not see it. If the feds mandate and oversee a program, its a fed program. Been there, saw that!. Bye.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
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"You guys are the biggest problem in america right now. A so-called land of unity is wholly divided on many subjects that affect our nation. "

No, it's guys/gals like you that cause the problems. You assume that what's good for you is good for everyone else. What you need/want is what everyone needs/wants. If I don't want the same things you do, then I'm against the country.

What is clearly obvious is that you don't get out much. This is a huge country, and very diverse. What one area needs is clearly (to me) not what every area needs. We all have a variety of needs depending on our population and local area. To come up with one specific thing - no matter what it is - and force it down the throats of everyone is just foolish.

Do you really think that Boston, MA, Goodland, KS, and Elko, NV, all need the exact same thing? If so, you need to get out more.

to hotbutt 1
Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

Greenpeace reports that the seas have gone up 1 to 2 inches in the past 50 years so IF the indo islands are sinking- you had better find another reason why. (maybe Geo?) You are young and haven,t seen much of life. If you thing it sucks so bad-bail out-less greenhouse gasses. The last time the earth warmed up-it did so for a couple of hundred years. Can you say renaissance period? look it up in a history book-oh, thats right- they don,t teach history anymore. It was followed by a cool period called the mini ice age. we are just coming out of it. If you don,t want to read-the history channel has a good dvd on it that even you can understand. The planet changes-its not static. But for you to believe its all man,s fault-shows how big your ego is.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
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Wow, so I guess New York needs running water, but out in Kansas they can live without it.

Is that what your talking about .boB?

Your still grasping and you cannot win. Polluting the air will never be OK in any area, because it will affect other people eventually. And I'm not sure about you, but I have lived in very rural areas, and some cars out there are not kept up on and probably emit more pollution than 10 cars in the city. But its ok because they're in the middle of now where and all of that pollution will just float away into space.

Give it up .boB, you don't even have a point to argue. Just like every other idiot out there, your aruging a small piece of my case and trying to divert attention away from the base of my point. Which is that pollution in America needs to be addressed, not ignored for the next generation to deal with.

Get a life you hypocrite. Now go be a good republican tool.

And just so you know, I work as an air quality specialist in conjunction with the EPA and actually do air quality and opacity testing for many different applications here in Phoenix.

I am from Florida, and I've lived and visited almost every part of this country. So please don't tell me to get out more. Been there done that.

to 1 hot dork
Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

"BULL" Each and every one of your posts.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

I never really stated anything subjective to where you could call my posts bull. That was all factual what I wrote.

And post with your own name you wuss. I'm sick of people having their objections without letting others know who they are. Thats just cowardly.

And since you have nothing else to say but "BULL", its apparent you have no grounds uphold your opinion. Stop waisting my time with subjective views from someone who doesn't have an original thought in their head.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
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You think I have a hot butt? Fruit!

No I never thought it was all man's fault, but we are not doing anything to help, and we are still making it worse. But don't worry, the next generation, or maybe sooner, will be paying their precious tax dollars to fix your mistake. I hope your grandchildren appreciate that.

So tell me, do you guys really think we can pollute and it will never catch up with the human race? Pretty small minded there old guys.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

>> Wow, so I guess New York needs running water, but out in Kansas they can live without it. <<

What does running water have to do with a new smog test? I know it's difficult with all the name calling and diversion here, but try and stay on subject.

Pollution in America does need to be addressed. It has been addressed for the last 35 or so years. In those areas that still have a smog problem, testing, monitoring, and "mandatory repair" programs are still alive and well. Phoenix is an excellent example. Lots of work needed there, as you well know.

But you still can't grasp the fact that pollution in Boston is not the same as pollution in Elko, NV. What you need in Phoenix is not what is needed in College Station, TX. What - exactly - is the air quality of the Aleutians? Why is this so hard for you?

And why does this make me a hypocrite? Do you know what that word means? Or a "Republican Tool"? I dont think I know what that means. Still not sure how that relates to a new federal smog program.

Ahh, I get it now. It's your job security we're talking about here. If we eliminate needless gov't jobs, that might mean yours. Gov't jobs are pretty cushy, aren't they? If we institute a new federal program, there will be hundreds of new job openings for you to choose from. Then maybe you could move out of that nasty air you live in. Maybe move to Pine Junction, CO, where the air is clean.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

WOW...for (I assume) everybody disliking this political affiliate or that political affiliate, y'all sure are acting just like a bunch of politicians...flinging s#!t at eachother and saying you hold the one truth while everybody else is wrong. In reading this thread, I would say that most of you have good points, but are so wrapped up in saying that you and your political party has the correct answer that none of you are listening to one another. Let's remember that ALL of the spending and ALL of the stupid legislation takes cooperation from repubs AND dems in order for the spending and legislation to go through. No single party is guilty of all this crap, they all are.
Now, I am proud to say that I am neither republican or democrat, and that between the two parties, they have (in tandem, no less) done more harm to the ENTIRE PLANET than any vehicle has or will ever do. Does that mean that I am for letting companies run themselves and be trusted to make choices with their products that aren't detrimental to the human race or nature? Absolutely not...they've proven time and time again that they could care less about anything but sqeezing every ounce of profit from some product, regardless of what the cosequences are. I think that because of this, it is a good idea for gov't to step in and protect nature and it's inhabitants from time to time. However, I think that the gov't has a habit of overstepping it's bounds and losing focus. It seems to me that the government has long forgotten that they are hired to represent the general populous and to protect what is in the best interest of the people from their state, not some damn special interest group or oraganization that gives them money. America is no longer a country to these politicians, it is a business just like microsoft or wal-mart. Only instead of having to rely on people choosing to buy their wares, the gov't has the power to FORCE people to give them money. And who does the gov't answer to? Sadly, nobody.
So what is my point? Arguing against eachother and placing blame based on political affiliation is really pointless, because politics is politics, no matter what banner a certain "side" may wave. They all share equal blame for where the shape the country is in today in every aspect.
Also, will this new bill do much more than previous legislation to help clean the air? I would think not. From what I gather from this thread, this new legislation will force every vehicle, regardless of geographical location, to comply with emissions requirements (except if you pay $200?!...Defeats the purpose, and the fact that the logistics of such a huge undertaking seems ridiculous). As efficient and clean as the i.c.e. is nowadays (even with ethanol, etc) it is hard to imagine that there can be as much improvement from now to 30 in the future as there was from 30 years ago until now. So, that being said, how should we lower pollutants in the air? Pass legislation that forces companies to spend millions of dollars to make minor tweaks that will only be sufficient for another decade or so, while passing that cost onto the consumer(while also paying more taxes to develop these "helpful" bills)? Perhaps we should go to electric or hydrogen fuel cell cars...Problem with that is with electric cars, you still need to make the electricity somehow, and it still gets made by burning fossil fuels, both in the vehicle and by some power plant burning coal and releasing toxins in the air. And after the batteries are past prime condition, they either pollute another part of nature, or more energy is expended to dispose of them. With hydrogen cars, it takes more energy to make them work than the cars produce, causing an overall negative energy production.
However, being that I am not dem or repub, or commie, or jackass, I believe I hold the answer to our energy and air pollution problems. First, we shove a hose up every cow's poop-chute in order to gather up all the methane gas they produce and use that to make electricity and heat homes in rural areas. The government will tell people living in densely populated cities where cows are scarce that they must purchase and eat at least .5 lbs of beans/day. Then the people in that city will have to walk around with containment units attatched to their asses to capture the inevitable gas dicharge in order to provide fuel for the city. When people are in their vehicles, they also will have hoses from our hineys that will collect OUR own natural gas to power our vehicles with that. And all of these hoses and containment units must be paid for by each individual, with the appropriate sales tax added to each purchase, of course. Dang, I should run for office and present these valuable ideas to congress, or at least patent these ideas...otherwise you commie bit@#es will try and take them as your own, you jackasses :)

To 1 hot dork
Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

You are like the southpark show were the dorks sniff their own farts and like the smell. You are so full of your own BULL that you cann,t see it. You have no ability other that working for the goverment. Which is what we rally against-sniffers. Oh- and your real name is 1 hot--?? Like to se your ID with that on it.

Bob Lincoln
Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

I guess some of you still don't get it. This is NOT a political issue. It's about keeping this world habitable for all of us and not poisoning it.

"The point was that a vehicle thats out of specs a week after testing would been out for two years before being tested again- then gets an exp. will be out of specs for FOUR years." This is a ridiculous statement. Vehicles will almost never do this, unless a sensor fails, which would be so serious an operational problem that you would fix it. Degradation is gradual between tuneups.

"We have to drive more than you do back east, Bob." Again, total BS. I drive over 25,000 miles a year, have been for the last 23 years.

"You are a lib and can not see it." Because it's a ridiculous assertion, based on zero facts and knowledge of my political views. But once again, it's just namecalling to divert attention away from your specious argument.

"If the feds mandate and oversee a program, its a fed program. Been there, saw that!. Bye." So I guess you decline to participate in Social Security, and will refuse to pay into it and draw from it? Good.

"You assume that what's good for you is good for everyone else. What you need/want is what everyone needs/wants." Well, what's good for ALL of us is clean air. Basic human needs are common to all of us. That's what this is all about.

"What is clearly obvious is that you don't get out much." WRONG again. I have driven across this country twice, met people from all over, traveled the west and midwest, Texas, Florida, over 10 trips all around the southwest and west coast. Been to England, Scotland and Ireland twice; Canada twice. i have relatives and friends in all parts of this nation.

"Do you really think that Boston, MA, Goodland, KS, and Elko, NV, all need the exact same thing?" Not in every aspect of life, of course - but we all need clean air.

And you still can't grasp, .bOB, that the whole point of initiating testing is to keep pristine areas clean, not wait til they get ruined. I've traveled all over CO, thousands of miles, hiked, camped all over the state. I've been past your Pine Junction, CO, as I've been to Grand Junction and driven Highway 50. The Front Range has been ruined in the last 20+ years. It IS spreading into the back country, and to the western slope.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged


The water analogy was used to point out the fact that there are things that every state needs, such as running water and smog testing. Duh.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
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Its really sad that we are more intent on proving the other side wrong than actually trying to accomplish anything.

And its sad that we aren't talking about Daks.

Now, which one of you pollutes the most!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

Probably my 360. And I'm proud of it.

Bob Lincoln
Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

Well, I drive my car most of the time, which is a 92 Daytona that gets 34 mpg. The Dakota is used for occasional hauling and as a backup. I've been using it more lately while I do some significant repairs on my car (which, after 278K miles, finally needs some money put into it).

The car puts out twice as much CO as the truck, but about the same level of HC and NOx emissions. But the car has 100K more miles on the original engine.

clean air
Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

you,re killing us, Bob! Sell those two dino,s and drive a prius. Fresh air for everyone.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

Oh shut up .boB. Thats gotta be the most ignorant statement I've ever heard. Your proud that pollute and make the earth a worse place to live?

People like you have no place in society because your only intent is to rape the earth for what its got and forsake the rest of humanity. Why don't you go jump off a bridge or something.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Possible nationwide emissions test
IP: Logged

Yes, that's an ingorant statement. Fortunatly, not made by me, but an imposter. I agree with everything you said there.

I do drive a 360 Dakota. But I'm carefull to maintain and operate it as efficiently as possible - I have to pay for the gas.

I also drive a small sports car with a 427 that makes over 500hp. But it has electronic ignition, EFI, and is tuned carefully to run in closed loop at about 14.5:1. It gets about 15mpg in routine driving.

My primary summer vehicle is a motorcycle. Doesn't weigh much, small footprint, low emissions, and gets about 40mpg. It is also EFI.

You can have your cake and eat it to. If you're carefull.

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