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16:28:53 - 03/12/2025

General Dakota Board
Dodge Dakota


Subject: bye ya'll
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whelp, today after work i'll be trading my dak in for a (gulp) honda civic. never thought i'd ever buy one of them, but when you're paying more for gas every month than you are rent, somethings wrong there. so i'll trade in the 14 mpg Dak for a 38 mpg Civic and just save what i can til i can get something fun again. learned a lot on this board from everyone, thanks for all the advice and tips and whatnot. take care.


Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
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If you are talking about a "new" car- and a truck thats paid for- How are you saving after making the car payment and increased insur. for the new vehicle when added into the fuel you do use in the civic? Plus if you get laid off, or there is "no" gas- They still want the payment or the car (and the balance).

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

my truck payment is $235 a month and $75 insurance (only have comprehensive on it). i use 2 tanks of a gas a week at $60 a tank. thats almost $500 a month in gas alone. my civic payment will be $243 a month with $150 a month insurance full coverage, and based upon the mileage my friends identical civic is, i'll spend about $30-40 a week tops in gas. total savings comes out to about $100 bucks a month. may not sound like a lot to ya'll, but an extra $1200 a year can help me out a long ways. i'm 23 years old, have my own apartment, a 14 month old daughter, child support and daycare. these gas prices are killing me.


Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

considering that US gas prices aren't ever going to come down under $2.50 again, probably a wise move on your part. good luck sneilan...

btw, you might want to send a big Thank You to Bush, Cheney, and all their Oil industry buddies for these gas prices. Amazing how since they've been in office they've managed to triple the price per gallon that we're paying. to blame it all on world demand, world unrest, hurricanes in the gulf, leaks in the alaskan pipeline, lack of new refineries because you and I won't let them build any new ones or drill any friggin place they want to, it's all just a crock of sh*t. anyone remember, about the very first thing the Bush/Cheney administation did when they took power in 2001 was hold a meeting of all the worlds top oil industry execs. and to this day, noone has been allowed to review the discussions at that meeting. anyone else remember that? I do, and I can't believe we let them get away with it.

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

i cant believe we let them get away with it either. I agree with the general public that this is the worst administration ever.

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
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Short memory dumbass dem. You don,t remember the fuel lines and fights at the gas stations for fuel under Jimmy ROSEGARDEN Carter, with double diget inflation and double diget unimploment. Today- fuel demand alone means we are importing refined gasoline at world prices instead of refining it here. In the last 8 years-Chine and India fuel use has gone through the roof. They are sucking up all the surplus oil on the open market. If you believe the left wing crap-then sell your truck and get an Green apartment next to your place of work- because thats what your rich dem leaders what for you. If you get a dem pres-it will only get worse.So-burn everything that uses gas,for greenpeace wants you to use horses(not cows-toomuch fartgas).

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

my dakota sits in the driveway most of the time.

it gets 15 MPG and not that easy to park in parking lots.

most time I drive my 91 honda with 180K - runs great 25 MPG and is easy to park.

both are paid for and I use the truck less due to gas. Will buy another Honda as a driver

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

egad... hey short, you ignorant led-through the nose, brainless, illiterate buffoon, why don't you take your double digit unimploment out of your arse and do a little independent thinking for yourself? for you to have to go back 30 years and try and make some connection between today's price gouging by the oil companies, and Jimmy Carter is, well, right off of Fox news. do the country and world some good and go back to sleep for another 30 years, OK? thanks...

dick is dumb
Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

It looks like dick would rather rant on and on about the oil situation as if it were the fault of our current administration instead of pull his head out of the sand and realize one sobering fact...

European motorists have paid way more per gallon than we ever have, and they continue to do so. Outside of the Arabs and other 3rd world oil producing nations we still pay less than the rest of the world for our gasoline.

Supply, manufacturing, transportation, and taxes all figure into our per gallon price. In CA, $.38 of the price is to satisfy State and Federal taxes in addition to the sales tax figured in -> $.08 on every dollar.

Things like refinery capacity constraints (supply/demand) raising the price is just a function of a capitalist market. If you don't like paying these "high" prices choose some other method of personal transportation instead of playing the "have not's blaming the have's" game.

Personally, I don't look forward to paying $75+ fillups for my rides, but even at those prices my cost per mile is $.20 (gasoline costs only). That still seems like a good deal to me.

not so dumb
Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Dick is smarter than you ! Our gas taxes haven't gone up, oil companies are making record profits, and the current administration had a big secret meeting with the bigwigs in oil when they came into power. They won't say what was discussed. You must be blind, in adition to being dumb !
It would be different if more of the price was going to improve the roads, like the other places where you mention it costs so much.

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Help support a terrorist-Buy more Arab oil.

what the?
Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Awww, quit your gripin'. Some of you nimrods pay more per gallon for water and your booze than gasoline. We won't even talk about Starbucks! the price of everything has gone up. If you want to compare prices, the price of a new car has jumped more than gas and the price of a new house has jumped probably 10 times more than the percentage of what a gallon of gas has jumped. Look what you pay for cable TV or internet service a month. What hasn't risen in price? But because they are putting all their eggs into the basket to fight a couple war fronts, the Feds can't give as much to the states. Therefore the states are cutting back on services to counties and it rolls downhill. So to pay for all the cutbacks, they ask for more bond measures to be passed to pay for law enforcement, libraries, schools, and what nots. And gas taxes is just one of the ways they raise money. The big companies pay their CEO's huge salaries and bonuses and pay only $10 in corproate taxes here. If they took all that money they are spending in Iraq and Afghanistan and spent it in the US we would have all the cut out services, schools, repaired roads and bridges, and lots of other stuff too. Not to mention thousands of saved lives on all sides. So give Bush a big thank you! all.

dick is dumb
Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Hey dick (and all his pals)! Check out Wired magazine, June 2007 issue, page 66. You'll see a chart that shows the world-wide price for gas (in US$). Despite all the bitching you and your pals make about the excessive oil company profits and government secrecy we still pay far less than all of the other first-world (and most of the third-world) nations.

So go suck on your Starbucks or fancy labeled water that costs way more per gallon than your gas does. Can you put that into your tanks?

Yeah, like it's Bush's fault my gas costs me $

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Hey moron, cost of living is cheaper in most of that area. Plus just cause they pay more doesnt mean Im gonna be cool with prices going up here too. All of that still doesnt get past the point of why the prices went up, which we have already "bitched" about.

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Hallelujah! dick is dumb finally get's it. it IS Bush's fault what gas costs him... Bush/Cheney gave the green light to their industry buddies back in 2001 to go for as many bucks as they can, and with all the record profits since then, they've done a really good job for themselves...

with regards to Starbucks or fancy labeled water (btw, I don't drink either, but just using your own example here...) if prices of either get too high I have many options. I can stop drinking coffee all togather, or go get it at Dunkin Donuts, or a couple of dozen other places within a block of Starbucks. For my fancy-shmancy now overpriced bottled water, I can switch to Ozark Mountain or switch to tap. Whole bunch of options, right? With gas, my options are pretty damn limited. It's over 3 bucks a gallon at ExxonMobil, or ChevronTexaco, or ConocoPhilips, or BP-Amoco-Arco, or Royal Dutch Shell and every single other so-called independent vendor. I can't stop driving because I work for a living and have to drive to and from work. Oh yea, I can buy a more fuel efficient vehicle, but you gonna make the monthly payments for me? Not likely, right? Free market is all fine and dandy, but when you're talking about a basic requirement for our fine country, it should be a crime that a small number of companies (how many real oil companies are left out there after all the mergers that have happened in the past 8 years?) are able to control such a critical commodity like gasoline. And gad, to blame the price they're gouging us with on taxes, or hurricanes, or maintanence on their refineries, come on, wake up and smell your Starbuck's...

not so dumb
Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Well said; but you forgot to thank Bush for helping to decrease the world's surplus population. That's the only thing I could think of to thank him for !

Hey DickDick
Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Dumbass dem- For over thirty years this bull has been going on and your buttbuddy bill took a whole heap of money from the oil companys. To blame one party shows your stupidity. If you would pull your head out of that donkey butt,you could learn about the freemarket and how the dems screw it up all the time, everytime.Check back more than a few years (seams thats the limit of memory for most dems). As I said before- Sell your truck and house-get a green apart. next to your place of work and pedal a bike like a good commy...Bye dickdick.

Dick is deaf
Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Hell- if it wasn,t for dem talking points,dumbkoff dick and his hord wouldn,t be able to talk at all. So save your breath. They won,t learn from history and they have been taught not to see- only to spout political slogans. Leave them in their darkness.

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

geez louise.... there's gotta be a tremendous amount of subconscious guilt running out there...

the only ones being tagged with having some connection with our current high gas prices are Bush, Cheney, and their oil industry buddies. who the hell has even mentioned that there's any connection with "Republicans". this isn't a Republican vs. Democrat issue. this is a greedy being even more greedy issue. this is a "go ahead buddy, noone is going to do anything about it..." issue while buddy is screwing the public to the tune of 30 billion extra profit dollars per quarter.

sheesh... what difference does it make if it's a republican or democrat letting the oil industry squeeze us like they have for the past 5 years. you can't get away from the fact that the tripling in gas prices has happened while 2 ex-oil industry execs are in the 2 highest offices in this country. coincidence? yah, right... hell, even during the 73 oil embargo, the price per barrel of crude went up 4 fold, but the price of gas didn't even double.

hell, think about this, if the recent prices are so supply and demand driven, coupled with our so limited refining capacity (which has been the standard spin spun by every oil exec interviewed in the past 5 years) why the heck aren't there any shortages? seems like if demand is so high and we have such limited refining capacity, there ought to be dried out gas stations all over the country, like there were during the oil embargo. don't know about the rest of you, but I have not had any problem whatsover finding gasoline at every single station I've visited in the past 5 years...

Hey DickDick
Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

Again you ignore thw WORLD market. Inspite of what you think-Our econ. has grown and so has the demind for fuel. "In the last 5 years" so has fuel demands from India and China but you blame Bush. Narrow thinking. As for as the profits- Most of those are World profits from an international corp.-only 25 to 30 percent comes from the US which you Dems remind us ,is a gready fuel sucking pig of a country. Just ask Hillary.And you forget the congressmen that ten years ago which said in order to slow done use- they wanted to raise fuel taxes to match the price of fuel in euorpe. Guess its only matters who gets the money. Fuel shortages? Wait for the next four years- Lube up your bicycle..

Dodge Dakota


RE: bye ya'll
IP: Logged

In 73" gasoline when from 30 cents a gallon to over 80cents. Stats show that adjusted for inflation- The record price paid for fuel in the US was under Jimmy-wear a sweater to say warm-Carter in the late 70s. In 73 a good car would cost you around 3500 dollars. Today its around 35000. Take 30 cent fuel and X10 that-$3.00.

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