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novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/15/2006 21:38:29
Subject: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: I was wondering if you could tell me how much louder the glasspacks you had were compared to the 40 series flows you have now. I'm just wondering because I MAY have to replace my exhaust from the cat-back, and I'm thinking of either just having the cutout properly welded and keep the exhaust as it is now (but it still leaks at the gasket)or just taking everything behind the cat off, putting on a glasspack (or flow) and having a turndown off the muffler. I want to make sure whatever I get will be loud enough, because I love the way the cutout sounds. I just still don't feel comfortable driving by cops with it open since in VA the law states you must have a muffler. I was thinking that a glasspack with a turndown would be the loudest thing short of going straight pipes (which are "illegal"). If I replace all of that, I'll leave the cutout off since the exhaust will be loud enough.
Anyways, I just wanted to ask how much louder the glasspack is compared to the 40 series flowmaster. Right now I'm favoring the glasspack because after the packing gets worn out it will be just like straight pipes (that's what I've heard)and it will only cost me about 20 bucks at Advance auto, compared to 70 plus shipping from summit for the flowmaster.
Of course I'm hoping that it will pass if I replace the gasket and throw some JB weld around the leak in the pipe, just so it will be good for another year so I'll have more time to fix the leaks or replace it.
GraphiteDak GenIII

7/16/2006 02:18:52
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: The Flowmaster 40 series are throaty, especially on true duals with 2 1/2" pipe all the way!
however, the glasspacks on the exact same piping was WAY louder. I loved how it barked through parking lots and set car alarms off 5 rows away from me. And it sounded pretty good compared to a short and dumped pipe under a vehicle where mine ran all the way to each side of the rear and jumped up to 3 1/2" tail pipes.
What is funny is just today my bro in law rode with me to get a part for him and I played around a bit. He said he wished I still had the glass packs. It was fun when you wanted to play. But they were TOO loud especially when I was towing for 200 miles at a time.
If it was just a play truck, I would have left the glass packs on. They scared women, children and Honda's!!!!
In case you haven't heard these from my website...
Video of me playing around after installing the dual Flowmaster 40 Delta Flows
And here is just a short mp3 audio sound clip of the dual Flowmaster 40 series
DualFlows mp3 audio
And here's an older one of the glass packs. It doesn't sound too much louder listeng to it on the recording, but tthe glass packs were loud as heck!
GlassPacks short mp2 audio
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/16/2006 05:33:14
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: I really appreciate the response! I've heard those clips many times over and over :)
I like the sound I have now with the cutout after the lone cat, but it kinda sounds "hollow" and not very smooth. I would like to keep it the way it is now, but I just have a feeling that it won't pass the inspection due to leaks. I just thought that a dumped glasspack would be almost if not as loud as the cutout, only more "legal" and with a smooth tone. I do absolutely no towing (trailer hitch ball is there to keep parallel parkers from hitting me, so far, it's worked) and the only highway driving is maybe 20 min drives at a time, so no worries about drone. Another advantage of having it dumped is that it'll give a cleaner look to the truck, not having a rusty (yuck) pipe behind the tire constantly getting covered in mud. I figured if I don't get a turndown I'd just have a simple bend and have it come out in front of the rear tire, maybe with a stainless tip. I think I'd prefer the turndown though.
Thanks again!
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/16/2006 16:21:41
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: Or should I get a Dynomax Bullet muffler. I've heard it sounds VERY loud but it's a more smoothed out sound than a glasspack, and doesn't get that "snap crackle and pop" :D plus, it's only like an extra 10 bucks compared to a regular glasspack, and it probably would last longer too?
Any thoughts?
GraphiteDak GenIII

7/16/2006 21:17:38
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: I dunno. Some of them muffler cut-aways I have seen were just overpriced glass packs with muffler bodies!!! NOT worth the money.
Since you do not tow and drive mostly short distances. Do GLASS PACKS but run coomplete tail pipes.
If you dump it short it will sound weak and hollow.
If you run a tail pipe behind it and out the rear, it will bark loudly when you get on that throttle. Especially if you run duals :)
I have 3 1/2" chrome extensions at my rear. They got tarnished after a period but I got some of that turtleway brand chrome polish someone here mentioned. That made the extensions look like new again :)
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/17/2006 02:20:29
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: Thanks for the advice. I wasn't sure whether or not to run tail pipes, but I will definately take that into consideration! The Bullet muffler probably would be Ok, but I want to stick to something I can buy locally, which is the glasspack. I'm thinking of getting the 23", but I guess that will depend on what they have in stock. I know they carry the Trush glasspacks and turbo mufflers for like 20 bucks, so I'm definately going with the packs.
Even if I flunk the inspection, at least I can say that I had fun with the cutout while I had it. Heck, maybe it will pass, but I highly doubt it because it leaks BADLY at a hole in the pipe before the cutout, and at the cutout gasket. But I guess we'll see how everything turns out.
Thanks again.
BTW, that was me who mentioned the Turtle Wax! :D
mccamp Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/17/2006 08:59:07
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: GraphiteDak seems to have tried everything and knows what the best combinations are, I am sure. I actually am running a glasspack with a turndown right after the rear axle, gives it a couple more feet of pipe that way. I dont have anything else to compare it to, so I cant say if it is too hollow or too weak, but it is as loud as I would want my truck to be without sounding like a farm truck or one that I should be trailering to a dragstip. I am sure that it would probably sound crisper with true duals and muffs, but I feel that the for $40 (muffler & turndown)it sounds a whole lot better than stock, but not like I have a rust hole in my muffler.
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/17/2006 15:22:44
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: That's pretty much what I'm looking for. I usually run with the cutout open, but after listening to it for a while (and my father making a comment something like it sounds like the truck has a bad muffler) I think that if I threw a glasspack on there it will smooth the sound a little so it doesn't sound as "untuned".
Thanks everyone for the advice!
GraphiteDak GenIII

7/17/2006 19:52:13
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: Yeah, unless it's a highly radical engine, cut outs close to the cat usually sound pretty yukky and lazy on our trucks.
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/18/2006 15:46:15
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: Well, I PASSED!!!
That means that I can take my time and get the best price on a new exhaust. I just had the safety inspection done, I'm having the emissions next month, so hopefully I won't need a new cat.
Thanks for the help!
GraphiteDak GenIII

7/18/2006 23:46:53
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: Well you crossed one hurdle. But the emission guys may be tough and depends on the state.
My bro in law passed here with dual cats, and glass packs on his 2000 318. It was a visual inspection then a simple scan of the OBDII port. Otherwise didn't run his truck on the machine at all!
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/19/2006 01:22:24
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: The place I go to I've been going to for a LONG time, but over the years the inspectors have come and gone. The new one that has done my cars a couple times now is a good guy. Here in VA they check your brakes, ball joints, exhaust for leaks, wipers, lights, etc. I passed that. Now the emissions, they check visually for emissions equipment, and also plug into the OBDII port. The same guy does both inspections, safety and emissions, so I should be OK. I did however have to pay 12 bucks for a wiper that "needed replaced", but heck, I feel I just paid an extra 12 bucks to pass! The guy saw the cutout, and when he popped the hood he saw the 14" air cleaner (that always gets everyone's attention because you don't expect to see something like that put on a '98) he said that if I ever choose to remove the cat or other emissions equpment, just make sure I hold onto it so I can put it back on next year for the inspection. Now there's some good advice! I don't plan on even touching the cat unless it's bad or damaged or if I choose to go true duals in a few years.
Anyways, I've narrowed my muffler choices:
1)Short (18-23") Glasspack
2)Magnaflow p/n 10416 (14x3" round case) straight through muffler (like glasspack only stainless packing and body)shortest one magnaflow makes.
(I still haven't rulled out the FM40, but the stainless magnaflow is actually cheaper oddly)
I just thought up some criteria on how I want the exhaust to be:
1)bareable vibration/sound in cab for everyday driving,
2)almost as loud as current cutout when at WOT
I believe that the magnaflow may fill this criteria better, but I still am not sure if it's going to be loud enough. I think it would be if I threw on a turndown on the muffler, but I know for sure a glasspack would be good too.
I'm just glad I have plenty of time to think all this over now.
mccamp Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/19/2006 23:37:56
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: I am in Kansas and the only thing they check here is if you have a beer in your hand
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/20/2006 13:07:03
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: You're VERY lucky.
The main reason the emissions are so strict is because being in northern VA we're right outside of Washington, DC so it's not the same as being in SW virginia (where I really want to move to after I finish school)
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/21/2006 00:50:42
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: Well, I've found out from a member at that the magnaflow I'm looking at has an aluminized case, stainless tube and packing inside it.
Here's what I'm thinking.
1)Go with a short glasspack
2)Go with the above magnaflow and keep the cutout before it.
03SXT4x4 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
7/21/2006 02:17:46
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: well ur lucky u dont live in PA were they have STRICT emmissions from what i hear. but im in WV where they pull a tire look at it and go yup. then they check to make sure ur tints not to bad but say screw it to all ur saftey stuff. and if u have touched your suspension at all or changed ur tire size two sizes (245-265) then u have to get a modified inspection. which means u have to drive out to the boondocks and talk to some ole hick that kinda looks to make sure that part of the windshield is clear where the sticker goes and beeps ur horn. LOL
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/21/2006 03:00:37
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: Yep, I know all about PA, you even HAVE to have a tailpipe on the muffler too. PA's cool to visit, which I do frequently, but my home's VA.
mccamp Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/21/2006 08:50:39
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: Yeah, In Kansas we actually do not have any form of inspection except if you buy a vehicle from out of state, they have you go buy the Highway Patrol office and have them verify the VIN number and odometer reading, otherwise no inspections, you can have any lift, any mods, any exhaust, etc. We have the cleanest air in the US, honestly, but that is mainly because of an almost constant 15+ mph breeze and like 5 coyotes to every person.
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/21/2006 16:15:17
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: I'd move there in a heartbeat, but tornadoes scare the hell out of me. As it is, we get them every now and then here in the DC metro area, a few years back we had I believe an F3 or F4 tornado move through LaPlata, MD and literely leveled everything in it's path. Southwestern VA is where I want to move because the only severe weather they get is lots of snow. It's almost like the area surrounding Pittsburgh but without their wacky emissions inspection laws
novaDAK Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/28/2006 11:35:54
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: I'm thinking of this: Have a shop cut off the flowmaster and cutout, and weld in a glasspack right after the cat. Run it through the stock pipe, only cut the tailpipe right before it bends outwards behind the rear tire (cut it next to the spare tire) so that it has no visible pipes sticking out and will sound as if I have pipes run to the outside. That way if I still am not happy with the sound, I can just hack off the tailpipe myself and just clamp a turndown onto the glasspack.
mccamp Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
7/28/2006 17:56:34
| RE: Attn. GraphiteDak!!! IP: Logged
Message: That is my exact setup, only at the end of the tailpipe after going over the axle I put a turndown, looks cleaner than just a cutoff and forces the exhaust down and out behind the bed. It sounds good in my opinion, not obnoxious but people know it isnt stock. You see no tailpipe or exhaust pipe at all... I hate the elbow bend on the stock exhaust anyway... to me it looks wimpy and awkwardly bent down.
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