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03:26:53 - 03/13/2025

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Dodge Dakota


Subject: The New Air Filters are Here
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The new Ea Air Induction Filters, by Amsoil are here.

They out-clean and allow better air flow, and so replace: K&N, Green, Injen, S&B, AIRAID, AFE, TrueFlow and others.

Chris G.
Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

Ok, I will buy one and cut out the filter element so that I get the flow my K&N puts through. LOL. You can't really beat a cotton filter like K&N. You see K&N all over any kind of racing event. Hell, even streetbikes. Dude, let Amsoil market their own stuff, every other company does.

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

Chris G,

I appreciate your product loyalty. Nothing wrong with sticking with something proven to work.

You are also correct in your observation that a lot of vehicles of all types use K&N filters. They have been around a while.

That you see a decal on a race car doesn't mean they use the product. Does the Viagra driver use it while racing? Great mental imagery, though!
NASCAR cars use K&N filters for the same reason they all use the same gas, they are paid to.

The point here is that Amsoil has a brand-new superior technology, that filters out smaller particles and allows greater air flow. Tests, not Ad Men, prove them better.
I think you'll see, as with the oils, the competition will improve their products, and we will all benefit. Remember, only Amsoil offered synthetic oil until a few years ago. Now everybody does.
Logic will tell you they couldn't advertise it as a better product if it was not true.

AMSOIL is marketing its own stuff.
Amsoil is a direct marketing company. This old, proven business model allows dealers like Steve Roark, me and others to do the advertising and keep the money that would go to Ad Men.

Hope this helped.

Dan M
Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

did I miss it? Where's the independent study results of filtration? Where's the dyno test on flow?

Seems that amsoil doesn't release this kind of test data even for oil.

- Dan M

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

And the "independant test" of K&N or Mobil 1 or Quaker State is where...........

Try going to the website and looking at the test results, and then looking into the FAQ's, or even....ready? ASK THEM!

Dan M
Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

I did look, didn't find it. That's why I asked. I asked steve the amsoil salesman about m1 vs amsoil and never got any information for comparison.

Dare I venture to say amsoil is too scared to compare their product to some of the top products in the respective markets and offer proof to customers instead of just some marketing fluff saying it's better?

- Dan M

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

To quote shatto ----------"That you see a decal on a race car doesn't mean they use the product. Does the Viagra driver use it while racing? Great mental imagery, though!
NASCAR cars use K&N filters for the same reason they all use the same gas, they are paid to. "

DOESNT THAT ALSO HOLD TRUE TO THE CARS WITH AMSOIL STICKERS....... LOL ... What a amsoil whore you are shatto

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

No, my friend, it doesn't. The Amsoil sponsored racers use the product, as you can read in their testimonials at
But if you are inclined to question any and everything Amsoil says, it won't matter.

On the home page is a comparison of motorcycle oils.
If you use the sites search box, you may find more.
At the bottom of each page discribing an oil is the technical info. I'm sure that can be compared to the other manufacturers info.
Thats a start.

Chris G
Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

Get off Amsoil's ass Shatto and make friends. Be a fellow DodgeDakotas member, not a salesman.

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

Okay Chris,

How about this; My 98 3.9 automatic has 500,000 miles on the original engine and transmission.
I think everybody should buy a Dodge.

Wait a minute.

What about those who don't believe me?
Why am I trying to sell 98 Dodges?

The point, my friend, is not that I am selling is, that I am telling about what has worked for me, maybe with enthusiasm that sounds evangelical to you.

I've seen many an example of other members telling what works for them, including the strange people who have only critism and personal attacks and the silly ones who slither into the pit of porn. Works for them.

Pilots talk about the "Performance Envelope" of aircraft. The goal is to play around the edges but not exceed that envelope because bad things will happen.
As Harry Calahan said; "A man's got to know his limits." In the same way I don't extend myself beyond my knowledge.
If someone doesn't understand what someone else says, it is not the senders fault any more than it is the recievers responsability. Both need to actively work to find the same meaning.
As an example, I say; "ball." Am I describing an air-filled orb? What kind? What game? What if I mean formal dance?
How can I get my idea into your head unless you are open to discussion?
Under an open hood, with an adult libation, or a soft drink, I bet we would get along just fine. Why not here?

Dan M
Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

and dino oil worked for my father in all of the vehicles he has ever owned. He's never used a synthetic oil in his life. Hey, I'm just saying why waste money on amsoil when el cheapo dino oil worked for him for years? Save your money for gas folks, dino isn't as bad as they say and synthetic isn't as good as they say.

Are you kidding me shatto? I don't have to prove m1 is the best, only that amsoil isn't. I think I just did by cost and over 50 years experience. LOL!

And I did ask because I don't understand... and you didn't provide me an answer (uhh search, try the FAQ, uhhh huhhhh). So either you a) don't care to prove your point with more than your own experience or b) the proof is not there.

- Dan M

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

By that logic;
Why do engineers bother designing better engines?
The oil our dad's used isn't certified for use in modern engines.
If 30W dino oil is okay, why did your vehicle come from the factory filled with synthetic multi weight?
If Dino is okay, why did American Mercedes dealers lose a lawsuit for using it in cars they serviced, insead of the manufacturer specified synthetic.
I'm tired of this.
If you wish to converse, fine. If you don't want to use cutting edge products, don't.

 User Profile


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

"Get off Amsoil's ass Shatto and make friends. Be a fellow DodgeDakotas member, not a salesman."

this from a NON-member.

ok, so we know a lot of you dont like people endorsing products like amsoil. so what.
don't be a hater.

'99 3.9 clubcab

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The New AMSOIL Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged


Thanks Shatto, and I'll just follow up with a couple of comments. #1) I don't know of any oil company that provides independent testing as it's all done in-house; and #2) Dan M your comment "dino oil worked for my father in all of the vehicles he has ever owned", ... same holds true for my father. However, engine design has changed tremendously - smaller engines with higher output in smaller compartments require better motor oils and lubricants = SYNTHETIC Lubricants.

... now back to the original story:

AMSOIL Ea Air Induction Filters Featuring Nanofiber Technology
----- for Maximum Engine Performance

AMSOIL unveiled its new line of universal air induction filters, designed to replace stock oil wetted gauze or foam conical filters typically supplied by K&N, Injen, Green, AIRAID, AFE, TrueFlow and more. AMSOIL Ea Air Induction Filters offer superior efficiency, excellent airflow and are cleanable.

Like other filter products in the AMSOIL Ea line, the new filters utilize nanofiber technology and were developed through partnerships with global filtration leaders. The collaborative effort has been orchestrated by AMSOIL with the aim of producing a filter unsurpassed in efficiency and service life. Key benefits of the Ea Air Induction Filters include:

• Excellent airflow without compromising filtering efficiency
• Superior construction and cleanable design for longer service life
• Unique design to increase surface area and air flow volume

AMSOIL Ea Air Induction Filters are available in nine styles with varying lengths and widths with flange IDs of 3”, 3.5”, 4” and 4.5” for universal fit. Whereas intake kits were once sold only for performance applications, in recent years they have been marketed and used as a way to boost fuel economy in trucks, SUVs, minivans, etc.

For more information you can click the following link and I will send yo a FREE AMSOIL CATALOG which includes information on the NEW Amsoil Ea Air Induction Filters. Thank You.

All I ask is that you request a catalog and read for yourself.

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dan M
Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

WOAH WOAH WOAH! Shatto WTF are you smokin/drinkin??? Put that stuff down on the table, back away. Run, don't walk...that's some baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadd sh!t!!. Stop talking out of your @$$ and look what you said...

"The oil our dad's used isn't certified for use in modern engines. "

What do you think? my dad bought barrels of oil and keeps it in his garage? WTF kind of thinking is that? My parents are in their 60s and 70s. My dad takes his vehicles to a local shop for oil changes. Yes, he still uses dino oil in his van, car and truck.

You're not convincing anyone but the amsoil man with your rhetoric.

Steve the amsoil pirate - like you expect me to believe everything amsoil says because they say so. The consumer today is more educated than in years past. Come on brother, tell amsoil to quit pu$$y foot'n around the bush and git r dun. We need unbiased proof (independent tests). Remeber what snoop says, it ain't no fun if the homies can't have none.

Why do engineers design better engines? The answer, the pay the mortgage. :)

- Dan M

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

Dan M,

Is your post humor, or an example of colossal ignorance?

Opinion is not fact;
You are like the people who criticise and disbelieve everything Rush Limbaugh says, yet have not read his books nor listened to the show, saying they don't need to....they know.

When things are taken out of context, all sorts of interesting things happen. Take Democrats, the anti-war and hate Bush crowd as an example, as taking a piece of truth, adding a wrong premise and concluding something wrong.

We were not discussing what grandpa does today, we were metaphoricly making the point that technologies are now different than when he was young.

There is a chap on this site, who is removing the injection, electronic ignition, electronic transmission controls, etc. on his Ram, in otherwords everything that makes a modern engine work efficiently. Can he go back to fundimentals? Sure, but it defeats the purpose.

As to "Amsoil Pirates" you are again following the predictable template of; "Amsoil bad, Amsoil people crooks" and it is obvious you have not read any of the material at the Amsoil site nor any of the 1,000,000 internet articles about synthetic oil. I take that back, you read the negative ones.
Steve Roark, a businessman, offers a product to benefit the readers at this site. That product line pushed the oil industry into providing better product so people who never heard about Amsoil benefit when they go to Quickie Lube for a 3,000 mile oil change. In otherwords, Dan, you have benefited from the very people you hate.

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

Wow.. this has turned into a colossal pi$$ing contest.

Personally, I would never go back to dino-juice lubricants. I started using Amsoil products back in November (when I got my Dakota) after reading a lot of positive comments on this site and others. I decided to try the products (oil, gear lube, and ATF first) to come up with my own opinions on the product. In the end, it is always a personal decision. After 6 months of mixed driving in varied conditions, I admit that I am very pleased with the product performance. They corrected a lot of issues that were present when I purchased the truck; some I didn't even realize were there until after changing the fluids.

So, if you haven't tried an Amsoil product, I encourage you to do so in order to have every right to complain about it or promote it. If you like it, huzzah for Amsoil. If you don't like it, then you have every right to comment and explain why you don't like it. Everyone has their opinions and their preferences as to their vehicle's fluids. Right now, I'd really like to try one of those filters to replace my Airaid, but financially I can't afford it. Those are the breaks sometimes. Theortically, the Ea Nanofiber material should be "the middle way" between filtering and airflow. I can't really comment without personally testing it though.

As for the whole independent testing. I've rarely seen independent third party tests done on any fluid by any company. Usually they are all handled in-house by internal research. I must admit though, I would REALLY like to see a head to head comparison of ALL Synthetic oils, then a comparison between those oils and their conventional counterparts. That would be pretty interesting to see! Maybe that is something we can send to SpikeTV to do on their HorsepowerTV thing. Of course, I think they really give the reach-around to Royal Purple being they are a sponsor... Still though, an unbiased test would be really interesting to see.

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged


steven is my amsoil dealer and the greatest amsoil dealer

Dan M
Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

Shatto -

"We were not discussing what grandpa does today, we were metaphoricly making the point that technologies are now different than when he was young."

Yes engines have changed. I never disputed that. Dino oils have changed for that matter as well. My dad still uses dino oil and has not had any bad side effects of doing so. So, why would he (or anyone for that matter) spend $6/qt for amsoil when $1.50 quart oil works perfectly fine. I can't discount history to do so will be stupid.

I have read alot about amosil and see alot of people recommend it. I have 3 issues which are keeping me from trying amsoil.

1) not available at my local store. I have to mail order it.
2) alot more expensive compared to other products (mobil 1 synethetic which I dont have to mail order). I pay ~21 for 5 qt's of m1.
3) I have not seen any test resuls comparing m1 to amsoil. word-of-mouth is not enough to make me give it a try my truck. My truck is too important and expensive for internet babble (never know who is honest and who is not when reading people's personal websites).

No, I never said amsoil was bad nor that people who sell it are either. Only that neither they nor amsoil has been able to provide conclusive proof from independent lab tests indicating that amsoil is any better than m1. why would I spend a couple dollars more a quart each oil change for a product that can not provide a benefit over the product it is replacing.

This all applies to the air filters too. i'm not going to spend the money on one unless someone can prove to me I'll be getting some added benefit.

Until someone can provide that proof i'm going to toss that extra cash I would be paying for amsoil into the gas tank and I'm going to be happy. I bought a 4x4 truck becuase I needed a 4x4 truck. I use it as such as much as possible. In fact I'll be using it the weekend of memorial day cruising around backwoods mountain nc in search of trophy trout.

I love my new dak just like I loved the old one. I'm really happy I got this one. I've been to some places in the new truck that the old truck could not go because it lacked the ground clearance and skid plates.

- Dan M

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

If you want some more reading on the Ea filters, they are made by Donaldson. It is the same media as the Donaldson Endurance filters.

It is nice that you can finally get synthetic media air filters for light duty vehicles.

Dodge Dakota


RE: The New Air Filters are Here
IP: Logged

"How about this; My 98 3.9 automatic has 500,000 miles on the original engine and transmission"

What do you commute to the moon everyday?

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