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ewraven Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/22/2006 16:52:59
Subject: RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: Buying a beater is what I've been trying to do.
I'd bought a little 50cc scooter that I used a lot last summer. It tops out at 45mph, I added a lot of storage to it and it gets 60 miles per gallon.
I've got it for sale now, I've come to the conclusion that it isn't too safe out here in this rural Central Texas area, I'm tired of being tailgated by eight thousand pound trucks. The Scooter is good when in the city; but out around here, there are too many insecure morons who feel butthurt being stuck behind that little 250 pound motorcycle in there big lifted up trucks. It was really stupid what these people would do; and it didn't matter how fast I was going over the speed limit, they still would damn near kill someone to get around me.
In the short term I've been eyeing Geo Metros or anything else that is equally economical and cheap.
I have been getting around 16mpg in my Dakota in the city. All I've got for mods is a Hughes Stage one ported intake manifold, air intake, s-screw and a flowmaster muffler. My truck is a 1999 CC, 4x4, 5.2, 5 speed manual; my gas mileage was averaging around 14.5mpg when I got the truck in 2004, those few mods have helped out a lot. I also drive my truck very hard; I don't break any speed limits, I just redline it a lot when accelerating.
I will be going with a full header back exhaust, a superchips programmer running the 87 octane program and a 50mm throttle body, hopefully I'll have all of this by the end of the year if I can swing it. I'm guessing that those mods should get me at least two more miles per gallon in town and on the highway.
I also have been getting around 19.5mpg on trips on the freeway.
Shatto Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/22/2006 18:53:55
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: ewraven,
Fill the tank and, for one day, drive just under 65 MPH. Fill the tank. Devide miles drove by gallons, and tell us what the change was.
AmsoilSponsor DakotaEnthusiast

4/22/2006 19:19:21
| Better MPG suggestions = Switch To Amsoil IP: Logged
Better MPG with Amsoil Synthetic Motor Oils and Lubricants
Oil at $75 a Barrel ... Gasoline at $3.00 a Gallon (and going higher) ... We all want to increase our MPG.
Synthetic Motor Oils and Lubricants = Increased Fuel Efficiency (better MPG).
Synthetic Motor Oils and Lubricants are made from pure chemicals with molecular uniformity - usually natural gas - and not refined crude oil. Because of synthetic lubricants molecular uniformity, ... they excel in reducing friction, ... which improves fuel efficiency (MPG).
It has been proven by Amsoil (and other leading oil manufacturers and suppliers) through use of industry accepted fuel economy tests, field demonstrations (and as witnessed by most of our customers), that switching to synthetic oils and lubricants can (and does) improve fuel economy (mpg).
Amsoil Synthetic Motor Oils reduce friction and drag better than petroleum oils, resulting in significant fuel economy increases. In a 1.2 million mile demonstration, AMSOIL Lubricants showed a 4.5% increase in gas mileage. Other tests have shown increases of as much as 15% under certain weather and driving conditions. Yet, because every vehicle is different, as are driving habits and conditions, it is difficult to accurately project an exact increase.
Since AMSOIL synthetic motor oils create less friction, they help reduce fuel consumption, increasing a vehicle's fuel economy significantly. Operating with AMSOIL, the engine doesn't have to work as hard to turn the wheels, so it takes less fuel to run.
SPECIAL NOTE: Depending upon your driving habits, conditions, and climate ... switching viscosities can improve fuel economy also. I've observed a MPG increase when switching grades (5w-30 compared to 10w-40).
I would welcome the opportunity to be your AMSOIL DEALER of choice. You can Request a FREE Amsoil Catalog by clicking below. Thank You!
Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of
AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products
ewraven Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/22/2006 19:28:56
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: I check my gas mileage with a calculator at every fillup!!!!
I also do reset the overhead computer at each fillup, it is always innacurate; it always says that I'm getting better MPG than I'm really getting. The overhead might say that I'm averaging 16.8mpg at the time of fillup but when I calculate it, I get 16.0 mpg. It has been within .2 mpg sometimes, but the innacuracy has never been consistant, which is why I calculate the MPG with each fillup. At a maximum innacuracy, the overhead computer has been .8 mpg off, it's never been off by more than that though.
® Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/22/2006 19:38:23
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: ?? . !
®è†à®D Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/22/2006 19:39:26
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: toofan is a ®è†à®D
Relf Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/22/2006 19:49:23
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: Get the pill.
I am a representative for MPG-CAP. To give you guys the skinny, it is a $2.00 tablet that you put in your tank at every fillup. It does not CHANGE your gasoline like an additive, rather it goes with your gas to the combustion chamber where it is deposited on valve faces, top of the cylinder, and spark plugs to make the gasoline burn more completely and give you more HP and better MPG. The first 2 or 3 tank fulls you want to use 4 tabs per fillup as a loading phase, then you drop the dose to one cap per 20 gallon fillup. People using the product, like myself, are getting anywhere from a 10-30% increase in MPG. A blister-pack of 10 costs $19.95 plus shipping.
If you are impressed with the product and you want to sell them as well, you can sign up as a rep. too. This IS an young MLM business and these tabs have been sold since late 2005.
Check out my website!
hard driving Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/23/2006 01:21:43
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: Why not drive with little more light footedness and your milage will increase. Everyone knows that the more your foot is into the gas pedal the greater the sound of gas being guzzled down the intake. A gradual acceleration to 65 mph uses a lot less gas than a tire screeching 1/4 mile style jackrabbit start. If you drive like you have an egg between your foot and the pedal your MPG will increase. May not be as much fun to drive, but way better than a Geo Metro.
Mikesz GenII

4/23/2006 04:09:09
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: So,I did the test.Took a full tank to my 04'4,7 QC Dak and drove like never before in my life.Like pensioner.All the time in the citi traffic trying to feel the egg between pedal and my feet.I never drove such a gentle way before.
And what is the result? NOTHING!!!STILL 12 MPG!!!.Even slightly less.The speed was not more than 50mph.Minimum breaking,slow gradual acceleration.
What is wrong??
Truck has no mods.It is less than 12k.
hard driving Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/23/2006 13:04:44
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: Now THAT is strange. Do you notice any gas smell when you get out of your vehicle, maybe from a leaky line or something? If you drove like you said there is no way you could not increase milage unless there is another undiagnosed problem such as a loose fuel line connection somewhere. Er, was the egg hardboiled? LOL
Relf Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/23/2006 13:15:26
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: Mikesz, do you, at least, have a K&N air filter? That's always the first place to start with.
I would then try the injector sync. mod.
Shatto Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/23/2006 13:16:47
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: What transmission do you have? What engine do you have?
Jack it, hand spin the wheels.
What advice have you followed so far?
Mikesz GenII

4/23/2006 15:52:25
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: No any strange smells.Hardboiled eggs?Yes We have had it but only on Easter table.Been to the shop several times for some other reasons like wheel adjustments.They were spinning well.
By now I thought it is normal,but
i can see it isn't.Gentle drive should give at least something..My Dak is 4,7 with auto tranny.
Try to imagine 5 USD/Gal as We have.
Shatto Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/23/2006 16:26:58
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: Why imagine, we're right behind you.
The environmentalists should be dancing in the streets, they never thought it fair the Europeans paid so much more than the US. But insted they march in protest of George Bush, who, as we all know is putting all the profits in his pockets; but, I digress.
a) you ought to be able to get the mileage on the window sticker. Any dealer has the EPA MPG sheet.
b) maybe it's time to have serious diagnostics done. Your ASC or other certified tech with the bestest equipment. It is expensive so only the big guys have it. The stuff you have can't, for example, read the output from the sender, only what the computer tells you. Not the same.
Think of the diagnostic sequence:
Drag; brakes, tires, anchor, etc.
Running Gear; so much sludge the crank can't turn, so much sludge the fuel doesn't flow, dirty air filter, rag in the intake, etc. Example; My Amsoil air filter instructs to freely soak with oil then sop as much back out as possible. Goes against the "More is Better" philosophy, but too much of a good thing will slow you down.
If the wheels spin freely, everything from the transmission back is okay. And so on.
If your MPG has always been this bad, I'd hit the dealer and demand to see the area rep. who's job it is, is going beyond what the dealer does.
You might find out if this is a "Monday Truck."
Consumer reports, and some of the car magazines have their mechanic check to see if the vehicle is within specs before testing. Sometimes they find gross mistakes in manufacture.
There. Food for thought.
Mikesz GenII

4/23/2006 17:32:40
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: First of all I would forget about any dealer.There is no any.Dodge is not present by us .They are just preparing themselve to enter european market.In my neighbourhood there is a shop which claims to repair american cars...In fact they are amateurs.On the other side,having so little american vehicles ,we may not expect too much from them.Last time,when I was doing wheels allignment,I teached them how to do it,because they did not have service manual.
So,from monday story begins.I may need a lot of help....
Ms Scooter Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/23/2006 21:39:50
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: I have 103,000 miles on my 4.7 '03 4wd QC. I average 34,000 miles per year. My truck will be paid for about one year from now. Once I get out from the monthly payment, I may pick up a car, but right now, the math doesn't allow for me to do that; I use the truck so much, I'm kind of stuck, but I knew that would be the case going in, so I do the best I can to keep her maintained for optimum mileage and performance. She is synthetic front to back, and the maintainance book has been adhered to completely. I keep a close eye on tire pressure, filters are cleaned and changed, and excess weight is kept out (just emergency items). I have a tonneau cover, and I have it lined up when new tires are installed, and also have that alighnment checked 2x per year, even if it feels fine to me. This weekend, I had the injectors and throttle body cleaned. My math was previously giving me a 19 mpg all over average (winter fuel, studded tires also), so we'll see what the next fill or two brings).
Above all else, I'm conservative in my driving habits. OD as soon as possible, w/out going over 2k rpms (but in winter, I'm driving slow till she warms up), coast to the stop signs and lights, etc. Everything lasts when you are conservative! Tires, pads, rotors, etc. I'm lucky that I have only 5% stop/go and then 95% highway driving. I leave home a few minutes early, and stay 5mph under the posted limits. I leave work a few minutes after everyone else, and avoid their mad rush out of the lot, only to wait for traffic, and then take off like heck. I just leisurely leave, and I usually meet up with half of them at the light, anyway. Posted speed limits on my route are 55-65mph, and I'm amazed at the people who pass me at >75mph, they have no bitch to fuel economy...
Our trucks do not like to be cold! They are also heavy! I think people need to realize that these are big trucks in little packages, and they're just not going to be very economical to drive. It has more to do with the driver than the vehicle.
mccamp Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/24/2006 02:28:08
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: I have a 2000 quad cab v8 auto 2wd.(paid for)
I have to say that when I add up what my fuel savings costs would be it comes out to $25-40 per month savings if I were to drive a 4 cyl. car instead. After titling it and paying insurance for the car it would not save me any money for a year, let alone the cost of the car itself...and I have owned a 4 cyl. before. It would save me a lot of gas money... mainly because I would rather walk than drive most little cars. I use my truck for work everyday...I dont offroad it race it, I use it as a truck. If we didnt have every soccer mom and Yuppie in the US driving Rovers, Land Cruisers, Suburbans, and Expeditions... for no apparent reason other than to waste gasoline, we probably wouldnt even be having this conversation. Trucks have been ruined with every power option known to man (like heated leather seats, moonroofs & DVD/mp3 player) and they cost twice as much as they should because of all of this froo froo crap. Too many people have a vehicle that dont need and are wasting too much energy and we all get to pay for it.
Mikesz GenII

4/24/2006 12:11:00
| RE: Better MPG suggestions IP: Logged
Message: Today i have found one reason of excessive MPG.Found that relatively fresh air filter (12k)is really dirty.additionally the dirt was oily and sticky,so probably it was clogged(it is stock filter)I'm curious how much the new filter will help.
By now I thought that my 12mpg have been caused by really heavy traffic and frequent stop/go in the citi,but realised that on highway my "personal best"was not more than 16mpg at speeds no higher than 75mph.So, there must be something wrong with truck.Started from air filter today and will keep posting the results
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